I was just looking through random people's tumblrs and stuff and i saw this:
Little Boys to Men
A guy’s point of view: I know way too many really beautiful girls who think they don’t look good… It hurts… because it’s our fault, guys I mean. We make girls feel like they have to be perfect. You know what I mean, flat stomach, big boobs, round booty, long legs, sexy lips, and on top of all that, they have to dress like a whore, and be one as well… nobody can measure up to that… and its not fair… because nobody should have to. Girls prefer being called beautiful instead of hot or sexy. The little imperfections are what make people special. If everyone was perfect the world would be so boring, variety is what makes life interesting. So guys, stop making girls have to live up to your, I’m sorry, our… deluded fantasy visions of perfection. Stop acting like boys and start being men… realize that women don’t exist to fulfill our sexual desires. Stop talking to them solely to get with them, be nice to them because you want to be their friend, not because you want to hook up with them. Don’t say nice things about them not to flatter them in hopes that you’ll get some, but because its true and you know they like to hear them. In short… we need to grow up and stop acting like freakin retarded little boys.
Damn right.
HAHAHAHA ok I deleted the comment because I felt slack.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
It's currently midnght, and I'm sitting in front of my computer, doing that ear-phone-shoulder thing while listening to my bestfriend singing and bopping along to that Mariokart lovesong.. and just at peace once again. I've just finished typing up my speech for SUSMUN and it's smiling back at me, all 23402934934 charaters in Times New Roman font. =)
I just want to dedicate this post to a lovely friend of mine;
You're such an inspiration to me, you know that? I'm really grateful that you were in my debating team in year 9 ( YEAAAAH FENNECH/FAILNECH'S CLASS REPRESENT!) or else I would've never had the chance to get to know you. You made me realise that there's so many opportunities out there, and through all these events that we've participated in, I feel like I've grown as a person. I think it's amazing how you're so knowledgeable and in tune with what's happening around the world, and just so you know, you're someone who I really look up to.
Thanks heaps for everything (:
Monday, July 19, 2010
Now regardless of what George says in the post below... I. REALLY. DO. NOT. WANT. SCHOOL. TOMORROW.
mainly because my face has decided to be a complete bitch and join forces with the other bitch called excema, so i look like a big red beetroot face with the redness. oh go on, laugh, all you bitches out there.
I hate being a pessimistic bitch, but once i get to the dermatologist tomorrow and find out what the fuck is wrong with my fucked up face, and once this fucked up face gets back to normal i think i shall be fine.
I feel sorry for dermatologists. They go to work everyday to face bad skin. But when i think of the ONE FRKN MONTH WAITING LIST i dont feel so sorry for my dermatologist after all.
Sorry for such an angry post filled with such angry words, you can tell i am very angry aye =)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Dear Lord, it's school tomorrow.
What's with the long faces everyone! I swear, all I've been hearing is;
And I admit, I empathize with the imminent dread that accompanies the recommencement of school. The prospect of being bombarded with another set of exams is enough to send everyone leaping off roofs of buildings but hey, there's always other things that a school can offer.
It offers you a chance to ..
1. Count how many "um"s a teacher may say in one lesson.
2. Break some glasses in the form of beakers and test tubes and sweep them beneath the dusty cardboard, for safety purposes of course ;)
3. See your wallet shrink significantly with each successive trip to the canteen.
4. Take steps closer to contracting lung cancer from the inhalation of particulate matter all around the school. Everyday is like a dust storm due to those construction sites. Now where else can you journey through a dust storm and emerge relatively unscathed? (at least for now - no guarantees on cancer symptoms later in life). That's one small step for a man, a giant leap for death.
5. Witness geniuses at work. Everyday I am surrounded by Einsteins and Pythagoruses and I feel extremely privileged to be amongst them .. even if they do make my self-confidence dissipate rather quickly.
6. Re-bond with your best friend, the calculator. If you're like me and possess 4 calculators (which I doubt anyone is), triple maths on Wednesdays are bound to heal your relationship with that one calculator you have neglected throughout the holidays and is now seeing daylight for the first time in 2 weeks. Say hello to it and apologise for your broken promises to hang out with it along with your Cambridge Maths textbook during the break. Kiss and make up. Resume calculus.
