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Friday, September 28, 2007

Wow, my computer has access to blogger again. =)

Yeah, to the so-called "Anonymous" -

We read your comments and I think I feel the need to clarify a "few things." First of all, what is YOUR definition of a good blog eh? A whole two pages of OpenSuse 10.3 beta update? Don't tell me you seriously consider that a great blog, because let me tell you, people won't even look twice, let alone read all the technicalities of the computing world. And this blog is a place where we can voice out our opinnions and we'll write whatever shit we want on it. If you have a problem with that, tell us openly face to face okay?

Secondly, if you're so upfront and being good about not impersonating people, take a look at yourself? Why anonymous? Scared that once we know who you are you're GNA FKN GO DOWN? And we're desperate for WHAT, exactly? Not viewers surely, as we have people advertising for us and checking our blog out, although not necessarily posting comments. I'm sorry, but not everyone have the effort of stalking people's posts and comments like you do.

And plus, if you think this blog is so "shit," then why bother keep on visiting? Surely you have more time-consuming and better things to do?


Psht. I'll blog about something else later.

Happy holidays everyone. =D

Thursday, September 27, 2007

"Good blogs are not recounts of your day." Well, I'm sorry there Mr/Ms Anonymous but this blog is not a some emtremely interesting place where philosophical matters, the newest Opensuse beta 3 or in - depth psychological problems are brought to the attention of the readers. This blog is simply a place where we can talk about our daily lives and digress about all the boring things in our life.

If the music is to your distaste, just turn off the fcuking speakers, will you?


Okay, let me talk about something else because I only have half an hour left to write this blog or else George and Jerry will kill me.. ><" - sweat drop -

And so another term passes as this day marks the end of Term 3, 2007. People say... that time passes so quickly and they can't believe they're already in Year 8, but, for some reason, this year and stretched on for what seems an eternity. =="

This morning began with the Year 12 graduation assembly which lasted for 4 periods. ==" It seems like all the talents in the school like singing, dancing, and whatever else are in the higher grades and if you at our grade...there's nothing. When we get to Year 12, will people even care that some random losers are leaving the school?

AIIIIIIII, FIVE MORE MINUTES, I'M SO SCARED. =S Hurry and go go go, brain!

I currently have an obsession with mango yoghurt and I eat like, 2 tubs a day. -.-"

Oh yes, continuing with the day. After the assembly was music where we watched our video! Everyone, go watch it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0d0xVcAv28 !!!

Lunch followed music and all members of SG were brushing dirt off our clothes every 10 minutes because of the dust storms. -.-" I was graced by the presence of (Cow) Pat's peanut butter sandwich which is very yummy. =)

Science. History.


Anyway, we're having an SG outing, right? Money-free movie marathon? Well, money free besides petrol fees and the energy lost from our bodies which has to be replaced with food and...



Anonymous. (just in case)
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Yo! Sorry about not blogging last week. I was sick.


Haha. Today was probably the bludgiest day ever!! We totally bludged Scripture thanks to our great singing. And PD was good too since all we did was draw and get Fantails and Snakes to eat from Mr Philips. It was his last day. So we had FUN!! Also...Bob and I realised our talent in lying! Haha. We made up the story that we were doing walking this week cos we got kicked out of the ice rink because we took chips onto the rink and then bumped into someone and spilt hot chips and tomato sauce EVERYWHERE! And uh...two people actually believed us! Haha. I won't mention names so they don't get embarrassed. HAHA! It was SO funny.

Well, at iceskating. Tom was like 'Two days at ice skating and I haven't stacked it!!!!' Yeah....let's hope you weren't intending on making that three....Yep. She stacked it. We were all holding hands and letting each other drag us. Yes we were all holding hands then somehow Tom started slipping and since I was holding onto her, I almost fell down with her. Not to mention the throbbing pain in my right hand from being squeezed so hard that there was no circulation left. Afterwards, Tom was being so paranoid about it being swollen.

