Sometimes all these little things mess up my mind, and there are days like these where I wish there was someone who I can sit silently next to all night.. someone who doesn't really need to say much, but who I know will be there for me. And we can just.. live.
All these little things. Dancing around like fireflies.
Thanks to those people that came tonight. You guys are the best <3. Sometimes I may not say much, evident in Josh & Hugh's complaints about my "20-min-per-reply msn convos," but know that every single one of you has a special place in my heart, and that even though I don't say it often, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST & ILY ALL.
HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEN KIDS! Lock your bathroom windows!
Friday, October 30, 2009
cookies and cream icecream with greentea icecream and mango yoghurt over the top, while watching friends with the windows open, is the best combination ever. Now im meant to be doing vd right now, but really, i find having icecream and watching tv is much more satisfying.
Everyday's a great day at ______. (name removed for school reputation purposes).
Well today was certainly no exception. Let me sum it up for you guys.
First up, le mathematiques!
Josh: you know what's a joke? Me & Trang: .. Josh - struggling to think of a joke - .. GEOGRAPHY!
Recess ..
Florence: I'm like a bloody island. Jono Chan: then you can't be within 320 km of here because that's Australian waters.
.. but of course, I saved the best till last. I think a certain member of my Commerce class surely brought it home this time, my apologies to Jono and Josh. This guy, he is the reason I "LOL" every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Let's call him Mr. A.
Murali (to Mr A): What are you looking at me for? I'm not a girl ! Look over there. *points to Jenny*
Ms Pohsib: Mr. A, for the majority of this lesson I've been seeing your side profile, and when you turn around it's nice to see your face.
Ms Pohsib: Mr. A you have stuff growing out of your ears and I'm rather concerned, please remove them.
You see, Mr. A spends the entire lesson, 3 days a week with his head turned towards the backrow of girls. Too bad he's not succeeding.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
- out of nowhere, during maths -
Jono says: "i hope the new ppl won't be like neutrons in a nuclear fission reaction, splitting up the bonds that our grade has made"
ahahah Jonochan-losophy. =D
∞ Smokin' hot.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What's wong with our grade these days? All that drinking, getting smashed and smoking?
Dude, that shit aint cool.
All this time, I've been telling myself that, I'm so glad that we are so sheltered from everything, that we're so innocent. But boy, am I disillusional or what.
Monday, October 26, 2009
I am very proud of myself, because today, i went through 4 continuous 2 period exams and even missed on my beloved morning tea while getting stuck in a storeroom full of smelly books and a dirty table, writing two lovely essays on how the ctacher in the rye and its phoniness relates to james dean playing a stupid retarded idiot in a stupid retarded movie. yea.
but thats all gone, and im back from china, and im BORED of australia. no offence, and eastwood doesnt seem that asiany, its so unasiany its sad.
∞ Love Stories Never Have Endings.
Friday, October 23, 2009
These are some quotes from Mr. X
" I was at this tennis camp, and this chick liked me & that other chick liked me too. They were both good friends but I didn't know so I was just playing with them both."
" I LOVE HUGS!" *closes eyes dreamily & extends his arms for a embrace*
" Hugs are different between different people. Like a hug with your mates is just like .. a firm pat on the back. A hug with a chick friend is just like .. half awkward hug while you're trying to maintain a space between your chest and hers. But a hug with your girlfriend is like .. you can get all close and you squish her like a teddy bear."
I wonder who's Mr. X ;) 1st person who guesses Mr. X right gets a prize.
Exam's are over but for some reason, with the SC and other stuff looming over us it's not easy to feel completely at ease. It never stops.
I was eavesdropping on Savage today and I was overhearing her say stuff like "it never stops does it, it's having a negative effect on the health of the students" or something. I agree so badly. Sometimes I wish I wasn't at this school X_X. If it weren't for some cool people, it would be the biggest and lamest hole on the planet and before anyone pretends to get offended I would like to point out that
I hate the way everybody is so motivated to study study study and the way it puts pressure on me to study. It also makes me feel extremely racist.
Today I was talking to Anna about how I reckoned I understood how a lot of white people would feel since all the Asians are gonna get into Med and Law instead of the white people and in the next decade all the Doctors and Lawyers in Australia are going to be Chinese or something. Then she said quite frankly "Well it's their fault they don't try and their parents don't care."