7. Learn about moles! Mole mole mole mole *gets a stick and pokes a mole like Austin Powers in Goldmember* MOLE MOLE MOLE. And plus you see Amol as well, which is an added bonus (:
8. Lug folders and textbooks as you journey through the rugged terrain of the school, and for me, up the 45 degree incline that leads to my house every afternoon as well. Who needs dumbbells when you have 2 textbooks and a truckload of sheets accumulated from English and Modern history (listen up Josh and James Le! Nah jkjks). An effective bicep workout I must say... although pretty soon the Amazon forest is going to end up like our bottom oval - with no vegetation whatsoever.
9. Learn about how Tan +1 = Sexy and Cot + 1 = Cosy. Great life lessons are learnt within these classrooms with leaking roofs.
10. The potential flooding that comes with torrential downpours.. no wait, actually, a slight drizzle is enough to send our corridors to gush with water. Who needs Lake Eyre when you have a lake right at the front of the school?
11. Catch up on sleep during class. Been up till 4am playing dota? No worries, with the classroom temperature adjusted to a pleasant climate of 28 degrees, you are free to toss your worries aside and drift off into a peaceful bliss - unless you have some shitty sub like I did in year 9 who went and kicked my chair as I was entering my dreamlike state.
12. Listen to your teacher rave about the sexiness of Lawrence Fishburn and how unfitting it is that such a sexy man is casted for the role of Othello.
13. Exercise that blank look of yours when your teacher repeatedly asks for an answer from the class. The extent of some teachers' persistence mystifies me .. why ask when you're going to be met with a dumbfounded silence, which results in you answering you own question anyway?
14. Become acquainted with your next-seat neighbour. Make small talk about the weather, your little holiday adventures, Masterchef, anything. Who knows, they might share your freaky obssession with JOHN FROM THE MAINE x3
15. GRIND AT THE SEMI-FORMAL YEAAAH BRO! And we can all sing "I'm On A Boat."
16. Admire the beautiful complexion of our principal on her noticeboard photo.
17. Stick chewing gum under your table. You wouldn't do that at home now, would you? ... Would you?!?!
18. Watch your calculator collection grow under your every eyes. MUAHAHAHAH >=) Jkjks. I don't know how those 4 came to be under my possession. I must be a calculator magnet. Sheesh, one at a time please.
19. Hack into youtube to watch dance videos while keeping that Electronegativity of Elements graph you were supposedly plotting in the background.
20. Go for your little strolls during class and enjoy the wonderful scenery of our school grounds .. and so you don't doze off again as the teacher rants on about the elements of a business plan.
21. You can see me ! (Yeah great, now no one wants to come to school. T_T)
See, school's not that bad! Cheer up guys, see you all tomorrow (:
xx Betty.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Currently my internet has decided to be a complete bitch and backstab me when I need it the most. But you know what? It’s alright, because I still have my beloved MICROSOFT WORD 2003 to sustain me throughout this dark and depressing phase of my life.
On a brighter note, I WENT TO BOYS LIKE GIRLS ON SUNDAY! I remember when my pm was ‘Boys Like Girls in July?” and Jaydon was like..
“boys like girls all year round”
So yeah Lenny, Jimmy, Vicky and I arrived at UNSW on Sunday night, and already there was this long line of chicks in heavy eyeliner and short shorts (even though it was like -3483974 degrees outside in addition to wind chill factor) and guys in skinny jeans. It was like human centipede.. nah just kidding. More like a human traffic jam during peak hour. So then we waited… and waited… and waited…
Scratching my head in a state of confusion, I started to wonder why we weren’t progressing forward (not even at snails pace, mind you). Then it hit me that the doors weren’t even open so… good life.
My stomach began to grumble, and casting a side glance at Vicky, I could tell she was starving too. Like a pack of hungry lion-nesses, Vicky and I separated from our tribe and began to prowl around UNSW for a food store, since the influx of bogans seemed to be clutching a familiar Maccas bag as they joined the never-ending queue. The intoxicating smell of cheeseburgers and fries that were wafting up our nostrils was just too much to bear and we attempted to trace this lingering fragrance back to its source.
