Saturday, May 30, 2009

Completely brand new chucks. Drive (walk?) away starting at $10. PS. read the fine print.
* Only for people with amazingly small feet who can fit size 3 chucks.
The story goes like this. Excitedly I stepped into yet another Chinese department store, filled with countless branded goods - a manifesto of cheap labour, no doubt. A pair of hightop Converse shoes caught my eye, and just like Sarah Jessica Parker puts it - " I HAD TO HAVE IT." So then, paid for it, and left the shop grinning like a little kid.
- 9 hours + 2 meals of plane food later -
*opens the familiar black shoe box and tries on the shoes*
"Hmm, why is it so small? My socks must be too thick."
And there I was, letting the precious hours of my life slip by as I tried desperately to slip my enormous feet into something so small and delicate like the ugly sisters in Cinderella. Eventually, it hit me that my feet couldn't have possibly endured a growth spurt in the past 48 hours, so then .. *looks at the bottom of the shoe*"SIZE 3 WTFFFFFF"Those stupid Chinese salespeople must've mistook 3 for a 5 due to their restricted vision, and now I can't even return it because between the shop and me lies THE FREAKING PACIFIC OCEAN + NEMO! ARHH *takes a chill pill before I turn into a Kim Jon Il and fires nuclear missles at that place*
But as the saying goes, behind every cloud lies a silver lining..
and it is on the land SARS and Swine Flu where I discovered my bestfriend ..
It looks so real eh. It smells like a bun too! I was carrying it around in my hand in the metro (the train kind) and all these other asians were looking at me like I'm some hobo treasuring my last meal of the month..--And that's it from me. One last note ;Always remember to hope. It may be invisible, but it's always there.xx
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I get irritated very easily, i've noticed.
But really, it's not my fault, there are just some people/things that just tick me off, and you just feel reaching out with your hand, wind it back, and slap them full in the face and leave a shiny red hand print and walk away smirking, amazed at how daring you've become.
But alas, that will not happen in the near future.
Nikae spends the same amount of time to mark -20 exam papers, an english teacher has to mark 180 students ugly handwritten shakespeare essays. She also is a hypocrite, claiming that i am wasting time trying to find my vd journal WHICH SHE LOST while she spends 5 sentences saying something that could be said in 5 words.
God gave her dyslexia to warn her not to be a teacher.
She failed to read the signs.
∞ Meet the Fockers
Saturday, May 23, 2009
I love it when people knock at your house but you're not allowed to open the door because you're home alone and your parents don't want you to get kidnapped. (Even though I'm already nearly 16)
When the doorbell rings, you quietly tiptoe to the door because you don't want to reveal that someone's home, and then you look through the peephole with your hands cupping your face trying not to burst out laughing when you see the person's distorted face. =)
I don't think I'll ever grow up mentally into an adult. Even now, mum's always yelling at me about this chore or putting clothes in so and so, or packing up this and that. If i'm not constantly reminded, I just completely CBF. I really do need parents -__-.
Over the years, I've noticed a change in my attitude towards parents. Gone are the days of trying to walk 10 metres ahead of them at the shopping centre, or telling them not to turn up at a party to pick you up. I feel so ashamed that I used to be that embarrassed of them. Now, watching my little sister doing the same is really annoying. She's always so fcking unnapreciative, even when they go to vast extents to do something for her, because apparantly its embarrassing. Now I don't understand what there is to be embarrassed about.
I think people go through that phase because they're embarrassed about their ethnicity, and the fact that their parents don't assimilate enough, even though they try to.
It's a sad thought.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I could do with an extra long thigh massage. You know what I like? I like it how after a whole 2 days of sprinting and jumping, your buttocks, quads and hamstrings get filled with lactic acid, and then after all of that, you get to sit down in warm clothes on the chair in front of the fireplace feeling how comfortably sore your butt is.
And when you have your 15 minute shower, you feel the sensory neurones in your arms and legs slowly come back to life, when previously, they would have been stone cold and you'd have been oblivious even if someone had sliced your leg open with a saw.
Sigh. The Mitchell girls are probably busy b*tching to their parents about the "f*cking asian cows who cheated because they were offside when they scored and the f*cking ref was being mean and biased"
Look, no offence but, it is definitely NOT cool if you (Noor and Anthea would know who) continually repeat "Huh!? what did you say? What was that?", meanwhile trying desperately to intimidate others by striding 2 cm in front of their face and glaring into their eyes with an upturned chin.
