Thursday, December 31, 2009
Let's drink to 2010.Just kidding. I'm a responsible girl.
Shawty's like a melody in my head
That I can't keep out
Got me singin' like
Na na na na everyday
It's like my iPod stuck on replay, replay-ay-ay-ay <3365 days of pure awesomeness, here we come.
Oh and I need a new signature signout apparently. I see nothing wrong with it but some douchebag (not mentioning any names AHEM Roger AHEM) has issued a complaint regarding how OLD SCHOOL AND PLAIN 'xx' is. Instead, he proposed the OH-SO-UNIQUE 'you know you love me, xoxo' ...and you know the rest. == So, anyone who can think of a reasonable signout for a fresh New Year's look, please inform me. =))))
Until then,
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Before 2009 draws to a close, there's a couple of people out there who I just want to give a shout-out to, a short thankyou for the past year. (or according to Tom, the
"annual George shoutout.")These are in no particular order.
SG! Bob: everything kinda changed this year aye.. I'll miss those talks like the one after Drama Night aha.
Pat: good times in Science & PD. Especially the Summertime dance for VD!
Fred: " & in my blacking out, I think I let you down .." I'm sorry that I haven't been there much for you this year, but I really hope that everything's alright for you..
Tom: our phone rages are the best. I'm so glad that you're starting to see through everything & just know that I'm behind you all the way. Getting cakefaced by Napoleon Perdis ladies,
Jerry: METWEST DANCE - WAIT THE WHISPER, MY BEAUTIFUL RESCUE, FUTSAL - TOOHEYS XTRA DRY, KO SOCCER etc. Every year we do something worthwhile like this & I'm so grateful for it. I hope we continue all the way =)
Trang & Florence: AHAH our lovely lunchtimes just sitting near the toilets. (: LOVE YOU GUYS! <3
Tonia: OUR ADVENTURES. Making fairybread, hiding in the toliets during geo, buying chicken fillets, lil chitchats about our silly little troubles. Maybe one day we'll look back on this and laugh at how trivial they were. Your fun approach to everything is contagious & thanks for making my life colourful this year =)
CLOTH BAND.Josh: Thanks heaploads for this year! Not just for that $50 call at 12am or the ones that followed but just for supporting me all the way. You helped me realise that there's so much more out there, & that I shouldn't get all worked up about those tiny things which don't even matter (ie. calm the fk down).
PS. I'm with Optus. xDHugh: Thankyou for brightening up my mundane days (: It's been fun just to talk about random things for ages, like how shit District 9 is, Mexicans, Gingervitis etc. & METEOR SHOWER LOL. Roaming around streets at 1am in search of a meteor shower that never came - that's classic. xD
Jimmy: smart boy. I'll beat you next year ;) thanks for always being supportive.
BLACK BROS AHAH (:Murali: what would I do without those PE Secks jokes? And all that stuff about croc hunters & croc armour. Look out in the future for them croc merchandise! Just kidding (: If I ever get followed by a group of thugs I'll be sure to lead them to your house.
Bikram: I hope you're still employed. Where do you work again? Oh yeah that's right, the Australian Bedroom Performance Council if I recall correctly. Call me about that complaint again & I'll take you to court. =) Good times in Science this year with Mr. Notsew telling us to learn the evolution of vaginas from reading Zoo magazines aye. xD
ACADEMICS (:Jono Chan: My parallel evolution buddy who thinks the same way as I do. JCHAN-LOSOPHY is something that I'll always stick by (: Stop stressing so much next year okay? Take care & all the best. =D
Anthony & Chris: sorry for bombarding you guys with a zillion questions regarding exams/assos when I'm suffering a pre-examination panic attack. (: Good luck for next year!
Keith: thanks for barring me for 5 hours at a time. Kidding (:
Jason, Amol, Jaydon etc: YOU GUYS MAKE ME SMILE.
Roger: gets one all by himself because he wants to feel special. Well poserboy, you have certainly brought me a whole heaploads of laughter this year. Keep posing for Bubzbeauty & you'll become Australia's next top model! (same goes with Jason x))
whos likes the new look? ;) XD
Happy new year everyone, and stick to your new year resos okay =)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
You know what I can't stand?
