Thursday, July 30, 2009
Today I realised just how beautiful the sunset is..
∞ Facebook quizzes are weird..
Monday, July 27, 2009
George, I agree with you! Facebook quizzes and sooo rigged! =/
According to the quiz I did..
"You will loose your virginity at the age of 15, have 2 kids, one at the age of 21. It's a baby boy and the other one at the age of 25. It's a baby boy again. You will get married at the age of 20 to a really clever guy and you will live together until you die at the age of 73 due to old age."
Omg, I'm 15 now!! =OO
∞ You turned me fearless
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Last day of holidays is trying to do as much work as possible day.
My resolution to reverse sleeping patterns has utterly failed. Instead of sleeping from 11 30 to 7 it's just shifted forward to 12 30 to 10 30. What a fail. It's back to geo snoozing for me.
And to start term 3 of 2009 with double English. Oh what a feeling.
You know that feeling you get when you sit in front of the computer thinking to yourself: I really should be stressing about this and that etcetc while I have the time or else I'll regret it in the future.
Well a revelation flashed before my eyes in an instant. 8D
Those who stress too much are the ones who'll regret it in the future.
(well at least, that's what I tell myself to make me feel better- - and people DO tell me that as well from past experience)
If only time slowed down, terrible/horrific things like this wouldn't happen:

You know what's rigged?
Those applications invites on
Facebook. Right now I have a whole heap of them accumulated since I don't accept the invitations. 69
infact. Jealous? ;)
I took two quizzes today (shh I had some spare time okay..) and guess what? Apparently I'm going to grow up as a
WHORE and lose my virginity at 16 - NOTE I AM CURRENTLY 16 -
have a baby at 18 and then divorced and remarried at the ripe age of 29! (And I think that he's gna dump me again or something along those lines)WHAT THE FUCK?
But then according to ANOTHER quiz, it said that I will have a
shiet career ( 30-something %) and good money (80
ish %) so I guess.. that's the pros and cons of having a profession as a whore.

Another option is, as my dad says, I start investing in learning golf and then enter
PGA and get rich ;) since you can be REALLY old and still play golf. I went to a drive range today! Twas pretty fun just randomly firing golf balls.
One more day till school. I hope it's raining hardout again so I can actually enjoy double English in that furnace of a room, where the climate is constantly at a comfortable 33 degrees.
Hm I might go bum at Castle Hill library again tomorrow cos I lack a social life. How sad. You know last time I went and the back section was filled with Asians.
Enjoy the last day of the holidays guys =) don't get swine flu.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Lily Allen is so pretty.
If only her songs were as pretty as her.
I WANT AN OBAMA SHIRT.Yeah I'm a fan. So what?
Friday, July 24, 2009
I want my very own Doraemon.
Then ill dominate the world and make each and every one of you bow down before me =D
i still want my own Doraemon
∞ Out, Out
The boys on SYTYCD are soooooooo cute especially the puny one in front. (I love little brown boys. Especially Will Smith's son in Pursuit of Happiness HAHA.)
So are the male dancers on the show.
Jason's face is so cute- when he looks worried he looks like a baby toddler! I want to pinch his cheeks.
You had to be watching just then to understand.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I am in desperate need of help for my beloved VA assignment (draw ten pages of things that are related to pop culture).
What do you think of when you hear the words "POP CULTURE"?
ideas in cbox? ><
i need 5 more pages and my drawing of MJ and the simpsons and that converse shoe is retarded RAWRRRRRRRR
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
This goes out to all my closest friends out there.
I love you all. You guys mean the world to me.
I don't know what I'll be without you all and I'm so grateful for everything.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Talk about weird dreams! (dw it's not another one of my 3940349word posts)
Ever since Jerry posted about that weird dream of hers, I seem to be bombarded with them.
As you might've read from RRR's cbox (pay me guys I'm advertising for you), a couple of days ago I dreamt that Murali had CANCER in year 7, lost all his hair, and that's why he doesn't have an afro anymore. I woke up feeling abit scared and had to ask Murali to make sure lol ==
Two days ago, I dreamt that a particular girl in our grade fully went psycho and .. I can't seem to recall what happened exactly but I think she fully ownt me in some way or something along those lines. Now I'm abit scared about her too.
LAST NIGHT LOL. Funniest dream ever.