Ah. Gotta go now. Cya next, next, next week. HOLIDAYS!!!!! YEAH!!!

i was jst checking our blog, ready to read yet another interesting blog, until i realised it was my day. so, this might end up really boring.. anyway, i'm currently suffering from a super sore throat, which i cannot find the cause of. weird, aye? so, recap of today --

1. AFL
and may i point out, the many failed attempts zhu had..
*oh, pass the ball to zhu!* and he stands 1m away from the posts.. he attempts to kick, and oh whoop! he misses once again!

and he retreives the ball. *tries to do a really pro kick like nishy* and misses. HAHAHA. -sees everyone laughing on the floor- heY!! that's a good representation of ROFL!!! rolling on floor laughing. haha. lame.. btw, i can't see how nishant can kick so far! whilst the other game.. had a lot of unfortunate.. umm.. people, or should i say HER. HAHA.

haha. that was fun.. right?! *unwillingly nods heads* xcept for the part where we all got super sunburnt and tanned.. and JERRY!! -evil glare- making a leaf kebab, aye? in my hair?? haha. what a nice piece of.. erm.. art...

we didn't actually watch, did we? anyway, tom and i? me and tom? went on highs. ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT!!! HAHAHA. and jerry was my seat! our failed attempts to stand up together...

during the listening. THANKS GOODNESS there were no BIG distractions. xcept, during the test.. *writing innocently, enjoying the silence* AND SUDDENLY. BOOOMMMM. and its stuffed =[

and that's about it. EXCEPT FOR THE BUS TRIP!! fred!! we were playing hide and seek on the bus! *oh, where's bob? i can't seem to find her!* and i'm sitting nxt to you... and we played chinese whispers with the whole bus. something about a local vet treating dogs like kids. xcept i heard achelk;alifh;ia the man said ow. haha.. and fred and i made a new friend. HAHA. he was like.. stalking fred. *where do you live?* *oh, near____?* *oh!! on, this street?!* Haha.

anyway, cyu~
>bob [x]
Sunday, September 23, 2007

Man w'ere so dedicated x}

Announcing a slight change in our workforce, my associates. From next week onwards, Mr George Liu will be working after hours on MONDAY whereas I, Jerry Qian, will be trading studios and stretching my timetable to Friday.

THIS IS HOW DEDICATED WE ARE, to all you guys who can't be bothered to read this gawddammit ==''. And plus, Flexitime does not apply for anyone under the age of eighteen, so, spare us a few coins, kind gentlemen? -plays ''coin'' sound effect in the backround-. and No, it doesnt mean you can carry on with your 5 word posts, fred, coz JOHN HOWARD is still prime minister so if you get fired you cant complain to the authorities about unfair working conditions xD.

Anyhow, the past week was just a blur, and since we can't escape the fate and fact that over one seventh of our lives have past already, we should dedicate our time nowto making our lives as memorable as possible so when we gradually get older... [But time makes you bolder, Children get older- I'm getting older, too... Well I'm getting older too... lol random- dixie chicks]. So when I suffer the harships of adult life, i will be able to look back on this peaceful littel blogspot and read about all our memorable school days and sigh in the reflection of our childhood =]

Oh but by that time, we will still be continueing this blogspot, RIGHT?? -makes everyoen nodd-

Ok onto today. This morning, when i woke up, i promised myself that i would at least read through my cookign speeck once so i could learn it and not go 3 minutes overtime from mispronunciation and shit. But i guess we were too engrossed in our conversations that it jsut didnt seem worth it so i let it slide from my memory =D. Luckily, mrs dowler was away so we spent the rest of the lesson talking about...

so then, after being on such a high for so long, i went extremely and utterly LOW, which is one of the worst feelings in the whole world. Then at lunch, it was MADEMOISELLE ZHOU'S SEXY PUSSYCAT DOLLS AT WORK AT THE STUDIO, making their recording of the new hit: ''ABC'' and ''123'' and ''THE SOUND OF MUSIC''.

Ahh so professional. Screenings in the near future on VIDEO HITS. -sees jerry groping around frantically- ''AHH TWO BUGS ARE MATING ON MY LEG''

LOL. and MOOOOSIC was so awesomeshit since we nearly got our kickass audacity project done. LOL.