Sorry, it was quite funny.
Anyway, Athletics carnival was basically just the girls watching the boys own everything. At highjump, the poles that the girls use aren't even tall enough to hold a bar 1.35 metres off the ground -_-. With good reason. I have a slight graze on my elbow. Want to know why? After the 100 m final when everyone else was outside, I walked into the gym to find the high jump thing still set up from my failed attempt to jump a height which I could jump 2 years ago.
And then I thought to myself, "f*cking pole, I can jump over you easily"
So then I took a run up and slipped backwards just before I was going to jump and I smashed into the mat, landing in a heap of snapping velchrow and clanging poles.
Then I glanced around hastily to see if anyone was there to witness the epic stack. Luckily no-one.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
well, george is way on her way across the pacific ocean to the land of asians.
hope youre having fun there, whilst the rest of us are here, trying to finish that assignment which MUST be at his staffroom on wednesday, when he himself, doesnt finish tasks on time.
"you must hand it in by wednesday. if you dont have a note, you WILL get 10% off. i dont care how you finish it, take a day off if you need to"
well, we all see how he deals with too much work. *counts the number of days he took off the week before our exam*
i hate how i fall into people's traps so easily.
anyway, the other day, i came across this article which was talking about "australia- the place down under", and it was saying how australia was filled with kangaroos and koalas and kookaburras everywhere. yeah, like, we totally just walk out onto the streets and crash into a kangaroo. its funny how people perceive others, not knowing how wrong they actually are. even as individuals.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Apart from the fact that it's Pat's birthday today (<3) , it was pretty depressing. First highlight of the day was ofcourse our favourite subject. Flipped to the first page and was like "WTF." I've just realized that I'm really good at making up crap, especially since "In the artistic world everything is a possibility and nothing is wrong; the possibilities are boundless....." you get the point. Another advantage is his Dislexia. I hope she doesn't know that all the made up words like "fetishism" and and all these other "isms" don't exist.
Geo was so ARRGGHHHH *chucks an Eakin*. I wasted a WHOLE hair for the test, and there wasn't even a single question for which string was useful! Now that was frustrating, because I thought it needed to be long enough so I plucked one from the base of my scalp and it HURT.
Anyway, back to the present, after sport I went on an extreme Low for no reason, so socializing was really difficult. And for the people who don't know, I CAN be social sometimes. Just not when I can't be bothered. Sitting on buses on long trips are my idea of turning your mind off and allowing your pupils to dilate and relax, thus lose focus. And rest. That is why I love my long bus rides.
I think my blogs are sounding less and less eloquent, so hopefully in the near future extended periods of recuperation will allow me to regain some of my blogging ability.
today i got home and i sat there wondering whether i had something unfinished to do.
when i realised that exams
oh and
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FATTYPATTY =DDDD youre a fatpat but thats okay !
happy 15th =)
∞ Redemption
Monday, May 11, 2009
Extract: 13th November, 2008."Imagine this. 5 days from your yearly exam, your VD teacher informs you that SHE HAS NOT YET WRITTEN THE PAPER and that she THINKS that she'll force you to analyse a couple of her favourite artists works just because she loves seeing poor, innocent students repeating the names " William Kentridge" and "Shaun Gladwell" on paper 50 million times. 1 day before the exam, she nicely informs us that she has changed what was going to be tested in an exam, is "extremely stressed" from writing our paper and printing it out in colour, and then hands out 4 oxford-dictionary-thick booklets for us to "study" the new material for our exam, which was the next day."--
Well guess what? 5 days ago, she told us that OH NO SHE HASN'T WRITTEN THE EXAM YET *massive freakout* and for the past 2 lessons she hasn't been at school.
I wonder what she's doing ==
Yesterday, we attempted to stage protest a la trade union style outside the VA staffroom but of course, to no avail.
Miss: so do you know what wearable art is?
All: *shakes head*
Miss: eh what about body adornment?
All: *shakes head*
Miss: okay that probably wouldn't be in the exam then ..
Eh sorry miss? You wrote the exam yourself? Or have you been facebooking your luvos again? =_______________=
And today she gives us this HUGE BOOKLET yet again (note major land management issue here), and guess when our exam is ? TOMORROWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!
I've learnt alot the past few days.
