Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Alright I'm going to admit, I AM very disappointed with most of my trial marks. I AM very disappointed at how I went all year long in most of my subjects, but at the end of the day, I realised, that even if I'm beating myself up about it now, there's really nothing I can do to change the fact that I did poorly. So, instead of moping and being all depressed about something that we can't change now, we should endeavour to be more optimistic and tell ourselves that a) we ARE going to ace the HSC exams, b) internal marks don't really matter anyway and c) internal marks are also going to be scaled up RIGHT?????
While I know deep down in my heart, that there is like a 0.00000000000001% chance of me getting a 99.70 ATAR, it's always good to have a little hope that you just might get that. Yes, I know, the higher your expectations, the higher your disappointment will be. But hope is a healthy way to destress and really understand that, getting a bad ATAR doesn't mean you're going to be a hobo for the rest of your life.
Now I just read over that, and I know most of you (including me) are thinking, SHIT I DON'T CARE HOW I'M GOING TO DO IN THE FUTURE, WHAT MATTERS IS HOW I DO NOW. But seriously, just do your best, don't overthink everything, don't dwell on your bad marks or how shit you did in your trials; just have an optimistic outlook on life, and who knows, you might even suprise yourself. THEN you'll look back and think, "FUCK YOU ENGLISH DEPARTMENT, your shitty little trial papers don't mean shit!"
That's preeeeeetty much what's getting me through all this. From now on I'm going to forget about trials, and just focus on the things I CAN change.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I once read somewhere that:
Disappointment = Expectations / Reality
Today I finally realized the profound truth inherent within this equation. To put it simply, I have come to the understanding that my self-expectations are going fuck me over if I do not exercise restraint in the near future.
Many of you are probably thinking “bitch please, stop complaining” but come on, I’m sure most of you are, or have been, a victim of your personal expectations. So what happens when you jump and miss the mark?
Well, I’ve been talking to a few people over the past 2 days, as trial papers find their way back to their respective owners. Some have expressed their unbearable disappointment, and one person even confessed to being so angry at their mark that they stayed up until 3am that night making notes for that subject.
That illustrates two things:
1) Disappointment increases exponentially with self-expectation
2) Expectations can be a powerful driver for individual success
Yes, the paradoxical nature of self-expectations.
But it’s alright! As long as you keep your expectations in check, disappointment too shall fall. J And that’s my reality check for the day. No point in inflicting unnecessary pain upon yourself.
BTW I’ve realized how I make stupid noises when it’s silent. You know was I was little my dad used to think I was retarded because I was constantly cross-eyed like THIS >_< and made stupid sounds when I was confused. I guess some things just don’t change.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
UTS LAW FACULTY - Betty Likes This.
Disclaimer: if you intend to pursue a tertiary education in UTS Law, please stop reading now for the good of the nation (and my personal safety).
If people thought 4U motion and Inception were
mindfucks, then wait till they tour the UTS Law department.
I must admit, I was completely and utterly mind-blown by its "world class" quality of education and excellence. If it wasn't for that coffee I drank this morning, I would've collapsed into a
UTS-induced coma by now. You see, UTS has a myriad of virtues which I cannot afford to pass (as propagated by the Dean and the students alike):
1. UTS's close vicinity to the Haymarket and CHINATOWN! Who cares about the Constitution when you can indulge mindlessly in cheap food? And take a nap while you're at it.
2. UTS's special sleek, high-tech computers that are protected by bulletproof glass and a 4 digit security code. According to my calculator, the chances of Arnold Swarzeneggaralskdjas breaking in is 1/256, which is 0.39% (2 dp). Very nice.
3. UTS's library. Spanning across 2 levels, the library contains alot of books. WOW MIND-BLOWN!!!!!!!!!
4. UTS's
NEW Law building, just like UNSW. It is so new that I could barely recognize it against the backdrop of burgeoning new apartments.
5. UTS's USBs. They are in the shape of a key. Maybe one day I can use it to steal the American Declaration of Independence just like Nicholas Cage in National Treasure.
6. UTS's students. If you ever wanted to surpass Wynston & Jimmy in terms of sarcasm, this uni is definitely for you. Your fellow colleagues will offer you quality guidance, as they frequently adopt phrases such as "Yes... This is very exciting." that are literally dripping with sarcasm.
7. UTS's scholarships for HSC academia, just like Usyd and UNSW. Who doesn't like a party lifestyle subsidized by the uni itself?