However, after full sweep of UNSW, Vicky and I returned empty handed with our tummies still devoid of food. Persevering, we decided to extend beyond our territory and cross the threshold of the university. With severe starvation on our hands, ‘stranger danger’ was thrown out the window and we interrogated a group of Maccas-indulging bystanders for directions. Thankgod we weren’t bashed, raped and doused with petrol.
However, the clock was ticking and we only had 5 minutes to leg it there and back. But have no fear, twin Usain Bolts are here! We broke into a mad sprint down this REALLY REALLY REALLY LONG STREET …
Along the way we were blurting out motivational chants to keep us going, such as the amount of calories that we were burning from this vigorous exercise, how we could gobble up our oily fries without feeling guilty unlike Lenny and Jimmy, and our aspirations to become Harry Potter and apparate to Maccas.
We kept running and running and running like Forrest Gump…
… until at last, there it was! The golden arch, glimmering in the night sky. It has never looked more inviting.
I’m DEFINITELY lovin’ it.
We ordered our burgers and water (WHOEVER WANTS WATER JUST GO TO MACCAS COS ITS FREE !), and a frantic dash back to UNSW followed which involved Vicky sprinting with 2 cups of water and me with 4 burgers and 5 straws (Vicky couldn’t count).
We soon found ourselves back amongst civilization, but this time faced with another dilemma. As everyone poured into Roundhouse, we were informed that FOOD WASN’T ALLOWED. So what else? We engulfed our burgers within a minute like those people on hotdog/cheeseburger eating competition and I swear that’s the fastest I’ve ever eaten.
And we were finally admitted in! YAAAAAAAAAAY (: It was so compact with heaps of body-on-body action. I swear some fat emo chick with GREEN streaked blonde hair behind me was hardcore grinding on my ass so then I stopped pushing to the front and let her have my precious spot. The guys at the front were also squirting water into everyone’s mouths/faces so everything was a mess aha.
The first band was so …LOUD and no offence but I couldn’t tell what they were singing. We were at the front, right in front of the speakers so my eardrums were literally shattered. But then HOT CHELLE RAE CAME OUT! They were so gooood and the bassist was good as well ;).
Then there was this HUGE gap between HCR and Boys Like Girls, during which I suspected that they were styling their hair. Random songs dating back to the 80s were blasting from the speakers during this interval like “Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll” and we were like wtf.
Finally, BOYS LIKE GIRLS CAME OUT! We were all screaming and shitttttttt. They sang the Great Escape, 5 Minutes Til Midnight, Hero/Heroine, Dance Hall Drug, Heart Heart Heartbreaker, TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE etc etc etc … and THUNDERRRRRR OMG good times eh SG? And the crowd started singing the chorus and it was just so nice. x3
Afterwards, our throats were parched dry from screaming so back to Maccas we went for a green slushie! (: We ran into other yr 12s who were staying for FIFA Fan Fest (lucky bastards) and then departed for our various ways.
I think I’ll remember that night for the years to come. Boys Like Girls was my first EVER band (apart from The Used) and this was my first concert so … a hint of sentimental value there aha. Things like that makes you forget all your trivial little problems and you just find yourself lost within the music, the hype and the company. And I think that’s truly amazing.
xx Betty.
PS. Shout out to Karan THE NICEST GUY EVER (COUGH BULLSHIT COUGH) to whom I owe a shoutout to.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
seriously, if i had the hair to this, i would.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Holidays are about fun, adventure and taking up something you've never done before.
Well, I've decided that starting from today, I'm going to:
1. Learn a new song everyday, and;
2. Talk to someone who I wouldn't normally talk to everyday.
Wish me success on my endeavours !
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death.
- Coco Chanel.
You know that feeling when you're just.. content with everything. Content with where you are in life. Yeah, that's what I'm feeling right now. (: At this moment, I can look at the past with no regrets and look into the future that awaits me with hope and excitement. That long road ahead presents so many possibilities and opportunities, and just that makes me realise that life is so worthwhile.
