Saturday, January 30, 2010
Hey guys, are you the kind of person who add every single person you can on facebook or msn and than when people ask you who you are, you dont reply? Yea? well if you are, stop it. its annoying. and retarded. so stop doing it.
People who do that seem like desperate hoes who try and look like they have lots of friends in all different grades. And when you ask them who they are and why the fuck they added you, they don't reply. What kind of person adds randoms on facebook/msn, and not have the decency in replying to your "hey, who the fuck are you?"
Don't agree with me? oh well. Not my problem.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
was alright. bit boring, but maybe thats just the whole first day thing.
i swear we all look like pickled olives in yellow shirts. ==
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
As per usual, the night before the first day of school I didn't sleep one wink, even though I succeeded in getting into bed before 10:10 and tried so hard to lose consciousness that I had to constantly stop myself from squeezing/squinting my eyes shut. But first day felt soooo good and damn refreshing. Don't know how long the feeling will last but seriously, with the delivery of the newborn, we are blessed with new life! Hahahhaa bruuss.. Uniforms look smashing, I've got no idea why everyone reckons it's a bitch in fact the whites look so washed out now. haha orrright..
Yeah 4 people have asked what happened to my hair.. gosh. As I said below, it is due to my tendency to DIY that the attempt at brown hair dye has turned by hair jet-black. Ohwell, fresh start to a fresh year i guess, looking at it positively. :)
If I didn't live halfway across the world I would have adopted them as babies #2 & 3 . I swear, wild dogs in rural china breed like rabbits.. well okay HAHA. All the more for me to adopt!! They kept following us!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010
As the consequence of severe boredom and the tendency to DIY, Hettie Hubble is back. Literally. -___-
Since I didn't have blogger in Mordor, here are some--- and DON'T WORRY- you're not going to waste bandwidth on boring stuff you've all probably seen a billion times.
the grandparents' kitty. One eye's blue with a red pupil and the other's green with a yellow pupil.


