Wednesday, June 30, 2010
www.s2-sg.blogspot.com HAS OFFICIALLY RISEN FROM THE ASHES! As a celebration for this exciting, life-changing, earth-shattering, ground-breaking event, I will reveal 10 (UN)interesting facts about me that you may or may not know, just as Tom has done in the post below me. =)
1. I have an obssession with setting my alarm on a time that ends in 6. ie. 7:06am, 7:36am, 4:16am, etc. I happen to think it's lucky for some stupid reason and I feel unsettled if I set it on anything that didn't end in a 6 - I might fall asleep and never wake up again ! What a scary thought.
2. My umbrella is exactly the same colour, size and pattern as my pencil case. Do you know how tedious it is to rummage through your schoolbag in search of your pencil case, only to fish out an umbrella? It's a terrible feeling.
3. I have a gazillion highlighters at home. My collection is amazing, all courtesy of Officeworks. As some of you may know, I suffer from Goldfish Memory Syndrome, and every time I set foot into that magical land of Officeworks, I find myself straying towards the rainbow coloured aisle filled with assorted highlighters and gel pens. ESPECIALLY if it has a huge "SALE" sign plastered above it.
4. I have a list of New Year's Resolutions and it's framed on the wall of my bedroom so I can stare at it everyday. Okay no it's not framed but I do possess that list, and to those who were wondering why they never came across it when they visited (OR BROKE INTO) my house, it's cos I hide it everytime guests come LOL.
5. I'm ashamed to admit that I've stolen a Macquarie Dictionary and "Tapis Volant" (Magic Carpet), a French textbook, from our glorious school. No actually, I'm just borrowing it for educational puposes, and I plan to return it upon my departure in a years time.
6. My daily alarm used to be Take A Bow by Rihanna and now everytime I hear that song I feel like shooting myself.
7. I have 3 calculators at home, 2 belonging to someone else who I can't remember now ..
8. I CAN NEVER SPELL 'EXTENSION' PROPERLY! *checks Microsoft Word to make sure that it's spelt correctly* I always write "extention" sigh.
9. I save all the cards I have received from friends for birthdays, christmas etc. I really like cards for some reason.. they possess sentimental value to me and at times I prefer it more than the present itself.
Okay that's enough from me! SG BLOG REVIVAL YEAAAAH (:
It's been a while since i last blogged, idno, 1 month ago? i dont know, but i was thinking, since that i really dont have anything interesting to blog about because well, you know, i lead quite a boring life, i've decided to do a whole blog on the 10 FACTS ABOUT YOU thingymabob, just because i feel like it, and i kinda feel bad for not blogging! HOWEVER! Instead of 10 things, i'm going to do 15 things, just becuase i'd like this blog to be nice and long.
So, here goes!
1. I have an obsession with cleanliness. I hate getting my hands dirty, because it just feels so gross and yuck, which is why i wash my hands WAY too much. And on the topic of cleanliness, it just can't be clean, it has to be neat and tidy, all the coat hangers in my wardrobe have to face the same way as do all the clothes on the coathangers, and i literally get all agitated when its not all clean and tidy. Yea, i'm weird like that.
2. I only swear when im really angry or really worried or really scared. Sure, i say the occasional "SHIT" when, idno, lets say, i stubbed my toe, but that's about it. But when i'm angry, it seems as though every sentence i say that comes out of my mouth has to have a swear word in it or it just won't seem complete. Which serves as quite a useful warning, I guess. Whenever you see me hardcore swearing, you'll know to keep away from me
4. I have excema, which is a right pain in the butt whenever it flares up. Which is also why my arms and neck are covered in scars. Ah well, they'll fade over time, hopefully.
5. I'm actually really childish and immature. I get amused really easily and i pretty much laugh at anything, just because i'm cool like that.
6. 16. I can't cook, unless i have helpers. Because everytime i cook, everything seems to go wrong. Which means that i'm going to starve if i ever have to live alone.
7. I LOVE EUROS! Hence my boyfriend Dom, and, of course, Cristiano Ronaldo xD, and such and such.
8. I don't have many friends, but if you're counted as a friend, than, i love you, really =)
9. I get jealous really easily. I also tend to look too much into things, like, you might say something and than i'll thinki about it, and think about it some more, and than more often than not, i'll come to the conclusion that you don't really like me, and that what you said was aimed to hurt me. I should really stop doing that.
10. I am a very clumsy person
11. My mood fluctuates often throughout the day
12. I'm not very good with pain. I can't tolerate pain, whether it be a cut or a bruise, etcetc. Which sucks.
13. i'm very picky when it comes to food.
14. I have a tendency to blink a LOT when under interrogation, even if i didn't do anything wrong and i'm telling the truth, i just blink and blink and blink and IT'S INCREDIBLY ANNOYING.
15. I think i'm quite a hard person to get along with. I don't mean I'm stubborn mean and/or bossy (although i probably AM all three) but I am EXTREMELY shy, so it takes AGES for me to actually be myself around people i don't really know.