Show off that body you got
you got the dance floor so hot
-hey macarina macarina macarina-
You workin that, You twerkin that
You checkin that, like a clock
Saturday, September 22, 2007


What I’ve learnt this week:
- Never draw a moustache and two streaks on your face with charcoal.
- Fred + charcoal = not a good idea.
- Never attempt to wipe charcoal off your face using just water and paper towels, especially without a mirror - the aftermath of it is a giant badly shaven beard. And now all you need is sideburns to complete the biker look.
- 30 compressions to 2 breaths – not 15 compressions to one breathe, although they are the same ratio mathematically.
- Eddy is stupid and should go get a financial advisor.
- You can get razor sounds on phones. –“

Quote of the Week:
“ Ahens is reading .. reading .. O_O “
“ Um >__> are you awake? Sorry but you seem half-alseep”
“ A B C D- A B C D- A B C D .. E F G .. “
“ oohh .. ohh .. oohh .. I’m a Barbie girl” – insert robotic sound and starts doing actions –


Soooo .. as you all know, we all got fried on Monday and Tuesday due to the swim school, in which I still haven’t done the worksheets yet *sweatdrop* ahem .. I mean .. WHAT WORKSHEETS? And since I can’t concentrate when there’s this looming figure sitting in front of me like this:
<- those are hairs ..

I resort to playing volleyball and wasting the rest of the day away. Yet if you think volleyball is safe – DON’T BE SO SURE .. >___> Perhaps when you wish to play a nice and civilised game of volleyball .. suddenly BOOMCHUCKWAAWAAAH and then you see this really *ahem pro ahem figure jumping slo-mo in the air and then slowly extends their arm in order to smash the ball into the court. You prepare for what is coming and then shakes head in complete utterly shame as the figure mistimes the smash and ends up falling flat on their face while the ball plunges into the net at 3 km a hour. –“ Yes, VERY PRO as you can see.

And still I need to master the art of swimming. Rule Number 1 – Don’t drown. Rule number 2 – if you DO drown, don’t tell Trang to throw the rope LOL.


The rest of the week kinda just went .. wheeeeeee .. there it goes. Another week closer to holidays =D and .. ehh .. term 4 –“

Damn I hate term 4, and I think everyone’s going to really prepare in the hols since only the people smart enough studied hard in last year’s yearlies. The rest of us kinda went .. meh .. and spent the weekend of week 5 flipping frantically through our messy textbooks trying to cram our entire year’s work into our small, innocent, air-filled minds. And then the night before we a have a post-test trauma on whether kingdom or phylum comes first in the classification of living things, and wondering first or whether relative frequency IS related to frequency at all. *pulls out maths book in the middle of the night and regretting about wasting the hols indulging in ice-cream and having movie marathons.

See what they’re doing to kids these days? And compare us with those other non-selective schools.. like I remember chatting to one of my old school friends last year when I’m suffering severe post-yearlies-itis .. oh wait, it was after yearlies ..yup, that’s right, a week after and we were just talking randomly ..

Me: Mann yearlies were so screwed ..
Her: Nahh mine were easy ..
Me: Did you study?
Her: No.

WHILE THE REST OF US WERE PANICKING OUR ARSES OFF! But I guess it’s really good in a way in which the push us to study. Like I think its all part of peer pressure – the teachers don’t make you – wait, lemme rephrase - they CAN’T make you study, but if you don’t study and go get bottom marks against your classmates, you feel really disappointed and sink even lower when you realise what Liang got for maths. AND besides the fact that you’re dead and your parents are after you mate. Uh-oh ..