Sure, what's seemingly the 'future' is not so far away now. In about 1.5 years time, all 192 of us will unite for the last time in the school hall, our eyes brimming with tears as we hear the principal recite some inspirational quotes from Martin Luther King or someone of the same calibre, and our year advisor bidding us with words of farewell and wishing us luck for the future.
The future freaks me out sometimes, I'd have to admit. We're faced with the unknown, like being thrown into the deep end without protection. But that aside, I have faith in our school and I'm sure that once we step outside of this safehaven that has sheltered us for so long, that we'll be well taken care of wherever we go. At this moment, I kinda feel like I'm ready for whatever the next chapter is and I want everyone to realise that everything will be alright. (:
On another note, my holidays have started with a bang ! (not literally of course). It's been nice to just spend some time with those who you really care about and I've realised that I miss it so much. Sure, sometimes my workaholic tendencies don't really allow 'having fun' into the equation, but hey, life isn't solely about achieving that 99.9999 ATAR or beating Matthew Wong in an exam (although that DOES provide as a source of elation and a concretion of self-worth). So from now on I'm determined to make the most of my time left in this school, and participate in everything, and just have fun (:
I was talking my dad the other day about the HSC. He was like "no one cares if you got 89 or 99 in your ATAR. Sure, everyone will fuss about it in the first few weeks upon receiving the results, but years from now, people will forget about what you ATAR was, and what's important is that you have something else to show for your years at school besides the marks."
Just a little thought guys.
Keep calm and carry on. (: Enjoy your holidays !
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I absolutely hate being angry. Or sad. Or depressed. But unfortunately, there are some fucking annoying people out there that just tick you off because of something they do, or continue to do. I won't say it's because of the fact that they exist, because that's just mean, and i don't want to be labelled as a mean bitch.
I have also realised that i have absolutely no idea how my life is going to go, or what i'm going to do in uni etc, and scares the bejesus out of me, and so this blog is going to be a list of things that I will hopefully accomplish by the end of 2011.
1. Figure out what i would like to do in uni. Or for the rest of my life. Fuck my life this shit sucks.
2. This may sound completely irrational and crazy, but i really would like a belly button piercing =) And i shall get one. Sometime this year. or next year.
3. Get my P's! I went driving today, and i really didn't know what i was doing. And the instructor was giving me these impatient sighs and i felt stupid.
4. Pick up a sport! I'd like to do horse riding as a sport, but sadly, a) i don't have a horse, and b) there is no b but it just looks funny with one reason
5. get a tattoo! Ha, first belly button piercing, then this =P
6. Make the best batch of cookies ever. Or cake. Or cupcake. Heck i just wna be able to cook decent food! Because i made cookies the other day, and it was all going fine, until the baking paper caught on fire in the oven. i feel so stupid LOL.
7. Get 100% in a maths exam!
8. Grow my hair super long. I swear, i've had short hair for my whole life. it's quite depressing.
9. I swear there were more. Ohwell, can't think of any right now.
Now i do realise that these are quite materialistic goals, but meh, i can't think of any deep and meaningful goals atm. maybe i'll add more in when i remember.
Now on another topic, i have the worst sense of direction ever, i dno't know how i'm going to get to the National Art School without ending up in somewhere in the opposite direction, like idno, Chinatown or something.
What a meaningless and retarded post.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sometimes I wish good things never happened. Because prior to these events/occurances, you were perfectly happy and didn't even care for these things, but now that they're gone, you realize how much is missing and find it hard to revert back to your previous state of mind.
