Thursday, April 30, 2009
With the current workload, I really think I should be starting to use my time efficiently doing WORK instead of nothing. But I feel somewhat relaxed.... like, yesterday I went home and at chips and fell asleep on the couch and woke up at 6 15, and practised piano and ate dinner and did the dishes and went back to sleep. Damn, I wish every day was spent like that.
There's half yearlies coming up, then the ballet exam the week after that, then all the worrying about the Sydney West choreography and blah blah blah..... With a tsunami of exams and other shit rolling towards me all at one go, all I can do is face it because they're all going to happen anyway. And if I have to, I may as well do it with a relaxed attitude towards life.
You know how people tell you not to cry over spilt milk? (the expression, I mean). Well I used to think that people were really heartless and mean when they told me that, because I used to want everything to be perfect. But now I know what they mean; nothing can ever be perfect and if there are things that matter more to you more than others, you have to prioritise and live with the flaws.
Anyway, slightly deviating from all this meaningful talk, today I went to target randomly before ballet because they were having a massive underwear sale. And ZOMFG! I finally found out what a push-up bra is. They're full on like, fake boobs!!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY (follow up from Jerry's VD post)- 5 SG'ers conversing with our Professor of VD outside the staffroom at SECOND HALF LUNCH -All: HI MISS! (detect the faked enthusiasm)Prof: OMG YOU'RE ALL HERE ! Oh I'm so sorry I'm not prepared !All: >_> <_<>_> Prof: cos I didn't think you guys would turn up ! After I sent those emails all those failed notifications came through so I didn't think you guys would get it.All: yeah half of us didn't get it cos you spelt the emails wrong..Prof: OH REALLY? *very surprised*All: eh yeah ..Prof: BUT I CHECKED THEM TWICE !!!!!!!!ARHAHAHHAHHHAHAHA mind rewinds back to *air gutair" and "sticky solder" ..
yup totally miss.
Monday, April 27, 2009
One Nation is pissing me off.
racist cunts.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Upon opening my inbox today, I found THIS:
Hello Year 10 VD!!! How are you??????????????? My apologies for not sending you the information promised during the holidays! But don't stress!!!!! Everything will be explained on Wednesday in class. Could you all please come to the art staff room 2nd half of lunch on Tuesday to collect information that you will need to read for class on wednesday. I have shortened and clarified your written assessment task which will now be due in week 4 of term 2. It will also act as study revision for your VD exam...so two birds one lot of info ...so to speak! I will also extend your practical assessment to the end of week 4 or early week 5 due to exams. Week 5, term 2, Friday is our excursion and the beginning of our new program....VERY EXCITING!!!!!! (=____="")I hope you have all had a wonderful holiday, and that your computers didn't die like mine did!!!!! (you mean the brand new apple laptop you were flashing around in class?!)ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Cheers, *name removed for confidential purposes*I would have taken the time to upload a photo of the whole inbox web page (since it's quite hilarious) , but I wasn't bothered, but anyway, the email list that she sent it to was like:
pointeshoes.lynette@hotmail.com; oceanavenue_x3@hotmail.com; ihita@live.com; airgutair_x3@hotmail.com; twomilesdown--@hotmail.com; crash.sandy@gmail.com; pineapple_penguins@hotmail.com; lovelikewinter__@hotmail.com; leena_94@hotmail.com; sticky.solider@gmail.comThat's like, half the class (which means she probably lost the bits and pieces of paper she wrote the emails on) and half of the ones she wrote were wrong/had spelling mistakes. LMAO. "solider" and "gutair" -_-
Yeah, so for the fellow 10 VD students who didn't get the email, don't stress, just read the above.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
You know what I wanna try?
Capt'n Crunch.
Seriously, I would die for a jab of that stuff. Ever since watching Step Up and something else, I've been craving for it.
I wonder what it tastes like..
Friday, April 24, 2009
Noor: "You know, there once was a time when I never ever said anything bad or mean about anyone."
Betty: "Was that before you could talk?"
Houseparty was the beeeest.
I never do things right.