I was playing doubles tennis with ANDY RODDICK, Keith and Jimmy. And KEITH WAS ON A PLASTIC COW that's white with black spots. Ooh and the cow's like one of those HUGE plastic inflatable animals you seen in Toys R Us. So then Keith was having a lovely time waving his racket around while riding a toy cow (LOL WTF) and Andy Roddick was awesome in his usual white tee, shorts and hat ;)
ARHHA sorry guys. If dreams have meanings, please feel free to tell me what all this means.
xx. dreamerrrr.
EDIT! I just googled to see if I could find the cow AND I DID! (Okay maybe it wasn't as big as this BUT ITS SIMILAR)
okay. deep breath.
lets stop with the depressingly sad and meaningful blogs for bit; not saying they arent good or anything, but we need to lighten things up a bit =)
It makes me laugh when extraordinarily pretty girls (mostly) who use heaps of makeup to hide blemishes and stuff, come to work/school/whatever one day without makeup, and pretty girl is pretty girl no more.
It is quite disturbing in fact, but in a way you get this great sense of satisfaction that the pretty girl that you've been admiring and changing yourself to be like her, is in fact, the ugly girl down the road you meet everyday when you go for your morning stroll around the block and you see her getting the morning newspaper.
Oh dear it really does make me sound like im jealous doesnt it? xDD IM NOT.
dear me it makes me laugh.
OH BTW. i was at woolies today and at the checkout there was this magazine that said that robert patterson was going out with emma watson.
aw doesnt that sound like a fuckload of bullshit.
but if they really did "have something going on" then yea; better emma watson then kristen stuart =)
I feel pregnant TT.TT
I just got back from this place (I don't even know where it is) but we lived (survived) there for three days, and got like, totally ripped off. And I'm not just saying that because I'm tight, but because it was suposed to be four-and-a-half stars and it turned out to be the puniest cabin that was the size of geo camp cabin and me and my sister had to sleep on the couch!
PRO: Since everything was already filthy and covered in dust we decided to compensate by letting the dog sleep in bed with us even though she went swimming in the river and even though it said "NO DOGS ALLOWED ON BED OR COUCH". Serves them right. Dude. When I crawled into bed/couch there was sand all over it.
This morning when we'd been driving out of the place for more than an hour my dad realized that he'd left his mass storage thing with all the movies on it on the TV. So the parents decided to drive back to get it whilst leaving us and the dog in this town called "Stroud" with a population of 500 and 3 shops... something like that. The only shop that had cool/interesting stuff was this handmade/antique place where the cheapest thing was like 10 dollars.
I reckon they'd be lucky if they sold one thing a day.
Which made me think about all the places I've been to where the price is 10 times more expensive than what they're worth. It's just silly- if they WANT their business to go well, shouldn't they make things cheaper? If they want to help defeat the global recession, shouldn't they lower the prices to increase spenditure instead of scaring everyone away? Honestly.
The funniest bit of the past three days was watching the dog getting owned by a herd of cattle. ROFL! If my dad got it on camera I'll post it up here soon.
- - -
Wow. Everybody is blogging about deep and intellectual things these days, and I must say, George: You must be very screwed in the brain for thinking you should only do 2 unit English.
I remember when we used to not blog about anything except what happened during our days, which was pretty funny. I'd like to remind everyone that yes, we've gotten a lot more mature etcetc, but don't forget that blogging about what's been happening in your life is still legal, because if everyone only blogged about deep and meaningful life issues then soon we'll run out of deep and meaningful life issues to blog about and we'll be out of business.
You all heared the thing about the Epping Newsagency thing right?
I can't fucking believe that there are people in the world who would do something so heartless. In my opinion him and his gang deserve death of the worst kind, and I'm not just making things melodramatic to suit the circumstance. Watching the news was so deeply disturbing, I wanted to puke. I mean. imagine you were the 15 year old girl who came home to be told that her whole family was bashed to death. If it was me, I'd wish I was one of them. And what about the grandparents in China. I can just imagine the scenario being explained to a frail couple who can barely understand English all in a single phonecall: "I'm sorry but your son, daughter-in-law and your two grandsons were found dead this morning".
Bad things happen, and they're happening all around us, and all the time. At times it's so close to us that it seems unimagineable. It's not always rainbows and butterflies, it's compromise that moves us along.
RIP Mr Lin and family. Thanks for delivering all our newspapers.