Better start running.
Thursday, September 20, 2007

Fred is so lame and she can't even write proper blogs.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

and another day of boring swim school.. another day of super dry skin, tanned/burnt, knotty hair, freezing bodies, falling over (ahem tom- dw, i fell over 4times), walking to school.. etc.
buh firstly, let me say--


hope yuu had a heaps awesome day SWIMMING!!!
and eating the cake that fred yang made, that wasn't poisoned, coz she's so pro!
and other food. keke, george liu's rice cake. hahaaaa.
hope yu like yur presents, btw x)


^^ george liu's letter was so sweet!!!
anyhoo, we had a super short party, which we couldn't eat too much in case of indigestion whilst swimming.. and becoz it was HIJACKED! nah, bombarded's the word.
also, happy bday rebeccagi, not that she'll read this.. =]

volleyball/nucenball! grp 7 vs grp 11!
and zhu got owned like a million times! kekeke.
talking bout "feeling myself" person.. and constantly scratching face.. TT

was jst watching akon-sorry, put the blame on me.
its actually quite sad =[
so, we return to school tomorrow. back to normal routine..

ooh~ im off to look at photos *hint hint*
-sees random photos of legs-
sorry, this was boring, buh.. yehh..

cyu.. <3 bob ngai!

∞ whats with all my RIPs -_-
Monday, September 17, 2007

ahhh non T.T...

Second time tried and failed. xie xie shen... ni de neng li zhen shi tai bang le...

NI MA!!!

so walking my dog once again, my grandma was suddenly yanked back by my dog whcih was unusually obsessive wih an unknown object. And there, on the side of the road [yet again], was ANOTHER EGG!!! But no no no, not just an egg, as my grandma found out as she turned it around to see some grotesque slimy limbs sticking out... a half-hatched egg with a live bird in it!!!!!!!

and bustling home and taken care of under my majorly effective resussitation skills, i hurried to place it in a container with tissues and warm light from my lamp =]

And just to add to the lullaby effect, i turned on some nice music from my computer, and selected some tres tres pretty songs. so it was like:

''how do i not love you, what do i tell my heart? when will i not want you here in my arms..." ....



Ehhh no ==. -instantly runs over and presses the stop button-.

And i think it turned deaf from all the sudden changes in music plus my mum yelling at me from the bottom of the staircase and my sister banging some gay tune on the piano so yeh><

sigh... in the morning, i got up at 6 o clock and went outside in my pajamas and slippers to dig up FREKKING WORMS. and what did i find, after all my hard effort digging up the rose garden? THIS FUCKING TINY LITTLE WHITE GRUB THING WHICH WAS 5 MM IN LENGTH. plus it was already dead from the stpid shovel coz i was wasting so much energy trying to dig the tiny little thing up with a humomgous shovel.

so then rushing upstairs, only to see it dead and unmoving [the bird i mean], i tried to use the hair remover device thingo to stuf the stupid grub thing into the birds mouth, whcih didnt exactly work.

unsuccessful yet again ==. YOU FAIL!! Whats with me and killing nature already --

ill leave whoevers blogging tomorrow to blog about swimschool. to boring and unentertaining, and plus i need to go and do PIANOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


Friday, September 14, 2007

¡°Nouz zi shanheyiian !¡±
¡°Wo zi?¡±

>___> ASIAN SENSATION! *forms a circle and starts dancing like those dudes.

I always knew Shang dialect was screwed. And I bet Fred YANG¡¯s dad thought so too, with the ¡°wo la shanhaiian! ¡° xD

Eurgh, I shall close that picture of human sacrifice.. cannibalism must¡¯ve been a sport to them or something =S It¡¯s like .. gooooo! EAT EAT EAT EAT OHHH HOW NICE AND YUMMY YUMMY .. OH EAT IT FOR BREAKFAST, LUNCH AND DINNER and don¡¯t forget to share it with your friends because surely.. SHARING IS CARING! Eurgh aiyahhhh ..

We found out our swimming/drowning (depending on who you are) groups today! And non-calc results too, but thou shalt not speak of it. We also got notes for camp today! 250 buxx omg .. how do they expect our poor parents paying up that plus mortgage fees and commissions and interests and a financial advisor and over the top of PRICE INFLATION OF OUR SCHOOL CANTEEN? Oh ALAS! The heavy burden placed upon their shoulders.. =\

Kentucky chicken and a pizza hut .. with vegetable mushroom oyster sauce on the top! =S Don¡¯t ask me, but that somehow just came into my mind. But seriously, who would give the prize winner of a tango question a SAUCE FOR THEIR MOM?