You could think of it using gaming as an example. (wth.. lol). Me, being among the few people who have never gamed in their entire lives (besides Wii tennis), can't possibly understand how addictive Maplestory or whatever the heck those things are called can be! And when repeatedly forced to go try it you think "go get a life i cbb". Same goes to drinking, drugs, that person... even reading TWILIGHT/HP etcetccccc. Yes I admit, on a short term scale, yes they do fill you with the utmost happiness and joy, but in the long term, no thanks I'd like my life back please.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
I was just looking through random people's tumblrs and stuff and i saw this:
Little Boys to Men
A guy’s point of view: I know way too many really beautiful girls who think they don’t look good… It hurts… because it’s our fault, guys I mean. We make girls feel like they have to be perfect. You know what I mean, flat stomach, big boobs, round booty, long legs, sexy lips, and on top of all that, they have to dress like a whore, and be one as well… nobody can measure up to that… and its not fair… because nobody should have to. Girls prefer being called beautiful instead of hot or sexy. The little imperfections are what make people special. If everyone was perfect the world would be so boring, variety is what makes life interesting. So guys, stop making girls have to live up to your, I’m sorry, our… deluded fantasy visions of perfection. Stop acting like boys and start being men… realize that women don’t exist to fulfill our sexual desires. Stop talking to them solely to get with them, be nice to them because you want to be their friend, not because you want to hook up with them. Don’t say nice things about them not to flatter them in hopes that you’ll get some, but because its true and you know they like to hear them. In short… we need to grow up and stop acting like freakin retarded little boys.
Damn right.
HAHAHAHA ok I deleted the comment because I felt slack.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
It's currently midnght, and I'm sitting in front of my computer, doing that ear-phone-shoulder thing while listening to my bestfriend singing and bopping along to that Mariokart lovesong.. and just at peace once again. I've just finished typing up my speech for SUSMUN and it's smiling back at me, all 23402934934 charaters in Times New Roman font. =)
I just want to dedicate this post to a lovely friend of mine;
You're such an inspiration to me, you know that? I'm really grateful that you were in my debating team in year 9 ( YEAAAAH FENNECH/FAILNECH'S CLASS REPRESENT!) or else I would've never had the chance to get to know you. You made me realise that there's so many opportunities out there, and through all these events that we've participated in, I feel like I've grown as a person. I think it's amazing how you're so knowledgeable and in tune with what's happening around the world, and just so you know, you're someone who I really look up to.
Thanks heaps for everything (:
Monday, July 19, 2010
Now regardless of what George says in the post below... I. REALLY. DO. NOT. WANT. SCHOOL. TOMORROW.
mainly because my face has decided to be a complete bitch and join forces with the other bitch called excema, so i look like a big red beetroot face with the redness. oh go on, laugh, all you bitches out there.
I hate being a pessimistic bitch, but once i get to the dermatologist tomorrow and find out what the fuck is wrong with my fucked up face, and once this fucked up face gets back to normal i think i shall be fine.
I feel sorry for dermatologists. They go to work everyday to face bad skin. But when i think of the ONE FRKN MONTH WAITING LIST i dont feel so sorry for my dermatologist after all.
Sorry for such an angry post filled with such angry words, you can tell i am very angry aye =)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Dear Lord, it's school tomorrow.
What's with the long faces everyone! I swear, all I've been hearing is;
And I admit, I empathize with the imminent dread that accompanies the recommencement of school. The prospect of being bombarded with another set of exams is enough to send everyone leaping off roofs of buildings but hey, there's always other things that a school can offer.
It offers you a chance to ..
1. Count how many "um"s a teacher may say in one lesson.
2. Break some glasses in the form of beakers and test tubes and sweep them beneath the dusty cardboard, for safety purposes of course ;)
3. See your wallet shrink significantly with each successive trip to the canteen.
4. Take steps closer to contracting lung cancer from the inhalation of particulate matter all around the school. Everyday is like a dust storm due to those construction sites. Now where else can you journey through a dust storm and emerge relatively unscathed? (at least for now - no guarantees on cancer symptoms later in life). That's one small step for a man, a giant leap for death.
5. Witness geniuses at work. Everyday I am surrounded by Einsteins and Pythagoruses and I feel extremely privileged to be amongst them .. even if they do make my self-confidence dissipate rather quickly.
6. Re-bond with your best friend, the calculator. If you're like me and possess 4 calculators (which I doubt anyone is), triple maths on Wednesdays are bound to heal your relationship with that one calculator you have neglected throughout the holidays and is now seeing daylight for the first time in 2 weeks. Say hello to it and apologise for your broken promises to hang out with it along with your Cambridge Maths textbook during the break. Kiss and make up. Resume calculus.