∞ Failed attempts to fly.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Buried deep inside every one of us is a desire to
break out, to
escape from everything. Sometimes I feel so bounded, and I think that's why those songs about escape, about running away, about leaving towns and driving into the sunset are so appealing to me. That's why the idea of revolutions are so universal and embraced by society throughout the times. There's something very captivating about this sense of
unconformity; it makes you feel alive, it gives you the thrill that you don't experience by following the norm. That's why we have punk music, we have political revolutions, we have artists willing to push the boundaries - to rebel against the common beliefs of society. It's what drives people do skydive, go on
rollercoasters, to kill, to do
crazyass things that no one thought was possible.
But what's funny is, once the whole society undergoes a revolution, those rebels are no longer part of an
unconformity, but rather they conform to the same beliefs and values as the rest of society. Take
emos for example, they conform to the
This reminds me of that quote by Vivienne
Westwood I came across last term (FROM STUDYING VD
" I'm a rebel but not an outsider."
I think she's right. There's a difference between the two; you can understand and rebel against society, but you cannot be ignorant of what's
occurring around you. I was struck with this realisation when I returned to China this year. The people there.. they live in a bubble. They're brainwashed by the Government, reinforced by government censorship and other extensive controls.
I was raised there, and ever since I was really little I was taught of how great China was, of how great Communism was - note that this started since I was only in
Kindy. So while children here were drawing Mickey Mouse with crayons, I was chanting "LONG LIVE CHAIRMAN MAO" and watching videos of his communist party in class.
When I travelled back to China this year, I talked to my old friends, my cousin, to Taxi drivers etc and I could feel that sense of repression. Those people could sense that there's something wrong with what they're taught, but they are rendered powerless, believing that there's nothing they can do to change that.
I'm glad that, by moving here, I'm blessed with an outer perspective. I'm glad that
instead of seeing just one tree, I can see the entire forest.
I think the day the Chinese population can access and read this blog, I'll be long gone.
xx. you know who.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Eating Choc Hazelnut Icecream with gummy bears and sour worms from cold rock icecreamery on your way back home after a longggg day at the city on a train sounds boringly ordinary. However, on the contrary, it is actually immensely satisfying, especially after you've been walking around the city with flats that hurt so much cos they don't give you any support or some crap. Feels a bit like when youre playing basketball in chucks. now that hurts crap.
But more about my icecream later. Let's start from the beginning of the day.
Today is TOMDOM ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY (lol =)) so to celebrate, me and dom went to george st cinemas to watch HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE, seeing as it was the first day it came out, and it just so happened to be on our one yr =)))) but anyways XP The movie was heaps good, although a bit anticlimatic, seeing as the scene where dumblydore and potter are in the cave tryna find the horcrux was a bit ehhhh but other then that the movie was fine but more about that later later seriously later. XP
So the movie took like, 3 hours, and we didnt even get the couple seat next to our allocated seat, so this bitchy woman and her bitchy boyfriend who were meant to have the couple seat came up to us and went "hey this is our seat blahblahblah" so to shut them up we swapped seats with them and ended up getting a better view of the screen. suck shit stupid bitchy lady.
So after the movie we went to eat and stuff and then yea. oh we blew 30 bux at timezone, which was fun. To play deal or no deal, you gta choose the cases with the ugly ladies next to them, cos they have the least amount of money, which is, surprisingly true. oh dear me, i learn a lot from dom =)
Anyways. (following paragraph is mostly aimed at my dom so if you dont want to read just stop reading. thanksbye.
I've been through a lot of shit. And most of the things i do are quite stupid. But for the past year, you've stuck here by my side, even when i've been a real bitch most times. Sure, we've had our fights and all, but even though i've always been all ragey and had massive moodswings, you've always managed to forgive me and wierdly, just seem to love me even more then you used to.
So thank you dom =) thank you for being such a good boyfriend, i love you dearest. =)
Happy One Year =)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Especially when something so good happens right, and you think you're ready to dance off the earth in happiness, and it's so real and believable and shit, and then...
...your eyes blink open in excitement and you're hit with the realization that it was all fake and the probability that it will actually happen in real life is approximately 0.0000000000001.
Yeah it sucks.
And sometimes dreams have sneaky tricks as well. I know it sounds extremely W-T-F but they're smarter than you think.
Take for instance, one night I dreamt that I walked into a restaurant and asked for a job, and then the retaurant owner immediately said yes and was going to pay me 15 bucks an hour. (This might not sound like a very big deal but at that time I really, like REALLY wanted a job) So you can probably predict how freaking exhilerated I was.