THOSE DIPSHITS WHO SAY "whatever."I hate that word. It's like after everything you say, the person who you were conversing with merely shrugs you off with something that implies " frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Except even THAT would've been better altenative, as they bothered to type out 8 words instead of just ONE. And the same thing applies with those who responds with just a "meh," "idk," "k" & "lol." YOU'RE KILLING THE CONVO, SHOULD I CALL THE AMBULANCE?
Oh man. You say that to me & be prepared to be assaulted with tirades ridden with profanities in capital letters. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
But, what aggravates me even MORE (if that was possible..)is the word:
"w/e" OHHHHHMYFKNBBQTERRIYAKECHICKN. You say THAT to me & don't expect to live to the next hour. FYI, you will be tied down & be subjected to a billion volts of electricity while being shot by a volley of bullets fired at point-blank range. And that's before I douse you with petrol & CACKLE MANICALLY AS I STAND AND WATCH YOU BURN.
Yipee kay yay, motherfker.
Seriously, what kind of person says w/e. It's like, you can't even be bothered to TELL ME THAT YOU'RE NOT BOTHERED. No wonder Australia has now suceeded the throne from the US as the
KING OF THE MORBIDLY OBESE. It's cos of those little shits who 'cbf' to extend w/e to "whatever," prefering insert a stroke instead of EXERCISING THEIR FINGERS TO PRESS A FEW MORE DAMN KEYS. Tell me, is that too much work for your stubby little fingers? Is it so PHYSICALLY & EMOTIONALLY TAXING for you to type a few more letters? Is your brain capacity SO LITTLE, that it's impossible for you to process any more data (ie. 6 more characters)?
So yes. The next time you feel just a slight, teeensy wheeensy inclination to say "w/e" DON'T DO IT. Just TRY and extend it into a sentence for my sake. Pleaaase<3
tyvm kthnxbai.
Just kidding(:
Anyways, as some of you might know, I occasionally borrow school materials for educational purposes. So today, I was looking up a word in the dictionary courtesy of C16 BHHS, when I stumbled upon THIS.

James Le has made his mark in the history books. =)
I've never quite understood why they're called "pocket dictionaries." I tried squishing one of them inside my pocket today, & needless to say, IT DID NOT FIT. Sure, I understand that Asians have shallow pockets, but not even pockets as deep as the ones of Bill Gates can sustain a 12x19x4cm hardcover Macquarie Dictionary.

False advertising hmph.
Oh and, has anyone tried those "Beans Banboozled" jellybeans from Sugarfix? OMFG they are the most revolting things you will ever ingest in your life. Okay maybe not, but trust me, looks can be deceiving. They're not as friendly as they appear to be.

Anyways, the countdown to New Years is on! Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas (: Santa Claus didn't drop by this year cos he lost his GPS, but I'm sure next year, with the rapid technological development, he'll be sure to find his way to my house.
Over and out.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
I was on facebook the other day, and some horny bastards made a group (is it a group, or a fanpage, or what oO) that dedicated themeselves to finding sexual innuendos in Harry Potter books, which is quite stupid, because its either JK Rowling whos a horny woman who needs to release her hornyness in her writing for CHILDREN, or its either those lovely people out there who are just too horny for their own good, and spend their delicate time flipping through harry potter, replacing the word "wand" with "wang" and having a niceeeeeeeee little laugh to themselves and thinking themselves oh so clever.
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not PISSED about it or anything, i just find it absolutely rediculous and hilarious at the same time, because if everyone read harry potter and started reading between the lines and turning EVERYTHING into sexual innuendos, then im guessing the world would then be turned into something oh so corrupted, 2012 would be the end of the world.
Speaking of which, i havent watched 2012, so if i have all my facts wrong, dont roll your eyes and start commenting in the cbox "OH YOU IGNORANT CHILD 2012 ISNT ABOUT THAT, YOU STUPID WOMAN" because yea...
Anyways, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! hope you all get lovely presents, and sg, we need to do secret santa some time.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Why do people call others ugly? If I found out someone was calling me UGLY *&$%)#%##+!!! I'd feel so shocked. Like, aghast at the thought that someone thinks that of me.
I mean of course an exception can be made for Edward Cullen. (LOL OWNED. 10400000 results for "Edward Cullen is Ugly" on google) but I find dissing people who you know about their looks really slack.
And what about the comments made by people that are... how to put this nicely... hypocritical. Like, nobody is 100% hot? Would you say the same thing about a friend?