∞ the bottom of the packet
- I hate it how I can't stop eating chips until I get to the bottom of the packet
- I hate it how salf and vinegar chips get saltier and saltier until they make my lips go white
- I hate it how only the peanuts are left after you eat Kellog's Crunchy Nut
- I hate it how twisties get smaller and smaller towards the bottom until I have to pour them into my mouth
- I hate it how one tim tam is never enough
- I hate it how Cocoa Pops turn into dust at the bottom of the packet and how I always end up having to eat (choke on) it because my mum won't let us open a new packet until all of it's finished
- From now on I'm going to open things upside-down.
ps: Everyone has a workload advantage over me. I'm still trying to finish my chinese assignment.
pps: I hate the frequency of my food breaks.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Just came back from Ying's house party. =D T'was fun !
I think I must've been smoking when I wrote down her address. Rang the doorbell like 5 times and stood there waiting for ages .. until I called Ying and realised that I wrote 11 instead of 16.
Thankgod no one was home LOL.
Watched abit of "Skins" courtesy of Barker Boy ;) HAHA take care buddy.
And everyone else that turned up ! SEE YOU GUYS ON TUESDAY :D
Until then.
∞ a little holiday fun.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Yeah I know it's about time I blogged.
So, HOLIDAYS! You might say.
You know that History assignment we received about evaluating 4 different websites on Stolen Generation and Reconciliation? Well personally I believe that this is a CHEAP AND EFFECTIVE strategy from the Government to try and conduct a Baulko-wide census and see which websites are the most successful. Smart aye? By tormenting 180 students this autumn break, they have received valuable statistics on which websites to keep (SGalliance of course) and which ones to abolish *glares at
www.nswonenationsucksballs.com *
Watched Fat and Furious today. Very worth-$13.50-while.
∞ a post about nothing
Monday, April 20, 2009
I hate it when nothing happens and thus there is nothing to blog about. Holidays are gaaaaaaay as. Not that I'd rather be at school, but it seems as though our lives revolve around the computer and tv screen with a neverending pile of crap to do, and when my dad comes home he shouts at me asking whether I spent the WHOLE entire day on the computer and all I can do is admit to it shamefully.
Also, Wii fit or whatever it's called is the gayest and most useless gaming console ever and I don't think anyone should succumb to buying it unless they are suffering from severe obesity. I mean, you don't need a GAMING CONSOLE to keep activated. Unless you class bowing your head from one side to another an extreme workout. I just hate it when the ad comes up on tv with the old ladies playing "soccer" on Wii and then it claims that Wii is "your own personal trainor" or some bull like that. Clearly, they're giving the wrong message.
Sigghh. All this One Nation rubbish is tampering with my mind. I think Pauline Hanson and One Nation are all racist cunts, but it's funny how the articles on their pages are so appealing. I mean, you click on like, the Stolen Generations Alliance page or something, you either skim through the history of reconciliation blah blah blah, and then you click on the articles on One Nation, and then you read every single word eagerly and seem to be drawn into their arguments.
I know most of it is rubbish and misleading, but why is it so bloody entertaining? It's propaganda and it works!!
Farout, I'm going to go and (hopefully today) finish history.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
So the other day, i signed into my "formal" email account to check if i had gotten rejected even more, but ended up getting the position for 2 jobs.
And then today i got called and got another job.
3 jobs.
oh dear.
Oh and, my brother seems to be taking on the ugly thing where guys have their pants halfway down their bum, and my bro does it with his pj's and shows his bright red undies to the world.
frankly, it's disgusting. This whole sagging bum trend thing. Pull your pants up, for god's sake.
Also, this fat lady in front of us when we pulled into the petrol station the other day took her time filling up her petrol tank and MAKING A PHONE CALL so she took 15 mins to fill up her tank. And when she went to pay she took 10 mins because she was too busy contemplating on whether to get a cornetto or a golden gaytime.
She ended up with the cornetto, if you were wondering.
So today, i was over at Dom's house, so we decided to watch THE GRUDGE, which wasnt a very good idea because i was scared shitless at every sudden movement and now whenever i hear that sound it makes, i get scared. =(
I was in the shower just then, and my bro was outside the door and like, he started making that sound, and then i went paranoid, so i showered @ the speed of light just in case the grudge was outside trying to get through the window. And then i went into my room and now i don't want to sleep tonight just in case the grudge goes under my sheets and like looks up at me like makes that horrible horrible sound and then kills me =(((
Ahhh so paranoid.
But after watching like, 45mins of THE GRUDGE, we went to ct and ate udon and salmon sushi and chicken katsu =DDD ahahaha it was yummy =)
I learnt today that in skill testers, it won't do any good if you try and grab the toy by its head, because the grabby thingos are too small for the head; and thats how they rip you off =) and i SWEAR I SAW THE GRABBY THINGOS let go of my soft toy JUSTTTTTTTTTTTT before it reached the hole. STUPID PEOPLE.