A few days ago, I experienced.. the worst feeling I have ever felt in the 16 years that I have existed. And by that I'm not kidding either. It all came down to my lack of organisation this year, and pressure got the better of me. I just stared blankly, while everything in my mind was so messed up. It's that feeling when you feel so worn out by everything that you don't have the strength to just go on. At that time, I lost it completely, started crying, and uttered the words " I can't do this" for the first time. I finally gave up and went to sleep, just hoping everything would black out and my mind wouldn't be tormented anymore. I slept for a few hours, only to wake up again just shaking, tossing and turning, unable to just close my mind. I just wished I would sleep forever, and tomorrow never came.
I couldn't stop crying the next day.
I'm sorry for being such a loser to people last friday.
My attitude that night shocked me beyond anything.. I was always told to maintain that strength of mentality, no matter how bad the situation was, but I guess that's what happens when you let it overwhelm you. I guess it's like what someone once said; " if you think you're winning or losing, then you're right."
I also realised just what hobbies are for. Sometimes you need something that will distract you completely, take you to another place where you can express yourself freely and lose yourself. And at that moment, I discovered just how beautiful piano is.
But everyone falls right? It's what you learn from it and how you get back that matters.
I'm on my road of redemption.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I hate it when a person ditches you, for whatever reason; like, you’re not cool enough. And when they get ditched by the people they ditched you for, they run back to you, as if nothing ever happened, expecting you to forgive them.
Don’t get me wrong. I DO forgive them. Eventually. But it just seems really slack how they use you, relying on you to be there when they need help, but when you’re in need, and they’re off running off with some other person(s).
I hate it when someone you’re talking to, suddenly blurts all this stuff to you, even though they promised people not to tell anyone.“Don’t tell __ I told you this, okay?”It makes you feel so insecure, knowing that this stuff happens all the time. You could tell something important to Person A, fully trusting them, when the next second, Person B goes, “omg, is it true what Person A said about you and so and so etc?”
This probably seems a bit hypocritical, considering that at some points at camps, during the “divorce and marriages”, all of us just start blurting out all information they know, and regretting it 2 seconds later, and saying, “omg, don’t tell anyone”.
I hate it when people think that just because you talk to them, means that you have to tell them everything you know. Like, you’re talking about something, and suddenly, you stop yourself, in case you’re going to say something that you “promised” not to tell anyone. And the person goes, “omg, just tell me. I thought we were friends”, and guilt trips their way into you telling them. It sucks big time.
Friday, May 8, 2009
This week's issue of our brand new magazine:
(extract from original document)
Anna and Angela: Good morning 8G and Ms Kite. Today we are going to talk to you about Chivalry.
“The sound of hoofbeats cross the glade”… *Everyone enters the stage on horseback*
Lynette: Chivalry is a term associated to the medieval establishment of knighthood. It is usually related to the principles of knightly virtues, courtly love, and honour. The word chivalry comes from the French word, “chevalier”, which means knight.
Anna: And now we have a demonstration of the development of knighthood and chivalry. A long long time in a place, far far away, we had troops fighting viciously on foot.
Lynette and Betty do the “march”.
Anna: As you can see, it was a very tedious job. But that was before the chariot was originated.
Emma and Eugenia sing: the wheels of a bus go round and round ..
Angela: Yes, it was very entertaining, but that was before horse riding began. As demonstrated by ..
*everyone sings*
"The sound of hoof beats across the gladeGood folk, lock up your son and daughterBeware the deadly flashing bladeUnless you want to end up shorterBlack Adder! Black Adder!He rides a pitch-black steedBlack Adder! Black Adder!He's very bad indeed."
Eugenia: And now we have a special presentation starring the gallant knight, sir Angela. Reciting his own beautiful poetry to his beloved lover.
Angela: Who doth show thyself this romantic time of night by moonlight ?Oh! Fair lady Augustus! My one and only sweet love.Thou lustrous mane of gold! Your fair sweet face has put me on the path of love.
You are the true sapphire.That can heal and end all thy sufferings.Your speech, your looks,Mesmerise me with your brilliance.
Grant me your love, fair lady,For I love thee so much, truly, That one could sooner dry up the sea.
Lovely one, I don’t dare confessHow much love draws thou to thee!
Betty: Oh, she deserves a sticker!
All claps enthusiastically. Sticks reject sticker on Angela.