Mr W: okay lah jaymes . dis is your prize. gif dis to your mummy.
James: *looking excited* oh what is it?

- slowly rips off the wrapping paper, which is like just a green advertising tango sheet btw, and revealing .. ¨C

Alas, what do thy see? A sauce! And not just your everyday plain sauce either.. it¡¯s a VEGETABLE MUSHROOM OYSTER SAUCE from those really Asian market shops. =SSS


Oh and last night Fred Yang and I went to see Variety night and it was pretty awesome, filled with talent and the .. ehh .. not-so-talented .. >__> but mostly the year 12¡¯s were so good and it made Fred and I think .. what¡¯s gonna happen next year when they all leave? Will there even be an Variety night at all? Or is it just going to be filled with some random wannabe gangster dude beatboxing to ¡°Sexy Love¡±? or some amateur Aaron-wannabe drumming? Or some lame piano playing not unlike the one playing for Mr W¡¯s (who was in his ¡°Lang Lang in Concert Hall¡± suit, complete with a tail and a bowtie) choir singing ¡°Edelweiss.¡± First anyone who¡¯s seen Sound Of Music would think .. ¡°woah it¡¯s such a pretty song..¡± right? But then a quarter the way through.. suddenly you hear this wrong note on the keyboard quickly followed by a succession of other retarded notes. If that wasn¡¯t bad enough, the pianist tries to rejoin the song with the rest of the choir but alas, what with? A little bit of Canon here and a little bit of FUR ELISE THERE? o0¡± And so it completely clashed with the rest of the choir and he/she just gave up in the end.

Zai Jian.. *thinks back to the last period of our history lesson ¨C ¡°Ohh nee kan kan .. Dominos Pizza yo shi zai kan zhe wo men.¡± EEEEEEK.. xD

Georgiio Liu.

There once was a boy called Fred
Who liked to wet the bed
His Daddy hit him hard on the head
And said,
"My boy, don't wet the bed."
And Fred dropped down on the floor. Dead.

There once was a young man called Jerry
Who was always so jolly and merry
Jerry went on a ferry
And travelled to Kelperrie
And went to eat poisonous berries.

There once was a little lad called Bob
Who had just been sacked from his job
Because everyone said he was such a fob
So he became the leader of the GS mob
And now he doesn't need to sob!

...any more...

There once was a fine man named Pat
What could never decide. This or that?
Pink or yellow? Thin or fat?
So he seeked some advice from a very wise fruit bat
But the very wise fruit bat just...sat.
So now Pat still doesn't know. This or that?

There once was a gay man called George
Who couldn't think of a rhyme for George

There once was a big man called Tom
And everywhere he went: BIM! BOM!
He knew that the French word for 'name' was 'nom'
When Tom was walking, he met a Pom
Who could only say, "Dom-ba-dom-dom~"
So now Tom has changed his name to Dom(my)!


fRED ..
Tuesday, September 11, 2007


I love Wednesdays! Such a relaxing and fun day, wouldn't you agree?? Anyway.

Nothing much happened in Science apart from Fred losing her pen and eventually finding it stuck in her hair...?!?! Then Commerce was..uh...boring. Our fun lessons have gone..=[ We spend the whole time copying out from the textbook. English was fun cos we were justb watching the Munsters. It's so funny!! Blah blah...

SPORT! Bob, Tom and I went ICESKATING!!! YEAH! Tom's ..uh..technique was good. Shuffle shuffle...hobble hobble..Haha. But we taught her how to ice skate! Left then right, Tom. It's easy. 'Uh..which one's left??' I think she needs more than ice skating lessons. Haha. Jks Tom. Bob learnt how to skate backwards!! And Tom's stack count.........-drumroll-..........NONE!!! Yeah! Go Tom! No stacking! Maybe due to the fact that she had Bob on one side of her, holding her hand and me on the other. Oh well, maybe next time..Haha.