Oh i saw a lot of teeneyboppers there today. It was really funny. And i saw this guy who i thought was a girl from the back, but then he turned and he had no front and he had a very guyish face so i was like oh...
So yea. =) best day ever; and it was heaps fun =)
Um im not gna go back and read over what i wrote, so i apologise if you dont understand half of it =D
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Baby pink Adidas backpack given to me by a distant relative who hasn't seen me since 1995.
Brand New.
Starting Bid: $5.00
(someone PLEASE take it before it goes down to my little cousins, etc TT.TT)
Comment on the cbox if you're interested. I have a feeling that noone's going to comment for a long, looong time -__-
Monday, April 13, 2009
Well at least my new yr resos arent completely ignored =)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I have finally decided to blog after a VERY long time, cos i figured, yknow, you mightve missed me, like, yea.?? yea????YEA?
anyways >_>
I have learnt a great many things for the short period i have been at home. i have learnt that:
- I have learnt that the Central Nervous System consists of the brain and the spinal cord
- I have learnt that my brother is complete prick and completely untrustworthy because once he gets what he wants he goes ahead and tells the secret =( I GAVE HIM MY LOLLIPOP TO STOP HIM FROM TELLING MUM THAT I SPILT SOY SAUCE ALL OVER THE KITCHEN FLOOR T-T
- I have learnt that i shouldnt cook by myself. it only causes problems *shakes head*
- I have learnt that there are some extremely racially discriminative bastards out there who deserve to die. what have i ever done to you =(
- I have learnt that fat women on buses are a nuisance, especially old ones who give you dirties
- I have learnt what a reflex arc is =)
Oh how productive =D
Saturday, April 11, 2009
kay new skinnnn
but ill update the skin later and stuff
dw sg ive got the cbox thingo and all the rest of it
Friday, April 10, 2009
There are some funny things which humans tend to do. Such as, the tendency to hide/do things in secret/reveal less of what they really do.
WTF is the meaning of this, you all ask?
What I mean, is that people don't like to admit things that they may do at home because it's a personal goal they want to achieve, and in the process, others shouldn't know because their reactions might be critical or amazed/awed depending on what it is. There are numerous examples, some of which that apply to most people.
STUDYING is probably the best example of this. A gazillion weeks before the tests, there are always SOME people out their studying their arses off right? Well upon being asked whether they have started studying by peers, the answer is usually a definite "No! Why would I??" And then, the day of that dreaded exam, everybody is either shouting something along the lines of
"OMFG I haven't studied this shit AT ALL!!!" or "I'm going to fail!" I guess it's because people are afraid that by admitting that they study hard, they'll have to live up to it in the future, so naturally, they try to lower people's opinions of them. (I think another reason that people don't like to admit that theyve been studying hard is because they don't want other procrastinators to ask for their study notes... which is always fcking annoying if you ask me especially if you've spent weeks making them)
And then there's the working out thing. *coughdanielzhu*, whereby people like to create the impression that etcetc is naturally that muscular/fit, when there isn't actually anything wrong with working out. Or maybe people jsut don't want others to think that they're taking drastic measures to achieve so and so. This includes a load of other stuff, like secret crash-dieting, or wearing makeup.
Change of subject: I like dat boom boom poww!! (lol, black eyed peas are back ;D)
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Well most of us got the careers rip off quiz back yesterday. xD
AND being the.

. person that I am, I have found several organised groupings that categorise these careers. And also cos i'm bored as but we'll go with the SCIENTIFIC reason.
1. the " what the hell is that? " careers.
- Prosthetist / Orthotist
- Non - Destructive Testing Technician
- Cartographic Technician
2. the "that's plain insulting" careers.
- Public Servant - Australian Pubic Service
- Public Servant - State Government
3. the LOL careers.
- VEHICLE BODY BUILDER (arhaha can you see me doing this?)
- Petroleum and Gas Plant Operator
- Tissue Culture Technician
Haha. Btw, no offence to anyone aspiring to become a cheesemaker or a petroleum and gas plant operator. We need cheese and gas in this world!
Lastly, look..
. the FUTURE ME! xP
<3 Pat.
Friday, April 3, 2009
DISCLAIMER: this is extremely harsh and it's just my personal views alone, so I'm REALLY sorry if I offend anyone.
