Monday, August 31, 2009
Yeah whatever. Time for Boganville. =\
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Guess who spent the entire assembly and lunch time huddled under the soundroom table shoutwhispering swearwords into the sleeves of her jumper.
I guess sometimes we try so hard to make things enjoyable that in the end, it creates the opposite effect.
Quote of the year:
"You tried and you failed. Moral of the story: don't try"
∞ Have a heart.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I've learnt a few things over the past couple of weeks.
1. Don't lead people on if the feelings aren't mutual.
2. Don't get someone's hopes up if you're only going to let them crash down again.
3. Don't be ignorant and naive - listen to what everyone else around you have to say. Sure, sometimes their individual opinions may starkly differ from your beliefs, but when the majority all share those common opinions, you know something's up.
4. Don't always think you know that person best, because looks can be deceiving.
5. Don't be a sucker for a sweet talker.
Every one of us can't help but experience the above 5 points.How do you know whether someone is truthful to you? How do you pick out the real deal from the countless fakes? What does the word "trust" mean to you? What about friendship?
Sometimes we waste our time, pursuing the impossible in hope for a miracle. We cling desperately onto that small piece of hope, telling ourselves that it's all worthwhile, that it's all coming alive. We lose all sense of rationality, our minds clouded by what we wish to see.
So what is it? The cliched "listen to your heart" or the more rational "change your mentality"approach?
As you can see, I'm kinda all over the place.. partially because I woke up so damn early this morning (not to do maths) and now my eyelids are becoming heavier and heavier..
OH AND, all this didn't happen to me directly, but indirect experiences do leave their mark.
Now aside from all of that, I'm quite happy with everything. =) I was going to post up pictures of the MATHS COMMON today but *yawn* it's past Vincent's bedtime & I think I shall follow his lead and sleep early.
And wake up at 4am to do maths. What, haven't you heard? That's the new trend.
Just kidding ! :) goodnight all.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
"I have been crying actual tears over that ass, and he's kissing randoms"
∞ VA wins
Friday, August 21, 2009
This arvo I was eating an orange and I was just about to take a bite out of the 3rd slice when I noticed that there was a hole in it. Then I peeped into the hole and saw an ant-like thing which appeared to be dead. So I decided to break apart the orange so that I could flick it out and continue eating.
To my horror, the small black thing which appeared to be dead was actually the head of a caterpillar, and it wasn't dead, in fact knowing that its hiding place was being bulldozed by the knife it started its fleeting exit towards the rear of the orange where half of its disgusting squirmy body was hanging out of already.
With a swift slice i cut open the orange and flicked the caterpillar into the burning orange acid and watched as slowly the squirming ceased. But then I was overcome with guilt and grief, so i pulled it out and took it outside and put it on a leaf where it regained consciousness.
The end.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
English is the stupidest language ever.I don't understand why we have to try to sound so SOPHISTICATED, when in fact something you're trying to say could be conveyed in a few simple words. We should all follow the footsteps of this guy instead !

HAHA. Murali you're a legend =)
See, although informal and non-sophisticated language is utilized here, we understand 110% what he's trying to express - English is just plain stupid and crazy
The other day, I was flipping aimlessly through a dictionary (yeah I know I have too much spare time). THEN I CAME ACROSS..

See, you do learn something new everyday =) Dedicated to my beloved bros at RRR
And finally.. last night I was reading Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult & was slowly drifting off to sleep until my eyes stumbled upon ..