Then at Volleyball on Wednesday somebody was being all up herself saying that they were sooooo dumb just because they were worrying about the School Certificate. FYI, just because you're in the top 0.00000001 % of the state it doesn't give you the right to call others dumb. I mean, SOMEBODY has to be in the other 99.99999999% and maybe their lives extend beyond the textbook or the calculator. or DOTA.
Even the teachers at the school bag out other kids saying their dumb and shit. We act all superior like we all have it in the bag and the others just don't have what it takes. We reckon we're the right way to go and think that all the others are going nowhere in life and will have kids at 15 or something. But really, it's just us that's out of the norm.
So what am I trying to say? I forgot, I think I lost track. Something to do with wishing I was my dog so that I would be completely naive and dumb. Then I wouldn't have to worry about life and where it's headed, yet I would still be living it and looking forward to every new day.
I HATE Epping station now. I used to enjoy sunny afternoons resting against the fence with my eyes closed with the fresh air and the magpies eating off my shoes when I buy food from Epping Bakery. Now it's a big hole (literally) underground that takes 5 minutes to get up and down looking like a set from Star Wars or futurama. The platform's like some big haunted thing where everyone's hypnotized and silent and you can hear your own breathing and you can't even have a private conversation. Fcking technology. Fcking development. The government should leave the world alone.
Something to cheer me up:
Faaaaaark. I was going to post something really cute but the pic thing's not working.
The whole world's against me TT.TT
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Isn't so irritating when you find yourself typing words.. rereading.. and then deleting words again? Especially on msn, when someone on the other side of the cyberworld can see you typing, and nothing is coming up on the screen..
Ah.. ><
On another topic, yearlies are nearly over YAY! I wanna go watch Fame ! =D or do SOMETHING this weekend. I've been less stressed about this whole yearlies business than before, but somehow, I still managed to have 3 CONSECUTIVE DREAMS about Science on last Sunday night.
1. It was after PE, I was in one of the rooms in the G-block corridor (foodtech), but somehow it was a changeroom. And Ewy and other people were there as well, and we finished the Science test in that morning. So then, being the eager, studious nerds that we are, we were in a heated discussion about whether we put C or A for question 5, when I realised that, HEY WTF I only did 2 questions! *full freakout* What happened to the rest of the paper? I don't seem to recall that I wrote anything else on it..
- wakes up, realises that the test is 2mrw, goes back to sleep again -
2. The Science test was set out in non-calc format, with all the answers in that column/table layout. I was doing all my answers in red pen, when I suddenly had a revelation .. *flips back to page 1 and sees " ANSWER IN ONLY BLUE OR BLACK PEN"* OH SHIETTTT.
- wakes up again, and discovers that science is 2mrw, and goes back to sleep again -
3. I was in my uncle's house (he's not even my uncle, but I dno in the dream I just thought he was my uncle), and I was looking through a photo album. And then while we were drinking tea and all that, he told me that when he did his school cert, CAFFEINE was tested in the Science exam. So I was like .. OMG I NEED TO GOOGLE THAT! *stressss*
- wakes up -
LOL hmm goodness me. O_O What a night.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Maybe I should finish my VD assignment, but it's a bit hard when all the questions are practically the same and the teacher hasn't sent us the information which she promised she would send to us "tomorrow". But I guess her sister was being "bridezilla" and wanting her to shave her hair. She's 30 and hasn't had kids yet so she "better get cracking!".
-- “The thoughtful designer of the twenty first century will design with integrity, sensitivity and compassion.” Consider and evaluate this statement in relation to three designers/artists, their design works and their practice that you have studied and/or researched.
A thoughtful designer of the twenty first century will design with integrity, sensitivity and compassion, their practice will displaying their thoughtful approach to design. Their final design work, as a culmination of their design process should be an embodiment of the values of the designer in their integrity, compassion for the idea they are conveying through their design, and sensitivity for their world. Designers who incorporate these three pillars of design include Sustainable Living fabrics, Yayoi Kusama and Marc Newson.
-- I don't even understand what I just wrote, but it sounds like the stuff she always writes so I should be fine.. =D
Anyways, back to writing my essay..
