Sunday, June 28, 2009
"Costochondritis: This is an inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs. Pain is typically located in the mid-chest, with intermittently dull and sharp pain that may be increased with deep breaths, movement, and deep touch."
I think I have this. All the symptons I get are there. It feels like someones stabbing a needle through the cartilege between my ribs, and it hurts like hell. And worst of all, it comes at the most unexpected times. I got it this morning when we were dance practicing. And Jenny thinks she has the same condition.
I've had one of the worst days I can recall. I won't go into detail with me getting a guaranteed zero for database crap (before any of you tell me I'll probably get a few marks here and there for at least knowing how to... etcetc, well I didn't know how to produce the query and thus didn't answer any of the questions)
I've never ever ever ever been such a rebel in my life. And I wasn't even trying to be a rebel. Literal zero.
I really have nothing to complain about, when taking into consideration the ordeals of the other 90% of the world. As everyone knows, God or whatever makes everyone's lives balance out. It's like some kind of unspoken rule, and its so FRUSTRATING sometimes. But you can't always be at the top of the ladder.
Speaking of ladders, I'm reminded of Bowling For Soup.
And the only thing that matters
Is climbing up that social ladder (Haha, reminds me of something someone said to someone.)
Speaking of songs, I turned on my speakers for some music therapy, but the songs on my "recently added" playlist are so sad they're just making me want to cry. (Waking Ashland- Shades Of Grey, Hands on Deck- for any of you wanting to feel especially emo.)
Speaking of crying, I used to practice crying in front of the mirror. I know, sounds really sad, but it used to help release anger/stress/hate when I was pissed at my parents. I remember making up scenarios in my head like Angela Anaconda, in which I run away with my dog and live somewhere secret so that the parents feel reaaaallly guilty and want me back.
And speaking of emo, everybody seems to be brooding over boy trouble.
Life's complicated.
Woah, "Milkshake" just started blaring out of the speakers. Maybe I don't feel so low afterall.
I KNOW I KNOW I promised I was going to post up photos of VD, but being the irresponsible curator that I am, I really cbf at the moment so that'll have to wait. But pinky-promise all of you internet gurus that are soaking up the virtual party life that I WILL get around to it.. someday. >_>
Now I've been thinking. And not JUST thinking, not just another one of those lame philosophical musings I have, but one of those intense moments of deep mind-indulgence where I completely bury myself in my thoughts.
So what were you contemplating about? As you may ask.
Well, as news may have travelled, the name "Katya" ( pronouced KAR CHAR) is so 2008 and "Jennifer" is SO 2000-and-late, and Jennifer is Jennifer no more.
Now this prompted me to think.. what's in a name? Of course, it's a form of identity, a representation of yourself, and it defines who you are in a certain sense, whether you love or loath it. Performers often like to take on a performance name to further connect with their character as it allows them to take on another persona, an alter-ego perhaps.
In this case, if I changed my name, would my personality change along with my name? Would I adapt to my name like how animals adapt to their environment? We often associate people based on their names too. For example, if I say "May" your mind will automatically picture a funny asian girl with pigtails and pink glasses. So then, will people treat me differently as a result of my name change?
I feel sorry for people being stuck with ridiculous names, especially the children of those "celebrities" - eh yeah Apple is really a great name for your kid. By enforcing such a farcical name on them, you're potentially destroying your kids social life and their ability to ever get laid. How cruel is that ! Even the stepmother of Cinderella didn't go to such extremes to sabotage her child's life.
So then I came up with .. the top 10 worst names I can think of. 10 to 1 time !! =D Feel free to add to the list.
Okay after much thinking, I can only come up with 7 so this countdown is abit short. Sue my brain and its lack of ability to come up with disgusting names.
7. Franklin / Frank. HAHA I'm seconded by Murali.
6. Gregory.
5. Alfred.
4. Reynold.
3. Margaret.
2. Janice.
EURGH imagine having a name like "Horace" being thrusted upon you. It's like dooming you for the rest of eternity. Even when you die, you'll fail judgement day cos you're name is so sad.
Hm remember Kerrington from last year's So You Think You Can Dance? I quite like her name for some reason. Okay nvm I'm yingjing for life.
Ooh we're performing our dance 2mrw at assembly. I'm scared now =S
∞ lalala~
Friday, June 26, 2009
Hi everyone!!! ^^
Wait, I'll add a couple more exclamation marks..
