Friday, January 30, 2009
school's dying.
∞ sweet 16 =)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
KEKEKE. I had my early bday celebrations yday!
So on Tuesday night, after much persisting and persuading, Tom and Jerry came and slept over. =) We managed to cart off half of Videoezy's stock with my special voucher (free rentals) and special videoezy deal of Tuesday nights for $2.50 per rental.
We then camped out infront of the projector watching One Missed Call which turned out to be not extremely scary. Just things suddenly appearing making us scream jst a little.

Very afraid as you can see. We ended up having a movie marathon and stayed up until 4 in the morning.

The next day we all invaded city! ASIAN INVASION!
Jerry, me and Tom.
We then went karaoke, which was awesome :) There was this random Cat Bui song which was in Viet I think.. dot dot dot ..and then it was just the bass of the guys singing " which backstreet boy is gay" droning out the soft murmurings of " I want it that way" .. xD

Too busy getting smashed with non alcoholic drinks and choosing songs. x)


GROUP! x3 Photo courtesy of Anthea~
The day then concluded with us singing Cat Bui another 2 times, watching Role Models and invading KFC afterwards.
I'll just like to say thankyou for everyone that came and people who gave me presents and cards etc. You guys made that day a touch more special by being there and it wouldn't have been the same without everyone. xx I love you all.
∞ the persistence of memory
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
For the sake of pure entertainment and amusement, if any of our readers would like to relive the coolest and pro-est momento of all time, climb aboard the time machine and I'll rewind 10543685076 billion years:
DESTINATION: December 2006 A.D. WTF IS THIS? You seriously cannot be telling me that 3 years ago
- A knee high sock on left foot only. (!!!???)
- Cap worn backwards slightly tipping towards the right side (for the gangster factor), and bobby-pinned down to prevent falling off.
- Synchronised plaits not unalike to those of the Britney Spears Baby One More Time music video
- Ties
- Sleeves rolled up X 1740237504
(For those of you who don't know what the eff this is, it was our 1 2 Step dance at year 7 reco during which the biggest ever screw-up of all time occured. If it wasn't for the fact that the cd skipped in the middle of the dance and the horrible costumes the dance would have been reasonably alright.)