7. Learn about moles! Mole mole mole mole *gets a stick and pokes a mole like Austin Powers in Goldmember* MOLE MOLE MOLE. And plus you see Amol as well, which is an added bonus (:
8. Lug folders and textbooks as you journey through the rugged terrain of the school, and for me, up the 45 degree incline that leads to my house every afternoon as well. Who needs dumbbells when you have 2 textbooks and a truckload of sheets accumulated from English and Modern history (listen up Josh and James Le! Nah jkjks). An effective bicep workout I must say... although pretty soon the Amazon forest is going to end up like our bottom oval - with no vegetation whatsoever.
9. Learn about how Tan +1 = Sexy and Cot + 1 = Cosy. Great life lessons are learnt within these classrooms with leaking roofs.
10. The potential flooding that comes with torrential downpours.. no wait, actually, a slight drizzle is enough to send our corridors to gush with water. Who needs Lake Eyre when you have a lake right at the front of the school?
11. Catch up on sleep during class. Been up till 4am playing dota? No worries, with the classroom temperature adjusted to a pleasant climate of 28 degrees, you are free to toss your worries aside and drift off into a peaceful bliss - unless you have some shitty sub like I did in year 9 who went and kicked my chair as I was entering my dreamlike state.
12. Listen to your teacher rave about the sexiness of Lawrence Fishburn and how unfitting it is that such a sexy man is casted for the role of Othello.
13. Exercise that blank look of yours when your teacher repeatedly asks for an answer from the class. The extent of some teachers' persistence mystifies me .. why ask when you're going to be met with a dumbfounded silence, which results in you answering you own question anyway?
14. Become acquainted with your next-seat neighbour. Make small talk about the weather, your little holiday adventures, Masterchef, anything. Who knows, they might share your freaky obssession with JOHN FROM THE MAINE x3
15. GRIND AT THE SEMI-FORMAL YEAAAH BRO! And we can all sing "I'm On A Boat."
16. Admire the beautiful complexion of our principal on her noticeboard photo.
17. Stick chewing gum under your table. You wouldn't do that at home now, would you? ... Would you?!?!
18. Watch your calculator collection grow under your every eyes. MUAHAHAHAH >=) Jkjks. I don't know how those 4 came to be under my possession. I must be a calculator magnet. Sheesh, one at a time please.
19. Hack into youtube to watch dance videos while keeping that Electronegativity of Elements graph you were supposedly plotting in the background.
20. Go for your little strolls during class and enjoy the wonderful scenery of our school grounds .. and so you don't doze off again as the teacher rants on about the elements of a business plan.
21. You can see me ! (Yeah great, now no one wants to come to school. T_T)
See, school's not that bad! Cheer up guys, see you all tomorrow (:
xx Betty.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Currently my internet has decided to be a complete bitch and backstab me when I need it the most. But you know what? It’s alright, because I still have my beloved MICROSOFT WORD 2003 to sustain me throughout this dark and depressing phase of my life.
On a brighter note, I WENT TO BOYS LIKE GIRLS ON SUNDAY! I remember when my pm was ‘Boys Like Girls in July?” and Jaydon was like..
“boys like girls all year round”
So yeah Lenny, Jimmy, Vicky and I arrived at UNSW on Sunday night, and already there was this long line of chicks in heavy eyeliner and short shorts (even though it was like -3483974 degrees outside in addition to wind chill factor) and guys in skinny jeans. It was like human centipede.. nah just kidding. More like a human traffic jam during peak hour. So then we waited… and waited… and waited…
Scratching my head in a state of confusion, I started to wonder why we weren’t progressing forward (not even at snails pace, mind you). Then it hit me that the doors weren’t even open so… good life.
My stomach began to grumble, and casting a side glance at Vicky, I could tell she was starving too. Like a pack of hungry lion-nesses, Vicky and I separated from our tribe and began to prowl around UNSW for a food store, since the influx of bogans seemed to be clutching a familiar Maccas bag as they joined the never-ending queue. The intoxicating smell of cheeseburgers and fries that were wafting up our nostrils was just too much to bear and we attempted to trace this lingering fragrance back to its source.