Well well, I'm in a happy mood today ^^ Just when I thought everything was going badly, God sent me something to cheer me up. ^^ That probably sounds really cheesy and "I'm-a-good-Catholic-girl" but I think it's little things like this that make me really believe.. =)
Have you ever gone in a room to look for something and then forgotten what you were looking for? Or worse, gone into a room looking for something and then realise you're in the wrong room and you don't even remember what you were looking for in the first place. =___=
I really really remember someone posting up a picture of their messy desk but when I was looking through the archives, I couldn't find it! Maybe it was just my imagination but to whoever put that photo up, I CHALLENGE YOU!! =D
YES, THERE IS A DESK UNDER THERE! underneath the scarves and textbooks and... nail polish remover?! 0.0 (Btw, the super big stack of sheets on the top right hand corner is all vd sheets == )
X: So, what's the name of that movie you're watching in English?
K: Sex.
What do we do in VD? xDD The movie was actually Pleasantville but if you've watched it, you'd get it..
Fred who's risen from the dead =O
Michael Joseph Jackson ; August 29, 1958 - June 25, 2009.Rest in peace, the King of Pop.<3Fuck I feel like crying.
∞ OMG!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
There is a statement. An intriguing statement. A statement that only a few people can explain. A statement that causes many to tilt their heads and have this expression -> O_O A statement that even the brightest and most lateral thinkers would not be able to figure out.
I toasted marshmallows with my toaster.
A little exaggerated but its true. Last night I put that statement on my pm and people started conversations with me like this..
I initially thought that due to all the flashing lights that I had suddenly become super dooper popular, but sadly no. It was just those lateral thinkers who were staring at their computer screens with tilted heads and O_O on their face wondering how on earth I managed to cram all these marshmallows into a toaster.
SUPER DOOPER TOASTER! Better than all your boring normal toasters.
And this is how you toast marshmallows.
And it IS a toaster. It's not an oven. You put your bread on the tray and toast it. I grew up with this toaster so whenever I said I toasted sausages or croissants or something in a toaster I get O_O
Its so old it could be an antique. There's even an imprint of a bread packaging on the top of the toaster cos once we accidentally toasted something with the bread package on top so the plastic melted leaving the colourful picture of a bread loaf packaging on the toaster.
Oh and btw, who spells it marshmellows with an e?

And one more thing. Our blog is super dooper famous. =) Almost as super dooper as my toaster. So you should all come read more often.
Yeah i took out the name cos I didn't want to embarrass the person. =)
Saturday, June 20, 2009
I'm sure walking around DFO for two hours without buying a single piece of clothing counts for the Secondary School Sport Challenge. (Chappo's Army ftw!!)
Inflation at its worst:
A really cool casual tank top at Quicksilver on a dummy in the corner of the shop catches my eye. Then I find it- like a needle in a haystack. And then I flip out the price tag, hoping there would be one of those fluro stick-on price things saying "$7.50" or something, and then it says "$36.00". For a tank top made out of like, a pillow case or something. Just because it has a DC logo on the front. Wtf.
Big brands are just forms of propaganda to make you want them. Like, the quality of most of their things is probably worse than something you can get from a hobo's picnic rug in Asia, for 10 times less. But people buy them, nevertheless (including me).
Far out, I hate it how companies are so selfish. I hate it how all the banks, brands, fastfoods, deprtment stores compete with eachother for annual profits. Maybe they should take some time out and remember that the real purpose of jobs is for us to be succinct in the world as a whole, not just for their own family estates.
They think that they have to be earning a continually rising annual profit, but can't they just earn enough to be happy with? Jeeez. You don't have to be the richest if you're happy with what you already earn. Frkn bankers. (Sorry if any of your parents are bankers). I'm not only talking about banks though. Like Nike and other ridiculously over-priced brands. For all your information, the clothes that Nike make are actually made by children in Thailand or something who have no homes, in some hole of a factory. And Maccas, bro. First the soft serves, and now the sundaes. $2.75 for a small Sundae smaller than my palm. That's a 50% rise. Dog.
It's so lame when people accuse others for buying branded/fake branded things from Asia in a derogatory fashion, as if they're cheapos and not good enough for the real deal or something. Wake up. that's where everything came from in the first place.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Upon encountering certain things that seem to interest me, I realised how much we've all changed. How we've all turned from being naive and enthusiastic little year 8's, who blogged about "OMG IM GOING TO MELBOURNE TOMORROW YAY!!!!" with ten million exclamation marks, into people who tend to talk about intellectual things that seem to actually count. When you look back, its amazing to see how much we've all matured. But every once in a while, it's great to forget about looking good, to forget about other people's opinions, and be young again.
