Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Getting most of my (unsatisfactory) assessment marks back has made me sad, angry and just plain bitter. And so I've been moping and grumbling about my marks and feeling a) sorry for myself, b) angry at silly teachers and c) disappointed at myself for not trying harder.
BUTTT at the end of the day, what can I do about it? So everytime I think about my disappointing marks I like to tell myself that theres nothing I can do about them and I'd just have to try harder next time.
That's what you call OPTIMISTIC THINKING!
On another note, today I decided to skip school because I decided that I needed to rest and just relax. Had a 2 hour nap, ate lots of food (yes I realise that most of the time I'm talking about food) and watch PULP FICTION!
Not exactly my type of movie, but watching it made me realise just how crappy most of the movies nowadays are.
I shall end my post here.
Yay for an abrupt ending.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Had one of the best days I’ve had in quite a while J.
Last night was TRIVIA NIGHT! We went as the Incredibles, and needless to say, we were incredibly cool. We won 3rd best dressed YAY (fk those other 5 teams) and were coming 5th at one stage. I shall not reveal our final standing on the score ladder but yes, it was heaps fun J
Afterwards, we all fled to Taylor’s house to celebrate Jimmy’s 18thJ. Half of us got pissed drunk; Josh was running around Taylor’s house like a fkn maniac while Hugh thought he was stuck in a forest.
Jkjks. We were all behaving like sensible young adults. J Just ate cake and drank a bit of champagne. Afterwards, Hugh, Josh, Jimmy, Jono Wang and me watched No Strings Attached (some movie about Ashton Kutcher having Natalie Portman as a fuck buddy) and dozed off.
HBD Jimmy! Hope you had fun & liked your presents J.
The next morning (i.e today), I just bummed at Parra Westfield by myself. I KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS ARE ALL THINKING! L-L-L-L-L-L-LONER-NO-FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!! Nah but seriously chilling by yourself is one of the most satisfying things that you will ever do. At first I just strolled around and blew a bit of cash, but then I decided to bum at JB HI-FI J which was pretty nice. I miss them good ol’ CDs. After that I camped out at various bookstores and amused myself by reading through Banksy’s works (CHECK THEM OUT!) + some other art books. I have to admit, I’m guilty of the free-riding behaviour which catalysed Borders’ deteriorating financial state. Sorry L
When all my options were exhausted, I subsequently migrated to the Newsagency to skim through a few magazines/newspapers. My conscience got the better of me this time so I ended by buying Frankie J. I took my precious Frankie outside and we shared quality bonding time as I propped my ass on one of the sun-soaked benches outside Parra library. It was such a beautiful day and every once in a while I would glance up and watch people from all walks of life stroll past me.
There’s one thing that I really love, and that’s people-watching. Within this society of eroding moral values, the phrase ‘people-watching’ would invariably conjure up horrific images of paedophilia and all of its associations e.g. the movie “Disturbia.” But it’s not just that. It’s like watching a movie with a never-ending array of characters, all starring in the vignettes of their respective lives. You journey vicariously through their thoughts and emotions for a moment, albeit fleeing, in an attempt to understanding their respective situations. I love smiling at them too, since I believe happiness is contagious (OH NO STRANGER DANGER!). It gives me this warm, fuzzy feeling when they smile back. Sometimes I’d receive a “WTF-WHY-IS-THIS-FKN-CREEPY-ASIAN-GIRL-SMILING-AT-ME” look in return, which in retaliation I would tell them to fk off. Jks I’d just keep smiling to aggravate them even more.
Anyways, I’m just in this blissful state of happiness right now. Hm life is good J
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Have you ever wondered what certain dreams meant?
Sorry, just felt like opening this post with a rhetorical question to spice things up a bit. Yes…
Anyways, I had the craziest dream two nights ago. I was hovering on the borderline of sleep for what seemed like eternity until …
A girl was being forced inside a gas chamber (i.e. my bathroom) by this man. When screen doors slammed shut, half of her arm was caught outside and was being crushed by the sheer force of the doors. My ‘dad’ (who didn’t even look like my dad) was watching this spectacle on-screen in the living room, while I skimmed through my Christmas cards which were scattered around my tiny 1m Christmas tree ($28 dollars, Boxing Day Sale). Somehow, that man came to be my dad, and he was going to butcher me with this fucking MASSIVE knife. My mom, who was cooking dinner, told me to flee for my life and thankfully, Taylor the saviour called me for a sleepover at her house that night.
However, I wasn’t to escape so easily. The girl in the gas chamber was screaming her head off and her dislocated arm, which was now in this horrid shade of blue with her veins and arteries jutting out in the most grotesque manner, was clawing the pathway behind me as I ran, leaving a thin trail of blood in its wake. --
Then I jolted awake to the prospect of 4U Maths.
