Thursday, February 25, 2010
Now I know everyone is giving everybody shit about how their life is so stressed etcetera due to the heaviness of the year 11 workload blah blah and how "OH MY GOD. I STILL HAVE TO DO ENG EXT Q 1 AND 2 TONIGHT. OH F*** I HAVEN'T STUDIED FOR MATHS THIS WEEK I'M GOING TO FAIL"
PURRR-leazzee shoooosh because it's getting quite over-exaggerated and at the same time imposes a sense of depression on the people who have lives and want to actually enjoy year 11 while it's still year 11.
C'monn.. We're only as strong as our weakest link. Why try and get "ahead" of everyone if it's just going to make you do moooore, and moooooooooore, and moooooooooooooore until you collapse on yourself!
Sure, of COURSE we're all busy as hell. But we need to approach all of it with positive attitudes! :) (COUGHHHHHHHHH coming from meeeeeeee) as we've explicitly told our peer support groupies. and not make it seem much more dreary and suicidal etc than it actually is.
Monday, February 22, 2010
From what we have gathered we can ascertain that single-sex schools can have dramatic and detrimental effects on the ability of a person to think and act around members of the opposite gender in a sane manner.
Isn't dramatic irony the funnest thing ever. It's hilarious when you try not to crack up in front of them when you know exactly how the phrases are worded and exactly what the intentions are... and also no laughing matter because your attempts at covering your face may or may not be taken as a sign of "deliberatly fraternizing with the opposite sex" or even worse, a sign of "embarrassment".
But let's be nice shall we? We should cut some slack and let the defendant off with a warning obviously since the "misadventure" in his life has hindered his social progression.. yeeeesss...
Saturday, February 13, 2010
My life has meaning and purpose again!
Ahaha. What would my life be without it. :)
Gosh. Today Physics shot my brain. I spent hours and hours doing seemingly easy questions on acceleration vs time graphs, and on the agenda for tomorrow is:
Get started on VA assignment
Get started on VA assignment #2
Maybe one day I'll learn to appreciate sitting under the same roof as Mr Hopper. I might even dedicate my major work to him. I'll draw a picture of a grasshopper and use my well refined PHOTOGRAPHY & DIGITAL MEDIA skills to make a Hopper-grasshopper animorph.
:) To bed.
Friday, February 5, 2010
The fact that we're 1.5 years away from sitting the HSC is sending all theyear 11s scurrying towards the nearest tutoring institution. I remember talking to Vince during the holidays, how he gave up all his outer-school commitments (ie. sports) to take up tutoring. This then sent me into a physchedelic stressing frenzy, where my mind conjured up vivid images of me crushing under the enormous workload which is increasing by the minute - think human & books tetris. In my deranged state, I www.whitepages.com all the tutoring places in town & began my desperate search for the perfect place to MAXIMISE MY ATAR. However, after 2 failed trials & being kicked out of 1 before I even set foot in that place, I came to the conclusion that maybe tutoring wasn't the thing for me & that I should postpone my pursuit of them coaching places AHEM money-making-machines AHEM until a later date. Being a newbie with no previous experience with coaching colleges, it came to no surprise that me & tutoring were like oil & water - we don't mix. Although, I'm quite ashamed to admit that I found those 2 trials of tutoring quite fun. xD It also striked me that .. there are many tutoring places offering free trials out there, which means that I can drift from one place to another to take up free trials & learn a whole year's course without paying a single cent! HOW GOOD (& ASIAN) IS THAT! I aspire to be one of those major corporate scammers who are exposed by TodayTonight on a weekly basis, so wish me luck folks! Maybe I'll be more successful at being a cheapass prick than my tragic attempt to maximise my ATAR.My outer school commitments also came under the fire. Without thinking, I hastily came to the conclusion that, like Mr. Duarte the 99.95 ATAR recipient, it was a necessity that I emancipate myself from all those time-consuming activities that are stalling my valuable intake of knowledge. Sketching classes, out the window! Softball's for softies, I don't need that! Piano contributes to noise pollution, no wonder we're speeding towards climate change at such a rapid rate! *sigh*But due to some unforeseable circumstances yesterday, my attempt to quit sketching failed & as per normal I found myself in the OH-SO-FAMILIAR surroundings & the asian smell of Carlingford village, strolling towards my sketching class. But it came to me that, I don't have to sacrifice everything for studying. I don't have to put my life on hold for a few extra marks on my report. That it's important to LIVE in the upcoming years. No one can study 24/7 (besides perhaps Michael Lin) so take a break & eat a Kitkat. Okay that was Tooheys extra dry. But yes, have a little fun, whatever you do.
Just like Bikram here.Learn for the love of learning, not for an A quadriple + on your next paper. Although that'll be quite kickass, I'd imagine. x)So I guess softball, piano, sketching & badminton are still on the agenda. And as for tutoring? Hit me another time. =)
Am I really happy, or am I just forcing myself to be?
Im super duper jealous of anyone who has a close close friend that they can just tell them everything. makes you feel special huh? im jealous of you, lucky lucky person
Monday, February 1, 2010
What's annoying is seeing somebody trying to make an impression of something they are OBVIOUSLY NOT. Why would you try to act funny, sociable, loud and purposely obnoxious when in the end you're just going to be damn tired of always being superficial. Seeing people like that is off putting and makes me want to vomit. If you don't feel like talking or yelling or whatever then save your breath!
Disgusting disgusting,,, I am currently plagued by the image of 2 short asians (juniors mind you- could tell by the potato sack on the girl and the grey on the boy) making out publically at Epping station. And it wasn't making out, it was PUBLIC RAPE, cept that girl was practically begging for it. What made it disgusting was the fact that both factions of the couple looked entirely prepubescent (maybe just because they were both a head shorter andireallydon'tlikesayingpeopleareuglysoiwon't) yet they were acting out, or trying to act out a scene from ... I DONT KNOW just one where the girl is pushed against the wall with one of her legs bent against it and her arms on either sides of her shoulders with the boy standing between her legs. GROSS UGHH. But what made it even MORE disgusting was the fact that technically, she wasn't pinned to the wall, in fact she was PINNING HERSELF to the wall with her leg ridiculously bent, meaning half the time the boy was scurraging through his fat school bag while she was "pinned" to the wall waiting to get some.
Then when I was walking onto the carriage, he was walking behind her feeling her up ie running his hands up and down her body - and I daresay, for the purposely of deliberately showing 20-30 people gushing in and out of the carriage the fact that "I have a girlfriend and I am sexually active" with the whole -looking around to see if anyone's looking-
Turned out they were getting off at the same stop as me. I must say, they received a good lot of dirties, but then again, I received them back (especially from the girl). And why would you be defensive and glare as if to say "and why can't I??" unless you WERE purposely putting on an act in public and flaunting your apparent sexuality?
Arrghh, I'm not making sense, but it just pisses me of.