Since exams are long over, and we've already gotten our reports, I say we should go watch a movie in gold class.
Careers today made me realize just how old we are already. I don't like it when all these nerds go ranting on about whether they're going to choose 3 unit maths in year 11 or 12 or do extension 2 English blah blah blaaaahh...(I don't even know what that meant, I just made it up according to what I keep hearing)And then something like:"Hey Ms, if I'm already doing accelerated Economics and it says here that you need to complete at least 4 HSC courses, and I plan to do (insert big number) unit maths next year and Extension (insert big number) English, does that mean I have too many units but not enough subjects, or seeing as I'm already doing accelerated Economics this year am I able to use this as...."I just wish the world would slow down.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
VD FASHION WEEK!This week SG is proud to present to you an extensive range of elaborate body adornment and wearable art designs, created by some of the most infamous designers (within year 10 VD class) of our time. As your curator, I shall update daily throughout this week to inform you of the latest trends to come in the contemporary fashion world. Sick of dreading every mufti day? Sick of being the nerdy asian kid dressed in clothes from Bi-Lo? Sick of turtlenecks and pullovers with chinglish phrases which resemble something like "I;m cool propagendar akjdsflkflkdf" ? THEN HAVE NO FEAR, VD IS HERE!
Who are you wearing ?
I'm wearing Angela Zhou ;)
Model: Harleen
Designer: BOB!
Designer Angela Zhou is now adorned in Pat's lovely organic dress with hat. Notice how it slightly resembles the cooking apron and hat we wore every week for food tech .. x) And there's a preview of what's to come with Jerry dressed in a tutu in the background !
What really seems to annoy me this days- why do people go to tutoring in our grade?
Why do people bother paying extra, to gain extra education? Is it really necessary to learn more, just so you can get over average, and make yourself feel good?
Maybe I'm just jealous that I don't go tutoring, and I always feel under prepared for exams, but man, does it feel good when you beat all those people who have gone to nonstop tutoring from Kindy to present. It feels good when you get 1% over average, even though everyone around you is killing themselves because they didn't get "top of the grade". It feels good knowing that it was all your work, your effort paying off.
All this, led me to think- why did I bother studying?
When I look back at all those years, I wonder why I bothered studying in Year 7, when I could have used my time doing other things which could benefit in life.
And to end, on a totally unrelated note:
The greater the trust, the greater the betrayal.
Be careful of who you trust, because once you do, you can't go back.
I hate the feeling of dissapointment, especially when it's of yourself.
When you walk out of the exam studio to meet your eager parents, and then later your teacher, who were so excited for you etcetccc, you think you should be happy about what you've done and happy that it's finally over right... but you're not because you're NOT happy about what've you've done and thinking about it being over is just a bitch because then you think about all the small things you screwed up and will never ever have the opportunity to do again to show her that you CAN actually do it right but you just couldn't perfect it at that time because of small lapses on focus....
It's so frustrating.
Friday, June 12, 2009
I'll fkn die for you.
∞ Why people say they don't like mainstream music
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
From now on we're going to write posts with a bigger font to save people from squinting.
Before I begin, I'd like to point out that I, or anyone for that matter, am not purposely trying to sound "deep" and "intellectual" for the sake of impressing anyone. Maybe some people just enjoy blogging this way? Maybe some people feel like expressing what's in their mind? Sorry, but the whole blog thing is getting a bit hectic.
You know how sometimes you love something that nobody else likes or has even heard of? You feel like it has some sentimental value, or that it's your own special thing that makes you happy, and the fact that only some like it gives it a feeling of originality.
But then that thing enters the mainstream, or suddenly a craze evolves over that thing, and then BAM.
You're put off by it. You can't ever picture yourself liking it again.
It's happening all the time, especially with music. Why do people like to continually bitch about mainstream songs, when they are supposedly "mainstream" and voted by the general public? That's the answer.
You may like the melody of a song, but then the thought that the other few million people out there are digging it off limewire somehow makes it lame. Like for instance, I used to love Second Hand Serenade and that stupid "Fall For You" song before they became mainstream, and then freaking Kyle and Jackio had to ruin it all. Everyone was obsessed with it. Like, my SISTER (EEEEWWWW) downloaded it on youtube every single freaking day and sang it 24/7. Now I don't know about anyone else, but isn't the thought of liking something your LITTLE SISTER AND ALL HER PRIMARY SCHOOL FRIENDS are crazy over kinda off-putting?