Oh oh!! By the way, QUOTE OF THE DAY!!!
"Hey Miss, look! Great sizes. She's a small [refering to me], she's a medium [refering to Bob] and she's a LARGE!! [refering to TOM!!] Hilarious!! =P


PS. Sorry for short short short short blog...=(

yo'z all!

my nose is currently dripping like a tap at 100km/h.
oh wt. "the library is closed all of today. private sessions won't be held" tralalalala. so, we didn't get to watch our "movie marathon".. grr.

history. stupid assignment is due this week, for a "checkup".. and its like due.. at the end of the term. the other classes ones are like due.. nxt term. talk bout unfair! T.T and in english. "quietly read yur book blah blah" how are we meant to read when the book is falling apart? and half the pages are missing?!

and i wonder who came in half way through the day.. coz they needed extra sleep and enough time to finish their french assignment. tut tut, spending all this time on the computer.. anonymously.. and to ignore taylor's angry persisting..

lunch~ we watched codie and christoph's tango dance. with.. mr wong.. "and at the end, i'll ask yu a question and the person who gets it right gets a prize" woot, what fun.. =='' we kept swaping lunches >< the tango was pretty good, aye? keke. "where do the tango orginate from?" spain? idk.. argentina.. keke. and james got a jar of.. erm.. vegetarian and mushroom oyster sauce. gee, what a great prize..

and now i have a huge headache. gtg finish history. and i've haven't finished FOUR yet, jerry! =) tomorrow's against cumberland, i think? gluck to everyone!

signing off.. anonymously.. x)
Sunday, September 9, 2007

ADVERTORIAL (i sound like xiaxue, not?)

When your Auntie or distant chinese relative comes over to your house and sees the pantry filled with white bread, and interrogate your mother about "why you no eat the bled with de dotty tings?", what does your mum say? tell me, does she say something like:

"ohh ta men bu xi huan chi whole grain de."

Did i hear wrong? Do my eardrums malfunction and cease to hear sounds of reality? That's BEUL SCHEIZER. now stop trying to embarrass your children by making them sound like theyre spoilt fat arses with maidens to help them dress and request "wonder white" bread lorr. -_-' WE LOVE WHOLEGRAINS! well i do, personally. and you know, leading on from my last post about price inflation, whole grain rbead is TWICE AS EXPENSIVE as white bread.

Now here's something to think about. If the bloody factories can produce a loaf of wholegrain bread in a matter of seconds without having to pick out all the grains and add white food colouring o make the bread look extra white, WHY????? What's the point of charging higher for a few black dotty things when if you make white bread, you just chuck them away anyway? What's it going to be now: thats 2 bucks 50 for a WHOLE grain. geddit? xD

Eating whole-grain makes you happy, does it not? =) When you eat, and munch on the seeds, don't you feel a feeling of independance and life? Doesn't it bring you back to the olden days where poor farmers used to live on roughly baked home-made bread, chewing on hay and gazing into the sunset? Does if give you a very non-spoilt feeling, while you think about "ahh, i must be so independant and un-spoilt to be eating whole-grain bread"?? well DOES IT? -inserts mrs harwood accent-

and ill be right back after this SHORT break, during which i'll go and graze over some chips..- oh i mean, whole-grain bread =]

*heHEM, testing testing.. -punches microphone-

Cooking was awesome apart from umm.. hem me forgetting that there was pastry for me and fred on our table, while going to Ewy to scab one of hers. But Who's to blame? me or the "puff pastries" book-resembling cardboard thing which was lying on our table, which i carelessly dumped on the top of the bench since i thought it was some random cookbook which someone had left behind. =S

So then, since we needed to fill 2 pastries which non-existant apple pieces, i went around searching for food scraps.

MRS DOWLER: "Lynette and Anna, Amanpreet says she has some apple left over"
ME: ''really?? -runs over in excitement- "ammanpreet where are your apples?"
AMANPREET: "right there" -points to four 2 cm chopped up pieces-

so then i went walking down the alleyway, searching trhough scrap bowls... and ended up picking apple pieces from the opening in me and freds pastries. -_-. and George's pastries LOL. Four-piece- apple pastry! *gasps*

and then the rest of our hem, EXCITING day was thwarted on the count of #1, we couldnt do movie marathon since of all the days, mr wong had to choose this one when we werent going to the computers, and #2, all the english rooms had no dvd player so we wasted half a lesson tryign to find one, and ended up watching this highly bor- oh i meant, highly ENTERTAINING and HIGH TECH ''gothic'' movie. jeez.