However, after full sweep of UNSW, Vicky and I returned empty handed with our tummies still devoid of food. Persevering, we decided to extend beyond our territory and cross the threshold of the university. With severe starvation on our hands, ‘stranger danger’ was thrown out the window and we interrogated a group of Maccas-indulging bystanders for directions. Thankgod we weren’t bashed, raped and doused with petrol.
However, the clock was ticking and we only had 5 minutes to leg it there and back. But have no fear, twin Usain Bolts are here! We broke into a mad sprint down this REALLY REALLY REALLY LONG STREET …
Along the way we were blurting out motivational chants to keep us going, such as the amount of calories that we were burning from this vigorous exercise, how we could gobble up our oily fries without feeling guilty unlike Lenny and Jimmy, and our aspirations to become Harry Potter and apparate to Maccas.
We kept running and running and running like Forrest Gump…
… until at last, there it was! The golden arch, glimmering in the night sky. It has never looked more inviting.
I’m DEFINITELY lovin’ it.
We ordered our burgers and water (WHOEVER WANTS WATER JUST GO TO MACCAS COS ITS FREE !), and a frantic dash back to UNSW followed which involved Vicky sprinting with 2 cups of water and me with 4 burgers and 5 straws (Vicky couldn’t count).
We soon found ourselves back amongst civilization, but this time faced with another dilemma. As everyone poured into Roundhouse, we were informed that FOOD WASN’T ALLOWED. So what else? We engulfed our burgers within a minute like those people on hotdog/cheeseburger eating competition and I swear that’s the fastest I’ve ever eaten.
And we were finally admitted in! YAAAAAAAAAAY (: It was so compact with heaps of body-on-body action. I swear some fat emo chick with GREEN streaked blonde hair behind me was hardcore grinding on my ass so then I stopped pushing to the front and let her have my precious spot. The guys at the front were also squirting water into everyone’s mouths/faces so everything was a mess aha.
The first band was so …LOUD and no offence but I couldn’t tell what they were singing. We were at the front, right in front of the speakers so my eardrums were literally shattered. But then HOT CHELLE RAE CAME OUT! They were so gooood and the bassist was good as well ;).
Then there was this HUGE gap between HCR and Boys Like Girls, during which I suspected that they were styling their hair. Random songs dating back to the 80s were blasting from the speakers during this interval like “Sex, Drugs and Rock n Roll” and we were like wtf.
Finally, BOYS LIKE GIRLS CAME OUT! We were all screaming and shitttttttt. They sang the Great Escape, 5 Minutes Til Midnight, Hero/Heroine, Dance Hall Drug, Heart Heart Heartbreaker, TWO IS BETTER THAN ONE etc etc etc … and THUNDERRRRRR OMG good times eh SG? And the crowd started singing the chorus and it was just so nice. x3
Afterwards, our throats were parched dry from screaming so back to Maccas we went for a green slushie! (: We ran into other yr 12s who were staying for FIFA Fan Fest (lucky bastards) and then departed for our various ways.
I think I’ll remember that night for the years to come. Boys Like Girls was my first EVER band (apart from The Used) and this was my first concert so … a hint of sentimental value there aha. Things like that makes you forget all your trivial little problems and you just find yourself lost within the music, the hype and the company. And I think that’s truly amazing.
xx Betty.
PS. Shout out to Karan THE NICEST GUY EVER (COUGH BULLSHIT COUGH) to whom I owe a shoutout to.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
seriously, if i had the hair to this, i would.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Holidays are about fun, adventure and taking up something you've never done before.
Well, I've decided that starting from today, I'm going to:
1. Learn a new song everyday, and;
2. Talk to someone who I wouldn't normally talk to everyday.
Wish me success on my endeavours !
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death.
- Coco Chanel.
You know that feeling when you're just.. content with everything. Content with where you are in life. Yeah, that's what I'm feeling right now. (: At this moment, I can look at the past with no regrets and look into the future that awaits me with hope and excitement. That long road ahead presents so many possibilities and opportunities, and just that makes me realise that life is so worthwhile.