Anyway, doesn't it feel crap when you accidentally bar people. Almost as bad as being barred in public. I was walking back from the train station just then and on my street there were chickens walking on the side of the road randomly so I stopped to stare at them. LOL haha. There was this car about to drive past but I just wanted to stare at the chickens so I waited for it to pass. Then I thought it was driving past awefully slow but by the time I looked up it was too late -__- they had their hand outside the window ready for a Hi5 which I missed by like zonks. Woops.
Well this is probably my last post in 5 weeks because tomorrow I'm flying to Mordor. Oh booooo. Blogger and all that is censored because the orcs don't like being bitched about in front of other orcs. I might be able to send blog posts disguised as emails to be decoded and published by George but the Orcs might get me.
I can't stop thinking about how good Avatar is. WHICH REMINDS ME. When I got home the first thing my mum said was "WHAT WHY DID YOU BUY NEW SUNNIES!?" hahaahaahaha. We should all go on outings with our new sunglasses and see how many people actually notice.
CHRISTMAS JOKE OF THE YEAR:"If a turkey was able to mate with a centipede, then everyone in the village would get a leg."- the Vicar of DibleyOk after reading it it doesn't sound funny anymore..
Friday, December 18, 2009
Some people tend to dwell on other people's misery, making up lame and retarded names and bitching about them behind their backs. And i know this sounds a bit hypocritical, and i know that im a bitch, and i do that, but whatever. Im going to change, believe it or not. screw you nonbelievers, i am going to change.
Im looking forward to next year. New classes, new people, new outlook on everything.
im happy =)
tom is happy =)
ps. happy is such a happy word
pps. I sound like a teenybopper.
ppps. OHWELL =)
Thursday, December 17, 2009

The only sci fi movie worth watching.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
8 hours remaining til formal. Can't help but feel a teenzy bit jittery.
Formal was one of the best nights of the entire year falling second place to Spring Fling as a result of some dissapointing music (like Pink...? =/) and the soreness of all the chicks' feet since we kept getting caught for dancing without shoes D= But maan, what an awesome night. Tbh I don't exactly classify what we did (like running around shuffling barefoot) and how we acted as formal ladylike etiquette but whatever. Better that way right? Not caring what you or anyone looks like as long as you all look like your cokes were spiked. =)
But overall it was like the best day + next morning ever thanks to ying, tammy and everyone else.
And now i'm sad the year's over. The only year where we're old enough to do new things but not old enough for anything to matter.
p.s. If I had gladiator heels last night I would have been Xena 8(pps. Dancing with loud music is Euphoria
∞ Ode to Joy.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
If you asked me what I want the most for Christmas, I would tell you that all I want is for SG to get back together, to be like what we used to be.
Sure, we're still good friends and all, but there's no denying that each one of us has drifted off to different groups of isolated islands, scattered all over the place. I'm just awaiting that one day when maybe, all of us will drift back together to form SG again.
On a different note, everything's been happening these days! I used to sit there, moan and complain like all my other comrades at Baulko that " OH SCHOOL IS SO BORING!" but over the past few weeks this is certainly not the case.
Ever since the completion of SC, the school toilets have become a popular gathering place for those less-motivated individuals who prefer to endure the small, confined space of the cubicles as opposed to the nicely air-conditioned classrooms during those pointless school hours.
Well, I was one of those individuals, and so was Tonia. Together on one Thursday afternoon, we decided to experience the THRILL OF BLUDGING CLASS. You know, "the greatest enjoyment of life is to live dangerously!" and all that. To live a school life through the eyes of a bogan.
This was our maiden voyage, so naturally butterflies were fluttering around in our tummies as we stood in the girls toilets, wondering what we're gna do for the remainder 36 minutes. We formulated an escape plan, one of the most generic kind - which involves us pretending to take a dump and legging for it as soon as a teacher enters.
Yeah, danger is my middle name. ;)
But I swear, if being a scaredycat was an Olympic sport, we would win gold. Everytime we heard the click clack of stilettos on the pavement, I would sprint towards the nearest cubicle while Tonia dashed for the sink. This process repeated like 10 times and by the end of it we were genuinely exhausted from "the thrill of bludging class."
Exercise of the week, *tick* =)
On Wednesday, I was reminiscing childhood when out of the blue, my mind rewinded to those times of pure joy, the sweeeeeeeeeeet taste of 100s & 1000s in my mouth, and the aroma of freshly baked bread wafting up my nostrils. And I thought to myself ..