*NOTE: this doesn't apply for all mainstream music though. Taylor Swift for the win! LMAO.
Once upon a time, blogs were special. Once upon a time, THIS BLOG was special.
Now that there are like 30 blogs floating around the place, none are special in their own ways anymore. It's probably going to end up evolving into Facebook (which ever single person in the frkn world has! Seriously- I never knew humans were so cyberly connected.) or Bebo or something lame. I can picture a million people getting home from school, then turning on their computer, then opening Internet Explorer, and then scrolling down the metre-long list of blogs they've stashed on their "favourites" menu, and then reading them one by one. I mean, COME ON, like I touched on at the beginning, people are getting fired up. That's no big deal if it happens in the real world, but over blogs?
Faahh. I quit this shit.
Just kidding.
But seriously, if people feel the urge to interact, the best way to do is person to person, face to face. That is the way to go. The whole world is falling into a hole, where the only way of doing things is over the net.
My sister FBs literally 3 hours a day. Everytime I come up to use the computer, she's there doing some quiz, or uploading some hoarish picture of herself. If she's not FBing, she's on MSN, on Hotmail, or on a gaming site. It disgusts me to think that the generation is like that.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
The feeling you get when you wait in the wings before you get on stage is the best in the world. You have so many butterflies you just want to throw up. It's not like the one you get before the starter gun for a sprint, because it's no about you getting owned with a stadium of people watching. It's about you owning it.



And last but not least....

Ewy on drugs. Just kidding.
Ewy getting stoned. Just kidding.
Ewy getting attacked by eyeliner. HAHAHA xD
Everyone was heaps good and by the end of each performance everyone was leaning on eachother hyperventilating. My legs felt like jelly.
I think happy moments can also be depressing moments. Within a span of 4 minutes, it's all over. After all those weeks of foodless lunches and mornin rehearsals. Then you think about all the fun you had along the way, and you don't regret a single minute of it. Not even being 10 minutes late to English/Geo every time and getting badly busted by Nagah.
I have a big red spot on my cheek. I think it's a reaction from the kilogram of makeup we had on. When you're all dressed up with exteme hair and makeup, it's so awkward, people acting all different around you and shit. It feels so wierd. Because you're the same person and all, but you can feel people's scrutinizing/cynical/dissaproving/horrified gazes.
Anyway, can't complain about the 3 days which has been/will be the highlight of my year. s2.
All photos are from betty's FB =P
<3. fb ="P">
Friday, June 5, 2009
Okay today, watched Terminator Salvation.
The storyline was non-existant ; it just consists of people shooting machines, bombing machines BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOOM. Shoot some fags here, shoot some metal there. PEOW PEOW PEOW BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMB *trucks exploding buildings collapsing*
That's all. The only worthwhile thing I got out of that movie was
" the only thing that separates human from machines is the strength of the human heart."AH DAAAAYUM SHOULD'VE WATCHED ANGELS AND DEMONS T______T"
Okay enough ranting about nothing.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I don't understand... do people pretend to be really hyped up about hygiene to make it look as though they are super super hygienic or are they actually just really really really hygienic?
Ok. I'm not writing this post to say that being unhygienic is good, but people these days need to be a bit more realistic.
Take for example a conversation I had with Eric today, which somehow evolved into a hyperbolized version which spread like wildfire. (dog). First of all, it isn't the end of the world if you didn't have time to brush your teeth in the morning. And it was a one-off, because this morning I got up and forgot that I had to be at school by 8 15. No need to go around telling half the bus that I don't brush my teeth. I don't exactly have a wisp of green vapour emanating out of my mouth now, do I? In the 1700's, there wasn't even such thing as a toothbrush. I'm sure nobody complained about bad breath.
Second of all, if you were unfortunate enough to have had a tick sleeping in your armpit and sucking on your blood on a holiday because you went bush walking and peed in the bushes, it doesn't mean "she has ticks in her armpits". What am I? Some Crab Lice Central?
Thanks Eric.
p.s. To certain people who catch my bus, there's something called talking. The fact that you have orange hair and look at people with that pedophillic smile of yours doesn't make you particularly cool.
Monday, June 1, 2009
i HATE mandarins, they stink like crap, and the smell lingers for HEAPS LONG and it makes me SICK and i get so so ANGRY.
No, i came back home, and the frkn computer desk smelt like mandarins, so i looked in the kitchem and foudn that my bro had eaten 5 mandarins one after the other in front of the computer. That is, disgusting. I hate my brother and i hate mandarins.
The End.