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∞ In response to Riff's latest post.
Friday, February 27, 2009

The truth as to why girls roll their sleeves up (and numerous other things eg tying their pe shirts up/ stitching their skirts up etc):

We all deny it or avoid admitting it, but it's human nature to want to look good. So what is the point of chicks rolling up their sleeves, you ask, when there is no practical reason? The answer is obvious: Because it looks better!

Contrary to beliefs, it is not only the crowd which motivates this act, and it isn't based on peer pressure at all, in fact, the phenomenon is triggered by one's own perception of themselves. When you look in the mirror in the morning, would you rather see yourself as something close to this:

or ThIS???

Obviously the latter! Also, the under-estimated size of the sleeves tend to create the impression of a wide figure, and thus, it creates a..... I don't know how to explain it, it just looks unbalanced ok!!?? It lowers self-confidence... which is probably the reason why all chicks feel insecure at school photos. Guys never seem to understand the problem girls face with their school shirts, after all, guys don't have to put on a school shirt every morning which has sleevs billowing down to their elbows.

Another thing: most of the girls who don't roll their sleeves up have already stitched them up.

Some of you are probably thinking: Wtf, all you care about is looking good.

Well I'm just telling the truth, and it applies for everyone.

I think it was last year when George said that some guy called her a slut because she rolled her sleeves up. Wanting to look good isn't a crime; it's the way our mind think, and the reason we spend money on clothes.

Say, why are guys so afraid to tuck their shirts in? Surely not because they think tucked-in shirts unflatter body shape? O.O

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I hate it how people complicate things. Scrape that, I hate it how I complicate things.

I swear I'm going to start sprouting grey hairs. I need to grow some nuts and be a bitch.

Lessons I have learnt this month:
  1. Don't jump to conclusions
  2. Don't be mislead by what a person says
  3. Actions are louder than words
  4. Don't bite off more than you can chew
  5. People persevere for the things they love doing =/
Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm so gullible.
So gullible that I cried over something without actually wonder about whether it was true or not.


Ah well, what can you say.


" But we have to be someday .. so I'll keep dreaming .." ~
∞ READ??

- English Practice essay #2
- History question; hand written 300 words on aborigines
- Study maths for Trig test on Monday
- Think of a new science thingo because the *&*(& teacher rejected my proposal that stupid &*^*&^

- New VD journal asdjhasjkfhsjafh what a waste of my $5
- Panadol for tummyache =[
- Soothers for sore throat :@
- PEOPLE’S BDAY PRESENTS + Jessicawon’s Christmas present ><

- My history book with nice and loverly Tweety book covering on it =[
- Kosciosko camp note form thingy
- my gluestick

- Horrible little ants crawling around my study area with insecticide Muahahah
- That stupid guy who wakes up in the damn morning and starts mowing the damn lawn and wakes me up EARLY EARLY EARLY

- nicer to everyone =D
- less retarded =D
- a supernerd =D


- This pointless list

You’ve just wasted 2 mins of your life reading this pointless blog.


- tmy =D
Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ahaha I got in the car today afternoon and my brother was crying and mum said he was bullied by some speddy Cumberland High people.

So I’m like thinking, “woah, okay, its kinda normal for Cumberland-ers to pick on little kiddies because theyre all mean little speds that think they’re superior to the rest of the world”

And then I’m like, “what did they say”

“Well the big tall one asked for my money and I told him no and the other short one who’s as tall as me called me a fucking Asian and they both told me to get fucked and go to hell!!!”

*Proceeds to cry his head off**

Okay so I was just going to continue dissing those retarded speds on behalf of my darling brother, but he just turned around and gave me a dirty look when I didn’t even do anything so serves him right for being bullied

That little bastard **shakes fist**

No, only joking; but when we got home he was full on raging and crying and throwing a tantrum and telling me that hes gna carry around a knife and when he sees them again hes gna stab them in the head, and then I really got worried just in case he DOES manage to smuggle a knife out of the house

Awwww, poor baby =[

Oh well hes fine now.

I wonder whats its like going to Cumberland. Hm, all the non retarded people must feel like theyre in support unit all the time

Nonono that was slack ahahaha ==\
Saturday, February 14, 2009

You know it's funny how things go.
∞ ahaha =)
Friday, February 13, 2009


or as George calls it, happy single-awareness day


But what great weather to have valentines on aye =] Full on cold and raining and stuff. Ohwell. i guess you could surprise your gf/bf with a huge bunch of roses and then try and kiss in the rain and get super duper wet and soaked if you wanted to be hardcore romantic =)

_tmy =]

random thought : is there a difference between steamboat and hot pot? =X
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wtfffff @ school. See this is the reason we have no posts lately.