∞ Sing me a lullaby.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
You know how sometimes you listen a song, & it reminds you of a particular person? It's like a part of them is always with you, and there's something quite remarkable about that =)
So today, I was listening to Pitbull's " I KNOW YOU WANT ME" & my mind instantly rewinded to that maths lesson, when Josh, in amidst all the trig & algebra, suddenly pulled his chair right next to my table and started singing;
" One two three four Uno dos tres cuatro
I know you want me, want me You know I want cha, want cha I know you want me You know I want cha, want cha"
with hardcore hand gestures LOL. Very cool buddy. Two other songs include Calm the Fuck Down & Suga Suga =)
It's like how I always associate Eric with every Linkin Park & Fort Minor song I hear cos of that year 7 phrase. And how whenever I hear Weightless by All Time Low my mind immediately jumps to Fuzzy. Too Little Too Late - Jojo with all the people in the 1, 2 Step dance in year 7. Curse of Curves - Cute Is What We Aim For with Justin. Believe - Yellowcard & Accidently In Love - Counting Crows with Keith. MCR with Jimmy. You Like It Like That - Guy Sebastian with Rohan (hahah & his Spring Fling dancing/grinding). Use Me - Kid Courageous with Taylor. Arab music with Jerry LOL.
And with SG? Thunder, I Will Remember You, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, I Love You So, Feelin' Myself, POAL HAHAHA. <3 Those countless lunchtimes spent inside the music rooms & in the corridors, playing guitar & singing. I think I'll remember those moments forever.
What about the rest of you guys eh? Song associations? =)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Isn't it so ironic that we're expected to write 8 pages for VD yearly about ecologically sustainable development designs, while she prints us useless sheets in either;
a) size 60 font with extra large margins
b) size 4 with all the words huddled in one small cornerwhile the rest of the page is taken up by massive white spaces & blackened pictures which are too dark to decipher.
Good job miss. Very environmentally friendly.
Well my holidays are in full swing right now. =)
Thought of the moment: don't lose yourself in the pursuit of something else.
Hm. Isn't it so fking hilarious when people advertise their "relationship status" on social networking sites e.g. FACEBOOK or on Msn?
" Exhibit A is now in a relationship with Exhibit B"
5 people Likes This.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Half of our holidays are gone! Or, there's still half of our holidays remaining (glass half full, half empty, whatever). It's all about the attitude- optimistic thinking. ANYWAY, so, like any other day, I was in my room trying to study, and wondering how people find it so easy to concentrate for hours on end, when really, I get distracted after 15 minutes, when I heard this massive CRASH. Now, this really shouldn't affect me THAT much, because we had these roof people (3 smoking leb guys!) at my house, installing those insulation things, that the government was suggesting. But you know, I decided that I should see what was happening anyway, and discovered this: And a guy lying on the floor.. So, there goes my social life, as I have to spend THREE days with this ceiling guy, whos going to cover, cement my ceiling, and my parents don't believe that the guy should be in the house alone, although I'm meant to be in the house alone with him? The other day, I went to Parra, and really, didn't expect anything, until I walked out of Westfield and saw thousands of screaming people in yellow and blue. And still then, I didn't realise what was happening, until I saw this huge stage, a marching parade, and the Eels people getting off a bus in sunnies. Hah, back to trying to study. P.S HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARCHIT HAHA. For all those Big Bang fans =D :
Thursday, October 8, 2009
You know what's really off putting.
(forgive me I'm not trying to bitch about anyone but these occurances have accumulated along the past couple of years)
Young(er) kids sucking up to old(er) kids and trying to impress them to make themselves seem like they have heaps of hommies from older grades. Like ofcourse its all cool when you are actually friends but it's definitely not cool if you barely know them but they try and thrust themselves upon you to try and make it seem like they know you inside out.
And then its so damn funny when your friends tell you that the same thing happened to them with the same person/people. With the exact same compliments and the exact same topics of conversation. During extremely long sessions of msn-dating.
And it's also funny when they show you their vast extensive knowledge about their other "hommies" in your grade and when you never even see them interacting.