And LOL, SOMEBODY -looks around- "forgot'' to bring about 4 assignments in a row.

MRS LEISHMAN: "but HOW could you forget it on its due date... well have you at least FINISHED IT?

SOMEONE: ''yes, i have"

MRS LEISHMAN: -turns towars sneha- "have YOU finished it?
SNEHA: "umm... yeh.."

they wish -_-. How fair is it on everyone else who put so much effort to complete the tasks within the time limit, when others get to get an extension of TWO DAYS with no penalty?

By the way, whats with fred's post? o.O''

jerry the foot SOULjahh =]
Thursday, September 6, 2007

And so another week passes..
Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Oh no it can’t be THE George!
Woah I haven’t posted for so freaking long dammit! And advertise people.. you know you want to *nodds knowingly.

YO HO YO HO I’m happy to announce, that our “search for the Australian Of The Year” video finally jackpotted to No. 1 in the US and UK charts and was the winner of 3 ARIA awards and nominated for the Grammys for the best video out in a millennium .. even more success than the “Singing Classes With Mademoiselle Zhou “ Which takes me back to the “English Falcon Mrs L” *looks at Jerry. MAN EVERY SINGLE LESSON IT’S LIKE ..

[The class of 8G obediently enters class in a civilised manner and sits down on their seats and takes out their books and pencil cases like diligent students]


[5 minutes passes ..]


[10 minutes passed and still no sign of her .. sideglances and sees Dsped half falling asleep in the background while Tom is having a texting mania with EG..]

12 minutes late already! Let’s start a countdown AND MAYBE WE’LL GET TO 38 MINUTES! 10 .. 9 .. 8.. 7.. 6 .. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. minus 3.5 o0” ..

[Enter Leishofalcon looking all flustered and irritated as usual]
Falcon: TAKE OUT YOUR BOOKS! I could hear you all the way from D Block [ehh I wonder what she’s doing down there when she’s suppose to be up here like 17 mins ago. Je suis en retard, non?] and you guys haven’t started doing work yet! Oh do you guys want a detention tomorrow lunchtime where I’m happy to attend to you guys .. ladeeda ..

But then we should’ve known better that the lessons were unstructured as usual and what else could we be doing? *slowly pulls out Edward Chopstickshands –“ Aishhhh and then ..


And is it just me or does she repeat the same words every week? “ Everybody we’re watching the beginning of Eddyspeddy Scissorsicko again .. as you can see that is what we call an establishing shot AND NOTE THE MANSION ON THE HILL AND THE FENCE THAT SEPARATES ORDINARY AND ..”

[Everyone frantically scribble down notes for the 133493893-word essay we have to write in case we miss some VERY CRITICAL AND IMPORTANT POINTS ..]


HEY WAIT A MINUTE!!!! *flips back five pages of hardcore crammed notes*

Notice anything familiar? NON? --“


And then SG resorts to our only way of communication. And no, not the tissues, we used that lame idea like psht 2 terms ago. WE USED PAPER! Woah, Einstein at work here.. and then there it goes ..the wheels of a bus go round and round .. five revolutions around the tables it went, and every time it gets a TINY bit closer to Leifalcon *sweatdrops* .. =SSSS

KIDS DON’T TRY THIS AT SCHOOL IF YOU HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE OR HIGH RISKS IN HEART ATTACK. Man I was so freaked out when she yelled out “ WOULD YOU STOP THAT PLEASE?” OMFG I WAS SITTING LIKE 2CMs AWAY FROM HER and busy writing shie on that small piece of paper. And as soon as she said that, I felt a chill down my spine, and immediately looked up, only to find her reasoning some of her very own leish-logic to James again.

><><><>< phewww *wipes sweat and takes a deep breath of relieve while my heart is still pounding at the speed of light ..