We went to Merrylands Pool for water polo today, and since there turned out to be no game, we just randomly did water polo throwing and catching practice during which I almost drowned and got shouted at numerous times for clinging onto the lane rope of dear life. I don't get how anyone could possibly like swimming as a physical activity. I mean, because I havent swum a fifty metre lap since last swimming carnival (but only because I was forced to do the relay), I attempted to do laps today to see if I could still swim. I couldn't even swim the rest of the second lap. I'm that weak ok? ==.

Another thing which occured to me during out time there was the fact that generally, most Asians like to isolate from other cultural groups and relate to one another much much better. You don't seem to notice it at first, but after so many years of being cramped up in such an Asian school, you find it somewhat difficult to socialize with people from eg your primary school. I guess that's one of the down sides of attending a selective school. Also, at asian-infested Epping, you begin to notice that many Asian's "hook up" with one another even if they are total strangers, except for perhaps some connection with another friend or something. They act like best friends or something. It's just like: "Hey!! you know ___ right?? I'm ___ " *starts sharing Easyway straw*. I'm not saying that it's never applied to me as well before, but I'm just pointing out that it's really wierd how Asians get along so quickly.

For example, you may notice how everytime Baulko and Ruse go to eachother's schools to do grade sport, or at every zone sports carnival, people from both schools are all over each other hugging and reuniting and screaming in joy, and being introduced and meeting friend's friends and what not.

Ok, this will sound random, but I hate stupid Asian guys who try to be really gangster and upon seeing eachother attempt to so some random punching handshake. Wtf.
∞ mm
Sunday, February 8, 2009

So, I visited Taylor today =D naw poor her she got injured .. hope you get well soooon !
Teehee t'was great fun.

Yay just finished "A Lunch Date" assss. I kept writing "A Lunch Break" before I realised that it was a date instead of break. == Think I need a lunch break.

∞ Guess what ?
Saturday, February 7, 2009

I just saw 11:11 !

Someone's thinking about me. =)


Okay it's just.. apparently to Tom, when you see 11:11 on a clock, it means someone's thinking about you, and when you see 4:44, someone's talking about you. LOL unreliable source alert. So then, being the CURIOUS GEORGE that I am, I googled it !

1 of 82934803984 results - well according to those random sites seeing 11:11 is not a coincidence and it's some guardian angel protecting you or something.. O_O

School is owning me these days. Everyday my life falls into the same pattern.

Go to school.
Cram my brain with very useful knowledge.
Walk up that near-vertical hill to my house in 39403923 degree heat.
Attempt to piano or read but ends up micro-sleeping.
Wake up and feel wasted.
Attempt to do productive work.
Watch news.
Do more hopefully productive work.


Damn I love my life.

Ooh it's valentines day soon.
Someone be my valentine ;)

∞ my (un)pro photography skills =)
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Well while Bob was in Melbourne, Derf on a cruise, Jerry in Perth and George and Tom were.. at home... i went to KIAMA!

It was great! We went to the beach a few times and we went to JAMBEROO! OH and the blowhole. and this ice cream store that had ORANGE GELATO! it was so yummy.

Anyways, jamberoo was awesome! the "beach" thing was so cool and they made GIGANTIC WAVES! like literally if you werent looking you would probably be drowning. And you had to jump otherwise you would get dumped by the waves. They were SO BIG!

And then like when we got back, when we went to Ryde Aquatic Centre for swimming, and you know how they have waves too? well, my brother and I were like ... where are the waves? BUT it turns out that the waves were already going == yup compared to the Jamberoo ones, Ryde's ones were like microscopic.

And the ratio of the crest to trough from two study sites is-   1:100000

Welcome to our coach tour today, we will be taking you around



SDC10206And here we come to RED ROOSTER! And of course the lovely palm tree like plants on the roundabout!





Our next view if you look to your right -->

This is the ocean and a carnival on the other side. Let's move on...




And we have arrived at the BLOWHOLE! Right now its not blowing.. but when it does it is really cool!






Now we can observe the natural wildlife of this beautiful location. this is a SEAGULL

Please do not feed the




And now we hit the country side on our way to Jamberoo..








This photo is my favourite.








And we have arrived on our destination.

The coach will board at 4:30pm so please be on time. Thank you and enjoy your day !!


The coach driver and photographer,





Wednesday, February 4, 2009

You know what pisses me off like shit? Even more than my mother shouting at me or my sister stealing from my room or the way the bank lady rolls her eyes whenever I go to put a dollar into my account and the fact that the canteen ran out of paddlepops today??

The fact that MY MATHS BOOK looks like a wrinkled piece of crap with blisters everywhere because I couldn't stick the contact down straight. And now the picture underneath is all ripped up and shit. And it makes fugly squeaky noises whenever I bend it.

It makes me want to punch something. I hate my maths book now. I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it......

Now i'm going to fail maths, because having a neat and aesthetically presentable maths book was supposed to be one of my plans designed to make me like maths better.

http://s2-sg.blogspot.com by Soul Group