I would surely pay to go to this yoga class of Bikram's.
=D Have fun studying maths people !
Ps. correct me if I'm wrong, but apparently in "Pleasantville" - the movie watched by Carian's class, one of the characters is called Betty and she's married to George ! =D And apparently there's a scene where Betty's like .. hm yes .. being abit inappropriate.. >_>
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Being girls, we tend to overthink things- to the point where all we do is think and think and go around in circles and not resolve anything. Damn, it's so frustrating ;(
To do VA or not to do VA. I certainly wouldn't enjoy copious amounts of "Historical Critical Analitical *other "icals"* study. SUBJECTIVE FRAME. CULTRUAL FRAME. STRUCTURAL FRAME. POSTMODERN FRAME. CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. I'm so over that crap. Yet after these many years I still don't seem to understand any of it.
Also, it pisses me off to see something like, a blank piece of paper with like, a scribble in the middle being displayed in the Art gallery. I should totally get a canvas and write in capital letters "THIS IS ART" in the middle for my year 12 major work, and then I'll get 50/50 because it "challenges the conventions of the visual society and questions our perception of art itselt..." or some shit.
So. Nothing to build on there.
And they, since they were not the one dead,
turned to their affairs. "
I'm happy atm.
Just, pure and blissfully happy.
Tis a good feeeling.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Quote of the day:"ockay beee quite ! kif put dat chair dowwwn! jonorfen and bayoo SITTOWN!!"ROLL ON FLOOR LAUGHING MY ARSE OFF!!!!
I never thought I'd be saying this buuuuuuut...
We never appreciated Ms Gnow for all the muffled laughter he brought us back in the good old days sitting in D14 in "alfabettttikkal order" or in C6 on the computer with "Audaaii cittee" or in D13 where:
"Garely! YUU FAIL!!"All we ever seemed to do was critisize him for his lack of teaching skill or for giving us that shit mark for that vid we spent weeks making. I mean, even my parents couldn't stop laughing at the Art Show when he was conducting his choir with his tail coat. But honestly, he was so kind and tried so hard to share with us his appreciation of music and spread it around the school.
So today, before the Big Game, the plan was to look and act like Special Eds so that the opposition would underestimate us and then WALLAH. In their face.
Sadly, halfway during the game, we were hit with the realization that we were never acting.
∞ To be a beast or not to be, that is the question.
Friday, August 7, 2009
"The word 'butchered' also
possess animal connotations and exposes the indelible bestiality within humanity... "
After receiving my much-anticipated essay this morning, I consulted Sweeney Todd about all the pencil markings of EXPLAIN? and WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? which filled the sidelines and had made my 1.5 line spacings seem non-existant. She scrutinized my hopeless stir-fry of words and then eventually stumbled upon the phrase "exposes the indelible bestiality within humanity," of which she praised out loud.
This was followed by a roar of laughter from Roger, Arkash, Edmund and Vibhav's table. Confused, I spun around and looked quizzically at them. What's so funny about human depravity?
WELL APPARENTLY, as I came to discover, the term "bestiality" actually means:
Did I just write that in my essay? *buries head in embarrassment* It seems like 99.999% of the population knew that except for me. But surely it can't be right, since the teacher didn't express a sense of disgust while reading through it..
Intrigued, I continued my journey to discover the underlying truth, with a slight assistance from my brother-from-another-mother http://www.dictionary.com/.
- noun, plural -ties
1. brutish or beastily character or behaviour; beastliness.
2. indulgence in beastlike appetites, instincts, impulses, etc.
3. an instance of bestial character or behaviour.
4. sexual relations between a person and an animal; sodomy.
So in MY context, I think I prefer option 1. But as literature is art, it's always open for intepretations ;)
Today in VD i was telling george my random pickup lines/jokes i heard and i got to the one where it went:
"My love for you is like diarrhaea, i just cant hold it in."
And that was all good and stuff, cos yknow, it was funny, (at least, i found it funny), cept our darling nikae was sitting right opposite me when i was saying it and then she goes
"okay angela, thats enough now, no more sexual connotations" or something along those lines. And so i was just going "..wheres the sexual connotation?"
Im sorry, i don't know what youre thinking, but i fail to see the sexual connotation in a pickup line like that.
Anyone want to explain to me?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4tuxWjqmeUBrings a tear.
and Jason the cute one who I wish was my baby brother<3
∞ Can you feel her running through your veins
Monday, August 3, 2009
Obsession phase George? Rofl.
It's funny how you go through phases, always refusing to believe that you'll get tired of it sooner or later. Most of the time, you do. But a couple of years later, after browsing through some of the stuff I thought I had well and truly left behind, I found myself re-living my obsessions.
Things like:
Delta Goodrem!
Scribe. Anyone remember them?!!! (Or me going on about them) Ok, I think it's just me. F.R.E.S.H ftw ==
Escape the Fate. They are still fcking awesome.
Bullet for my Valentine and Atreyu- I can understand why I liked that stuff... but some songs are a bit you know what I mean. Actually, I really don't like it when people judge songs because of the screaming/metal. It's actually quite spiritually involving.
And can I say something.
Demon Hunter!!!No matter what they're the best.Just a phase? Who knows.
But if you listen to their music (1000 apologies, carry me down, not ready to die, deteriorate, thorns), I promise you that you will be go through the most emotionally moving journey ever.
∞ In Your Silence.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Omg I'm going through this whole OBSESSION phrase with this band. 5 bucks to the person who can guess it right. ;)--
Upon overcoming my final obstacle of dropping the Subject Selection form in the right box (after fishing it out of the Rolls box) on Friday, I left the office feeling as if a weight has been lifted off my shoulder, whilst a tinge of regret still plagued my heart. This seemed like a finality, yet it led to a whole new set of possibilities beyond what I was capable of imagining. I'm still not concrete with what I chose, but I think with the passing of time, it'll slowly sink in .. like osmosis! (Whoot prepping myself for another two years of Chem)
Tell me I'm not wrong for ditching VA. Please please please. I just need that reassurance.. to convince myself I guess.
Ah I hate self-doubt. I loath it, despise it, abhor it, detest it, - insert another hate synonym from thesaurus.com here - it. I can't stand it how I overthink it sometimes when I talk, when I write, when I do certain things. It's the anchor that weighs me down from what I'm capable of, I know that, but sometimes I just can't seem to jump over this hurdle.
On a brighter note, first 4/5 of the back-to-school week wasn't that bad at all. One down, 8 more to go! =D
Oh and one last thing;
It's so awkward when you walk towards someone when you're walking on the footpath, and in order to not make eyecontact for 20 seconds you both stare at the ground until you're just about to pass them before you smile.
It's so embarrassing when you think someone's looking straight at you and in order to be friendly you say hi or smile or wave at them only to realize they're busy looking for a seat and seeing right through you.
It's so freaky when you're scared that that's going to happen so you stare back at them for 5 seconds before realizing you ARE looking at eachother.
I's so annoying when people pretend not to notice/recognise you for whatever reason, even when you smile in recognition. Like you're too uncool to acknowledge or something.
I'll save my smiles for other people.
Subject Selections. It's the talk of the century. Approach any Year 10 student, and expect to hear about whether Economics or Business Studies is better, or whether they should do Extension English.
It's the pinpoint of a conversation: "hi, what subjects are you going to do?", and definitely aids when there's nothing else to talk about. Something ALWAYS comes out of this particular topic, whether it being that there are 20 other students choosing the exact subjects as you, or debating over certain subjects which fascinate some and not others.
And fundamentally, it's our way of wasting time. I've noticed this in many of my classes, and I've come to conclude, that we, being so uniquely different, in the way that we are selective, gives us many advantages. One being, that we know how to get out of things we don't especially want to do. So when the teacher subconsciously says the plan for the lesson, which of course, is not favoured by many, one student will speak up, "miss, im considering taking this subject...", to which the teacher feels obliged to "sell" their particular subject, for obvious reasons. It's a win-win situation.