And I would post pictures of the wild puppies from the mountains but right now computer is frozen as. Speaking of dogs, did i mention that my dog has a mutant ear now? Yeah, it looks like it's been either amputated or .. it stopped growing when it was a week old, which is soo frekn screwed up for me because... lost for words eh? Why am I even pissed off about an ear that's not even on my own head when the thing that the ear actually belongs to is jumping around gaily and couldn't care less? BUT I'M SO PISSED! I wish we didn't have to leave right after she had surgey. I wish she never got a haematoma. I wish... i don't know! How can i blame the person who was looking after her! But what's done is done. Her ear's going to be retarded for the rest of her life and I'm (not) cool with that.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I was digging through some of our old posts today. There's always something comforting about this.. it just reminded me of all the good, bad, ugly and FKN LOL times of the past.
Extract: January 2007. Four more days till school starts ! I don`t know about you guys but I can tell you now that ..
I`M NOT FREAKING READY TO GO BACK, TO BE A YEAR EIGHT-ER.It just feels like that we`re gonna get alot more work and stuff, and everything will be harder, and I`m just not ready for that. I haven`t studied at all in the hols, and now I can`t remember anything I learnt last year. >< And just .. I don`t know .. paranoid ? Oh well, no point fretting about it when I can do nothing about it. ==
And that was exactly what I was feeling around 2 hrs ago. Just this state of sudden stress about everything. Of how I'm going to cope with the year ahead. But then I came across the above entry & it was as if history was replaying itself over again like a broken record. I laughed at how NAIIVE I was, growing white hairs over such insignificant matters. But then it hit me, that maybe 5 years from now, I'll sit in front of this good ol' HP laptop, sipping from the same pink mug, sieving through these pages of memories from my high school years & laugh at how I made such a big deal out of nothing. Chill out Baulko kids! Sometmies you just gotta step back to tak in the bigger picture.
Aha, & check this out.
Extract: May, 2007 (year 8)MOVING ON. We got Science back today. And I promised Anna THAT:
- If I beat Liang in Maths one day, I`ll buy her lotto tickets.
- If I beat Nishy in Science one day, I`ll take her to a holiday in Mexico. ( LOL don't ask why Mexico. It's just a spur-of-moment thing)
- If I beat Maybeth in English one day, I`ll take her on a cruise on the Thames River IN A DINGHY! (However you spell it)--
This was a promise I made with Fred during English in year 8 (my stupid year), when Kevin Liang was the reigning King of Maths, Nishy the Einstein of the grade & eh .. "Maybeth" (*massive cringe* it was our nickname for someone else) was a female embodiment of Shakespeare. Those goals seemed impossible, an unattainable, faraway dream. Looking back now, I realised that we often build barriers to our goals by telling ourselves that we're simply
not good enough. When I made that promise, and trust me, it was written on a piece of paper and signed by both parties with witnesses, never for a moment did I believed that I would accomplish even one of those amazing feats listed above. But hey, miracles DO happen. :) Guess I'm in debt to Fred.
Whoa, I've just written the cliche-est post ever. Oh wellllls.
Yet again I have nothing better to do so consequently, you get another boring post to read. :)
I don't know if anyone other than me gets this feeling, but... okay. You're at the airport about to board the plane and your homesick already. You get there, and everything is so different! Out of the norm. You have old men pushing and shouting in crowds, abuse of fossil fuels, abuse of FOOD, passive smoking like HELL, girls in fat uniforms jabbajabbering and giving you dirties because you're big and black, and I can't honestly say that the living conditions are good. So I feel really homesick. Give it a couple of weeks and I get better and slowly I begin to get used to everythingg. Then, a week before I have to go home, you know, when you've just started to relax and accustomed to the society, It REVERSES! omgggg. So now I'm dreading the start of school so bad. I'm dreading all the stuff I have to do which I would have done in the holidays had I not flown to the other side of the globe and it just seems like a big big big ugly thing I have to dive into really soooooon. Like. Facing my boss telling him I don't want to be treated like a toad in his soup (got that expression from a book haha) so just hurry up and fire me properly already, piano piano piano haven't practiced in 5 weeks what's he going to say at lessons, should I quit soccer? Because I can't quit ballet, Should I do syd west dance again? Auditions are during half yearlies remember + no one wants to do your dance anyway, how am I going to juggle all this with the leadership stuff and crap at school.
Then, the first night back, I get nightmares and when I lay awake in bed I get scared and depressed. LOL WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME! This emotional cycle is ridiculoussss. But first day of school and it's all goooooood =) Hello normality, bye bye insanity. Oh yes, and bye-bye binge eating!
p.s. I watched Avatar twice in China, which makes it a grand total of 3 whole times! I can't get enough of the graphics and the sound track and the plotline and... how good looking his avatar is LOOL.
Friday, January 15, 2010
MY APOLOGIES REGARDING FOR THE LACK OF FANG FANG YESTERDAY! I hope you guys aren't suffering Fang Fang withdrawal symptoms.


Thursday, January 14, 2010
LOL OKAY. The funniest things happened to me over the past 2 days at Epping library. Yesterday,I stumbled upon this book in the children's section ..
AHAHAH TRUST ME, this is the best book I've ever laid my hands on - an instant international bestseller. STEP ASIDE, STEPHANIE MEYER. Your vampires have nothing compared to what Fang Fang has to offer. And what's even better, it's not even written by an Asian LOL.
For everyday over the upcoming week, there will be daily installments to update you on Fang Fang's adventures. Satisfy your Fang Fang desires by tuning in to this blog for your daily dose of Fang-a-lang-ness. =)

LOOK ITS OUR SCHOOL! So multicultural.

It gets even more LOL-worthy as it progresses. Tune in 2mrw for the next episode of
And TODAY LOL. There was this Eric-look-alike in Epping library who was facebooking on the internet. After many (extremely loud) whisperings behind his back, we eventually came to the conclusion that he's NOT Eric. He kept on turning around to glare at us & we all got scared..
- Chris.And then he got up and I mistakenly thought that he has left the premises. BUT, TO MY DISMAY, he had just skillfully positioned himself behind a couple of bookshelves to my two o'clock.
And guess what he was watching on the internet that was SO engrossing, captivating, and irresistable to him?Yes. That's right.
Something that starts with 'P' and ends with 'orn.'And Gatsby thought we were talking about the guy next to him who was doing crosswords on the computer.. (the bookshelves obscured his vision of the guy) and fully chucked a fit about us CONSPIRING AGAINST HIM, insisting that he wants to see. LOL its okay, we all know you want to see it too ;)
BUT LIKE FAR OUT. WHAT KIND OF PERVERTED SICKO WATCHES INAPPROPRIATE, EXPLICIT MATERIAL IN A FREAKING PUBLIC LIBRARY? Apparently, it's illegal to show minors explicit material cos it's indecent exposure or something. But then I guess it's Gatsby's fault if he wants to look at it in the first place ;)
Allllright. I think that's enough from me. Remember to keep up to date at www.s2-sg.blogspot.com < One Stop for FANG FANG.
You know you love me.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
I GOT MY FUCKING L's LOL. And I've been 16 for what, like 343 days. *shakes head* greatest procrastinator EVER.