And with that, my fairybread adventure began. Armed with my faithful companion Tonia Mo next to me, we trudge along Old Nothern Road while battling the searing sunrays that beat down on us. Our destination? Coles @ Towers for bread, butter & 100s & 1000s.
Being the typical Asians that we were, we were in full support of homebrand goods that were economical in value.

Homebrand bread: $1/loaf. Homebrand butter: $1. 100s & 1000s: $1/packet. SMART BUY FO' SHO!

The return trip was even worse. We were drenched in sweat & our legs felt like jelly as we lugged 2 loafs of bread, 3 packets of 100s & 1000s & butter that was rapidly liquidfying with each step we took.
- 2 hours later (or so it seemed) -
Gretel (Betty): Oh um.. around 15 minutes?
Finally, we arrived at our destination & got to work at once. Within half an hour, we successfully made 2 loaves-worth of Fairybread. =DD Hehe, Willy Wonka should recruit us as cheap labour & even Oompa Loompas would be astounded at our rate of productiviy.
Yesterday, Hansel & Gretel went size-enhancers searching. LOL DNT JUDGE US, ALL GIRLS HAVE THEM. And we ran into Jono Chan LOL. Not that he was seeking size-enhancers too.. or was he? ;)
ANYWHO. Formal is on tonight! I'm so hyped, pumped, excited *insert a zillion other synonyms *!! I know alot of people are going on about how "it's going to be a MAJOR LETDOWN so I'm not going to get my hopes up" and all that but SCREW YOU GUYS. It's a grade-wide party & you get to see everyone all dressed up, isn't that awesome already? And the hummer ride! I'm tres excite. =D
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
It is graduation day tomorrow, and I am scared. Shitless.I’m scared of getting my report, I’m scared of getting my school certificate, I’m scared of going up there and shaking the ugly wrinkly woman’s hand as she gives me my grad cert and a fake smile, I just have the worst feeling about this ever. I think I’m just scared of getting my report. Or maybe failing school certificate. And I when I mean failing school cert, I mean getting band 5 or below, and not getting any band 6s. I hate how my life revolves around academics == I need to calm, but I can’t, and sure, everyone says that school cert ain’t important, but it still looks bad if you get shit. Oh how horrible im such a whinger.
OHEMGEE I freaking envy the people out there who get along with their siblings and are best friends WTFFFFFFFFFFF. WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR ME TO COOPERATE WITH MINE!?
You see, my mum always scolds me about our failed sisterly (more like homocidal) relationship and keeps warning me about that family where one sister killed the other while fighting over a hair straightener or something. So apparantly I'm the venomous bitch and the brat's the angel who "always tries to make amends only to be rejected by the venomous bitch."
K so. When I took my first step into the house after coming back from ballet, instead of hearing "did you dance well?" or something the first thing that gets thrown at me is "and you called ME a slut." (because i was wearing a dress and loads of makeup) right in front of my mum, who obviously liked my outfit.
The origins of this came from last week when she was complaining about how long her school dress was and wanted to have it taken up, to which i said "but you said that with my school skirt I was a slut"- trying to cut me down as always pinpointing every boy she sees me with as one of my zillion boyfriends whilst battering her eyelashes at as many males as she can. The truth is, i think I DID call her a slut once, but what she said just then was alluding to our conversation last week, and hence she was TOTALLY AND UTTERLY BENDING THE TRUTH.
So obviously, knowing how wrought with anger I can be, I stalk off and eat. Then she says "LYNETTE I NEED YOUR MASCARA TOMORROW".
But would you just grant her lowness any of her wishes right after something like that? Hell no. So instead, I say "If you really wanted to use my stuff, you'd consider what you're about to say before saying anything nasty."
"But you have to give it to me! It's for the farewell"
Then mother dog jumps in as usual.
"SEE!! what about yesterday, when you sister taught you how to use the remote? How come she agrees to help you but you never agree to help her!?"
"I'M JUST SAYING THAT she doesn't deserve it after what she said. She shouldn't just call me a slut and then expect me to give her things" (by now I'm shouting like a real bitch because I have anger management issues but I can't help it)
Then she says: "NOOO!!! I said: "and you called ME a slut", not "you're a slut!" "
Then I went through that conversation we had last week, reminding her that SHE was the one who said I was a slut because of the shortness of my school skirt and that I was merely pointing out the hypocricy in wanting to stitch up her dress.