And sorry mang. It's cool that there will be more stuff to read and all, but many people would agree that sometimes less is more, meaning too much of anything cool becomes uncool. And my "physical" life is hanging by a thread, as opposed to my pumped "cyber" life which I h8!
(I realized this when I read Tammy's post bitching about her brother having not stepped out of the house since holidays began... =.=")
STUPID VD ASS! ;( How does she expect us to fill up 8 pages of questions which are all virtually the same?
Double-spacing ftw.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Another blog joining the giant "bandwagon" of blogs.
Why don't we just all join up together and make a grade blog? That would mean no more scrolling down a metre long list of blogspots clicking on every single one of them trying to find a way to procrastinate.
Freaking cyberworld -_-
Monday, October 5, 2009
" I'd like to make myself believe .. "
Of course, that's a line which many of you would recognise. I was listening to it the other day & I thought to myself ..
Is it really "believing" if you have to force yourself to do so?
–verb (used without object)
1. to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.
Hmm.. it's all in the mind. Everything's in the mind these days I reckon. If you think you feel for something, then are you not feeling it with your heart? And likewise, if you think you don't care about something, are you just fooling yourself & surpressing what you're feeling?
AH, life's a stirfry.
I think the smartest thing is to conform to JonoChan-losophy. His words are really, the wisest anyone has told me.
Oh and I was sweeping the floor & sticking to my weekly child labour routine today, when I remembered that in Josh's post he wrote "vent like a Betty." I just realised that vents are those openings in volcanoes where lava comes out from, and when you vent, it's like you're exploding with rage isn't it ? HAHAHAH I'M SO SMART ! =D Tell me you guys didn't know this.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I'm absolutely loving my holidays!
Lying on my bedroom floor listening to music and meditating is the BEST way to spend time.
You know how people keep saying that if you're not doing anything useful all the time, you're wasting the time left you have to live? Thats not true jeeeez. Enjoy school, or lack thereof, while it still doesn't count! That's what counts ;)
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Every night has a soundtrack.
- Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist.
Sometimes all these little things mess up my mind, and there are days like these where I wish there was someone who I can sit silently next to all night.. someone who doesn't really need to say much, but who I know will be there for me. And we can just.. live.
All these little things. Dancing around like fireflies.
Thanks to those people that came tonight. You guys are the best <3. Sometimes I may not say much, evident in Josh & Hugh's complaints about my "20-min-per-reply msn convos," but know that every single one of you has a special place in my heart, and that even though I don't say it often, YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST & ILY ALL.
HAPPY HALLOWEEEEEEN KIDS! Lock your bathroom windows!
Friday, October 30, 2009
cookies and cream icecream with greentea icecream and mango yoghurt over the top, while watching friends with the windows open, is the best combination ever. Now im meant to be doing vd right now, but really, i find having icecream and watching tv is much more satisfying.
Everyday's a great day at ______. (name removed for school reputation purposes).
Well today was certainly no exception. Let me sum it up for you guys.
First up, le mathematiques!
Josh: you know what's a joke? Me & Trang: .. Josh - struggling to think of a joke - .. GEOGRAPHY!
Recess ..
Florence: I'm like a bloody island. Jono Chan: then you can't be within 320 km of here because that's Australian waters.
.. but of course, I saved the best till last. I think a certain member of my Commerce class surely brought it home this time, my apologies to Jono and Josh. This guy, he is the reason I "LOL" every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. Let's call him Mr. A.
Murali (to Mr A): What are you looking at me for? I'm not a girl ! Look over there. *points to Jenny*
Ms Pohsib: Mr. A, for the majority of this lesson I've been seeing your side profile, and when you turn around it's nice to see your face.
Ms Pohsib: Mr. A you have stuff growing out of your ears and I'm rather concerned, please remove them.
You see, Mr. A spends the entire lesson, 3 days a week with his head turned towards the backrow of girls. Too bad he's not succeeding.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
- out of nowhere, during maths -
Jono says: "i hope the new ppl won't be like neutrons in a nuclear fission reaction, splitting up the bonds that our grade has made"
ahahah Jonochan-losophy. =D
∞ Smokin' hot.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
What's wong with our grade these days? All that drinking, getting smashed and smoking?
Dude, that shit aint cool.
