∞ I'm going insane.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
OMG I need to stop freaking falling asleep on my piano. I don't know why but I just can't seem to sleep these days and it's pissing the shizzle out of me. Do I need to get up at 6 in the morning? NO! SO FREAKING SLEEP DAMMIT. WTF IS WRONG WITH ME. When the sun rises, I rise with it, and I look in the mirror and I have bags the size of China and Mongolia put together and in the afternoon I'm SO TIRED that I black out on my piano only to glance up at the clock 15 minutes later. And even when I sleep it's not.. deep sleep .. if you know what I mean.
Someone buy me sleeping pills please. ==' I slept early at 10pm last night, hoping to cure my insomnia, only to be bombarded with one of those dreams that feel SO REAL that when you wake up, you're not really sure if it happened or not. And needless to say, I woke up at 6 again.
And for the past half an hour, I've been passing out on my piano.
It's halloween on Friday. I wanna go trick or treating like a little kid again.
Rain rain rain rain rain .. sif Australia is still in a drought. Makes me wonder where our dams are.. in the middle of the Simpson's desert?
Ah so tireeeeeeeeed ..
What the eff?
Some dudes from year 8 think they can convince our lovely principal to let them have untucked shirts by making 300 and something people sign a petition =.="
Ok, it's nice of them to think so bravely and courageously, but I bet it's not going to work.
Quote from the 300000 word explanetory document that they spent hours and hours to write: "According to the uniformal code, no uniforms should reveal bad body shape. We believe that people who have bad body shape are made to feel uncomfortable about their image when they are forced to tuck their shirts in. "They fail to realize that leaving their shirts untucked DOES make the school population look like hobos D; LOL. I refused to sign it, and so did all the girls on the bus =D
Yesterday, we had our PASS excursion at Manly!! It was the besst. Except for the fact that we had to wear those disgusting red rash shirts which were still wet from the previous school. And, my legs were still aching like hell from monday and tuesday. AND, on top of that, the elastic band that was tied around a corner of my board shorts somehow fell off while I was running so they kept slipping down. Stupid Target, the 20% off swimwear section didn't even have size 7 board shorts ;(. Anyway, then I swapped boardies with Tammy, because her's had a string which you could use to tighten it.
After the boring theory bit, we went down to the beach and had to do these random drills where we run a few matres into the water and go around in a circle and then run back out o.O'', and then we had to do the same thing ducking under the waves. Then we go body boards and minisurfed the waves back to the shore, and that was the worst bit of the day because my board flipped the wrong way which resulted in me coming out of the water with my eyes brightbrightbright bloodshot red, sand up my nose and the back of my throat clogged with the acidic sensation of over-concentrated salt.
DID I TELL YOU ABOUT MY EPIC STACK ON TUEDAY? Ok, well, since I overstrained my thighs on monday from doing those stupid standing long jumps and then 2 hours and 15 minutes of ballet after that, on Tuesday morning when I was walking down the stairs at Epping (which was more like me hobbling down the stairs one at a time whilst trying to go faster in order to get to Epping Bakery quicker), my left thigh collapsed in a spasm of pain and then I slipped and landed on my arse in front of a crowd of people! Ahh wtfck ==. Then, because I didn't want to seem rude to the nice old people who asked if I was alright, I gritted my teeth into a very very very very very sweet smile and graciously said "I'm alright, thankyou", as if I wasn't internally crying out in pain and agony. I must admit, non-asian people are really nice. Not that I'm suggesting that asians are not nice. Ok.
WTFCKKKKK. Today we got our English Major Work back. And guess what Llosregni said about my novel!!!!!:
"This story was very predictable and cliched. Even the "red rose" at the end was too obvious. You can tell a story but try and think of a more original storyline next time."X____X
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Hiya guys. =) I was looking around and guess what I found? The English script Tom, George and I did in Year 8! xDD Haha, good times.. Well, for me, just be reading the script, I've realised just how much I've grown in a year...
Even though it looks really long and boring, READ IT!! I promise that you'll find it funny. xDDD Oh, and there are a lot of 8G jokes.. maybe some of you won't understand it.. But read it anyway!!
TOP SECRET: 008. Starring James Kwon as BOND.
Scene one.
8G are sitting in the classroom chatting loudly. Balls of paper are flying everywhere. The class suddenly becomes quiet as Mrs McFarken enters looking irritated and frustrated. She droops some textbooks on her table and turns to face the class, with everyone shocked.
[Everyone quickly rushes to nearby seats, exchanging glances along the way]
Zoe: Eh excuse me miss..
Mrs McFarken: WHAT?
Zoe: - taken back - Umm, well I just want to say that some of us were actually sitting down, but then the guys started throwing papers at us, so-
Mrs McFarken: PAPERS?!
[Mrs McFarken’s eyes X-ray the room, and stop to see the small paper scraps on the ground. Slowly, she bends down to pick one up and scrunches it up tightly in her hand]
Mrs McFarken: You know what? I am not going to put up with this any longer. I’VE HAD ENOUGH. DETENTION, ALL OF YOU! LUNCHTIME!
[Everybody groans]
Jimmy: Thanks a lot Zoe.
[Instant silence]
Mrs McFarken: Okay, after wasting my precious time.. Damien Ching?
Damien: Heeeere ..
Mrs McFarken: Justin Lee?
Nishant: Yo, where’s mah homedawg Justin?
Keith: Iono, Probably wagging.
Gary: Or getting a haircut. But he’ll never be as “hawt” as me. [does the “hawt” pose]
[Everyone gags and rolls eyes]
Nishant: And Justin still owes me 100 bucks. Bet he’s hiding in case I bash him up.
Gary: In case I bash him up.
Nishant: Nah, you can’t bash him up with your limp weak arms. What you need are big strong GUNS like mine. [Flexes his muscles]
Gary: But-
Mrs McFarken: BE QUIET NISHY- I mean, Nishant. Where is Justin Lee? JUSTIN LEE?
[Scans the classroom]
Mrs McFarken: Not here again! That’s the fourth time this week! WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS TO MISS OUT SCHOOL?
[The bell rings from backstage.
Scene 2
The room is in chaos. Chairs lie upturned and the floor is littered with paper aeroplanes. The teacher is pacing around the room, occasionally glancing towards the door.
[Enter Police Officer]
Police officer: [Scans the room suspiciously and talks slowly] The weather.. is fine .. today ..
[Pauses and suddenly turns around. Relaxes and continues to walk] I hope.. the weather .. stays this .. FINE! [suddenly turns around and pulls open the curtains]
The area is secure.
Mrs McFarken: [confused expression on her face] Huh?
Police officer: Sorry ma’am but it is part of my duty to do so. You never know where spies might be hiding. Now why was I requested here?
Mrs McFarken: A boy in my class has been missing for four days now.
Police Officer: And his name?
Mrs McFarken: Justin. Justin Lee.
Police Officer: No worries mz, we will have a member from the Special Search Team investigating on this case.
Mrs McFarken: But let it be undercover or it would create panic.
Police Officer: Yes, it will be arranged. He will arrive tomorrow, disguised as a new student at this school.
Mrs McFarken: Thankyou very much, and one last thing. May I ask what the name of the young agent who will be investigating this case?
Police Officer: Kwon. James Kwon. 008.
[Exeunt Teacher and Police Officer. Enter students]
[The students are divided into two groups on either side of the classroom. A rap competition is going on between the nerds and the gangsters. Henry, Gary, Keith and Betty are rapping in while students are surrounding them and beat boxing in the background]
Henry: Yoyo, we be the triads,
The Pythagoras triad.
We are so hot,
So gimme all you got.
Everywhere I go,
People all will know,
Gary: Naw, yo don’t know what youse on about,
I’m the bomb, there’s not doubt!
All you MCs got nothing on me,
I’m the smooth hunk you wanna be.
Keith: [to Betty] Isn’t this the wickedest thing you’ve ever heard in yo life?!
Betty: Oh yeah, what youse on about,
I’m the only one that’s loud, yeah shout!
It’s Betty in tha house, yo!
[Enter Police Officer and Mrs McFarken. The students are unaware of their presence]
Henry: [screaming] ALPHA Y ZERO, OVER OVER!
[Police officers stands gob smacked at the poor behaviour of the students]
Scene 3
Classroom in chaos.. again.
Mrs McFarken: Order everyone! ROLL CALL! Be quiet Bayu and Easwar. And Zhu, stop pulling out your white hairs.
[Clears throat.]
Damien: Heere..
“Smack That – Akon” comes from backstage.
Nishant: What the heck? Who’s calling me? [Pulls out phone]
[Enter James holding his phone and looking embarrassed]
Jimmy: Whoa, nice ring tone, man!
Nishant: Me or him?
Mrs McFarken: Ahem. Everybody listen up. We have a new student here with us. He just moved here from -
James: Pen Island, but I was born in North Korea.
Angela, Betty and Anna: WAHH, HE’S SO HOT!!
Mrs McFarken: James, please go and sit next to Zoe.
[Angela looks crestfallen while James sits down next to Zoe. Zoe tries to get as far away as possible from him]
James: [To Zoe] Hi baby, I’m James. [Winks]
Zoe: Ew, don’t talk to me! A girl with a face like mine doesn’t talk with guys with brains like yours.
Mrs McFarken: Now that everyone’s settled, I would like to remind you that the maths common is on tomorrow.
James: AHH, SO SOON?! Wait... Do uncommon people like me do the common test?
[The class sniggers]
Mrs McFarken: [Sighs] Yes James.
[A bell is heard in the background. Exit class. Mrs McFarken and James are left onstage.
Enter Kenji, the school cleaner]
Mrs McFarken: James, meet the school cleaner, Kenji, and agent 69. He is working as an undercover to assist you in this case.
James: Hey man, nice disguise. Isn’t that the two-dollar shirt on sale at the Reject Shop?
Kenji: Hey! That’s actually my most valuable shirt!
[Awkward silence]
Mrs McFarken: What’s the time? I’d better go to my staff meeting now.
Kenji: And there are toilets for me to clean and classrooms to sweep.
James: Okay. Laters.
[Exit Mrs McFarken and Kenji. A piece of paper falls out of Kenji’s pocket]
James: Hey, agent 69! You dropped something! [Picks up the piece of paper]
Wait a minute, what’s this..? [Unfolds the piece of paper]
3 Torrington Drive, Marsfield?
[Shrugs and shoves the piece of paper in his pocket]
Scene 4
Mrs McFarken and the Head Police are in the playground during recess.
Mrs McFarken: So ... Any new leads on the Justin case?
Head Police: Sorry mz, not much info about Justin just yet, the team is trying as hard as they can.
Mrs McFarken: Alright ..
Head Police: So how are Agent 008 and Agent 69 fitting in?
Mrs McFarken: They are doing their job exceptionally well at the moment but may I inquire, why are they from the “special” team?
Head Police: [looking nervous] Umm .. well .. you see .. the reason why they are from that group .. is because .. well .. they are both .. not extremely experienced or intelligent .. [Embarrassed]
Mrs McFarken: Ah, I see…
Ahem well… would you like to see Justin’s attendance records to see if it may help in the investigation?
Head Police: Yes please, that will be very helpful indeed.
Mrs McFarken: Come, Sergeant, and let’s have a cup of coffee while we’re at it.
[Exit Mrs McFarken and Head Police]
[Enter James, Nishant, Keith and Jimmy]
Nishant: Yo pretty boy, you think you’re so hot and tough? Me and ma hommies –
Jimmy: To Nishant – My hommies and I
Nishant: Ma hommies and I are gonna bash yo up and eat yo for breakfast.
James: Oh yeah man? Bring it on!!
[ Keith and Jimmy go up to James and try to dack him and the piece of paper flies out and lands in front of Nishant]
Nishant: [ picks up the piece of paper and reads out loud ] 3 Torrington Drive Marsfield?
Isn’t that where Justin lives?
James: [pushes Jimmy and Keith away] WHAT WHAT WHAT ? DO YOU MEAN JUSTIN LEE?
Nishant: [sarcasm] Ah NAAAAAAH, I mean Justin Timberlake.
James: Can you take me there?
Nishant: No way man, I ain’t takin’ yo nowhere bro, where’d yo get this info from?
James: Agent- Wait, I mean, the school cleaner.
Keith: Oh! The guy with the two-dollar shirt from the Reject Shop right?! I saw him following Justin a few days ago.
James: You saw him? Whoa, he’s being too obvious.
Keith: Huh ..? Obvious ? [Stares at James raising one eyebrow]
Nishant: Ah frankly, I don’t give a damn. Now where were we?
[Exit... James running offstage with Nishant, Jimmy and Keith chasing him]
Scene 5
[Mrs McFarken and Kenji are supervising the class during the Maths Common Exam]
Mrs McFarken: And remember to write your name on the top left-hand corner. And your time starts ... NOW!!
James: [Thinking out loud] Two times three equals ... a) 23? b) 6? c) 32? d) 5? [Scratches head and takes out a walkie-talkie from his pocket and talks into it]
Agent 69, do you copy? Where are you situated? Over over.
Anna: [to James] SHHHHHHHHHHH...
Kenji: [Speaks into the walkie talkie] I’m right behind you, retard.
James: Oh, that is dismal indeed. Turns around to Kenji] PSHHHH WHAT IS THE ANSWER FOR QUESTION ONE?!
Kenji: [takes out a banana from his pocket and throws it up into the air]
James: OHH! “B” for Banana!
Mrs McFarken: AND, I’ll have that banana, thank you very much. [Snatches the banana away from Kenji angrily]
Someone pulls the fire alarm and the fire alarm starts ringing backstage. Exit students except Kenji and James. Kenji is unaware of James’ presence.
Kenji: [on the phone] I want twenty thousand by Monday. Meet me outside the school broom shed.
James: [To himself] Twenty thousand toilet cleaners?
Kenji: [Threatening and talking angrily into the phone] Or something will happen to him.
James: [runs up to Kenji] Oi Kenji, where do we go for the fire alarm again?
Kenji: [Jumps in shock and faces James] AH! Eh… how long have you been here, kid?!
James: Been where? Where do we go?
Kenji: [Sighs] over there. [Points to left stage] NOW PISS OFF!
Exit James, running. Enter James again.
James: Can I have 20 000 too? [Grins]
Exeunt, Kenji chasing James.
Scene 6
Everyone is lining up in class groups. Mrs McFarken is trying to do roll call while 8G is chatting noisily.
Angela: Ah is there really a fire?! WHERE? [Glancing around nervously] Where is my super-hero James when I need him?
Henry: Are the fire brigade coming? SOMEBODY CALL 000 !
Mrs McFarken: [yelling on top of everyone] CALM DOWN EVERYONE AND BE QUIET. No, there is not a fire, and we have no idea why the alarm suddenly went off. Is everyone here? STOP MUCKING AROUND, BAYU AND EASWAR! Now is not the time! Wait … someone is missing …
[Enter James]
[Holy music...]
Mrs McFarken: [Sighs] Is anyone else left behind?
James: THE CANTEEN LADY [Laughs maniacally] SHE’S GOING TO DIE.
[Singing and prancing around gaily]
“Joy to the world, the lady is dead…”
Mrs McFarken: Be quiet James, I’m trying to do roll call. Jimmy! JIMMY HUANG! [Looks around the place, trying to locate Jimmy]
Nishant: Where’s mah man Jimmy? He was ‘ere today, I know it bro.
Keith: Didn’t he walk up ‘ere with us like a minute ago? Wait, I remember now, I saw him talking with that cleaner dude when we were walking up here.
James: [butting in] Kenji?
Nishant: [to James] No one asked for your opinion, pretty boy.
Anna: But then where IS Jimmy and that cleaner?
James: Kenji?
Keith: Yeah that dude.
James: Kenji? Kenji? KENJI? HAHAHAHHAHAHA! [Starts laughing maniacally again]
Mrs McFarken: This is getting out of my hands. James Kwon, can I please speak with you privately for a moment.
James: Sho’ thang, wolfmother!
Mrs McFarken: [drags James to the corner of the stage, away from the class of 8G] Now, Mr Kwon, get a GRIP on yourself! Your behaviour has been unacceptable. Another student missing, how can this be? Where were you at the time of the incident?
James: [scrunches up his face, struggling to remember] Umm… I was asking Kenji where to go and-
James: Picking up rubbish? Cleanin’ toilets perhaps? Iono … [shrugs]
Mrs McFarken: [coldly] In case you haven’t noticed Agent 008, but this is an extremely serious matter. And I’m beginning to wonder where Agent 69 is. What was he doing when you were asking him?
James: Well … I will tell you if you give me 20 000!!
Mrs McFarken: Excuse me! Do not question your place mister. How dare you…
James: If Kenji gets 20 000 by Monday, why can’t I?
Mrs McFarken: Pardon me, 20 000? Kenji? When was this?
James: Today! When I was asking him where to go! He was on the phone to someone, and he was saying things like .. “Give me 20 000 by Monday or something is going to happen to him.” We work for the same police headquarters, why shall he get higher pay than I do and-
Mrs McFarken: Hold up! What do you mean by “ something is going to happen to him” ?
Betty: [interrupting] Sorry Ms, but I think there are some things that may concern you right now. Some others of the class say they know bits and pieces-
Mrs McFarken: [quickly joins in the class of 8G again with James and Betty] Attention everyone! Now who says they know something about Kenji? Or has seen anything strange and unfamiliar happening around the school?
Nishant: YO! I saw him dawggin’ Justin a few days back when lil Jt was still combing and fixing that hair of his. And tha dude o’er there has Jt’s address! [Points to James]
Mrs McFarken: James …?
[Everyone stares at James suspiciously]
James: What?! The only reason I have Justin’s address is because it fell out of Kenji’s pocket and I picked it up! Is that a crime now ay, for being a good citizen and picking up rubbish?
Betty: Wait … why would Kenji have Justin’s address? Unless …
[Dun dun dun…]
James: He wants hair products?
Keith: No James, you idiot! Because Kenji is the kidnapper!
[Lights out]
Scene 7
Students of 8G are gathered in the library, plotting a plan to rescue Justin and Jimmy.
Zoe: So, like, how do we, like, rescue Justin and Jimmy?
Henry: Use atomic bombs times to the power of light which equals xy square rooted to the 18th digit and- Wait a minute, today’s Monday. Isn’t today the day of the exchange that Kenji was talking on the phone about?
Gary: Oi, did they mention the place of exchange? Like in the movies when the hot guys comes and saves everyone. [Does the call me pose and winks]
[Everyone looks at James. Spotlight on James]
James: Oh yeah! According to my calculations, it should be near the broom shed.
Zoe: And like, the plan is?
Betty: I dunno, don’t ask me. I’m not the smart one here.
[Everyone looks at Henry. Henry looks clueless]
Angela: When are they meeting at the broom shed?
Henry: Let’s go now and see before it’s too late!
Nishant: And get bashed? He might have guns you know.
James: According to my many past year experiences…as police trainee…we should go and get pots and pans and then rock up at that place.
Anna: oh yeah, good idea!
[Does a virtual hi-5 to James]
James: Where do we get the pots and pans then?
Zoe: Umm, you know, like, there’s like, tons of pots and pans, like, in the cooking room.
James: Well then, what are you waiting for? CHARGE!
[Exit students. Enter Kenji holding a gun and pulling Mrs McFarken by the collar]
Kenji: Listen woman, I want money. Now!
Mrs McFarken pulls out a 20-cent coin.
Kenji: I’m not in the mood to play tricks. Do you know how easy it is for me to blow up this library right at this second?
Mrs McFarken: NO! Please… I beg you… This is seriously all I have right now… the leftover change for my lunch…
Kenji: [holds the gun to Mrs McFarken’s head] Well then, TELL ME WHERE THAT KID JAMES IS!
Mrs McFarken: NEVER!! We know your secret now! YOU’RE COVER HAS BEEN BLOWN!
Kenji: [slowly pulls the trigger] You know what? I don’t give a damn. I’m going to get 20 000 dollars from Justin’s parents, and Jimmy’s parents are going to be here soon. And all this happened under right under your nose without you suspecting a thing. [Sighs] I’m sorry baby, but it’s JUST. TOO. LATE.
Mrs McFarken: [struggling to break free from Kenji’s grasp] I will never reveal where James and any other student in this school is. Don’t you even DARE to hurt one of them.
Kenji: [pulls the gun to his mouth and blows softly] Unfortunately for you MRS McFARKEN, but you’re not in the position force me to do anything. And no, I don’t care about those little kids running around. After all, what can THEY do to stop me? Those weaklings … [glances at his watch] What do you know? Time goes fast when you’re having fun! Time for a parent/teacher interview with JUSTIN and JIMMY’S parents! [Smirks] And in that time, you will stay here. [Pulls a rope from his pocket and ties Mrs McFarken to a chair] Move a muscle and you will instant shatter to a million pieces. Any last words?
Mrs McFarken: [struggling to break free] I-
Kenji: [stuffs foam in Mrs McFarken’s mouth] Didn’t think so. [Smirks and waves goodbye]
[Exit Kenji]
Scene 8
The class of 8G are near the broom shed, hiding behind some bushes and struggling with all the pots and pans in their hands]
Zoe: SHhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… I hear footsteps!
Henry: [peeping through the gaps] It’s HIM! KENJI! Let’s get him now! [Attempts to stand up but Betty drags him back down]
Betty: Don’t move! Wait till Justin’s and Jimmy’s parents comes and then we can take down Kenji all together.
Anna: But where is Mrs McFarken? Did anyone confide her about our plans?
[Looks around and everybody shrugs]
Anna: Oops … shall someone go and inform her? [Turns back to peep through the gap again]
James: WELL, in my opinion, I think we can just do this without her. It’s so simple for an experienced person like ME. [Smiles proudly]
Keith: Shush James! I’ll run and see where she is. [Places his pot and pan on the ground silently]
[Exit Keith]
Angela: When do you think the parents are coming? And where ARE Justin and Jimmy?
Betty: I think they’re … OMG! We’ve been so stupid all along! My guess is that they are in the broom shed! Why else will Kenji do the exchange here?
Henry: We shall wait while, just until the parents arrive and when Justin and Jimmy are in sight.
James: [Sighs] And the waiting begins …
Scene 9
Keith looks everywhere for Mrs McFarken, and finally arrives in the library in order to search for her.
Keith: Where can she possibly be? [Glancing around] Wow, this place seems deserted. Hah, I think everyone’s given up on playing Counterstrike and Maplestory these days.
[A muffled sound comes from the back right corner of the room]
Keith: Wait, what is this sound? Mrs McFarken, is that you? [Runs to the corner and sees Mrs McFarken tied to a chair with foam in her mouth. She tries to motion him to come closer] How did you end up here? Don’t worry Mz, I’ll get you out of this mess.
[Unties the rope and Mrs McFarken breaks free. She pulls the foam out of her mouth]
Mrs McFarken: [still breathless] Where is everyone? Are they safe? Where is James? Warn everyone, KENJI IS A VIOLENT MAN! He .. [Panting] wants … to … kill students … hostages … hold for ransom … and-
Keith: Calm down Mz, we understand. The rest of 8G are waiting at the broom shed, where according to James, is the place of exchange.
Mrs McFarken: [Jumps up in shock] Are they exchanging ALREADY?! WE HAVE TO HUR-
Keith: Hurry. Yes we do. They’re not exchanging right now but they will VERY soon, so now let’s go!
[Exeunt Keith and Mrs McFarken]
Scene 10
Keith and Mrs McFarken join the rest of 8G in the hiding spot. Justin and Jimmy’s parents are late and Kenji is tapping his foot impatiently while glancing at his watch.
Kenji: WHERE ARE THEY? It’s nearly the end of school! Shall I call them again? [Pulls out mobile phone and dials the number] WHAT? Call cannot be connected? [Talking to the mobile phone] So now YOU are against me too? [Throws the mobile phone on the ground angrily] Hah, I know what I can do! I’ll get those two lil kiddies out and scare them a lil before they’re parents come.
[Walks towards the broom shed and unlocks it. Out come Justin and Jimmy, all tied up from head to toe with foam stuffed in their mouths]
Kenji: Oh look; your mummies and daddies don’t care about youse lil twits. And if they don’t come, you two are coming WITH ME. Hah, wouldn’t THAT be fun?
[Kenji pats Justin’s head while Justin shakes his head violently to avoid Kenji damaging his hair]
Keith: [Whispering softly] Pshhh ... Jimmy …
[Jimmy turns around to see who’s calling him and spots Keith and the rest of 8G. He quickly turns around again and pretends he hasn’t noticed anything]
Nishant: [Whispering to the rest of 8G] Lets go man! I’mma go bash the hell outta this freaking cleaner with mahh pots and pans yo! Show that guy what happens to anybody that messes with mahh bros.
[Everyone looks at Mrs McFarken and Mrs McFarken nods]
[All of 8G runs out towards Kenji from the hiding spot waving pots and pans, while Kenji stands there gobsmacked. Kenji begins to run away, leaving Justin and Jimmy behind]
Nishant: [Yelling on top of his lungs] Yo aint goin’ nowhere bro! Whacha sayin’ bout mahh hommies? [Catches up to Kenji and tries to tackle him]
Kenji: AH! GET AWAY FROM ME YOU LOSER! [Starts punching Nishant]
James: LETS BASH KENJI YO! [Runs up to help Nishant, with the rest of 8G following]
Justin: [Standing alone, still tied] HEYHEY! Don’t everybody tries to untie me at once!
Betty: Ah oops, sorry. [Runs back and unties Justin while Angela hurries to untie Jimmy]
[Nishant and James are tackling Kenji onto the ground, and he is reaching for his gun]
Henry: [Shouts] Watch out everyone! HE HAS A GUN!
[Exit Mrs McFarken and Nishant runs back and ducks while James charges forward heroically and tries to grab the gun]
Gary: JAMES! Now is not the time to act like a saviour! Let me hypnotise him with my good looks! [Does the “I’m a smooth hunk” pose]
James: What, with that plastic gun of yours?
[Kenji hesitates for a moment and looks at his gun. In this split second, James runs up, grabs the gun off Kenji and throws it to Jimmy]
Jimmy: [to Kenji] Hah, WHO’S LAUGHING NOW? [Smiles and points the gun towards Kenji. Kenji tries to run but James grasps him by the collar, not letting him escape]
[Enter Justin’s mom and both of Jimmy’s parents]
Justin’s mum: NO! Don’t shoot! I have the money right here! [Crying]
Jimmy’s mum: Where is this “Kenji” person? [Looks around and sees Jimmy] Jimmy! IS THAT YOU?!
Jimmy: No! I’ll explain later, but that man over there deserves to suffer.
Justin: I reckon! Killing my hair … [Frowning and combing his hair]
Kenji: [to Jimmy] You don’t want to shoot now you know. I can easily accuse you of underage murder. [Smirks]
Jimmy: What, when you are lying in a coffin buried 6 feet underground? [Fingers closing in on the trigger]
Mrs McFarken: Don’t Jimmy! Give me that gun, NOW.
Kenji: Yeaaaaaah, be a good boy and hand over the gun.
Nishant: Shuddup man! I have ‘nuff of yo bull. [Punches Kenji on the nose while James still not letting go off Kenji. Kenji’s nose starts to bleed]
[Enter Mrs McFarken]
Justin’s mum: [Shocked from the violent behaviour] Excuse me, but are you responsible for these students?
Mrs McFarken: YES, I- [Police siren goes off in the background] HERE COMES THE POLICE!
Kenji: [Struggling to break free from James but failing miserably] Ah DAMMIT! Stupid kids! All I wanted was 20 000!
[Enter Head Police and a squad of police officers]
Head Police: [speaking into a microphone] STOP! Everyone freeze! PUT YOUR HANDS UP THAT PERSON DRESSED IN THE 2-DOLLAR SHIRT FROM THE REJECT SHOP!
[Everyone freezes like statues]
Police Man #1: Eh, not literally…
Kenji: Oh don’t worry, Mr I’m-so-much-more-superior-than-anyone-else, you haven’t missed much. I save the best bits till last. [Smirks] And now, be prepared, for …
[Kenji slowly moves his hand…]
Police Man #2: I SAID FREEZE! Move or you’re dead!
Kenji: Hah, hah, hah… [Rips open his shirt, revealing an atomic bomb] Ooh, sexy isn’t it.
Head Police: Wha- Oh- Uh-Ok. Kenji, just… calm down… okay…? Don’t make such sudden decisions. You still have a life to live, things will get better … Just-
Kenji: PSH. DON’T TRY THAT BULL WITH ME! That’s what everyone says, wherever I go. I just want money dammit! Just … [tears starts to fall] give me the money… please … that’s all I want…
[8G, Mrs McFarken and the Police squad look at Kenji with concern and sympathy]
Kenji: But things will get better now! [Screaming through tears] I WILL WIN THIS TIME! I have the bombs, hostages … well, I HAD the hostages … [Glaring at Jimmy and Justin] Now, prepare … for total DOMINATION, DOMINATION, DOMINATION! [Hand edges closer to the pulling cord of the bomb]
Anna, Betty, Angela: [In unison] NOOOO!
Kenji: Ooh, scared now, are we? Hah, you should be. I’m the mastermind and the supplier behind KIM JON IL’S weapons of mass destruction plan!
[The policemen’ all aim their guns at Kenji]
Kenji: Go ahead. SHOOT ME DAMMIT! END THIS! Or else you guys will all die anyway. Either way, I don’t really care. See the two chords? One will stop the bomb and the other [points to the blue cord] will … give you 10 seconds before…DOOMSDAY!! [Smirks and wipes the tears] DUN DUN DUN! Kenji shall have his ending to his story!
Justin’s mum: No my sweet lil Justin! My one and only …
Mrs McFarken: DON’T PULL! Please … [Kneels down and starts begging Kenji] I’m too young too die!
[Everyone looks at Mrs McFarken with a raised eyebrow]
Kenji: Now, Mr [checks the name tag] Jameson, is it? WELL, you know the drill. Give me the 20 000, or … [reaches for the chord of the bomb]
James: [Jumps forward in slow motion and reaches out to pull the chord. Accidentally slips and pulls the wrong cord. Falls flat on his face]
Zoe: Oh. My. Gosh. James, you’re like, the, like, biggest loser, like, I’ve ever seen! Waaaaah, I want my mommy! [Starts brawling her eyes out]
James: [Stands up, brushes dirt off his shirt and pulls the other chord. The bomb stops ticking immediately] Happy now?
[Justin’s mum runs up to hug Justin and Jimmy’s parents hug Jimmy]
Head Police: [Wipes sweat off his face] Okay, now we that we have THAT sorted out … [to Kenji] listen to these instructions and do as you’re told. Understand?
[Kenji looks crestfallen and nods]
Head police officer: Put your left hand in…
[Kenji sticks left hand in]
Head police officer: Put your left hand out…
[Kenji does as he is told]
Head police: Put your left in and shake it all about…
[Kenji puts his left hand in front and shakes it]
Everybody: [singing] You do the hokey pokey and you turn around…
[Kenji turns around]
ROFL, wasn't it funny? It brought up so many memories.. <3
Thursday, October 23, 2008
It kinda makes me wonder who in their right mind would actually bother to write Wikipedia articles in their spare time.
Man I’m so tired. For the last 4 days I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night again due to my bro being a stupid little boy he is and “accidentally” setting the alarm clock at 2 am in the morning, and not bothering to change it, and I can’t change it cos he won’t let me (ie, by hiding the alarm clock whenever hes not in the same room as the alarm clock) . And he’s a stupid hibernating bear when hes sleeping, which means he can sleep through practically anything.
Like seriously, I don’t see what kind of entertainment he gets out of doing that. ==
I apologise for this small and uninteresting post. But Tom is probably going to get huge eye bags, even bigger then nikae’s; if she doesn’t get a decent night’s sleep soon.
Farewell, and goodbye
I feel like an idiot.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ok, the ultimate soundtrck for this blogspot is a reinforcement of Geogre, Tom and
I's radio advertisement assignment from year 8!
P.s. in case any of you are interested in joining, (refer to soundtrack), mademoiselle Zhou is always available during lunchtime hours =D
∞ As promised
Monday, October 20, 2008
Without further ado, let me introduce you to the wonderful world of black and white photography! Do not be fooled, these pixelated, dusty sheets of film grain are in fact the result of hours and hours of taking, enlarging, focusing, testing, and developing, and last but not least the basis upon which assignment # 17427543763 is built =.=". This collection is presented to you courtesy of Delo, Josh, George, Tanima, George, and your's truly =D
NOTE: The actual photographs are much better quality and much better contrasted than these cheap scanned copies D=

ROFLMAO George and I's contact print. The top row are George's and the bottom are mine. Argh dammit, the computer made george's too light so you can't see them properly. And yes, the third one on the bottom row is a picture of Josh and an umbrella in the quad. LOOL! and the last one on the top row is Josh with 12 arms! HAHAHA =) And there was one where Josh was standing on the balcony corridoor thing over the quad, and the rest of us were randomly lying on the concrete below so that it was a birds-eye-view of a human love-heart xD. But he already mounted that one so it cant't be posted up here -_-


Aren't my photos of George so emo? I think the subjective frame qualities are a bit over-done =/

I <3 significance =")">

Ok, there wasn't really grafitti on the wall. I just added it there with our newly gained photoshop skills which we picked up from assignment #12612

Courtesy of Josh, this photo is
meant to be one of us supposedly looking like hobos. But, it didn't exactly turn out according to plan. LOL WTF.

Oh yeah, and last but not least, I was sorting through some of my documents the other day and I happened to come across the add I made for the Year 8 magazine that we published. HAHAHA! When I think back to the good old days in year 8, I keep thinking that it was the awesom-est year ever! 7/8G FTW! I guess I'm glad I chose photography now. Taking these photos is so worth the eyebags.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Another week gone already! Wow. Before you know it, we'll be like the Yr 12s doing HSC in B block and everyone else has to be quiet in the library.
So in Textiles we were working on our bears. =] My crooked bear with crooked legs since one is higher than the other and the crooked eyes and the crooked nose since the textiles department ran out of BROWN THREAD. =[ thats so unfair. and then the mouth is crooked too. =[
Haha. Bob should be a doctor. We were talking about childbirth and then we were bring told about how to prevent the pain. Apparently you can have this gas to inhale like at the dentist. Then if you want more pain prevention they can numb your leg or something (i dont see how that will help) and then if you want NO PAIN WHATSOEVER you can get this stuff injected to your spine. And after it you cant feel anything lower than your hips so you cant move your legs and they have to lift you to the operation table.
Haha. Then Bob was like, WHY CANT THEY JUST GIVE YOU PANADOL??!! (Panadol prevents headaches Bob not childbirth pain)
The grass near the courts is prickly. Don't sit on it.
∞ stupid betty.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
If you think that selective students excel in the subject of maths.. think again.
HAHAHAHA LOL this is what multitasking can do to you - it wastes time and damages your brain cells. Damn maths skills fail me .. I hope I do better in the yearlies lol. *shakes head* Mr Second Maths Class was probably pissing himself laughing due to my embarrassing non-existant calculation skills.
Okay, I shall go and continue my multitasking and kill more brain cells. Let's hope I know what maths is next time. ><
curious george lol =)
One extremely early morning, two innocent teenagers from an exceedingly well-known high school, board an air conditioned bus like every other day. Five minutes later, the bus still had not left the destination, until an asian man boards the bus.
Terribly puffed out, the man says to the bus driver, “why did you not effing stop at the effing bus stop effing two stops before?!?!?!?!?!?”
Exclaimed at the horrible language, the bus driver replies very calmly, “sorry sir, but the bus route starts here”.
To which the man says, “You could have picked me effing two stops before, so I wouldn’t have to run effing 10 metres!!”
“Sir, I’m going to have to …”
“You made me run extra effing 10 metres!! You could’ve picked me up at the stop before!!”
“Sir, if you don’t get off the bus, IM GOING TO CALL THE POLICE”
“CALL THE EFFING POLICE”, replies the man, and walks onto the bus, glaring at everyone, who instantly looks at their feet. “WE’LL SEE WHAT THE EFFING POLICE WILL DO”
And so, the bus driver calls the police. Meanwhile, the two young teenagers are quite shocked, and are wondering what to do. So being smart students, from the exceedingly well-known high school, they leave the bus (leaving the bus driver, who is calling the police) and board the bus behind it, thinking that they will save time and not be late to school, since the police will take 30 minutes to come. Until, they realize the bus behind (which they boarded), will not leave until the bus in front leaves.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Musing at 3:44pm. Is the language in the Volleys ad Viet or Thai? And why are those Asians singing and doing random things, and then suddenly this shoe drops from the sky? So does that mean, if I go to my backyard now with a microphone and started karaoking Backstreet Boys, a pair of Volleys are going to fall out of the sky and onto my dead brown lawn- AHEM I mean .. lush green grass?--My face feels like a red tomato that's radioactive and emitting high-energy rays and heat energy. Except instead of a helium nucleus or a electron being fired out, it's just heat-wave after heat-wave. My eyes are all watery.. and SHINY >_> .. lol sorry Jiggly I'm not mentioning any names, I was just looking for an adjective for my eyes.. I think a fever's coming. =( Oh btw, to those guys that always tax from the canteen - STOP FREAKING TAXING. Sure, the canteen rips like 99.99999% of the student population off and everything is SO OVERPRIZED that at this rate next year I probably can't afford a yogurt stick, but taxing every single day of every single week is just wrong. Don't you guys have a conscience or feel at least feel a tad bit guilty? No it's not cool, and not fkn gangster, so drop it. OMG I despise my new english teacher. Even Silluc did not give us homework everyday and checks it the next lesson. And then /that/ freaking person starts hardcore sucking up to the teacher and asking all these questions and expressing her intense knowledge in the field of debating.. == sorry I don't count debating as a sport. LOL that reminds me off last year' swim school? I think.. when I saw ___ wearing one of those Sydney West jackets. And since she wasn't .. ehh.. exceptionally sporty .. I was like "WHOA what a beast! I never knew she was so sporty!" *expanding my slitty eyes to the maximum aperture* what did she get it for? So then.. my eyes slowly moves towards the front and I gazed upon those letters.. those letters which form the words..D E B A T I N G .LOL ROFLMFAOOOOO.. ><""" sorry I just didn't think that debating was a sport LOL. And I hate those people say things like chess is a sport. Omg spare me please. == I fail to recognise any sort of exercise in moving a few pieces across a chessboard, unless you count that as feather-weight-weightlifting. Ahhh I shall update later, when I feel abit less radioactive. My half-life is around ....and we will tell you in the next episode.Ah, save me Romeo.X--I want a rainbowed coloured M&M. It's up there next to an acoustic guitar in "betty's-most-wanted" list.
∞ Celiaisunmanly
“select one Impressionist painter and present a two page spread which includes a brief biography and a subjective, cultural and structural analysis of 4 of his or her artworks”
OK, so how am I meant to do that, when the artist im assigned to do is someone who likes painting scenes out of a brothel? And most of his paintings are of naked women.
That is not nice.
It is currently 5:51pm and I have approx 5 hours to finish my VA assignment on the stupid Post-Impressionist. And It doesn’t help when you find out that the artist that you’re meant to do is actually a brothel-frequenter and enjoys painting prostitutes at the brothel ==”
But anyways, I will now show you how stupid my brother actually is.
The other day, he was being a dickhead and pissed me off. So, to get back at him, I decided to have a “vinegar-drinking contest” to see who could drink a cup of vinegar the quickest. So, I filled his cup with vinegar and just a tad bit of chilli powder, and filled mine with coke.
And since he absolutely had to prove that he could drink it faster, he actually drank all of it.
But I won anyways.
Today Celia had an ugly white rabbit with a scarf round its neck (that was from her beloved AHEEMMM) on her bag being choked half to death because there wasn’t a hangy thingy on the top of the rabbit so she had to attach it to her bag via the ugly scarf.
And then she started saying how my rabbit was uglier then hers just cos it was black. That’s discrimination because of colour right there.
And then in VD she started saying how she was so manly and stuff, so I told her she wasn’t manly at all and that **I** was the manly one and she was just a feminine unmanly man.
And then we started arguing in there but we wont go into too much detail cos it would probably be so boring for a “completely objective third party who has absolutely no personal interest in the matter.”
And yes, those baby pictures were of me. Well the top one was. The bottom one was of my ugly brother.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Cricket was so gay today, especially because *cough*voldemort*cough* was too busy bagging me out for no particular reason. Gahh =.=". Like saying things like "Lynette looks like a loner" in that pissy voice just because we were waiting in the batting line and since I have a life I was playing with the soccer ball instead of sitting and waiting for like 47392749235 hours with the rest of the team. Oh boohoo. Has it ever occured to her that number one, there is nothing wrong with not being part of a crowd, and number two, even if I was the social queen of the universe I wouldn't ever sit near her and her beautiful friends D=
Ok, slack.
The point is, Wednesdays are so screwed up because of cricket, and the games are so uneventful that if I were a photographer from the early nineties I would be able set a pin-hole camera on the side of the field and take a perfectly sharp photo even though it takes approximately 40 seconds to develop.
LOL. I <3 photography now! Since I don't have any of the black and white photos with me at home, I can't scan them and post them up here, but I promise either me or george or both will post them up some time next week =)
Oh btw, a lot of people were asking me why I had to stand up at assembly on Monday morning and go outside with that teacher. Well guess what, it was because
I wasn't looking at the principal when she was making her announcements.
That has got to be the crappest excuse any teacher has ever made in an attempt to look authoritative =.=" Zomgosh, it was so freaky when I turned around and saw her wriggling her finger at me D=. I had to step outside and I bet it was because she didn't want everyone to hear how lame and unjustified her reason for making me stand up was, and then after staring at me for 10 seconds while I was staring back trying desperately not to crack up she goes:
T- What did Etiaghtrabrd say?
L- That the boys had to tuck their shirts in. (Which I heard 2 seconds ago ==)
T- Before that
L- That the year 11 students were becoming year 12 students
T- After that
L- That parents were coming into the school
T- Between those
L- ...
-more seconds of staring/smirking and awkward silence-
T- When somebody is talking on that stage, you look at her. It's called common courtesy
L- Yeah sorry
T- You don't strike me as a very rude person
L- Yeah sorry
T- Go and sit back down
L- Yeah sorry
And then she ended up acting all nice o.O''. The key is to smile (smirk) at the teacher as if you are old primary school friends when you are talking and say "sorry" a lot of times =D
Dammit, I need to wash the dishes now, because my mum said that I'm only allowed to have an icecream after I've cleaned it up D=
Monday, October 13, 2008
Hi everyone, no time no blog!! (For me that is)
Wow, holidays are gone past at the speed of light. I could swear that the holidays just started yesterday.. I remember in Year 7 when I used to hate holidays and I couldn't wait to go to school again. Ah, those lovely, energetic, eager years.. Hehe, remember SG cricket and paramesiums? xDD I can't believe I had so much energy..
Okay. holidays. Well, this Ahyi who hadn't seen me for 10 years or something came over with her three sons one day. She's sending her youngest son to boarding school in China cause he's so naughty!!!! I can't imagine how I could've lived if i had to go. My parents are always telling me about Chinese boarding ols and how their good friend sent her daughter and now she's so good at Chinese. Apparently, you have to handwash your own clothes!!!! =OOO Oh gosh.
Anyway, Ahyi was like,
"Oh ANNA!!! Long time no see!!! You've grown so big!! Like a woman!!! (Lol xDD ) Aiyo, you so tall leh!!! So beautiful like a gu lerng!!! Daughter more good-looking than mother. (Haha, poor mummy xD ) Maybe can go in Miss China? AIYORRR!!! You so beautiful. Maybe can date my son!! *points to son playing Xbox* OHH, so hor lin he only 12 leh... (but he looks more like a 7 year old...) AIYAHHH!!!"LOL, wtf? Over-exaggeration much? =______=
I had the weirdest piano lesson these holidays as well. I was playing this Impressionist piece and like,
"Anna play LOUDER!! PUSH!!! HARDER!! LEAN INTO THE KEYS!!! LIFT YOUR BOTTOM!!! BANG ON THE KEYS!! LIFT!! Haha, European teachers get carried away easily.. xDD but after my fingers were all red from BANGING! and PUSHING! and LEANING! =(
And then we spent the rest of the lesson examining Impressionist paintings like Van Gogh and stuff. =D "Look at the WATER!! SO beautiful from far away, like a photo but when you look closely it's just a bunch of lines." Which is true.
And also! My brother got a haircut yesterday so before he got it cut, we were examining his face shape for the best cut anf stuff. Seriously, my brother is so PRETTY!! People say we look similar but he's actually the more beautiful-looking one. And his face shape is so nice and slim. Unlike my fat face. =( And he eyelashes are so THICK (but very short..) Anyway. Kyahhh!! Sigh, I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful brother. <3 But he needs to hide his beauty cause he's too busy for a girlfriend so that's why healways looks stoned. BUT EVERYONE DON'T BE FOOLED! IT'S JUST AN ACT!! When he smiles, he lights up the room. In fact, he lights up the whole city! The whole country!! The whole world!!! His smile melts even the coldest of hearts, and strongest of metals. Whenever I look at his smiling face, I feel so low-value compared to this beautiful creature. If he was a girl, I bet you all you guys (and girls) would be chasing him and wanting to win his affection.
He's single!!!
And he wants a girlfriend who's smiley (not emo) and not too skinny (but not fat) *nudge nudge everyone* xDD He's 160 cm tall, 56kg. fat stomach (but you can't see it under his STYLISH clothes!!) Odd-eared (but that's part of his charm!!) and VERY STRONG!! *nudge nudge*
Okay, I'm finished here. Call 9481 1111 if you are interested in Andrew the Hunk. xP
∞ Iloveholidays =]
And so Term 4 begins...
I miss the holidays already. Not so much the loneliness and boredom of staying at home for *calculating...* 9 out of 14 days doing nothing but assignments and playing wii so much I'm getting bored with it, but the SLEEPING IN (and of course the SG outing)! *sighs* when I woke up this morning, I didn't wanna get out of bed since usually I would sleep for 2-3 hours more. =[
Besides the SG outing at Parra, the day at cousins house playing more wii, the two trips to go swimming (more about this later), the three trips shopping and awesome and extremely fun dinner in city with friends, my holidays were boring. xD
Ok so we go to a swimming centre (which I will not name just in case) for "oh you need some exercise lah or you will never grow longer!!". Omgsh you know it costs like 2 bucks something just to go in and WATCH and SUPERVISE your kids? Gosh.
Anyways, so me and my little bro are having fun in the water until DUM DUM DAAAAAAMMM! My brother is there in the water looking like he's having a panic attack in and drowning in waist deep water so I swim over and I'm nearly there when he's waving at me weirdly and I figure out that he's telling me not to come over so I stop.
When he finally reaches me, he's all scared looking and swimming away going "THERE ARE LITTLE BROWN PARTICLES ON THE FLOOR!!" and so we both start running away to the edge of the pool trying not to get "infected" by the poo. I'm serious, it was poo.
And so, we spent practically an hour standing near the edge of the pool after finding that the poo spread just about everywhere. Yuck, I know. And I spent ages showering and trying to cleanse myself of 'poo water' as my bro called it. This may seem like an overreaction but I assure you that if you were swimming in a pool where some little toddler has pooed in, you wouldn't like it much either.
On a happier note that is in no way whatsoever related to poo infected pools, we went city for dinner at a nice Jap restaurant for my mum's bday! It was so yummy. The place was so posh and stuff. The waiters are in full suits and they walk around with the water jug and refill your water. And the cups of water have a slice of lemon in them and only kids and ladies get straws to drink from. My dad didn't get a straw. =]
Afterwards we went walking around since it was only 8 and we went in Morning Glory and bought my mum a Totoro stick-in-your-car-on-the-window things. It was so cute that I took a picture.

It even has a little green sticky rice thing in its hand. =P
And we had CAKE! Yum =] There was a little pink cream elephant on the cake which was cute too.

Heehee. Such cake-decorating skills from Carlo Village. =]
That's all for today!
Friday, October 10, 2008
I went through old baby photos and found those two pics.
First person to guess who, uh, gets an imaginary prize =D
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Musing at 10:55pm. 7/10/08.
emos get hot in summer? I remember last week when it was like 32 degrees, and while I was sitting there in my car, the old
aircon blasting full on in my face and sweat
dewed on the back of my singlet, we came past a group of
emos in full BLACK LONG SLEEVE TOP, BLACK MINI SKIRT, BLACK STOCKINGS and BLACK BOOTS. And it wasn't just one layer either! The chick
must've worn at least two layers out there in the blistering heat. And PLUS, according to the science experiment we did in year 8 with those funny conical flasks - black absorbs
ALOT more heat right? *shakes head* I feel sorry for them. It's a tough life being an
Why are people so influenced by their surroundings? Sometimes these changes do not happen overnight, but they slowly catch up to you without you noticing, until you suddenly look back and realise how much you've changed because of them.
You know, I used to never think I was one of those people who were easily changed because of my peers. But then something else happened which eventually, after about a year, finally made me realise how affected I was during that period of time, and how damaging it was for me without noticing.
Thankfully I've pretty much gotten over that and I'm so much better than before. It's a slow process and I was so caught up in everything that I could not see what other people could see that I was becoming. I still find it hard to understand how I fell into that particular state of mind and how stupid I was to undergo through something which I've always been disgusted at before.
Don't get me wrong, I still love my friends no matter what. I'm just saying that no matter what happens, they will always affect in one way or another, sometimes subconsciously and gradual. It's not like they tell you to do things against your will, but their beliefs sometimes can come to influence and shape your beliefs, and it's up to you whether it's for the benefit or the worse.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Ok so, new skin!
It's probably gna be temporary though, cos it's the only skin i can find so far that doesn't stuff up when i try and put it on the blog.