Then I said to myself: Hang on a minute this all seems a bit like a dream. Wait a second, this IS a dream.
So then I decided to wake myself up to confirm whether or not it was actually real.
So then I did, and here it gets to the sneaky bit because at that point I wasn't exactly awake, I was in a sub-dreaming condition (where you're half awake but you hallucinate things that never seem to make sense) and in this sub-dreaming condition I asked my trusty companions Ying and Anthea (who suddenly popped up at the restaurant) whether this was actually real.
Then they started shouting things like: "Yeah THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING! You're not dreaming! You can walk to this restaurant in Epping tomorrow to check and you'll have your job!"
(Ofcourse I believed it, seeing as the dream had deceived me into thinking that I was wide awake when in actual fact I was still in my sub-dream condition).
So then I was re-exhilerated and getting ready to earn big bucks.
Then I opened my eyes for real this time and got SO. PISSED. THAT. I. WANTED. TO. BURST!
Freaking dreams.
Speaking of which, last night I dreamt that I was Shrek and was a green version of Robin Hood and had to break into the boys toilets because someone was stealing money and I had to get it back for the poor people. So while everyone was sleeping, I crept into each cubicle (and I don't know why but each cubicle had a calculator in it) and slid the lid off every calculator. Then finally I slid off the lid of the last calculator and there, hidden inside, was a bundle of notes.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
I am currently very excited because i will be watching HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLOOD PRINCE on wednesday and you are not. Oh how exciting =DD and it looks so good too! too bad Dumblydore dies in this one *tears*
Why i am one excited little girl. =)
So holidays have started, and i am very,
very bored. I had this whole list of things in mind of what i was going to do (including studying for yearlies; yes, very early, but that kinda failed as i kept getting distracted by the TV. Which reminds me, we got a new tv sometime last month and i havent had to chance to show off about it, so yea =)except we have no reception on it == so we can only watch crappy dvds on a crappy xbox thats 5 years old =( but still. we got another tv =))But now that all failed because i simply cant be bothered =) and eofys is over, so that sucks.
Im in a really good mood now, maybe its because of the fact that channel nine is replaying old harry potter movies and im having a great time watching them over and over, seeing as i have like, most of them on dvd. Whatever. harry potter on wed, im excited =))
And its stupid how queensland got to watch it first before the rest of the country. I was heaps jealous, but thats alright because im WATCHING IT ON WEDNESDAY AHAHAH.
Oh dear im gna wet my pants from all the excitement.
only joking.
Yea i was gna actually put in on but then it turned out too big so i was like screw it and so i cant be bothered to change it =D
Oh god i love it when Harry Pothead movies come out. Its just so exciting =)
Labels: POTHEAD.
You know what's the best feeling in the world?
The first bite you take into your juicy apple. =D It's like heaven.
Today is the 2nd week into my
water diet. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not one of those chopstick girls in pursuit of extreme anorexia - it's just that I don't drink enough water. According to my parents, that's OHMYGAWWWWT EXTREMELY unhealthy, so now I'm constantly drunk .. on water. Every 5 seconds *reaches for the water bottle*
But it's pissing me off how I have to piss all the time.
I think people pee more in winter cos you sweat less.
Maybe I should stop.
It's true what they say: you don't appreciate what you have until its gone. You take things for granted until its too late. And its sayings like these that you deem cliche until you experience it.
I had THE most productive day. I woke up, at a time which shall not be mentioned, otherwise my day will seem unproductive, and:
- cleaned my room, which took ages, because I had to chuck so much stuff into the garage
- did maths
- did commerce ( never finished though, its hard to fit countless information into 1500 words )
- did HOUSEWORK, consisting of washing the sinks, toilets, showers, hanging out the washing, folding it, vacuuming
- cleaned out the garage, because all my chucked out stuff was filling up the garage
- made lunch and dinner, for my family of ONE
- washed the dishes, which were piling up in the sink
And I spent the last 3 of my waking hours wasting time, but it was worth it =]
∞ Holidazzle.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Dayum I love holidays. Tonnes of sleep and nice lunches (as opposed to my normally-squished-by-my-pencil-case-or-PE-bag-asian-bun)
Air Force Cadets eh ;) who knew cadetship could lead to so much more excitement. It just made me realise that people can be so secretive about the things they do. Everyone keeps something deep inside eh.
READ AND SLEEP TIME! My favourite part of the day.
