Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Being a contributive and helpful person is hard work. Especially when you're one of the only people willing to take more time and effort in order for the whole group to get better results.
Sometimes I wish I was a big fat cheapscape, like someone who would do the absolute minimum, and then run off knowing they're going to do cool anyway while they spend quality time with their eyes NOT glued to the screen.
But nooooo... i always open my fat mouth and volunteer to do this and that. And take charge of this and that. and I suffer the consequences. I guess that's the right way to go about things, but seriously, I wish I never tried so hard, its just not worth it.
Just in case some people think this is just about work and assignments and what not, its about life in general.
YAY MORE COMMENTATING!-------------HOWS SCHOOL AND AUSTRALIA EVERYONE! I missed the dust storm, I find that pretty sad, [it was pretty cool despite the continuous specks of red dust that kept flying in my eye. i even expected my shower water to turn orange when i was washing my hair, but it didnt.] and its been raining nearly everyday over here. China is great, apart from the fact that i cant access blogger or youtube, which means that I have to send fatty patty [ =OO YOU'RE the glutton that couldn't stop talking about food in your last post!] my blogpost and then she has the fun of putting commentary on it [yes, it is very fun =) ]and making me sound oh so stupid xP [ahaha yeah right! you just sound stupid cos i'm oh so smart xPP]Ah, blog later. I cant think of anything to blog about. Ohwell =) BYE!-------------well that was awesome fun once again. =)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
I don't get it.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Phobia: - an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations;
My cousin was scared of weeds. We went to this toboggoning (tobbogonning? whatever, you get the point) place where you sit on those things and you have a remote joystick and toboggan down a metal slide and you can control how fast to you etc.. and he refused to go on it just because the ride up had weeds along the track.
My friend is scared of Woody. You know, the cowboy from Toy Story. let me explain. She once had a nightmare that she was sleeping and opened her eyes, and Woody was there standing right beside her bed with his eyes staring at her over the side of the bed.
So i was talking to her casually on msn when she spammed me with:
_____ , says:
(the print screen is unreadable)
then came...
______ , says:
and while i try to calm her down and ask her what it was:
______, says:
. . . . ?
ANYWAY! So i was just wondering if any of you guys had weird and wacky phobias? =DPS: go watch the youtube link if you want and see if it freaks you out.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sometimes I catch myself going along with the bitching/joking just for the sake of keeping the conversation going because I don't like being a party pooper, when sometimes most of the stuff that's being said is totally exaggerated.
Like Theta coming to our school. There's so much talking about him being arrogant/tryhard/etc right? And because of what certain people say about him, even just from seeing him from a distance people feel obliged to say stuff like "what a prick" etc or "Kenny the II" (inc. me at one point but I take it back because that would be tooootally insulting right? jk)
That made me realize how two faced I/we am/are being, since we're actually pretty cool with eachother.
So maybe we should tolerate before forming negative stereotypical images in our minds.
I think most of the time we bitch because it provides entertainment. We shouldn't, but we can't help it sometimes, and sometimes it feels good to let out some steam.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Sorry to shat on your post Tom + Pat's lovely commentary, but I felt like blogging too so here it is =)
Two days ago, I was on the verge of overstressing. It just irritates me that I just can't help but overanalyse, overthink, and end up wasting all my effort on something that wasn't even remotely important. I was almost up to the point of having an OCD with studying.
I seriously felt like ripping everything to pieces and just sleep. Sleep it out.
But then someone kinda put it all in perspective for me. That all these self-imposed expectations were sending me spiralling downhill. That we were only in year 10, and I was pulling my hair out for something that doesn't even count towards next year, let along the rest of my life. That life wasn't just about waking up at 4am and studying.
That helped. I felt alot better today, not as freaked out as I was before - so thanks alot bro. =)
I'm starting to sense that everyone else is fed up with everything too. Like today in Maths, when Jono Wang told me he just wants to drink.
I kinda agree with him.
But don't worry kids, I'm not about to get smashed any time soon.
YAY FREEEEEE (for now).