So what else has been happening in the (not so) secret life of Betty? Well I went to Manly on last Friday, armed with the fervent belief that there wasn't a need to apply sunscreen, due to the fact that:
a) I'm Asian. Asians & sunburn don't fit in the same sentence.
b) It's cloudy anyways.
c) I'm a ninja. 8)How gravely mistaken I was. Looks like all the Government campaigns about
"tanning is skin cells in trauma" and melanomas roaming around bloodstream
"and you haven't even started to burn yet" had no effect on me whatsoever. Consequently, I came back resembling a roasted chicken. My face was like a tomato and my shoulders & ENTIRE BACK were the colour of beetroot. Looks like I can star in Woolies' next Fresh Food Market update.
There's nothing healthy about a tan. And that's my back, taken this morning AND IT'S STILL SO RED.
I've bypassed the burning stage by like a zillin miles. 3 hours of Friday night were spent putting plastic refrigerator bags filled with icecubes on my face/back in an attempt to sooth the stinging sensation which accomapanied the burning. Sleeping is crap because everytime I roll, my entire back just kills. Now I'm just abusing the aloe vera spray everyday so if I smell like a forest of aloe vera.. you'll know why.
The lesson here kids, is to listen to Kevin '07 (or '11 depending on the outcome of his election), and
slip slop slap! Or else .. *scrolls up* yucky.
Despite all that, Manly was quite fun. Joseph the Wombat dug the cross-city tunnel with Hugh, & Choi, while me and Bob took over the construction of high-rise buildings.. with a little help from the sand equipment, coutesy of some little Asian kids that were playing near us. x)

And Josh gained feminine treasures + 6 pack in the short time of 5 mins thanks to plastic surgeon Dr. Liu & my assitant Pranav =)

keke. Until then.
two weeks down, 3 more to go in mordor. Dashing.
You know what I've found out about the orcs which I TOTALLY NEVER WOULD HAVE EXPECTED!? Well ok... let's be honest... anyone who has ever been to Mordor which is practically every person in the school would know that the average orc highschool student is 1.4 m tall, stumpy, with glasses, short hair (school rules) and non existant eyes, and looks like theyve never touched a ball in their entire life. Right? CMON YOU KNOW IT'S TRUE. And you can'tblame them, seeing as they get up at 6 to go to school, have a lunch break at 12, get back to school, go to class til 4 30, get a dinner break, go back to school at 7 30, go home at 10. Wellll, quite logically, it can be concluded that THEY HAVE NO TIME FOR RELATIONSHIPS.
Well I was fortunate enough to have had dinner with a family and their son which i haven't seen since I was 4, and even though it was like "wtf who are you again" he had some really cool gossip about his school. And we talked in English! Since his parents forced him to muahaha. So. First question that came to mind.
"What sport do you do?"
"Football and tennis" (he meant soccer)
"Do any girls play soccer?"
"NOOO *shakes head vigourously* they don't know how they SOO SHY. They like mobile phone and da computer and also... girl and boy"
"like... how do you say... romantic"
"you mean ROMANCE?"
"REALLY? I thought they didn't have time for that stuff"
"NO NO *shakes* it so MANNYY!! Like America!" I was like... !!>??? That was the last thing I expected him to say considering... i dno! I always thought the orcs were rather conservative! Even my dad smirks and feels the need to pipe up:
"How do you know? What, do they kiss?"
"aaahhhh... maybe a BIT... more... like America.. you seem dem in cinema, on the street, in shopping centre..." O___O Now even my MUM's interested in the conversation:
"Then do you have a girlfriend?"
"Me? NO." Hah, then his mum spills about how apparantly all the girls chase boys like frkn desperados and how they make all the first moves and how her son got asked out by a billion girls who all got rejected. Then he goes
HAHA. but seriously. Who would have known =S. Maybe China isn't so conservative anymore and people are starting to get desperate.