Saturday, November 28, 2009
Whilst on camp (which was 90% boring and 10% exhilerating as is with anything organised by the school), I noticed how crap I am at making small talk, and I envy those who do it naturally all the time, especially fellow girls. It's like they always have something to say and are never cbfed to talk even if they're bored and tired out of their wits.An extreme example is Mevandi. Yaayaaayaaaaa, it all keeps coming, the "how was your weekend", the "how are you enjoying yourself now", the "you did very well!", the politeness which never ends. How does she do it? It's like my mum at a dinner with business associates or something. And Shirely, who I swear speaks faster than that fat person from Just a Song about Ping Pong.Is this post sounding wierd? I suppose it does, considering that I have spent most of my day reading various articles in Dicky's sister's Marie Claire (which I look after like a baby since I don't want to blemish its flawlessness=)
Friday, November 27, 2009
So camp was thursday and friday, and youre probably expecting a long post about how wonderful camp was and a detailed account on every single shitty little thing, but i wont post about camp, because honestly, camp was pretty much stupid and pointless and i wish i faked sick and stayed at home. seriously.
So instead of telling you all about camp, im going to tell you all about my dream. and it was a nice dream, for once. Last night i had a dream that i was very very rich. i had my own personal chaffeur and drove around in one of those really really awesome hummer limos, and whenever i got to school half the bus bay would be taken up by my white limo, and everyone would get jealous of me. My limo even had one of those little bars with all the drinks and such, and those awesomely awesome tinted windows, so i can see you, but you cant see me. and i know, i know, you can get stupid tinted windows on normal cars, big deal. but ive got a limo, and you dont, so tough luck, and i also live in a huge huge mansion, victorian style, with all antique furniture, big, big, chandeliers, and my own personal butler. Do you? no you dont.
Maybe its a sign that ill be super duper rich when i grow up and everyone shall be jealous of me, and all the stupid people that i dont like will just jump into a hole and die because i dont like them and i rule the world.
Man, i am so bitchy it digusts me.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I'm so happy! I know it's just school sport and all but STILL WE WON YAY! And I hit 2 homeruns too, haven't batted like that for ages. Sydwest is on Friday but I have camp =( bummer. Ahhh I'm going to miss sport next year!
CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP CAMP! I swear the teachers strategically placed certain people into groups. Very well informed they are, I must say.
lol as you can probably tell I'm on quite a high atm.

Boost has certainlly got it right this time. Gotta love life. <3>
I'm feeling totally sick in the stomach and stoned.
NTS: should NEVER use blood donation as an escuse to eat copious amounts of thins, twisties and sour cream and onion chips and then fall asleep for 2 hours.
Nevertheless it doesn't hurt to tell the parents you're feeling rather weak.
Friday, November 20, 2009
It has occured to me that the "lovelies and uglies" at BOKKAM HIEWW HAII are indeed so cut off from the rest of civilization that to other people, we are like a different species.
- "I'm quite competent! In fact, I'm in a relationship right now!" says a young one one day.
- "Really?! I've never seen you with her" I reply.
- "Oh.. that's because usually I ignore her. BUT..... that's only when we're with other people.. in public"
- "..... ok now is this a real relationship?"
- "Yeah it is, in fact it's only my second real relationship. Well... I've been in other... 'flings'"
- ("wtf")
- "So have you ever dated anyone?"
- "No"
- (Eyes widen) "WHAT.... ARE YOU SERIOUS!? YOU!!! You're in YEAR 10"
- "Yes, what, is there like a social expectation where 'everybody in year 10 must have dated at least one person'?"
- "No."
- "What, so... you're saying that people should get into relationships for the sake of it."
- "Oh my gosh you are SO naiive!"
or something. But does this other flingy version of highschool life seem at all ethical? Hm.