All this time, I've been telling myself that, I'm so glad that we are so sheltered from everything, that we're so innocent. But boy, am I disillusional or what.
Monday, October 26, 2009
I am very proud of myself, because today, i went through 4 continuous 2 period exams and even missed on my beloved morning tea while getting stuck in a storeroom full of smelly books and a dirty table, writing two lovely essays on how the ctacher in the rye and its phoniness relates to james dean playing a stupid retarded idiot in a stupid retarded movie. yea.
but thats all gone, and im back from china, and im BORED of australia. no offence, and eastwood doesnt seem that asiany, its so unasiany its sad.
∞ Love Stories Never Have Endings.
Friday, October 23, 2009
These are some quotes from Mr. X
" I was at this tennis camp, and this chick liked me & that other chick liked me too. They were both good friends but I didn't know so I was just playing with them both."
" I LOVE HUGS!" *closes eyes dreamily & extends his arms for a embrace*
" Hugs are different between different people. Like a hug with your mates is just like .. a firm pat on the back. A hug with a chick friend is just like .. half awkward hug while you're trying to maintain a space between your chest and hers. But a hug with your girlfriend is like .. you can get all close and you squish her like a teddy bear."
I wonder who's Mr. X ;) 1st person who guesses Mr. X right gets a prize.
Exam's are over but for some reason, with the SC and other stuff looming over us it's not easy to feel completely at ease. It never stops.
I was eavesdropping on Savage today and I was overhearing her say stuff like "it never stops does it, it's having a negative effect on the health of the students" or something. I agree so badly. Sometimes I wish I wasn't at this school X_X. If it weren't for some cool people, it would be the biggest and lamest hole on the planet and before anyone pretends to get offended I would like to point out that
I hate the way everybody is so motivated to study study study and the way it puts pressure on me to study. It also makes me feel extremely racist.
Today I was talking to Anna about how I reckoned I understood how a lot of white people would feel since all the Asians are gonna get into Med and Law instead of the white people and in the next decade all the Doctors and Lawyers in Australia are going to be Chinese or something. Then she said quite frankly "Well it's their fault they don't try and their parents don't care."
Then at Volleyball on Wednesday somebody was being all up herself saying that they were sooooo dumb just because they were worrying about the School Certificate. FYI, just because you're in the top 0.00000001 % of the state it doesn't give you the right to call others dumb. I mean, SOMEBODY has to be in the other 99.99999999% and maybe their lives extend beyond the textbook or the calculator. or DOTA.
Even the teachers at the school bag out other kids saying their dumb and shit. We act all superior like we all have it in the bag and the others just don't have what it takes. We reckon we're the right way to go and think that all the others are going nowhere in life and will have kids at 15 or something. But really, it's just us that's out of the norm.
So what am I trying to say? I forgot, I think I lost track. Something to do with wishing I was my dog so that I would be completely naive and dumb. Then I wouldn't have to worry about life and where it's headed, yet I would still be living it and looking forward to every new day.
I HATE Epping station now. I used to enjoy sunny afternoons resting against the fence with my eyes closed with the fresh air and the magpies eating off my shoes when I buy food from Epping Bakery. Now it's a big hole (literally) underground that takes 5 minutes to get up and down looking like a set from Star Wars or futurama. The platform's like some big haunted thing where everyone's hypnotized and silent and you can hear your own breathing and you can't even have a private conversation. Fcking technology. Fcking development. The government should leave the world alone.
Something to cheer me up:
Faaaaaark. I was going to post something really cute but the pic thing's not working.
The whole world's against me TT.TT
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Isn't so irritating when you find yourself typing words.. rereading.. and then deleting words again? Especially on msn, when someone on the other side of the cyberworld can see you typing, and nothing is coming up on the screen..
Ah.. ><
On another topic, yearlies are nearly over YAY! I wanna go watch Fame ! =D or do SOMETHING this weekend. I've been less stressed about this whole yearlies business than before, but somehow, I still managed to have 3 CONSECUTIVE DREAMS about Science on last Sunday night.
1. It was after PE, I was in one of the rooms in the G-block corridor (foodtech), but somehow it was a changeroom. And Ewy and other people were there as well, and we finished the Science test in that morning. So then, being the eager, studious nerds that we are, we were in a heated discussion about whether we put C or A for question 5, when I realised that, HEY WTF I only did 2 questions! *full freakout* What happened to the rest of the paper? I don't seem to recall that I wrote anything else on it..