I think dreams are a manifestation of a multiplicity of events which imprint subconsciously on one’s mind. According to horoscope analysts, Aquarians possess a hyperactive mind and hence dreams often occur.
In reference to that dream, it seemed to be an amalgamation of:
1. That lift scene in Final Destination where the girl’s hair gets caught on one of the aesthetic limbs carried by this other man. When she tried to exit, she was pulled backwards and the doors of the lift caught her in between. When the lift descended again, she was pretty much #$*#)(*$(#$)(#*$ until she was nothing but a contorted mess of blood and bones. YUCKY YUCKY!!!!
2. The Fiftieth Gate where gas chambers and the extermination of the Jewish race made a frequent appearance.
3. Taylor’s post-exam plans for Friday.
But yes, don’t worry. I’m still mentally stable J
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Strolling down SG blog, all I see are posts from JERRY GEORGE JERRY GEORGE (bob) JERRY GEORGE
so to spice things up, i'm going to turn it into JERRY (fred) GEORGE TOM (b0b) GEORGE JERRY (pat) TOM GEORGE etc and etc
play a game.
Below are 5 quotes from 5 different movies/etc. You must guess all 10 correctly to be the winner. The winner shall get a prize (promise), and all you gta do is COMMENT IN THE CBOX! (this is partly to get rid of the weird "I LIKE YOUR BLOG ITS VERY INFORMATIVE" little messages, and also to see who actually does read it, so please comment, please do)
1. "You fuck with me, you fuckin' with the best!"
2. "Do you fear... death?"
3. "What's up with it, Vanilla face?"
4. "Mister! Perhaps you forgot that I''m a heartless wretch?"
5. "My sister's having my baby!"
Friday, June 10, 2011
Learning Pollen & Salt by Daphne Loves Derby on guitar atm. I'm really shitty at finger picking so that will keep me occupied for a while :) I've realised that doing the simplest of things can bring little joys to life, like playing music and reading (not Fiftieth Gate). I should start sketching again or else, as the front page of my sketchbook screams in its big, angry letters "BETTY YOU BETTER START FUCKING DRAWING AGAIN OR ELSE YOU'LL HAVE BAD LUCK FOR LIFE" (Courtesy of Tonia). I don't want to have bad luck for life so I better start.
Japan Day is next week yay! I bought my flashy Japan Day shirt so I'm gna rock it on Tuesday. I wonder what Mr. Rubberfork's Japanese professional-ice-sculpturer+origamist is going to do with that 234837483 kg block of ice of his. Apparently he's bringing a chainsaw as well, so Mr. Ciggy's gna be over the moon. Mr. Ciggy often orders chainsaws and tractors on ebay, and just the other day he bought some electro-powered-insert-other-technical-language-sheers from Aldi. How cool. And a week ago he taught me how to fruit-pick in farms, which will be undoubtedly useful if I ever chance to be on "The Farmer Wants a Wife". Yes my eco lessons are very enriching indeed.
Going to the library today with Shirley again :) I really hate it when those TB fobs hang around in the library and flirt ceaselessly in their cultural dialect (normally Korean). This has been a common occurrence, so much so that I've almost developed an immunity against them. Almost. The other 80% of the time I just have this incredible urge to tell them to STFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!)(#$*)#$! But being the polite and cvilized being that I am, I'll refrain and commit myself to Terry Lee.
Sometimes I wonder what Terry Lee looks like. Maybe I should google-image him.

Wtf. I'm pretty sure Terry's not a girl. Sigh maybe next time
While on the topic of maths, do you guys ever feel sorry for numbers and letters? Being in Massin's class, she always makes us do odd numbered questions from textbooks. BUT THEN WHAT ABOUT THOSE EVEN NUMBERS? Sometimes I feel really sorry for them cos they're not wanted =\. And same goes for the gamma symbol withall that favouritism towards alpha and beta. Maybe one day they'll demand increasing civil rights and eventually provoke a Mathematical revolution that'll transform the face of the Earth... Maybe.
Okay enough ramblinggggg byebye.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Tonight I’m going to a soup kitchen in Parramatta to serve food :). I’m really looking forward to it for some reason… I think it’s going to be very worthwhile.
Had a nice half-SG reunion at recess today with Tom and Fred ahaha. I’ve missed you guys so much. It’s weird how we’ve being going to the same place (i.e. 149A Windsor Road, Baulkham Hills) for every day since year 7, yet after year 9 we haven’t really had a conversation that exceeded more than 2 words (usually “HIIII GEORGE!” followed by a frantic wave on Tom’s or Pat’s behalf teehee).