The Transporter and Princess Diaries are kickass. *hi5 Jerry. And I want to watch Harry Pothead and the Half Buff Prince!
YAYAYAY I'm still in the holiday hype.
I want to delete half my iTunes list. Nearly all the songs are what's left of my screamo/metal phase which I indulged in a zillion years ago back when supposedly everyone was listening to it. Eww. Why did I ever start listening to it anyway. Maybe because it made me feel cool and hardcore. Yes. hard. core. Whoot -.-
I have ascended into the realm of celtic folk/instrumental music. I know right,
is that even music? FYI, Irish + Riverdance are the bomb. 8)
Last day of term was pretty damn funny. Some interesting revelations and info (which I was the last to know about- as usual), hit me as I was about to enter G13, and the entire period consisted of the whole entire VD class (minus Stuart because he was the only boy in the class) crowding around this one person (who I think is slightly tight for letting us know THIS LATE) and stealing her phone.
Who knew Air Force Cadets could be so mysterious. (In joke).
Princess Diaries is on!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Michael Lee was feeling bored and decided to construct a box-and-whisker plot using the results of a Non-Calculator test completed by his maths class.
Using the information given, find
a) The median- 17
b) The lower and upper quartile- 19 and 14
c) The interquartile range- 5
d) The outlier-
∞ Choices.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Choices choices choices. Wouldn't it be better if you didn't have a choice? You wouldn't stand in front of the supermarket isles for hours at a time, deciphering on whether you should purchase two-ply Quilton toilet rolls for $2.33 for two, or triple-ply Kleenex priced at $2.45 for one. And if time is money, we would've saved enough money to get us out of the global recession. Kevin Rudd could thus finally go & have yumcha with his Asian mates instead of micro-sleeping during Wayne Swann's 5hr speeches about the new budget.
If we didn't have choices, the "big" branded goods would be non-existant as they lack other brands for comparison and competition. Louis Vuit-who? Everyone would wear the same things, eat the same things and shit the same things (cos you are what you eat). Just kidding. And Fergie wouldn't be wasting her breath singing songs about Dolce and Gabana. There wouldn't even be different genres of music. Everyone would listen to "mainstream" music, because alas, what else is there? We have no choice! No kid will ever feel like a social outcast/ outlier, because everyone conforms to the same group, creating an uniform society.
If we didn't have choices, you wouldn't stand in the middle of the foodcourt after Transformers ;) like a loser, pondering on whether you should eat 20000 calories of Maccas or injest 292039023 calories of Hungry Jacks. Everyone would just supersize at KFC. Actually, there wouldn't be supersizing at all. Everything would be standarized.
We would say goodbye to Choice Magazine! Consumer watchdog - no more!
There wouldn't be SUBJECT SELECTIONS. Extension English or Advanced English? WHO CARES? Everyone would just do PD/H/PE and go skiing at Thredbo. No more sweating over ATAR and Universities as we lack the choice of Uni or subject courses. Just fastforward to holidaying in Hawaii! ALOHA!
The decisions we make in our lives are much like the Matrix - every choice is a door which will leads to numerous other doors with all different sets of possibilities. When you open that door, there's a risk of winning and a risk of falling. Sometimes people spend so much time crying over the last door that they miss the new door in front of them. I think it's important to always keep your head up, to TAKE THAT CHANCE and open the door, because you never know - you might've just cost yourself another missed opportunity.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
I'm happy today ! PE soccer was quite fun =) I think that + mucking around with a volleyball at lunch are the highlights of my day.
Oh and I was just watching our Spring Fair dance last year on youtube and I realised that I miss Marcus ! lol goodtimes.
I'm in a good mood right now =D
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Today I shall explicitly reveal my animosity for those people that ruin film endings for everyone else.
Congratulations, your pocket's loaded with $13.50 and you've just watched that hot new movie as it hits your local cinema. However, it does not grant you the authority, or the necessity, broadcast the ending on the top of your lungs to the99.999999999% of the population. OMG if I was desperate enough for the ending, I would've just clicked SEARCH on Google and watched millions of results come bustling up within a millisecond, instead of hearing your boastful voice echo through the school enclosure. It's almost like they're .. (quote from a convo with RRR)
" STEALING YOUR ORGASM."When that happens, I want to grab the nearest knife available and stab it in their BLACK, SELFISH hearts, or somehow magically obtain gadgets of mass destruction and blow off their heads Saw-style. Death of the bloodiest kind.
Oh wells.