∞ update from CHINA!
okay so here's a post from tom who is in china currently so me (pat) is being her messenger. yay. BUT i'm going to provide exclusive commentary on her posts in brackets and in italics, just so you know. and so you dont get confused =) enjoy!
its so fascinating! CHINA DOES BAN BLOGGER! [hallelujah for PAT the hero] and whenever i try and go on s2-sg it comes up with "internet explorer cannot open this page" but in chinese, which is really really wierd. and everything here is in chinese, and its awesome cos i can understand everything xD [lol and I can't... cos all i can read in chinese is ONE TWO THREE]
also, the maccas here have MANGO PIES instead apple pies! [lol bob!] and its funny, but they dont have rice, but they have the japanese style garlic chicken bun, which i have to try cos its got chicken, egg and lettuce and stuff LOOKS SO YUMMY. and then they have slushys with icecream on top, and icecream cones that have green stuff around the icecream, so AWESOME.
and everyone goes on about how its so stupid and polluted and stuff, and yes, it is kinda polluted, but its nice here. hmph. oh and, the cars dont stop at the pedestrian crossing, so its jwalking everytime you gta cross the road. but its awesome nonetheless. [pshh wont be awesome if you get hit tom]
im having so much to eat here. [ahem! GLUTTON] its awesome. [suuure, and so is obesity... KIDDING!]
anyways, I MISS AUSTRALIA, AND BAULKO PEOPLE [aha! thats me, obviously] AND DOM!
cept i missed out on science. xD gooddddyyyyy [== ew science was horrible]
haha commentating is awesome fun =)
Saturday, September 19, 2009
china bans blogger.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
At Gwood on Wednesday we experienced a quite confronting expression of friendship from a Gwood chick.Let's decribe her first: BoganKinesthetics: Walking around drunkedly like on drugsNumber of chromosomes: probably 47 8)So you can imagine how wary we were of her when she walked right infront of us and started shouting things like "HELLOOO HEEEEY EVERYONEEE!! HI FIVE" (which ofcourse, she got rejected by a year 11 baulko chick who brushed right past and kept walking)Then you can virtually see the storm clouds brewing in the bogan chick's eyes and she follows her from behind and literally breathes down the year 11 chic's neck "you're a BITCH, did you know that? You're a BITCH! BITCH!!! YOU BITCH!"Then after the crowd of baulko girls walks past, more shouting in drunk voice: "You're not welcome into our school anymore!!!... BITCH!"Yep.
∞ wish i could shut my playboy mouth
Sunday, September 13, 2009
How can I possibly express my hate for a certain song/songs? by puking?The biggest turn off is the fact that this song reckons its gorgeous or something, like anyone who listens to its beautifully pussy melody is going to be hypnotized by its tune. [gag]What's also gross is its attempt to go fully out of tune in an effort to create the illusion of a "cute innocent young girl singing beautiful sad song"Oh oops, I'm sorry, or maybe it's just that you can't sing.(It's so obvious which song I'm bitching about right?)It is: The Last Day On Earth- Kate Miller-Heidke
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Today was the second day of work exp, and due to my misfortune of missing the bus which i could go on for FREE, i had to pay 1.60 to cartch a train to macq. really, im such a stingy person, its quite retarded really.
So George went to the MENSWEAR SECTION with all the pics of half naked men with mossimo and calvin klein undies and everything, and andrew tsui went to books because app "they were so impressed with him they wanted him back" and i went to Bags and jewerlly, and it was much better than yesterday, when i was folding little kiddies clothes == yesterday this asian lady came up to me and asked if we had anymore size 16 pants, because her "little yr 5 boy is too big to fit any size lower" and i immediately thought of CELIA"S BROTHER because of the fac that i think hes quite ahem chubby. it was weird and she ended up not buying anything ==
today however, i had the most eventful and joyous day. NOT. although i got to see all the new designs and stuff, and put up all the lvoerly jewlerry. And the nice ladies told me that they were impressed with me because i "showed initiative" and she called me her little treasure =) much better then the childrenswear people, "OI WORK EXP GIRL PUT THE CLOTHES ON THE RACKS"
overall today was alright. kinda. at least my feet didnt hurt, unlike yesterdays when all my toes were squisahed together because my heels were too tight or something.
Monday, September 7, 2009
And my quads were aching when I walked home. (Yet I felt so useless doing my "work")
Faaarout, work experience is so monotonous it canes!
Ok i'll attempt to quickly recount the events of my day.
I basically spent the whole day
- cleaning up after smokers and washing dishes.
- Sweeping the floor
- Folding paper napkins into triangles (I folded the whole frkn packet of like 20000 or something)
- Folding around only 57489376 flat cardboard things into takeaway boxes
- Occasionally being asked to give people their food. Man, it's so scary, especially when you have like 3 cups of Latte on a tray. I had to walk at 0.0001 metres per second like some special ed and when I lifted one cup off it would spill into the plate -.-
- Being force-fed Lebanese food. Don't get me wrong, it was EXTREMELY yummy especially the Kashba and the women were really generous but once you get past a certain amount of melted-cheese and pastry all you can think about is... puke! Then there was this one time when the woman (Diala) accidently served a big man the wrong type of pastry thing for lunch and when I gave it back to her she asked me if I wanted it and ofcourse I said yeah ;) Halfway through that I felt freaking seasick or something (even though the first 5 bites or so were heavenly). Then this other woman (Nina) came into the kitchen and for her own snack she scooped a whole cup of avocado cream or something and kept feeding me spoonfuls telling me it was delicious. (Ofcourse I had to keep opening my mouth like a toddler and then making the "that's gold" facial expression like avocado cream was the nicest thing on the planet)
Somebody who worked a restaurant, PLEASE tell me you did something of the sort, coz 5 days of non-stop standing....well look who's going to cross off Hospitality and Tourism...