8. UTS's practical experience. However, a downside that the Dean/Professor is allergic to this, which is rather puzzling indeed. Nonetheless, UTS prides itself as a "theoretically capable" university, much like Usyd and UNSW.
But you know what? Despite all this, the one thing I really liked about UTS is that it made me realise how I could never settle for anything less. So my message to all you Baulkos is:
If you want something, do everything you can to achieve it - nothing is ever easy. Know that you are perfectly capable, and
And as for me? I think I'm genuinely considering Usyd Law. Law turned out to be something markedly different to my previous conceptions and somehow, I think that Law may be the way to go. But who knows, UNSW is next week and maybe Com/Eco will sucessfully deliver a secondary mindfuck. If it's something half as exciting as UTS today, my life will be complete.
See you guys on Monday.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
So I was thinking, with graduation looming, I should really start documenting events in an effort to preserve what is left of my high school life. Everyday I am confronted with this paradoxical mixture of joy and sadness which renders me emotionally worn at the end of the day… As much as I do live for the present/future, I’m still kind of attached to the past (Gwen Harwood, I can relate) which is rather tragic. But hey, everything’s good J
While I was cleaning out all my old books etc, I found my year 7/8 folder!!! (the black and red ribbon for those part of 7G). Goodness me, what was I thinking… “gothic” yes….. I might bring it tomorrow just for the kicks and wear my junior uniform while I’m at it. I’ll blend right in.
Speaking of which, the fact that I haven’t grown over the past 6 years is really troubling me. It’s like my DNA just decided to be a bitch and befriended the recessive short gene. I still remember at We the Kings/ The Maine when I was frantically jumping up and down in a desperate attempt to glimpse John Oh while this REALLY tall chick next to me was just standing there looking amused. SIGH.
What else have I been up to? Had a look at the German Art exhibition at the Gallery of NSW, which was really good! (would definitely recommend it) I only saw the 1st section due to my extreme lateness so I might pay another visit soon after one of the uni open days.
Hmm…I really want to do this thing where you have a MASSIVE blank canvas with paint-filled balloons suspended in front of it. Darts can be thrown to pop the balloons, which will imprint splashes of paint on the canvas. How savvy is that! (disregarding its potentially hazardous implications i.e. the subsequent laborious process of cleaning up & the toxic fumes of acrylic paint that will contaminate the room). I will then proceed to title it “The contortions of a metaphysical being, part II” or something ridiculous/postmodern like that, sell it to the Museum of Contemporary Art and retire at the ripe age of 20.
Very nice.
Friday, August 19, 2011
SO, I went to the doctors yesterday and..
Receptionist: when's your birthday?
Me: 2nd of February 1993
Receptionist: OH so you're 18?
Me: yeah !
Receptionist: oh aha I was just checking cos you don't look 18.
WHAT!!!!!!!!! AS SIF I DON'T LOOK 18! I'm so mature that it hurts.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Alright bit late compared to everyone else but OH WELL!
I have discovered a list of things that make me happy and make me unstressed:
1. food
2. food
3. food
Only joking, I'm not a glutton.
4. Adam Levine
5. Moves Like Jagger
7. Ray William Johnson
9. Guys who have nice tattoos
12. Going shopping and refraining yourself from buying stuff you don't need
14. FOOD
As you can see, I am still OMFGICANTBELIEVEIDIDNTWATCHTHISEARLIER over LOTR. Only cos Orlando Bloom is in it.
I also like reading food blogs. It makes me look like I know a whole heap of restaurants when I actually dont.
I also have an obsession with looking up restaurant reviews before going to a restaurant.
I enjoy not doing anything productive.
I love my food.
I need to exercise.
Maybe after HSC.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Warning: the following contents may be cringe-worthy.
SO after reading Jono's blog, I've decided to enlighten you all of my future aspirations.
Aspiration #1.
Age: 6-7
What: an artist.
Why: cos it'll be so fun !!!
Current status: terminated.
Aspiration #2.
Age: 8-9
What: a pianist.
Why: I don't even know why. Somehow I foolishly convinced myself that I was musically gifted. Yes..........................
Current status: RIP.
Aspiration #3.
Age: 10
What: a professional sportsperson
Why: earn shitloads doing what you love.
Current status: shared a grave with Amy Winehouse and Osama Bin Laden.
Aspiration #4.
Age: 15-16
What: graphic designer
Why: I LOVE YOU MISS EAKIN .. jks. I really thought it was a valid career path. Started to buy random magazines e.g. Creative.