And general life? It’s okay I guess. Just sport trials and stuff, nothing really THAT out of the blue. BUT THERE IS SWIMMING .. – tries to restrain myself about making shitty comments about that particular sport -

Eurgh okay it’s getting late so I better go sleep or else I’ll end up looking like I got abused with a black eye on the streets tomorrow. –“

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Blogging today for both me and bob's post since she is currentlu busy at work recording our video on the dvd recorder. AM I RIGHT?? -sees bob munching on homemade fries watching mortified-

Aiyah. and im sure we can manage without somebody constantly glanceing at the mangles heap of random powerplugs lying on the science table and coming to offer help. >__>. [...]. ehhs.. no thanks. no, really. I insist you go and sit back down savvy before SOMEONE sticks the powerpoint...

...dont worry. Now. I was thinking. if the value of everything increases overtime, as we all learnt in commerce, how will the world cope in the future? Like global warming, it is FUCKING KILLING HUMAN SPECIES. I can give a classic example. Look at those poor little year sevens who have just come out of primary school with canteens filled with rich piles of junk food for practically 50 cents per packet.

YEAR 7 PERSON: one giant cookie please!
CANTEEN LADY: ofcourse darling, coming right up. [...] -grabs something which makes an appetisingly plastic ruffling sound-
YEAR 7 PERSON: ehhs... i meant a GIANT cookie, not a cottage cookie thanks.


psht. what next. ''oh right. thats only $2. 50 thanks''. soon, in a span of merely a month or two, it will be that price except without the decimal place. for a round brown thing with a diamter of approximately 8 cm and shrinking? err no thanks.


ok lol. on the subject of SCAMMING -looks at fred-, i'll take that paying it back with 20% for the amount of time okies? [muahahaha, dont tell fred that the principal is not included] xD

sigh~... english was spent in utter silence as we eyed eachother warily under the gaze of the FALCON. And then as i was attempting to use my slip-piece -of- paper- under -armpit - unnoticably tactic, it slipped and fell like a foot from Henries foot. but luckily, he picked it up and gave it back thank the heavens. -at this point in time all of sg is hyperventilating in adrenalin-

but ALAS! JAMES COMES TO THE RESCUE with his ''how do you spell reinforce'' tactics. ahh a true hero indeed, as we all learnt during english yeh? xD

scripture was cool except i cant get over how the creatures of the king of egypt made the characters eyes go so high up on their head. -_-'' and then the rest of their face drags on and long while their foreheads are like a centimetre long.

ok byebyes for now

And yet another Wednesday...

Science was just a bludge cos we were "working on the worksheets" and discussing the sport we were going to tryout for that afternooon. And Tom was worried that she would get "out of a job" as goalkeeper for netball. Nothing exciting happened in Commerce...as usual....

After recess we had English. Working on ES essays. And when George asked when we were going to get our TERM 1 assignments back, note the TERM 1, she just said "I sent them to the principal cos they were so good and I'm waiting for them back". Yeah...-ahem- Prince of Egypt in Scripture and I don't get why everyone ios so against the songs. They're not THAT bad are they?? Not as bad as -sings- "My name is James" in James and the Giant Peach. Then PD etc etc.

We had sport tryouts today as it is the beginning of summer sport. Bob, Tom and I tried Netball. George went for Softball, seeing how oh-so-pro she is at it. And Jerry and Fred tried out for Cricket. None of SG got into Netball. Unfortunately. Oh I wonder why? Would it be cos the Netball coach is hmm...maybe biased?? (is that how you spell it??) She put a tick next to someone's name then when she realised that the person was a bit vertically challenged, she quickly crosses it out. How biased is that?? Just cos they are not the tallest person in the world, doesn't mean they can't play Netball. And favouring the higher grades wouldn't have anything to do with it right?!?! Pfft.

On a happier note, Cricketers got in and I think Softballer did too. Actually I'm pretty sure of it. So now, Tom, Bob and I shall do iceskating. Yay!

I'm going to have to end it here cos I have uh..some other stuff to do. Bob knows what! Right Bob!?!? TV!!! YAY!


http://s2-sg.blogspot.com by Soul Group