Lebanese people are so loud outgoing, and I felt so out of place considering they were gossiping and giggling in Leb most of the time and when they tried to tell me to do something I always had to make them repeat it. Thus my name now is supposedly "Lehna" because "Zat iss ezierr tu pronounce"
Tomorrow my working hours are 4 to 8 pm because that's when the place is supposedly not as big a nigel.
Until then,
Saturday, September 5, 2009
WHOS GOING TO SPRING FLING?Our posts are getting shorter..
I wish. I would be happy if I got paid like 50 cents. So basically, that's what I'm going to look like for 5 days in a row. I bought all the clothes today! Fkn $63 shirt from Cue. == And the lady said to wear flat shoes but then according to my dad " flat shoes are not pretty! you have to wear heels."
So now I'm stuck with 9.5cm heels. No joke. Unless my ruler lies.

So if some rapists are hiding behind the cosmetic's section, waiting to pounce on the nearest girl then I'm fked. Right now I can barely manage 0.00000000000009km/hr.
I'm looking forward to this though. =)
Have fun everyone! Come visit me if you can =D
Friday, September 4, 2009
∞ Just a little thought.
I wish you'd try to save me,
your silence makes me crazy.
It takes a lot to say that something is fate,
I kind of know where you're headed.
Am I too up front, or am I just on time?
Well where is your head at?
And there is something in your face
that pulls me far enough away.
I guess that I always knew
that I'd find you when I thought
I reached my point, I let them down.
I slept in the worst part of this town.
You are my song, and you are where I want to be.
I don't know why I bother. I don't know why I care.
I don't even know what I'm looking for.
I don't understand ..
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I am such a dumbshit for choosing VA and VD together, especially VD because of that son of a bitch nikae and her silly little words and such.
oh and,
Guess whos legalllll =)))
∞ my sorrys and thank yous =)
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
It seems like I've been saying sorry I lot these days..
I know a lot of people think that, "Oh, you act nice and innocent because y're an attention seeker". "You don't hang out with us because you think you're too cool for us". "You act cute and annoying to get attention" and a lot of other things I know people think about me. But, let's get thinkgs clear - I do and say things without meaning it in any other way and some people just take it the wrong way and miunderstand, through no fault of their own. I think people tend to think too much about some things - if someone wears something different, they're regarded as a show-off, if someone says something, others take it the wrong way and she's labelled a bitch. I guess it's a natural human instinct to find a reason or make an excuse to hate, gossip about, avoid. But you need to look beyond the not-so-pretty face, the 'bitchy' attitude, or the different-from-normal voice. When I tell people this, they say,?But I already know that person and she's so bitchy and up herself." Well, I ask you, "Do you
really know them?" And this is coming from the fat little girl with the strange, high voice who used to get bullied - yours truly. =P Maybe it's my first-hand experiences of bullying that have made me a more understanding (sometimes) and empathetic person. If so, I'm glad for it. =)
These days I've been feeling shit and moody because of certain things so maybe others are taking it the wrong way, But I'm not angry at you, nor do I think about you in a bad way, so I'm so so so so so sorry. And you know who you are.. Even though I've said sorry so many times, I still feel bad and I don't know how to make it up to you =( Sorry sorry sorry.
It's strange. a year ago, maybe even a couple of months ago, if I knew someone hated me, I would have just tried to ignore it and "sweep it under the carpet", so to speak. But God works in ways I would never have expected.. and He sent someone into my life to change the mentality I've had for my (very-short) life. Even though things happened, or things didn't happen, depending on how you see it - happiness, laughter, sadness, tears - (and so sorry my lovely Tonia for waking you up.. ><) what I got out of it is something that is so precious to me - the courage to finally confront problems when they arise. Which is why I was able to say sorry to a lot of people and clear up certain misunderstandings..There are still some things I don't know if I can fix but I'll try my best. So thank you to this person for making me a better person and for making me realise who I am. You probably don't care anymore, but I am really really grateful for you. Thank you thank you thank you.
EDIT: Actually, I think I
will remain anonymous.. ><