∞ <3
Thursday, November 19, 2009
If I don't say this now I will surely breakAs I'm leaving the one I want to takeForgive the urgency but hurry up and waitMy heart has started to separate..--TODAY was the most adventurous day of my entire high school career hehe. As most of you would know, I wasted all last night contemplating on whether I should grace the school with my presence or not .. but being the good girl I am, this morning I found myself putting on my familiar school shirt & 2nd-hand skirt & hiking towards Baulko armed with nothing but a lunchbox, mobile phone and wallet.*shakes head* sometimes you just can't break old habits.So then, after enduring two periods of excessive calculations while using a+d(n-1) and various other formulas, Edmund, Hugh, Florence and I decided that we had enough of this "star student" bullshit and that we should all leg it to my house.And so we did. The 15min stroll seemed like the Kakoda track, and finally, battered and beaten after combating the 45 degree incline leading up to my house, we arrived at UTOPIA! We watched Jumper, while Edmund raided every single cupboard present within my kitchen, took 2 showers and ransacked my bedroom. Then Bob and Katya came door-knocking to join in the fun as well (:While we were chillaxing, they were all complaining that I turned the aircon settings to HEAT, when the culprit was so obviously Hugh. Then this evil mastermind flicked all the switches on and off in a rapid succession, and consequently my dad just came home and informed me that our AIRCON IS NOW BROKEN DUE TO MYSTERIOUS REASONS. >_>GG to me this summer.At 1 o'clock, ie. the HOTTEST PART OF THE DAY, we decided to stealthily sneak back to "the jail" before our lack of presence is realised. I could literally feel my skin BURNING as we marched and I swear you could've fried an egg, or two, or three .. on it. (hey look that's a series!) Then time came for period 8. Being the lazy dolebludgers Edmund, Hugh, Benny, Flo and I are, we once again found our asses glued to the seats and refusing to move to our respective science rooms. However, this time we weren't so lucky and were discovered quite quickly by none other than Mrs. Doowrah who accused us of "fractional truenting" or some other allegations of the sort. This then sent us scurrying back into our classes with me getting busted by a sub teacher who said that " I'll (she'll) do something about this." Oh great. And on another note, I discovered today that the mentor responsible for getting me through the English HSC is Mr. Drofrehtur. Whenever I tell someone that, they snort and burst out in uncontrollable laughter. I think I know what this means - wave goodbye to HSC & ATAR. Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll have an asterix where my ATAR mark should be and receive free drinks at pubs. But I mustn't get my hopes up.xx.betty!
∞ Formal
Monday, November 16, 2009
With the formal rapidly approaching, I embarked on a journey today to look for a formal shirt for my friend at Towers. =) It made me realise HOW MANY DIFFERENT KINDS OF GUY SHIRTS THERE ARE, with different cuffs, collars, stripes with varying thickness and distances between each stripe, colours and SHADES of colours etc. And once you sort that out, there's the tie too. O_O Good lord. And I thought being a girl was hard.
Well actually, being a girl is just as equally hard. I was abit worried that I'd have to turn up in my PE uniform a la Murali, but thankgoodness that's no longer the case. And may I make it exceptionally clear that whoever has my dress on the night will not live to see the 15th of December. Nah I'm just kidding. I'll just "accidently" step on the hem of their dress on the night and watch it tear away in my complete and uttermost delight. x)
Question of the day:
Should girls ask guys to formals?
Personally, I reckon the whole "asking" business is a guy's job. Yeah call me old-fashioned and lecture me for hours about the Womens Rights Movement but PSHHHHH. It's hard enough for girls to find a dress, now guys should just pop the question. 1 sentence will not kill you.
And in terms of designing formal invitations, this is what I have so far.