Current status: withdrew from circulation along with News of the World.
Aspiration #5.
Age: 16-17
What: marketing & eventually run my own business
Why: potential to earn some cold, hard cash while doing something creative.
Current status: residing in a nursing home. The marketing aspect may perish in the near future depending on circumstances (I think I'm too shit for it), while the own business part is still going strong.
Aspiration #6.
What: RBA / government economic policy.
Why: I really like economic management. I think it'll be something a whee bit more worthwhile than marketing. I guess the best thing will be to work in trade policy or for the WTO!!!! because I think fair trade is a long-term solution to 3rd world poverty. But the WTO's almost RIP in terms of progress right now so .. =\
Current status: yipee kay yay motherfucker!!!!!
And there you go. A comprehensive guide to Betty's potential career paths.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Yippeekayyaymotherfucker and all :)
Might watch it tonight.
gna go learn a song on guitar now. Not sure what though
Monday, August 15, 2011
Wow, 2
nd post in a day. Is
SG back or what.
I was just going through the
Baulko variety night videos on
Youtube and they reminded me so much of the past 6 years. =( I especially remember THIS:
The first ever Variety night I went to in year 7. Fred and I were there to perform the "can can" under the guidance of Mr. Wong..
LOL OMG IT WAS SO EMBARRASSING... especially when Person X pressed really hard on the keyboard 2secs after we finished and me and Fred were like "SHIT THE KEYBOARD BROKE DOWN!!!!!!"
I also remember watching those 3 year 12 chicks in the
vid and thinking to myself " damn, I want to dance like them." Plus I had the
biggggggggggest crush on that filo guy
LOLOL. Good times.
Since then, Jerry and I have been to almost every Variety night. Every year it's just so
nostalgic.. Rushing to the drama room at 7:30am on the day, learning the 2
nd half of the dance, practising hardcore after school, fast food runs to
stockland, applying
shitloads of eyeliner 2 hours beforehand, still trying to learn the last part of the dance, group hugs before we go on stage etc.
NAWWW.. every year it's been fun but infused with a whee bit of sadness. ESP last year with
Pasindu & Ken leaving :(
I think that's somethingI'll really miss at
Baulko. Our last Variety night this year!! Gotta full hype it up. Dayum I remember in year 8 when we performed at Shakespeare Fest and Jerry & I were pretending to be gay lovers or something........yes Lorenzo and Jessica a la Merchant of Venice. Every one looked so confused at the time, and now I know why. (P.S Jerry I still need to find that One Two Step dance we did in year 7 .. embarrassing x 1000000)
What else do I miss? I miss .. GRADE SPORT!!
AHAHA. Being fried under the scorching summer sun while wearing that stupid green hat that all
softballers were made to wear. I swear, they were only washed once per season ..*
LOL THAT REMINDS ME .. there was a time in primary school when we had softball training. (PSSA, no? I remember how I hated Matthew Pearce), and this girl was batting. Right before she hit the ball she farted really loudly in the catcher's face LOLOL. He nearly fainted.
NAWWWW now my "exercise" consists of walking to and from school. Very healthy.
Sigh I guess I'll restart everything after the HSC. Until then, I might just go to a drive range and hit a few golf balls.
Toodles !
Anyways, the reason I'm here is cos .. I FINISHED TRIALS !!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!
My current plan is:
1. Do nothing
2. Sleep
3. Watch brainless movies
4. Sleep
5. Go shawwwwwwwwwwwwping yewwwww!
Okay, obviously I'm still on my post-trials high. But yeah, it has finally hit me that we're graduating in 5-6 weeks ! :( nawww. So from now on I'm going to appreciate every second of every day at school instead of being a grumpy old witch :) LOVE YOU ALLLLLL!
Last night I had a dream that I went on a date with Orlando Bloom. Orlando Bloom as an elf.
Too much LOTR.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
So I watched Lord of the Rings for the first time Saturday night, and then gollum appears with his creeping raspy "my precious" sort of thing. And then the rest of the conversation went a little like this
Me: Hey Dom who's the other little monster thingy thats like gollum but not gollum cos he's good?
D: Um, Smeegle? (Smeedle, smeegle, smeeg, smeee....?)
Me: No, no he's sorta got tufty white hair and he's a good monster
D: Don't know what you're on about
Me: No seriously! He's called yodo something
D: Yoda?
Me: YEA!
D: Tom, he's from star wars.
oh my dear lord.
but anyways, Orlando Bloom makes a hot elf.