Then mother dog pipes up again:
(sister is busy smirking at me)
Truth is, I have a feeling that somewhere deep down there's a bottle of jealousy which influences what people say to eachother, whether it nasty, fake, ingenuine, or accusational.
Ahhhh man. It's so hard to explain in detail our relationship. It sounds so damn laaaame like what a 5 year old would rant about but it bugs me like hell. True, I'm sometimes a bitch to her myself and I'm not going to pretend I'm happy and supportive of everything she does, but ooooomg.
Monday, December 7, 2009
It’s that time of the year again, when everybody just stops coming to school, and Christmas is coming, so all the Christmas decorations are up, and everything is just all colourful and nice, but then you get the mean assed people who are just sore because no one gives them presents, so they ruin it for everyone, for example, maths teachers and their stupid little maths exams that they have to set on the 3rd last day of school. Of course, not that I’m going to sit for it, seeing as id rather stay at home and eat chocolate all day and get fat. And im not going on a diet before the stupid formal, because I WILL fit into my dress, and I WON’T care what other stupid people are going to think of me because I know theyre just stupid and frankly; I. Just. Can’t. Be. Fucked.On a happier note, today our loverly VA teacher gave us all a little surprise today. We walked in the door and there was a table in the middle with little candles that spelt out “GOOD LUCK” and it was all very, very sweet. Really. I don’t know how long I’ll keep this up for, the niceness and affection I feel towards her will probably disappear after I see what a crappy mark I got from her. Yea. I think I’m the most insensitive person ever, everyone in the class was all whinging and whining about how “OMG IT’S THE LAST 10VA CLASS EVER,” but that didn’t really shock me, and I didn’t REALLY care for it much seeing as well, I DIDN’T REALLY LIKE HER, and I’m quite glad that it’s the last lesson ever. EVER. EVER. EVER.This time of the year also calls for the listing of NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS. And I know it’s a bit early, but once I start to think about making New Year Resolutions, I can’t stop thinking about it, and that I absolutely MUST make them right NOW.So here they are.1. Get over average in every single fucking subject I do next year. Fuck. There’s always something academic on the stupid list every year, but I never, ever stick to it. Not my fault I study hardcore and STILL fail. I’m just dumb. Shut up you.2. GET A JOB, AND KEEP IT. I had two jobs this year. And I lost it. No, not because I was fired, but because the pay was shit. No kidding. I had to walk all the way to eastwood just for an hour of marking homework, for 10 bux an hour. Bullshit.3. Be less bitchy. I’m a bitch, and I know it. So that’s why I’m going to try and change. And I will. So shut up you.4. Be less pessimistic. I NEED TO BE HAPPY AT EVERYTHING. FLUFFY CLOUDS. BRIGHT SUNNY DAY. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. PRETTY FLOWERS. YAY. Oh its just too hard == but I shall perservere.5. Get FIT! I am the laziest person ever. I need to take up a sport. Get rid of my unco-ness.Man there are probably more, but I just can’t think of them now. I shall post them up on new years eve, and I DON’T CARE IF IT BORES YOU. DEAL WITH IT. ASSHOLE.Just kidding. =)Moving on.Yesterday, I nearly burned down the house. I left something on the stove and COMPLETELY forgot about it. Yes, I’m a stupid stupid idiot, but I was tired and all I wanted to do was to sit in front of the TV and doze off. Which I didn’t manage to do because I was trying to figure out why the house smelled like smoke for 10 mins before I finally remembered that there was something on the stove. I then spent the next hour trying to get rid of the smell before my parents came back home. Oh I’m such a loser. and DON’T agree with that. Only I can tell myself im a loser. so shut up you.SO. What’s the stupidest thing you’ve every done?I think it’ll be interesting to know. Otherwise, if no one bothers to answer the damn fucking question, I’ll just have to get my dose of stupidity to make myself feel better at fmylife.com
Saturday, December 5, 2009
I've been wanting to post for ages but haven't had enough patience to type more than a few words before erasing the sentence & closing the window.
Or so she says anyway. Let's see how successful she will be.
Well we visited Mr. White-collar Roy last week, and despite what the majority thinks, I fervently believe that it was a shitload of fun. It seemed unreal in a way, as I would've never guessed that our cabin would bond as well as we did on that night. I always feel so warm and bubbly at camp cos it makes me realise just how lucky I am to be surrounded by such a great bunch of academics and future Nobel Prize winners. I love it.