And you can write TO __ (insert name here)__ above the Baulkham Hills High bit. Ah I dunno I think it looks abit noob but any constructive critisism/ ideas are always welcome =)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
you know, life really sucks. and you know why it sucks? its because people like YOU, stupid two faced bastards, stupid damn liars, who think they're so superior to others, the lot. you stupid idiots.let me tell you something. youre not as good as you think you are. youre a liar, a lowlife, and fucking two faced bitch; you may look so nice and so sweet on the outside, but youre a fucking bastard inside. its like im invisible to you people. its like the whole world is invisible to you people, and you are all so immersed in your tiny little two faced world, you just fail to acknowledge those around you.your life fucking sucks. i would kinda feel sorry for you guys, if you werent so bitchy and fucking retarded.everyones like this. i could tell you all the flaws that you have, and all the fucking retarded things that you do that absolutely piss me off and make me want to rip your whole face off, and you wouldnt listen, because again, you are too immensely immersed in stupid materialistic, superficial STUPID things that dont matter to anyone but you.i hate you all.
Friday, November 13, 2009
In the Baulkham Hills High School class of ’11, we have a variety of personalities to pick from. There are a variety of a) the lovelies, or b) the uglies. We are able to offer you the finest choice of people according to your taste and style. First up, we have the a), the lovelies. Now, the lovelies are categorized into two groups. Lovelies group one is consisted of the beautiful, kind and charming young ladies and gentlemen, which not only have outer beauty, but also incorporate inner beauty. Lovelies group two is consisted of the beautiful, yet mean and ugly personalities, so that means no inner beauty whatsoever. However, each and every “lovely male or female,” comes with its very own “Baulko hates Ruse” spirit, free of charge. We regret to inform you that this spirit is unable to be removed, and we regret to tell you that no refunds or exchanges will be made once you have decided upon your product.If the lovelies section does not fulfill your requirement, we have the uglies category. We are pleased to inform you that the “uglies” section has a wider range of choice, so please feel free to take your pick. Again, the uglies section is also separated into two different categories. Uglies group one consists of those with no outer beauty, however have a sweet inside, which are bound to make the most aggressive person sweet and cuddly. We highly recommend this category, as we have an abundance, and we are sure that you will be very satisfied with the end product. Uglies group two, the last group, is the most popular of all groups. We are pleased to announce that there will be new stock coming in very soon, however, please take your pick at the following choices.Uglies Group One consists of the non existent outer and inner beauty. Again, there are a range of styles to choose from, both male and females are available. We still have incorporated the “Baulko Hates Ruse Spirit,” and we regret to inform you once again, this feature is unable to be removed.
Just wondering (since I'm a noob at computing etc)
Why do people just comment on your comments on their facebook page?
Like instead of replying by writing on your page they just reply by writing their message on their own page....?
It's so wierd and annoying sometimes. Like, they get a whole bunch of comments on their wall and you get to look rejected. Nice one. Suck up all the attention would you.
∞ Win a date with Mr. Study.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Well since school cert is over, everyone has pretty much dumped Mr. Study (except Krishna who's persevering on. Just kidding!) so now he's pretty lonely, considering what a hotshot he was just a month ago. The phrase "studying" replaced "chillin," and across the grade and 50 different nationalities, everyone wanted to win a date with him. What a bachelor.And you know what? Those people who say " oh yeah I've never dated Mr. Study" are absolute BS artists. It's impossible to get good marks without sleeping with him. It's as simple as that. And I found that out the hard way.It was back in Year 7. Good ol' year 7, when 69 was just another number in maths, when girls skirts reached down to their ankles and guys hair were free of Gatsby. Yearlies were looming overhead, and being the clueless girl back then, the word "study" never really crossed my mind. Whenever the question " did you study?" came up in a conversation, everyone would fervently shake their heads while replying in this incredulous tone " Me? Studying? NO WAY! As if I would." Stupidly, I believed them. I was so ignorant and naive, and I thought to myself " hey, no need to study cos everyone else is partying hard too!" Little did I know that, whilst I was rummaging through my Mt. Everst collection of pirated DVDs, people like NISHY were drowning in their Science notes.Needless to say, I got GG'd in the yearlies. Raped up the butt. However you wish to express "failed" in this day & age. I distinctively remember getting 69% in Geo, 66% in maths, and 65% in Science, with Ms Johns asking Harleen & Nishy..