Today was pretty hectic, with maths and english which are the two most important subjects (apart from science, which I have yet to study for). I can feel the guns in my right arm rippling through my jumper, after that tremendous workout, courtesy of the personal trainer William Shakespeare. ==. I should have spent less time trying to make my sort answers sound eloquent and thorough and more time writing my essay. Omfg, there were moments of extreme horror during the Enlgish exam:After around 45 minutes of trying to fill up all the lines for the short answer section, I glance around thinking that I have a head start with the essay task, and then I glance sideways at Arnav, Lilly and Dicky, and then WTF!!??? They've already written a whole page. The only phrase going through my head was "WtfwtfwtfwwhattheFUCK."(I hate it when I resort to swearing in my head when I KNOW it's not going to make any difference whatsoever. But I do it anyway.)Ok, so then I start scrawling all over the page at 1000000 words per minute, whilst constantly losing control of the pen and having to scribble out words and replacing them. Then I get to the third paragraph and glacing at the clock, I reassure myself, thinking that I have enough time to write my complete essay... and then..."Ok everyone one more minute to go!"WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF??!!!! *heart is vomited out of the mouth*I swear, my life doesn't need to be cut short just because English teachers don't know how to tell the time on the clock. Go watch some playschool. ==Anyway, is it just me or do people get cold and clammy, shaking hands after exams?Why am I even recounting my horrific encounters with exams when I agreed to stick to my no-stress policy?On a funny note, before the maths exam Mr Egavas was being so funny, I couldn't help cracking up. Like, he kept on yelling out anti-maths funny shit like "Stop shaking, it's not going to change your life, it's only a maths exam!" and stuff in that funny voice of his. And like in the few seconds before the "you may start cue" he was holding up/waving around imaginary checkered flags as if he was the Formula One starter or something. ROFLMAO. That definitely took some of the nerves out of the test, despite not finishing/attempting heaps of questions.Haha, time for desert.P.S. we need to stop abandoning this blog.PPS. Some of the drafts in the homepage are pretty good, you should consider posting them up..Lynette
Friday, May 1, 2009
" What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, or cripple for life. "I don't know when or where I heard it, but it's always stuck by me. This reminds me of one of the posters on the wall of some classroom..
" Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."Hmmm. That's all I'll leave for you guys for tonight.
It makes me jealous that some people have best names ever.
Like seriously, i was just randomly browsing through the internet cos i was bored, and then i saw the name VERA WANG. And immediately a pang of jealousy followed because she has a hot name and i do not. You just simple cant call your brand Angela Zhou. It just doesnt sound right
Not saying that i don't like my name; seeing as ive been living 15 years with it, but over the years, ive had lots of different variations of my name, that i shall not go into.
And what also annoys me, is that "Angela," to me, does not have a nice nickname. I absolutely hate ANGIE. or ANGE. Because it just sounds so KIDDISH and stupid, and whenever i hear someone call me ANGIE or ANGE i get so pissed and visualise them in a cage full of hungry lions.
The only decent nicknames for ANGELA, i suppose, would be angel, although that would be quite a stupid nickname because unless you dont mean it, it sounds stupid.
i love how i can rant on about nothing .
∞ mayday parade
Happy mayday everyone !
Piano exam today. Got B+ so that was alright I guess. My examiner was SO COOL! He had long hair (but not in the metro gayness way >_> ) which was tied up in a ponytail and he was all friendly and stuff.
Yay I'm SO DAMN RELIEVED =) No more listening to those lame 6 songs 230943489 times a day anymore *burns Mozart's Allegro*
I hope everyone had a great day :D
I'm so happy I could hug someone right now.
today was school development day, where i spent the day procrastinating, worrying cos of our work overload, telling myself to work but getting distracted by the stray rabbit in my backyard, cos it was eating everything.
so, at 12, i went to eastwood, ( ha, the place of asians. srsly, you cant go there without seeing 100 million asians ) for an hr, to take a break.
and as i was walking past bing lee, i saw these 3 guys walk past, that looked mildly familiar.. but i couldnt figure out why. so, using my peripheral vision, i nonsussly watched them.. for ages.. ( they mustve thought i was some weird asian stalker or something ).. until, ALAS! they were.. jai and aden and geoff? ( i think thats their names ) from home and away!! or at least, 3 people that look EXACTLY like them..
yeah. there goes my productive day.