Sure, what's seemingly the 'future' is not so far away now. In about 1.5 years time, all 192 of us will unite for the last time in the school hall, our eyes brimming with tears as we hear the principal recite some inspirational quotes from Martin Luther King or someone of the same calibre, and our year advisor bidding us with words of farewell and wishing us luck for the future.
The future freaks me out sometimes, I'd have to admit. We're faced with the unknown, like being thrown into the deep end without protection. But that aside, I have faith in our school and I'm sure that once we step outside of this safehaven that has sheltered us for so long, that we'll be well taken care of wherever we go. At this moment, I kinda feel like I'm ready for whatever the next chapter is and I want everyone to realise that everything will be alright. (:
On another note, my holidays have started with a bang ! (not literally of course). It's been nice to just spend some time with those who you really care about and I've realised that I miss it so much. Sure, sometimes my workaholic tendencies don't really allow 'having fun' into the equation, but hey, life isn't solely about achieving that 99.9999 ATAR or beating Matthew Wong in an exam (although that DOES provide as a source of elation and a concretion of self-worth). So from now on I'm determined to make the most of my time left in this school, and participate in everything, and just have fun (:
I was talking my dad the other day about the HSC. He was like "no one cares if you got 89 or 99 in your ATAR. Sure, everyone will fuss about it in the first few weeks upon receiving the results, but years from now, people will forget about what you ATAR was, and what's important is that you have something else to show for your years at school besides the marks."
Just a little thought guys.
Keep calm and carry on. (: Enjoy your holidays !
Saturday, July 3, 2010
I absolutely hate being angry. Or sad. Or depressed. But unfortunately, there are some fucking annoying people out there that just tick you off because of something they do, or continue to do. I won't say it's because of the fact that they exist, because that's just mean, and i don't want to be labelled as a mean bitch.
I have also realised that i have absolutely no idea how my life is going to go, or what i'm going to do in uni etc, and scares the bejesus out of me, and so this blog is going to be a list of things that I will hopefully accomplish by the end of 2011.
1. Figure out what i would like to do in uni. Or for the rest of my life. Fuck my life this shit sucks.
2. This may sound completely irrational and crazy, but i really would like a belly button piercing =) And i shall get one. Sometime this year. or next year.
3. Get my P's! I went driving today, and i really didn't know what i was doing. And the instructor was giving me these impatient sighs and i felt stupid.
4. Pick up a sport! I'd like to do horse riding as a sport, but sadly, a) i don't have a horse, and b) there is no b but it just looks funny with one reason
5. get a tattoo! Ha, first belly button piercing, then this =P
6. Make the best batch of cookies ever. Or cake. Or cupcake. Heck i just wna be able to cook decent food! Because i made cookies the other day, and it was all going fine, until the baking paper caught on fire in the oven. i feel so stupid LOL.
7. Get 100% in a maths exam!
8. Grow my hair super long. I swear, i've had short hair for my whole life. it's quite depressing.
9. I swear there were more. Ohwell, can't think of any right now.
Now i do realise that these are quite materialistic goals, but meh, i can't think of any deep and meaningful goals atm. maybe i'll add more in when i remember.
Now on another topic, i have the worst sense of direction ever, i dno't know how i'm going to get to the National Art School without ending up in somewhere in the opposite direction, like idno, Chinatown or something.
What a meaningless and retarded post.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sometimes I wish good things never happened. Because prior to these events/occurances, you were perfectly happy and didn't even care for these things, but now that they're gone, you realize how much is missing and find it hard to revert back to your previous state of mind.
You could think of it using gaming as an example. (wth.. lol). Me, being among the few people who have never gamed in their entire lives (besides Wii tennis), can't possibly understand how addictive Maplestory or whatever the heck those things are called can be! And when repeatedly forced to go try it you think "go get a life i cbb". Same goes to drinking, drugs, that person... even reading TWILIGHT/HP etcetccccc. Yes I admit, on a short term scale, yes they do fill you with the utmost happiness and joy, but in the long term, no thanks I'd like my life back please.
∞ About me
A few nice people.
Angela (Tom), Lynette (Jerry), Emma (Bob), Eugenia (Pat), Anna (Fred) and Betty (George)