You know what I find extremely disgusting? The fact that people ASKS people for expensive gifts.
Yes I know, at this rate you're thinking something along the lines of " omfg she's such a stingy asian motherfker" but hear me out.
I just find it extremely low when people asks for presents that are like completely over-the-top and expensive, which obviously cannot be purchased with the group members alone. So of course, we, as loving friends of THE ONE, have to resort to scabbing money from an extra 20394039 people, if even that's enough.
Sorry but I aint a cash register and I don't have ATM stamped across my forehead, and I just find it really immoral to go around and ask people to buy really expensive gifts when THE ONE probably don't even know who chipped in for it in the end.
Personally I believe that presents are just suppose to be something really thoughtful and genuine from people who care about you, and shouldn't be expected from THE ONE.. it should be voluntary given. Price shouldn't even be a issue. I'll happily buy my friends presents for whatever it costs voluntarily but I just HATE IT when people DEMAND for SO MUCH out of a friend. If you do then, are they even your friends?
Needless to say, you'll never find me scabbing money from people for other people nor asking people for presents. Cos that to me is just.. disgusting.
You know how conversating with teachers is awkward, right? Well I don't know how to explain this, but when you engage at a level of understanding or friendship with a teacher (this isn't about what you think it is ok) it kind of makes it difficult in class. Like, should you be a goody two shoes and smile cheesily when she talks to you or what?
Ok, so after all this dance business I have become, what you may call "aquainted" with a certain teacher... Sivad... yeah and now whenever I pass her in school I kind of have to pull a friendly/sisterly smile and chat to her or whatever. Yesterday after Syd West auditions I was the last one to leave and then I caught a bus to towers.. and guess what!? While I was at the groceries getting bananas for SRP... she was there too.. =\
Well this is probably just me since I'm not wholy at ease when it comes to socializing with people I don't know that well (espcially adults gahhh), but usually when I see people I recognize at say the shopping centre or on the street I like to... HIDE from them. ==. Because it's just so awkward! Expecially if you haven't seen them for quite a while.
Ok so back to the story. Ofcourse, seeing as we spotted eachother, we had to converse briefly, and then we said our goodbyes, but unfortunately, after a short while, i realized that she was there to buy fuit as well, and I hadn't even bought mine yet. Instinct told me to duck in and out of the isles to avoid having to greet her all over again with that awkward "oh... hi again! *awkward silence*" but then I just ended up bumping into her again and then I practically ran to the checkout and out towards the escalators.
Not fun.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
from now on i shall be more optimistic so i dont sound like a hypocrite calling everyone else a pessimistic idiot.
∞ d&m up the ass
Pshhhhhht you can't trust anyone these days anymore. It's always like:
A: cmon tell me !
B: no ! I'm not suppose to tell anyone.
A: awww cmon! I PROMISE won't tell anyone else..
B: but I told him/her that I wouldn't ..
A: you know I won't tell ! you can trust me..
B: .. okay okay I know I'm not suppose to tell anyone
BUT ..
There everything spills out. And this just repeats itself until the entire universe knows.
Just one of those little facts of life. Moral of story: don't trust people.
I think all girls have an extrememly bitchy side to them, no matter how nice they are.
It appears that dwelling upon others' misfortunes makes people happy. >:D
Not suggesting that all the chicks cabins were bitching about others.... just saying that women gain a sense of self confidence and comfort from word vomiting to all their peers, and then swearing by the "Sister Act VI" or something to keep it all within the group of 6. It's quite funny actually.
Ok, so, geo camp was the most UNEVENTFUL and time-wasting 3 days ever. The first day was basically nothing, then the second day was virtually walking around scribbling down crap, and then after dinner was having a one-man party whilst waiting for the dvd player to work. And people ask ME why I always look like I'm just about to bash someone up. -__-
I reckon the best part was the food and the intensive DNM sessions about.... >__><__<.... sorry bubs, individuals are forbidden to leak under Page 34 paragraph 6 under the Sister Act VI etcetc ok this is lame.
Oh yeah, another thing which I thought was quite funny was when we were watching Stomp The Yard on the bus (best dance movie EVER) and Noor asked me why all guys hold their crotches when they dance. ROFL! I think it's because in doing so they're supposed to contain subtle expressions of sexual connotations.
Anyway I'm in a pretty low mood right now so that's why I'm a bit... flat. (lol noor).