" can these people who got above 80% please tell these 60% people how to get good marks in tests?"
while glancing at me. And then they were like " we go through the Science textbook and summarise every chapter and do all the questions in it," which was followed by my stunned silence as I realised that I haven't even TOUCHED my Science textbook during the entire year. Thankfully my yearly report wasn't THAT bad. Maths 73, Science 73, Geo 77.

So kids, moral of the story: don't believe those people who say that they don't study, because either;
1) Mr. Study is one of their ex-boyfriends.
2) they are currently dating Mr. Study
3) .. there's no option 3.
Anyways. With the onset of studying this year, I began having quite a few academic conversations with some intellects in our grade. 8) And when it came to improving essay writing, Anthony suggested that I attach a battery to my pen in order to increase my writing speed. Yeah well you know what Anthony? I take battery pens to the next level !

One battery is for wusses. With 4 batteries plus rubber, I can now write at the speed of light. E= MC squared. V=IR. A squared plus B squared = C squared.
Just kidding. After 4 lines, my hand started cramping and I had to take a break for medical purposes.
But no worries now! With the school certificate over, I can replace "study" with "chillin" once again and go to rave parties that's still dope at 3am. This is the good life. And I'm going to design the formal invitations tonight so that'll be fun. =DDDDDDOOH and today is 11/11 ! Which means at 11:11pm, it'll be 11/11/11/11 .. (ignore the 09) aha. =D For those people who fail to understand my obssession with 11:11, google it please. Apparently it means someone's thinking about you, or some guardian angel's looking after you or something LOL. Whoever sees it tonight unintentionally please tell me =)
Yay for school pride! <3
Saturday, November 7, 2009
I WANNA DO SOMETHING FOR RECO.Who's with me? (:I love some people (:
LMAOO. My sister's getting her eyebrows owned by my mother's tweezers right now because apparantly they look "bushy and uncivilized"
The poor girl.
HAHAAHHA I can't not crack up
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Well I was supposed to be posting about "DUBBO ZOO" (if you're scratching your head then TOUGH) while Noir was supposed to be returning the favour by congratulating me on my (many)epic misses at futsal buuuuttt... let's call it a truce.
Fail x_x
Let's move on.
Of course it is!
Why would you waste 5 bucks a week on the canteen which rips you off when you're going to go home soon and pig out on Aldi sour cream and onion chips anyway? If you had the option of choosing one of 3 pairs of earphones why on earth would you choose the expensive brand? Course, "you could have been spending the time you used to calculate the cheapest one earning the money instead of wasting time", but I'm temporarily fired and i'm not filthy rich orright!? Ofcourse, if you had the choice, you would spend the money on materialistic things which last rather than magnums. Duhhhh.
Let me tell you: being in debt to my mother is SHIT.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Today I watched Ms. Nikae spend 35 mins trying to google "UTUBE" on the internet, while scratching her head & wondering why there weren't any suitable results. I figured that the life of Nikae must be quite an amusing experience, filled with little wonders everyday.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Run, Lola, Run is such a coooool movie. Betchoo don't know what happens at the end 8)
I haven't really got much to say today, or haven't had much to say over the past week, and the only thing that springs to my mind is laughter. Isn't laughter the best? It's so contagious, especially when the only reason you're laughing is because you're hearing/watching someone else struggling to hold it in. (NOIR AND DICK)
I ALWAYS crack up in the middle of nothing and get things like "wtf" alllll because of remembering things that happened which brought tears (of laughter), and then I can't stop! Like it's a disease and I can't control it. And in this sense it can be SOOO damn inconvenient, ESPECIALLY when you have a hottie like NAGAH staring at you yelling
"IS THERE A PROBLEM?!?"Anyway, I'm reading old emails and old posts, and looking at old photos, and thinking to myself: we're not that boring......? Well some of this stuff is preeeettyy hilarious. Oh and I also realized: