Sunday, November 30, 2008
OMFG OMFG OMFG CAMP ROCK!can go suck some balls D=Omg, I hate it when they purposely make it so frkn cheesy when the characters try and "flirt" with eachother and fall in love at like, first sight X__X. And I hate it how like, the guy just grabs a guitar and starts lip singing at the girl with really retarded facial expressions. And when the three dudes suddenly break into like a full on rock song on the stage and there aren't even any drums T.T"". And how at the very end everyone just suddenly knows all the lyrics and dance moves to a song and its all cheerful and everyone loves eachother.And the girl can't act. The only thing she knows how to do is grit her teeth when she tries to smile when there's nothing else to do.....I wanna watch HSM3!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
GUESS WHAT EVERYONE!I got in the 80's for maths even though I got 66 out of 94 in the yearly! 8D. Hopefully if a miracle occurs I won't be stuck in my favourite teacher Oordnihom's class!!!!!!!!!!!! I swear, she writes down the shiftiest maths notes ever o.o'"". Like that time when George, Josh and I were studying for maths in the VA room while we were supposed to be working in the artshow commitee and I was getting extrememly confused whilst trying to study that diagram of the hyperbola that I copied down. And then I thought to myself: "if the co-efficient of X is negative, shouldn't the line be on the opposite side?"
And then I asked George for her opinion and she was like "WTF WHO MADE YOU WRITE THAT DOWN?"
Ok. I won't keep talking about her behind her back. Because a good workman never blames his tools =).
Ok. So. I haven't updated in quite a while, and that's my bad. Sorry. Nothing interesting ever happens anymore, excluding Spring Fair last friday. That was the bomb!

The rainbow tried to do a synchronized toyota jump in the big gym, and judging by this photo, it can be infered that Daniel jumps very high =S Oh yeah, he was the black end of the rainbow.

Eric what a gangster! LOL.
Anyway, yesterday we had our tremendously competitive cricket grand finals. It was such a close win that we acually let them get within 60 runs of our tally! -___- In case there are some thick people out there reading this I'm being sarcastic ok ==.
Speaking of cricket, we had our fun session of cricket during PE today, and not to my surprse, Mr Sivad gave me yet another long lecture about what I'm doing wrong. You see, we have to place that orange plastic ball thing (which surprisingly enough we used for hockey too) that doesn't bounce on this sticky uppy thingy which is supposed to "hold" the ball, and then we're supposed to hit it to the other side of the basketball courts with the bat. And then just as I was going to hit it he comes storming up to me shouting something along the lines of "Lynette WHAT ARE YOU DOING! THIS ISN'T GOLF!" *seizes my bat menacingly and starts posing with it like a professional batsman*. "WHAT HAVE I TAUGHT YOU GIRLS TO DO!"
I'm so free these days. Apart from piano all I ever do after I get home from school is graze, then approximately an hour of sleep on the couch, then waking up for some Rollercoaster, and then some computer treatment, and then dinner and the dishes, and then listening to music until 11 pm. Britney Spears for the win =D. Everyone download her new song "circus". HAHA.
We should have some more photography photos posted up soon. Speaking of photography, the other day George and I, and Delo and Josh all went into the boys toilets to look for inspiration for our photos involving "experimentation with lighting". AND GUESS WHAT? THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE CUBICLES! =O
Ok, they do, but for number one they only have this long silver thing which looks like a shower and they just stand there without any shelter or anything from the surrounding environment! HOW DODGY IS THAT X__X
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I am so bored and I have exactly two minutes to type up something truly groundbreakingly fascinating that will have all of you gasping for air. Dammit, one minute just passed. See, I was planning to wash my softball bag (which is so camouflaged in dirt that it will find its place in the Sahara Desert) at 9 pm but being the lazyass procrastinator I am, I have pushed the child labour time till 9:30.
Shit, which is now.
NOOOO.. *slaps myself* I should be getting my ass off my chair and walk 10 paces and engage in some serious cleaning business. GO GO GO! I'm in desperate need of self motivation. If only I could tear my eyes away from the computing screen for just one .. two.. inches..
Fail. I swear I'm hearing that word increasingly often as results of yearlies are received. Everyday as I walk towards my next class .. (or strolling EXTREMELY SLOWLY at the speed of minus light if it's VD) I often catch the daily conversations something along the lines of this ..
B: holy shiz I FAILED that ! mothereffin..
A: I reckon! EPIC PHAILS! I fail at life.
Hmm. Aw cheer up guys, at least it's only year 9.
Anyways, today was finals for sport, and needless to say, our softball team did not make it. I think we killed any chance of making finals when we lost to Glenwood ALOT to NOT MANY. (Sorry, scoreline too embarrassing). So then I had three choices:
1. Watch touch footy people (hopefully) own Kellyview.
2. Raid the netballers' BBQ like the cheap asian that I am.
3. Watch volleyball against Ruse, which is basically WWIII - battle of the asians.
4. Jump off a cliff.
Although option 4 looked immensely tempting, I chose option 1 and found myself sitting on the sidelines of the touch game without informing Ms Sakrab. So the end she sent people to find me and was like " you have to stay in here to watch volleyball. Sorry but that's just the way it is."
So then, being the Einstein-mind genius that I am, I suggested to Bob that we sneak out through the toilets and Pat will call us if the teacher comes looking for us, and if the teacher asks where we were, just say that we were being constipated in the bathrooms and we'll try to sprint back as fast as we can.
C'est magnifique, non?
So then, this plan was carried out twice with two false alarms. == Bob and I had to sprint back twice and we both agreed that we had more exercise today than any school softball game we've played.
In the end, Touch A's lost because the ref was from that @)#(#)$ school who were like " OH THIS AINT FKING CHINATOWN" " SUCK MY BALLS" " FKN ASIANS" at us and those guys who pulled their pants down when we versed them in soccer. How biase. And the B's WERE winning until the ref for the A's went on. Then they ended up in a draw. Goodjob guys (Y).
I should really go and wash my bag now. Or else the dusty footprints on it shall become a imprint and then become a FOSSIL. Now wouldn't that be interesting. Scientists like Nishy and Gary will discover it in another 200 years and win a Nobel Prize.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Farewell Flora.
Thankyou for everything. We'll miss you.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
And I almost had you, But I guess that doesn't cut it.Almost loved you, I almost wished you would love me too ..--
Well I'm currently feeling.. happy right now. =) Almost giddy like a little kid kekeke. I'm just excited about everything. I love it that every once in awhile, we decide to do something like this and yeah =D You guys make me smileeeeeeee.. and today was so productive that I'm glad that I came to school.
DAMN I'm so fucking happy. =)
betty liu did a poo in the loo and said boo =D
*smacks head* wtf I should stop smoking and trade it for Daniel's suitcase-full of money.
Oh and, happy bday to Josh for yesterday.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I admire your infatuation with yourself and thinking that everybody loves you or something. It’s so annoying, but it’s a wonder why you don’t do anything about it when 500 ppl are like, bitching about you everyday. Maybe an exaggeration, but whatever.
So I screwed science and maths and geo and history and vd and va but WHO CARES. Yearlies are finally over and I can finally go on msn and watch tv without feeling guilty.
But it feels kinda weird not having to do anything, not that I’m complaining or anything. No yearlies means that:
1. I don’t have to have uneven shoulders because I can finally dump all my books in the locker and they can rot and turn mouldy in there along with Jerry and Fred’s VD claymation sets.
2. I can finally do absolutely nothing and not study and stuff for the rest of the year because I don’t have to
3. I don’t have to feel guilty not doing my work in Maths
4. No more chucking all nighters. Well, trying to anyways, but failing miserably and end up sleeping at 10:30
5. I don’t need to listen to my boring geo teacher rant on about something. Actually, I didn’t listen to her before the yearlies too, doesn’t really make a difference but yeaa…
6. My mum wont force me to study because (in my opinion) THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO POINT IN STUDYING =D
7. No more spending weekends in front of a textbook
And the list goes on but I can’t really think of anything now.
Today was a very productive day in that:
- I improved my badminton skills in PE today
- I found an article on “adversity” for English == Quote article: “One cloudy starless night, television legend Kannika Thammakesorn was standing on the rooftop of her home office. She was struggling with suicidal thoughts after her business failures, love problems and betrayals. Overwhelmed with bitterness, resentment and loneliness, the embattled woman was about to jump to her death.” Yea yea whatever
- We watched a super old movie on the Vietnam War in History today and found out that we should not watch “The Green Berets” because it gives misleading information
- Me and Bob tried to study maths during history and learnt a lot =D
- Maths exam was gay, but at least it’s over
- Lunch was awesome because I can’t remember. I just remember that I was very happy and stuff
- Geography was boring but I found out that bob looked like a hobo in yr 3 (it’s true =D)
- I did more scenes on my claymation in VD and figured out that my story was going nowhere so I needa change it somehow and take away the violence I was planning on putting in there
- It makes me laugh that Bob had to dress up as a hobo in her yr 3 play for something - It still makes me laugh- It has only just sunk in that yearlies are over- Actually it sunk it during lunch today but whatever
Today was a very productive day AND YEARLIES ARE OVERRR =D
Thursday, November 13, 2008
When Nikae's away ..

ROFLL that was taken when my most favourite teacher in the world was away. It was an attempt at a jetstar jump but I don't think our commercial will be aired anytime soon.. ><
Speaking of Nikae, picture this.
5 days from your yearly exam, your teacher informs you that SHE HAS NOT YET WRITTEN THE PAPER and that she THINKS that she'll force you to analyse a couple of her favourite artists works just because she loves seeing poor, innocent students repeating the names " William Kentridge" and "Shaun Gladwell" on paper 50 million times.
1 day before the exam, she nicely informs us that she has changed what was going to be tested in an exam, is "extremely stressed" from writing our paper and printing it out in colour, and then hands out 4 oxford-dictionary-thick booklets for us to "study" the new material for our exam, which was the next day. Looking back, I wonder how much of the Amazon Forest is left. I should've wrote my extended response in Geo on deforestation, and then I can rant on and on about the social and economical impacts of Nikae. Because of her, I ..
- deeply despise anything regarding charcoal drawings
- my cornea and conjunctiva will become a supernova at the sight of that pastel blue colour or another Felix in Exile.
- shudder at the mention of "the labs" (which for those who do not do VD, it's the COMPUTER LABS, not science labs)
- nausea at the first glance of any claymation.
- hates feral animals
But on the plus side, that's over and just four more exams to go before I can do bodyrolls and wannabe krumping to "Dont Cha" at the Spring Fair with Jerry and Ewy! xD
Haha I should upload our year 7 One Two Step dance here ay. I'll see when I have the time.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
joy to the world, theres 5 other exams to go.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
I have a confession to make.
You see, I’m actually a child prodigy, with an IQ of 200, and I only act dumb because I don’t want anyone to know my secret. But since it’s yearlies soon, im gna pwn everyone with my awesome smartness and like, get top of the grade. See, I don’t even have to study hardcore for yearlies. I’m actually really, really smart; like, woahhhhh really smart, and yea.
I wish ==”
VD yearly is on Wednesday and i am so very sick of trying to cram info on William Kentridge into my head. Yes, I get it, his animations “
depict the violent and turbulent South Africa of his past” and that
“Johannesburg: the 2nd greatest city after Paris shows the duality of the Apartheid era-“ but reading the same thing over and over again is getting a tad bit tedious, nikae.
Or more of an “Update of Tom’s brothers life and how he manages to piss her off every day.”
*stupid boy gives a dirty look and mutters a string of =O unforgivable words under his breath and ignores everyone while knocking everything that’s in his way*
Yes, that kinda sums up what’s happening at my house right now.
The problem with him is that hes super spoilt, yet he does not know he’s being spoilt. Tuttut. That stupid yugioh loving nerdy looking ugly little11 year old boy that I have to share a house with.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Doomsday had arrived. The ultimate battle between
Those Who Are Here To Enjoy Themselves and
Those Who Are Here To Develop, Breed, And Succeed was due to take place in a matter of minutes.
Little did
Those Who Are HereTo Develop, Breed, And Succeed know that Sweeney's Army (SA) was yet to launch a secret weapon so destructive that it was even more powerful than the Manhattan Project WW2!
So in the morning we assigned the troops their helmets, assorted (water-squirting) nuclear weapons, assigned flags to the flag-bearers, and grew (post-it notes) moustaches for the intimidation factor ;). (As members of Sweeney's Army we believe in
Delegation, Preparation, and DEVASTATION! LOL).

OPERATION BLACKSMITH: The rigorous beating, melding and "TSSSSSSSSSS" of iron helmets taking place.

*photo removed* of General Human=(

If you can't read what the board says in the background, it says "SWEENEY'S ARMY" and the flag says "FIELD MARSHALL SWEENEY" ROFL!
While we paraded down the English corridoor yelling out warcries, the Year 10 and 11 classes looking out the door were all like "WTF O.O"""". I bet they thought we were death-eaters or something ;)
SWEENEY KHAN! SWEENEY KHAN! SWEENEY KHAN! SWEENEY KHAN!And when we invaded the enemy's home ground, they were immediately overwhelmed by the sheer power of the force. I mean, the mere SIGHT of us must have scared the living daylights out of them. Hell yeah!
QUOTE OF THE DAY (Third Speaker, Sweeney's Army):
"We believe in breeding for quality, not quantity"
P.S. Noolnav has the most monotonous voice I've ever heard! =.="
s2-- lynette
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I like to multitask.
Currently I am typing up this blog in Windows Live Writer, eating my fourth packet of seaweed, drinking a can of Grass Jelly through a thick Milk Tea with Pearls straw, typing up Science notes on half-lives and talking on msn. =]
*sigh* My brother was complaining about all the work he had to do. I told him to save that until he got to high school. We already had a Geography, VD and Textiles assignment, then an English and a Science presentation and also yearlies coming up. Luckily four of these are already done which leaves an assignment and yearlies.
And yes. It's kinda ironic cos I bet my future self would be telling me now that I should save it until I got to Year 12 with the HSC.
I'm gonna fail Science. =[ My Sickness and Health notes were five pages long typed up in Calibri size 10. >< And one of our teachers is obsessed with Hubble and so we've been listening to her rants about Hubble this and Hubble that.
Wanna hear my lovely poem about today?
Textiles was fun.
Commerce was funNY.
English was yummy.
Maths was bludgy.
English again was sleepy.
Science was boring-y.
Lame I know.
Until next post,