But yeah, this triggered a contemplation of the future, which has been occurring rather frequently lately. I think we all convince ourselves as an emotional buffer that we’ll keep in touch with EVERYONE after we graduate, and that instead of throwing 20-Year Reunion parties, it’ll be Baulko ’11 get-together every second week (since most of us are fleeing to UNSW or Usyd anyway). However deep down, we’re all aware that only a handful of our friends will get the “hey let’s meet up for coffee” call, whilst communication with the rest will mainly consist of liking each other’s statuses on Facebook. This is quite a shame, given the assortment of unique individuals in our cohort.
But I guess the definition of “keeping in touch” varies between individuals. Personally, I don’t feel the need to constantly talk to someone for them to be close to me. To me, friendship is not measured by the amount of words exchanged or the number of days spent together. But rather, a true friend is someone who you can sit down with after a long time, and still be able to just understand each other and catch up like they haven’t missed a single thing. Just like today with Tom & Fred.
I do think I should make more of an effort to keep in touch with people though. I distinctively remember one night last year, the night before Mathematics Extension 1, when a girl who I used to be really close to called me on the phone. We haven’t spoken to each other for around 2 years, purely because of school work and different friendship groups. And she was crying. For the entire half an hour she cried, while I mostly remained silent and allowed her to release all that that was bottled up inside. That night really broke my heart because I felt like I’ve let her down, just by not being there for her over the past 2 years.
What I really want to say is, cherish the time you have now with your friends. I know school is as hectic as ever and is causing a severe plague of mid-year-12-crisises to spread amongst the grade, but stay strong guys! Take care of your friends because in turn, you might just learn a few little life lessons along the way. :)
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Isn't it ironic how "Australia's Got Talent" features the 3 most untalented entertainers of all time.Okay, one slight exception may be made to Brian McFadden (yeah Westlife, the total eclipse of my heart ladayadida), but after the whole kerfuffle with Delta Goodream, I really cannot associate him with anything else but .. with the whole kerfuffle with Delta Goodream.
And then there's Dannii Minogue. Every once in a fortnight, I'd see her making a guest appearance on Today Tonight either;
1) Bawling over her financial instability
2) Bawling over hardship experienced as a result of Kylie's cancer in an attempt to gather sympathy or;
3) Bawling over her financial instability - wait, did I say that already?
Dannii, I don't mean to be blunt but your golden days are over. Your little television stunts on Today Tonight in order to gain TV exposure & publicity is failing quite tragically and all I can say now is; please exist stage right.
Which brings me to Kyle Sandilands. If I type in Kyle Sandilands on
http://www.dictionary.com/, the result would be:
1. Kyle Sandilands.
noun - used to describe a complete dickhead who has a massive cavity where his brain is supposed be.
According to
http://www.urbandictionary.com/, Kyle Sandilands is "the disc hockey for a mainstream radio station that targets people with incredibly low IQs" (quite similar to himself), and is a "DADS", which is an acronym for "Dumb as Dog Shit". Describes him quite perfectly I reckon.
While I'm on the topic of Dads, my dad hates Kyle Sandilands as well with a fiery passion. Every time Kyle and Jackie O try to generate public curiosity by faking sexual tension with one another on TV, my dad would roll his eyes and comment on how Kyle's desperate attempt at generating interest via sex appeal isn't working. Dad, I applaud your judgement.
And finally, guess who the host is for Australia's Got Talent?
- drum roll please -
..GRANT DENYER!!!!!!!!!Arhahah yes he is extraordinarily talented .. in the field of lame joke-making. I really feel sorry for his kids! Imagine if your dad trialed all his dud jokes on you and shared it with all of Australia the morning after.
Awkward palm tree.But you know who I really love? KOCHIE! He's so funny LOL. The other day he was trying to 'get it down' with the Justice Crew after they performed on Sunrise. He was full like 'yeah bro'
- insert gangsta handshakes/gestures - hehe.
Hm on other news. School's going pretty good at the moment. I found Mr. Ttibsen's anti-stress talk in the Report interviews rather interesting. Imagine repeating that speech for 196 predominantely Asian students while handing over a murky yellow-coloured booklet filled with cat-and-whiskers graphs of their academic performance. I think his success rate is less than zero. Still, I personally found it quite useful and I do praise the school for doing such a honorable deed :)
And the Biggest Morning Tea is tomorrow! I'm making Fairybread again yay :) I swear one day I'm going to audition for Masterchef and it'll be my signature dish (COPYRITED) along with my instant noodles and peanut butter & jelly toast. I'm going to name it .. "Betty's Fairy Wonderland". That has a nice ring to it.