Ok, what I'm saying is, people are maturing all the time and when they look back at how they acted or what they once thought was cool, they realize how much they've changed over the months. (Take the Merchant of Venice, for example, and numerous other events such as Promise of a Lifetime, ==)
One more thing before I go:
(Quote from George's post prior to the our English Shapespeare performance after she and tom came to my house to practice our dance during which my sister found a centipede in her shoe)
"And Betty is here! Shove Jerry. [Pushes Jerry off stage] xD Nah I'm kidding. So, first of all. STUPID CENTIPEDE and its one-hundred legs! It's legs were sticking out in all directions, just like Justin's old hairstyle. Eurgh!! =S And Tom was staring at Jerry's dog and so it kepted on looking at Tom when she danced. xD Lorenzo is bring gangstah back, YEAUH~! "
∞ 2K9
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
As a follow up to my Pursuit of Job adventures, I shall give you an update! Last Friday I managed send my resume to five places.. and GUESS WHAT?!
They haven't called me back yet. =(( It's Tuesday already! I thought I was your most valuable employee ! For the past few days, I've checking my phone every 2 seconds to see if I have any missed calls, since my ringtone is really quiet and I can never hear it. But everytime I check.. I just see my ugly wallpaper staring back at me.
CALL ME PLEASE ! It's meant to be darling ;)
Also, since the beginning of this year, I've been thinking alot. And you know what?
THE FUTURE FREAKS ME OUT.The more I think about it, the more it confuses me. Maybe it's just the whole 16-coming-of-age thing, but just everything seems not so distant now. I was making NY resolutions, and I realised that this year I have to learn to cook, drive and get a job (call me!). And what about HSC? What about LIFE AFTER BAULKO? What do I want to do? How am I going to get there? Do I have a backup? What happens if I'm not going to be a Lawyer, doctor or accountant? What if design is "only taken up by people who get like 80 UAI and you don't get a good pay" ?
Oh gosh I better stop before my brain explodes. I shall go watch my beloved Djokovic sweat it out on the courts now.
Oh and on a lighter note, should I streak my hair? Hah I'm always so paranoid that I'll get some allergic reaction and my scalp will burn and my eyes will swell up to the size of golfballs like those poor chicks in TodayTonight. =\
Saturday, January 17, 2009
GOAL: To get a job before holidays end.
Watch Tom fail hardcore
∞ Just something to pass the time
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Earlier on, some thoughts crossed my mind which I'd like to clarrify.
Most people (especially amongst the female sex) have been accused of being "skinny" by someone else. This usually occurs when the talking person wants to diss his/her own body shape by creating a very fictional comparison between the two people, when in fact the alleged "skinny" person weighs more than them.
I get so bloody annoyed when people do that, especially if a total stick talks to you. Partly because they say "you're so skinny!" as just a figure of speech so that they can rant on about how they need to supposedly lose weight, or not eat, or whatever. Meanwhile, you're thinking
then wtf are you calling me. In a tight situation like this, the accused person would be unable to respond, because it is a lose-lose situation: Agree with that person, and seem flashy and un-modest (since the only reason the accuser said you were skinny was because they wanted their own body shape to seem horrendous), or disagree, and make the accuser feel even worse about their own body shape.
The problem lies in our perception of "skinny".
Having good body shape and being skinny are two different things.People keep forgetting these days that having the "ideal" body shape does not mean being skinny, but looking healthy.
So next time people want to rant, they can do it by themselves in front of the mirror away from the majority of people who are perfectly happy about the way they look.
p.s. this post is definitely not about anyone in particular, but about our generation as a whole.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Okay, i just edited that pic because SOMEONE -glares- wanted me to take out there name
3 clues
1. shes in sg
2. shes a frog
3. shes on a high everyday
Monday, January 12, 2009
On one humid day, George of the Jungle was resting beneath a small patch of shelter, trying to hide from the hot tropical sun rays which are slowly generating melanomas beneath his skin. Undergrowths were sproutin' , mosquitoes were flyin' and malaria was spreadin' ..
Looking around, he realised that whilst life went on, he was doing nothing besides resting on that fat tummy of his, grazing whatever food he could find and snoring to his heart's content. He then made a life-changing decision. He wanted to search for something else.. something more
groundbreaking .. something more
earthshattering something more
exhilarating.. something with three letters ..
J O B.So it was on that day, that George decided to hunt for jobs in that jungle of his - aka. Castle Towers. He rounded up two of his hunting pals, and set off in the dense canopy of trees, swinging from store to store, in desperate search of MY PRECIOUSSSSSSSSSS .. job.
But as they came across their first branch, his two companions decided that such obstacles in this journey were too overwhelming, and in amidst their adversity, they backed out - leaving George there to fight for his life. However, George decided that his should BE A MAN and face the challenges ahead, so he persevered on, grabbing the vine firmly with his hand and swung for his life.
" WATCH OUT FOR THAT TREE! " His companion shouted, as George came SMACKBANG right into the bark of the tree. From then on, his comrades decided to keep a tally of the number of times George smacked into trees.
By the 6th hit, George decided that he had enough and went to eat KFC with his friends. So at the end of the day, his tally went something like this.
So now I'm in part II of Mission Impossible - writing a resume.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFI'VE BEEN BETRAYED.I just can't believe that after all these years you've just rejected me. Refused to see me. After those emails I sent you. After all those times I spent at your place (mondays, tuesdays, sometimes thursdays, when my parents were out), eating my favourite food in the whole wide world. I thought we shared something, had something in common. But you never returned my calls. I can't believe I even introduced my family to you. I wish you could've just given me a chance. You were my everything < / 3
So how could you do something like this:
REJECT my application. MACCAS! Like, my favourite restaurent EVER. If it wasn't for me, you would be broke and out of business. I thought you and I both agreed that I was going to be a proffessional Chicken Burger maker! Wtf, what happened bro? TT.TT. Ok, now I'mma go on a Maccas boycott. Or maybe I should follow KFC to make it jealous ;D
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Well hello all.
I am bored.
For the whole holidays i have been stuck at home doing random shit and stuff, not becuase i really absolutely love staying at home and being a good girl, but because i'm grounded AGAIN for reasons i will not expose to the public and asdjhjkahfjksha i feel cut of from the rest of the world x_X
I have already failed one of my new years resolution by swearing hardcore today at some idiotic people that decided that they would love knock on my door and promote whatever they were promoting. I think i scared them off, which is all good, because theyll know that theres a crazy 15yo girl that lives on that "pink house on the corner," so then they can tell the rest of the stupid doorknockers not to bother me, thank you very much.
My house is not pink and you are colourblind.
Anyways, My brother pouting, is the ugliest thing ever. He looks like a badly mutated frog with caterpillar eyebrows.
It's funny =]
tom shall now go.
byebye all
Friday, January 2, 2009
WHO WATCHED PEARL HARBOUR LAST NIGHT??Wasn't it just the most emotional, heart wrenching movie ever?! And that is the reason World War 2 movies make me cry =( argghhh....
Okies. I went to Perth on Christmas day right? And so, Christmas Lunch consisted of a hastily packed avocado and tuna sandwich, because Budget airlines such as Virgin Blue cannot afford to provide customers with gourmet lunches. And then, Christmas DINNER consisted of a packet of instant noodles and half a raw cucumber.
Now I understand how tourism industries make such great annual profits. One frkn half an hour return ferry ride cost the family a hundred and something bucks, and it claimed that it provided "COMPLEMENTERY" coffee and tea. So we waited 7503475436 minutes for our cup of tea, and no tea or coffee came along, so as we were on the verge of dehydrating/starving to death, we bought a tinnnnnyyyy packet of twisties and a can of coke, which for some reason amounted to frkn $4.50!!!!!!!. And then at the information centre we wanted to bye paddlepops, because they were supposedly the cheapest in the icecream box thing, and then they ended up being 2 dollars each. I'm so dissapointed. Nevertheless, to make up for us being bored for 99% of the time at those interesting tourist attractions we got icecream everyday, and most of the time twice a day 8D.
And like, on the second day, we were in the city, and then we came across a whole street of like a million people packed together. So then We asked the nearest person what they were all waiting for, and then I realized:
of course! the MYER STOCKTALE SALE!So then we all charged into the shop but didn't buy anything, because everything was like: "50% Off: $50". So yeah.
NOTE TO SELF: Do not provoke crabs.