- wakes up, realises that the test is 2mrw, goes back to sleep again -
2. The Science test was set out in non-calc format, with all the answers in that column/table layout. I was doing all my answers in red pen, when I suddenly had a revelation .. *flips back to page 1 and sees " ANSWER IN ONLY BLUE OR BLACK PEN"* OH SHIETTTT.
- wakes up again, and discovers that science is 2mrw, and goes back to sleep again -
3. I was in my uncle's house (he's not even my uncle, but I dno in the dream I just thought he was my uncle), and I was looking through a photo album. And then while we were drinking tea and all that, he told me that when he did his school cert, CAFFEINE was tested in the Science exam. So I was like .. OMG I NEED TO GOOGLE THAT! *stressss*
- wakes up -
LOL hmm goodness me. O_O What a night.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Maybe I should finish my VD assignment, but it's a bit hard when all the questions are practically the same and the teacher hasn't sent us the information which she promised she would send to us "tomorrow". But I guess her sister was being "bridezilla" and wanting her to shave her hair. She's 30 and hasn't had kids yet so she "better get cracking!".
-- “The thoughtful designer of the twenty first century will design with integrity, sensitivity and compassion.” Consider and evaluate this statement in relation to three designers/artists, their design works and their practice that you have studied and/or researched.
A thoughtful designer of the twenty first century will design with integrity, sensitivity and compassion, their practice will displaying their thoughtful approach to design. Their final design work, as a culmination of their design process should be an embodiment of the values of the designer in their integrity, compassion for the idea they are conveying through their design, and sensitivity for their world. Designers who incorporate these three pillars of design include Sustainable Living fabrics, Yayoi Kusama and Marc Newson.
-- I don't even understand what I just wrote, but it sounds like the stuff she always writes so I should be fine.. =D
Anyways, back to writing my essay..
∞ Sing me a lullaby.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
You know how sometimes you listen a song, & it reminds you of a particular person? It's like a part of them is always with you, and there's something quite remarkable about that =)
So today, I was listening to Pitbull's " I KNOW YOU WANT ME" & my mind instantly rewinded to that maths lesson, when Josh, in amidst all the trig & algebra, suddenly pulled his chair right next to my table and started singing;
" One two three four Uno dos tres cuatro
I know you want me, want me You know I want cha, want cha I know you want me You know I want cha, want cha"
with hardcore hand gestures LOL. Very cool buddy. Two other songs include Calm the Fuck Down & Suga Suga =)
It's like how I always associate Eric with every Linkin Park & Fort Minor song I hear cos of that year 7 phrase. And how whenever I hear Weightless by All Time Low my mind immediately jumps to Fuzzy. Too Little Too Late - Jojo with all the people in the 1, 2 Step dance in year 7. Curse of Curves - Cute Is What We Aim For with Justin. Believe - Yellowcard & Accidently In Love - Counting Crows with Keith. MCR with Jimmy. You Like It Like That - Guy Sebastian with Rohan (hahah & his Spring Fling dancing/grinding). Use Me - Kid Courageous with Taylor. Arab music with Jerry LOL.
And with SG? Thunder, I Will Remember You, Boulevard of Broken Dreams, I Love You So, Feelin' Myself, POAL HAHAHA. <3 Those countless lunchtimes spent inside the music rooms & in the corridors, playing guitar & singing. I think I'll remember those moments forever.
What about the rest of you guys eh? Song associations? =)
Monday, October 12, 2009
Isn't it so ironic that we're expected to write 8 pages for VD yearly about ecologically sustainable development designs, while she prints us useless sheets in either;
a) size 60 font with extra large margins
b) size 4 with all the words huddled in one small cornerwhile the rest of the page is taken up by massive white spaces & blackened pictures which are too dark to decipher.
Good job miss. Very environmentally friendly.
Well my holidays are in full swing right now. =)
Thought of the moment: don't lose yourself in the pursuit of something else.
Hm. Isn't it so fking hilarious when people advertise their "relationship status" on social networking sites e.g. FACEBOOK or on Msn?