School's weird now. Every morning I find myself flipping a coin to decide whether I should persevere & go to school or not. But in the end I find myself walking back to my house with a gang of 10 people, all wanting to jig at my house.
Damn, my house is like the new "Jonny's house."
Typical convo at school:
A: Betty can we go to your house?
B: yeah please, your house.
At least they bothered to ask instead of BREAKING AND ENTERING. *glares at Hugh, Florence, Amol & Jason* Those fags hiked to my house WITHOUT INFORMING ME OF THEIR DEVIOUS PLANS and entered through the back door. And then they thought someone was in the shower and decided to leg it. However, their mysterious activities were soon discovered by my neighbours, who told them that " boys you better leave now, someone's watching you."
LOL *shakes head* how immature. My dad wasn't home, despite what they thought, but when he came back he noticed that the back door and the door to the guest house were all open, & the that "welcome" mat was all messed up, so he was immediately aware that someone had broken into the house. I told him what happened and he said that "what they did was TRESPASSING and if any of them ever do it again, they won't be allowed to come to my house anymore."
Yes. Watch out guys.
Ooh and I watched New Moon on Wednesday arvo with Benny, Hugh, Roger, Florence, Jason, and Jaydon. IT WAS AS CHEEEEEESY AS A CHEESE CAKE, or a "cheesy mac" like Hugh says. It was basically 398409845 re-runs of
- Cue the vomit-
The whole Twilight hype is making me sick. Those countless posters of Robert Patterson caked in glitter makes me wanna bolt towards the nearest bathroom & puke more than a bulimic teenage girl. The mere sight of those "team Edward" & "team Jacob" shirts are enough to blind & scar me for life. You know the other day, I picked up the latest issue of Girlfriend magazine for my occasional intake of bogan culture .. AND GUESS WHAT.

WTF. I pulled out a few quotes here and there, just for your pleasure.
" But then maybe that's the thing about love - smarts go out the window when passion consumes you, (and you get the chance to kiss Edward). Yup, love can throw your world upside down, but that does't mean you have to go into melt-down, Bella-style!"
"Humans have been obssessed with finding their one true love since, well, forever & thanks to a little book called Twilight, the totaly obssessive, all-encomapassing love between Edward & Bella, the great love debate has ignited all over again."
I also became acquainted with a couple of terms.
Robssessed - Robert Patterson obssessed.
Team Switzerland - midway between Team Jacob/Edward. AND GET THIS, they listed all the pro's & con's for each guy.
"The AH-MAZING stuff for edward: he is totally protectve of his GF, he doesn't drink Bella's blood, even though he really, really wants to, coz he loves her so much, his kisses are literally swoon-worthy, he sparkles - we like sparkly things, he is uber-rich (not that we're superficial or anything. But who woud'nt want an endless supply of money?!)"
"The sucky stuff for Ed: He's waaaaay too controlling. He breaks her haert in the process (FAIL!). He is kinda pasty & wears lipstick. His touch is icy-col. SOrry Bella, but this just wouldn't be fun. He's 108 years old."
AND THE LIST GOES ON! Everything above is word-for-word from the magazine.
The moral of the story is :
Pick up the Twilight issue of
Girlfriend if you want to
suffer severe eye damage.
Or just "for the LOLZ"
And on another note - WELCOME BACK JOSH! Haha his hair looks like a leopard skin. Just kidding =)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My mum freaking blackmails me! She's so stubborn stubborn stubborn stubborn like an annoying thing which tries to act tough when shes like a foot shorter than me and tries to use long English words. She goes: "Who's ipod is on the table in the piano room? Why is it here? (nobody responds) "well?" (nobody responds) "Are you going to get it?" "YES OMG. WHEN I GO DOWNSTAIRS I WILL CONVENIENTLY PACK IT INTO MY BAG." "NO. NOW." (nobody responds) "I'M GOING TO CONTINUE TO MAKE NOISE UNTIL YOU COME DOWN." (nobody responds) "NOW." (nobody responds) "NOW!!" (nobody responds) "I'M LEAVING THE LIGHT ON UNTIL YOU COME DOWN!" (nobody responds) "I KNOW HOW SENSITIVE YOU ARE ABOUT ENERGY! YOU'RE WASTING ENERGY!" "I know how sensitive YOU are about energy." "NAAWW! I'm not sensitive about it! YOU ARE!"
Then I let out a loooong sigh muttering nasty words and drag myself downstairs.