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Hello everyone! Long time no blog! Holidays right now are lame lame lame. =( There's passwords on our TVs so we can't watch anything or play Wii and my dad hid the laptops somewhere except my brother sneaked it out of the safe while my dad was sleeping just then with his "super ninja skills". =="
Anyway, I was gonna blog about this yesterday but since the laptop was stolen, I'm gonna write it now. =)
So, how did everyone spend the first day of 2009? Was it fun? Well, on the last day of 2008, we were gonna watch the 12 o'clock fireworks on TV but then around 10, there was a BLACKOUT. Wth? And that time I was watering the garden and the lights randomly went off and the whole street was dark and it was scary. =/ And my dad was like, "Maybe the workers are having tea and they wanna go home and watch the fireworks too." =_____= So we just sat there with out little torches and we were gonna go to sleep early and not watch the fireworks. But then guess what?!?! Miraculously, like, 10 to 12, the lights went back on and we watched the fireworks. =)
THE NEXT DAYI woke up and looked in the mirror and I had SINGLE EYELIDS. WTF?! Then I hung up the clothes and scraped my knuckles on the metal door cause I was trying to hold the basket and open the door at the same time. Then I dropped the basket on my foot and it hurt. =( Then I took out the rubbish and the huge recycling bin that we have. Then I dropped the recycling bin on my hand. Then I tripped on the hose. Then I handwashed all the dishes from last night. Then I filled the huge water-holding thing to boil the water except it doesn't fit under the tap cause it's so big. Then i nearly broke the tap cause I was trying to fit it under the tap anyway. =____=
And then my bro woke up. Sigh.
Right now since it's holidays and my mum's gone to China, my brother and i have this chores system where we do chores every 2nd day. And we get 12 bucks a day for hanging up the clothes, taking them down, folding them, sorting them. Then we have to take out the rubbish and the recycling bin. Then we have to boil the water with that huge water thing that doesn't fit under the sink. Then we need to MAKE DINNER. Sigh. I never really understood the..
hardships.. that my mum needs to face every day. =( Since, I'm clumsy and attract trouble.. I drop and knock over a lot of stuff, let's just say... =____= My mummy says that I won't get a husband xDD Anyway, after dinner I have to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen and then sweep and mop the floor. And then water the garden for an hour. By the end of the holidays I'm gonna be a pro housekeeper. =)
I mentioned single eyelids before. I've always wondered why I have weird 1 1/2 eyelids and my brother has single eyelids even though both my parents have double eyelids. But then i recently found out that both my parents had DOUBLE EYELID SURGERY. =____= Sigh, looks like I won't magically grow even eyelids one day. =(
Any, onto my New Year resolutions!
FRED'S NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS1. Get ranked in the top 20 at the end of the year
2. Get a principal's award or Year Advisor
3. Become more athletically-gifted, not just seem like it (Lol, 96% in yearly.. xD Mr Sivad must love me )
4. Do C-mus this year (C-mus wth?)
5. Be a super-pro cook
6. Get a job
7. Grow one more centimetre (164!)
Okay, i highly doubt that I'll actually do any of these but
it's good to dream~~ I can't wait till my mummy comes back from China so I can eat yummy dinners. =D Lol..