Now, i am demanding everyone who has a blog, or some sort of writing website thingy.... to do this little thing =) Because i'd like to stalk you and know a little bit more about you +D ahahahha jks
okay i'm out.
toodles =)
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Ok THIS ISN'T going to be another futile attempt at opening blogger and then saying "NAAH CEE-BEE-BEE BRO" (which I seem to have been doing for quite some weeks now I must admit).
Because I'm venting with so much anger and/or frustration at the moment ROAAAAAAAR.
So my day started with me falling into bed at 2am after watching Portugese girls flinging themselves onto the ground in every direction possible. GOSH! Why make such an act over falling over. I always wonder why they don't just fall over without the whole crazy totallyunecessary hand gestures plus expectantglancesattheref all happening in mid- air. jeez it looks so retarded!
ANYWAY, getting out of bed and showering at 12 noon without feeling guilty is so cool ayeaye. ;)
ANYWAY, so today I went to Eastwood to look for prizes for Orange Day since next week is Baulko Spirit week and due to exams and such the whole thing has been rather hectic and impulsive and poorly organized..
After wondering around for an hour, I was still empty handed because contrary to previous beliefs, there were absolutely NO ORANGE THINGS to buy for prizes! To top it off, after pouring all the contents of my bag onto the ground, I was hit with the discovery that my phone wasn't in there (which to you might not seem like a big deal but to me seemed like BLOODYFML because in the car my mum'd told me a zillion times she didn't want any more missed calls)....
2 hours later after seeing that my mum and sister were NOT at the place I thought I was supposed to meet them, and carrying 2 basketballs and an assortment of things which I thought were pretty cool, I decided EFF THIS I'm just going to ask some random if they could kindly let me borrow their phone for 0.01 seconds.
So I did.
Good news: thanks to a young lad who (thankgod) was proficient in the English Language I was able to reach my mother.
Bad news: I was told over the phone that they weren't bothered to find/wait for me so they drove straight back home.
So then I lugged all my belongings and purchases to the station where
GOOD NEWS: no ticket barrier= no paying for a ticket
BAD NEWS: I saw that I'd missed the train by 1 minute and had to wait 29 minutes for the next one. FAIL.
- fast track til half an hour later-
Got off at Epping where
GOOD NEWS: There was a train to cheltenham which was just about to arrive.
BAD NEWS: My path down to the underground was blocked by a fat asian fob who's size almost exceeded the width of the escalator. I'm not joking. Realizing that the train was already coming to a stop 3174902750470 metres below us, she attempted to "hurry down the escalator" at a rocketing one step per second, oblivious to my loud stomping and "
hurry up faggot" under-my-breath mutters a cm behind her. Or maybe she just didn't take the hint. :( grrrrrrr. Huffing and puffing, she stepped off the escalator after what seemed like minutes, letting off a sigh of frustration as the train pulled off into the distance.
So after giving her a million dirties which I hoped she would notice (but didn't), I sat down and waited for the 15 minutes to pass. Funnily, she plonked herself down next to me, grabbed a phone from her mini pink hello-kitty fob handbag (which contrasted greatly with her size) and started bitching in Chinese to someone about how the transport system is so chat because it was unfair that she had to run down all those stairs and ended up missing it anyway.
And I got home at 6 30. End of story bibi
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
It's currently 12:10am on the morning of my Modern exam.
I'm curently glancing at the flashing orange bar at the bottom of my screen, wondering when I'll conclude this sentence and click on that bar. I'll do it now. BRB.
K back.
So yes, I haven't been posting lately as of course, other matters (ie. silly year 11 assessments that have no impact whatsoever on my HSC) are currently taking place and sadly, I do prioritise that over this.
I'm quite in a good mood at this moment. I feel kind of .. serene? in a way. Just that moment when I'm happy and grateful for everything. WHAT A CHEEEESE you might say but pfffft I don't care aha.
SO, what caused this sudden urge to blog, you may ask, when you have assessments to study for, sleep to make up, guys to chase?
Well as the clock stroke for midnight, I gave up my futile attempt to cram an extra 1045 words into the minute confines of my brain and decided to ... check my email. Yes WTF. But I did, and I discovered that someone has actually sent around a goodluck email to me and a few others for the Modern task tomorrow (or today if you want to be politically correct). I know that it sounds REALLY cheeeeesy for me to say it but it actually made me smile for pretty much the first time today. So my heart goes out to you - know that you've made at least one person feel better about themselves today.
And for everyone else, realise that little things like that do matter and will brighten up someone else's day beyond what you can possibly imagine.
As for me? I'll strive to become a better person.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Actually, people do care. In fact, they'd be more than a little hyped by the prospect of listening to other people's troubles/contemplations/gossip as an excuse for a DNM. Problem is, why tell when you just cbf explaining everything............... and also run the risk of getting judged. Badly judged.
P.S. Don't fall into the trap of buying intimacy/friendship/attention with pieces of information they're not supposed to know.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

this made me laugh so hard LOL