" Exhibit A is now in a relationship with Exhibit B"
5 people Likes This.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Half of our holidays are gone! Or, there's still half of our holidays remaining (glass half full, half empty, whatever). It's all about the attitude- optimistic thinking. ANYWAY, so, like any other day, I was in my room trying to study, and wondering how people find it so easy to concentrate for hours on end, when really, I get distracted after 15 minutes, when I heard this massive CRASH. Now, this really shouldn't affect me THAT much, because we had these roof people (3 smoking leb guys!) at my house, installing those insulation things, that the government was suggesting. But you know, I decided that I should see what was happening anyway, and discovered this: And a guy lying on the floor.. So, there goes my social life, as I have to spend THREE days with this ceiling guy, whos going to cover, cement my ceiling, and my parents don't believe that the guy should be in the house alone, although I'm meant to be in the house alone with him? The other day, I went to Parra, and really, didn't expect anything, until I walked out of Westfield and saw thousands of screaming people in yellow and blue. And still then, I didn't realise what was happening, until I saw this huge stage, a marching parade, and the Eels people getting off a bus in sunnies. Hah, back to trying to study. P.S HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARCHIT HAHA. For all those Big Bang fans =D :
Thursday, October 8, 2009
You know what's really off putting.
(forgive me I'm not trying to bitch about anyone but these occurances have accumulated along the past couple of years)
Young(er) kids sucking up to old(er) kids and trying to impress them to make themselves seem like they have heaps of hommies from older grades. Like ofcourse its all cool when you are actually friends but it's definitely not cool if you barely know them but they try and thrust themselves upon you to try and make it seem like they know you inside out.
And then its so damn funny when your friends tell you that the same thing happened to them with the same person/people. With the exact same compliments and the exact same topics of conversation. During extremely long sessions of msn-dating.
And it's also funny when they show you their vast extensive knowledge about their other "hommies" in your grade and when you never even see them interacting.
And sorry mang. It's cool that there will be more stuff to read and all, but many people would agree that sometimes less is more, meaning too much of anything cool becomes uncool. And my "physical" life is hanging by a thread, as opposed to my pumped "cyber" life which I h8!
(I realized this when I read Tammy's post bitching about her brother having not stepped out of the house since holidays began... =.=")
STUPID VD ASS! ;( How does she expect us to fill up 8 pages of questions which are all virtually the same?
Double-spacing ftw.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Another blog joining the giant "bandwagon" of blogs.
Why don't we just all join up together and make a grade blog? That would mean no more scrolling down a metre long list of blogspots clicking on every single one of them trying to find a way to procrastinate.
Freaking cyberworld -_-
Monday, October 5, 2009
" I'd like to make myself believe .. "
Of course, that's a line which many of you would recognise. I was listening to it the other day & I thought to myself ..
Is it really "believing" if you have to force yourself to do so?
–verb (used without object)
1. to have confidence in the truth, the existence, or the reliability of something, although without absolute proof that one is right in doing so: Only if one believes in something can one act purposefully.
Hmm.. it's all in the mind. Everything's in the mind these days I reckon. If you think you feel for something, then are you not feeling it with your heart? And likewise, if you think you don't care about something, are you just fooling yourself & surpressing what you're feeling?
AH, life's a stirfry.
I think the smartest thing is to conform to JonoChan-losophy. His words are really, the wisest anyone has told me.
Oh and I was sweeping the floor & sticking to my weekly child labour routine today, when I remembered that in Josh's post he wrote "vent like a Betty." I just realised that vents are those openings in volcanoes where lava comes out from, and when you vent, it's like you're exploding with rage isn't it ? HAHAHAH I'M SO SMART ! =D Tell me you guys didn't know this.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I'm absolutely loving my holidays!
Lying on my bedroom floor listening to music and meditating is the BEST way to spend time.
You know how people keep saying that if you're not doing anything useful all the time, you're wasting the time left you have to live? Thats not true jeeeez. Enjoy school, or lack thereof, while it still doesn't count! That's what counts ;)
∞ About me
A few nice people.
Angela (Tom), Lynette (Jerry), Emma (Bob), Eugenia (Pat), Anna (Fred) and Betty (George)