Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Yesterday we went on our lovely outing at Parramatta yesterday! That being, Geo, Fred, Pat and I =). I didn't end up buying anything except McDonalds, and neither did anyone else, except George who go a $10 soccer ball from Rebel and a pencil case from Morning Glory ==. LOOL.
Anyway, the walking around for 3 hours is bring to talk about, so I'll just skip to when we walked around randomly outside. We sat down at the amphi theatre thingy, and then these Skateboarders who wore their pants so low, like down under the buttocks low (no joking) started performing dangerous stunts by jumping off their boards and making them spin and trying to land back on them at the bottom of the stairs. It was quite mesmerising to be honest, and then, with a startled expression:
"Woah, look at that chick! She's so good! Wow what a gangster!"
There, amidst the pile up of male skateboarders, was a young teen with beautiful golden locks riding like a pro and as we all stared open-mouthed in envy and admiration.... -
"Isn't that a guy?"
And then "she" started yelling something to "her" friends with a deepdeep deeeeeeep broken voice.
Then, this really buff Kiwi security guard or something (who we automatically presumed to be one of Joe's cousins) came and told them off, telling them to ride at the skate park. We were going to go up to him to ask if he knew someone by the name of Joe, but then he walked away. Didn't Joe tell us in Year 8 that his whole family were security guards or something? Well anyway, this security guard had exactly the same goatee and his face was nearly exactly the same. ROFL!

For the rest of the time we wandered into a random cheap shoe sale and since we had nothing better to do we decided to try on stiletos and high boots like retards because that's what we are. Call us prostitutes, flashers, whatever, but it was fun! =). I remember I always used to do this when i was young with my mums shoes.

When we were waiting at the bus stop Anna's bus came and then she suddenly remembered that she had no money whatsoever on the count of her apparantly "forgetting to put the 20 dollar note in my wallet before I left this morning". So then while the bus was on the verge of leaving, she was standing in front of us yelling impatiently and making wierd frantic movements while we searched our wallets for spare coins. It was like:
"Oh, wait, lemme check..."
"Ah, here you go" *hands over 2 bux*
"Bye anna"
*turns to go* "AHHH WAIITT"
me:"Then how did you buy food and Easyway today?"
Today I decided not to go to Towers to watch yet another movie, because
- Taking a bus there and back is another 5 dollars down the drain
- I had previously informed my dad that I would be going out today to do our Duke of Ed service at the childcare centre (which was going to be partly true if I DID decide to go to towers today aswell), but then it was cancelled so there was no way I could sneak out wihtout being overwhelmed with guilt.
- All my birthday money is already spent.
Last but not least, Michael's calculator!! Ho ho ho, isn't it much prettier now that it's been furnished and covered with Calc Armour.

That's all for now
My brother is a stupid little dipshit who deserves to be condemned to the worst regions of hell.
And so I think you know who’s blogging today, because a) there are only 3 people in sg who have brothers, and b) I don’t think Pat or Fred would call their bro a stupid little dipshit who deserves to die.
Well maybe Fred might but yea…
Anyways, back to my story.
Since my mum had to go to work or something today, she entrusted me, to take care of my bro while she was away and would I please, please not be mean to him thank you very much. Well, well, well, translate that sentence from my mum’s language, it normally means “Since you’re home alone with your dear little dipshit of a brother, I expect him to be STUDYING, yes STUDYING, seeing as it’s nearing selective; wow its, what, LESS THEN HALF A YEAR TILL SELECTIVE? So I expect you, as the older sibling to make sure that he actually does do some work and that hes not rummaging around my room trying to find the gameboy…” etcetc.
So yes, the first 15 minutes was fine, UNTIL, he got bored of maths problem solving and decided to stir up some trouble ==
5 minutes later, I hear this terrified “OMG WHAT/WHO THE HELL WAS THAT” from the study room, and I find, my bro, cowering behind the table, pointing at the window and making frantic gestures at me to duck down just in case “that guy outside comes in and gets us!!!”So I ducked down, trying to calm him down and telling him that “it’s gna be all right and you were just hallucinating” cos the backyard had no one there.
Being the dipshit he is, he made me go outside and check what it was, but I refused so he actually pushed me out the door and made me what to the front yard to see what it was.
**palm forehead** Wrong move Tom.
I was three metres from the door when that dipshit closed the door and locked me out of the house ==
I was locked out of the house for half an hour ==
And no, I couldn’t have climbed through the window because they were all closed and even if they were open I wouldn’t to climb through because all of them are either a) fly screened, or b) at least 5 metres off the ground ==
And yea. Finally let me in. ==
I hate holidays :@
Sunday, September 28, 2008
THE YEAR 12’S ARE GONE. Seriously, the assembly was so sad and depressing. Except for the fact that none of us could concentrate because of the HUGE GUSH OF WIND every 5 seconds, because Meihc wasn’t big enough to cover the whole doorway of the girl’s change rooms.
After this extremely sad event, all the PASS people, and the Metalwork, Food Tech people were all rejoicing because they were going to do something exciting, and worth doing for 40 minutes. But we? Were stuck with the thought of listening to Nikae drone on and on for 7/8th of the period, followed by pointless “Oh, you’re a Capricorn! You must be very energetic today! And yep, your choice of colour really suits your star sign!”
So, we greet the Year 12’s. Definitely NOT wasting our time, and EXTREMELY worthwhile. Until, Harleen comes and tells us that Nikae is looking for us, and indeed, knows that we’re all at school today, and that there are only approximately 4 people in class.
“FELIX LIU”. We were saying goodbye to… Felix Liu?
Being VERY good students, we all, EAGERLY trudge back to class, to hear a “where were you guys?” and gives us the same lecture that she gives every other person who arrives 4 seconds after the bell. “If you guys need to go to the toilet, you should come up here and tell me before. Because, I am responsible for you… blah blah blah”. Did she ever notice that if we were SUPERLY needing to go to the toilet, and we went all the way up to G block, get her to write a note (and since she’s dyslexic, it would take her EVEN LONGER), and go all the way BACK to the toilets (where we were before we went to G block), we would’ve already peed in our pants?
Given that we only had about 10 minutes of the lesson left, I decided to not do anything that would take more than 30 minutes, which I thought would be pretty smart, she goes “WHY AREN’T YOU SMILING TODAY?” Omgsh, the day before, you told me to CALM DOWN, and when I decide to obey your commands, YOU TELL ME TO SMILE? Yep, next lesson, I’ll walk into class WITH A HUGE SMILE ON MY FACE, supposedly “calmed down”. Gee whiz.
Anyway, have a happy holidays, and don't die of stress because of OVERLOAD OF A CERTAIN SUBJECT'S POINTLESS ASSIGNMENT about, I quote: "artists. Oh no, I meant artists/designers"
Friday, September 26, 2008
SINCE it's the last day of term 3, I shall treat you with something a little .. "gay" .. ie my English
Shakesperean sonnet in
iambic pentametre with a
volta in the 12th line! =) AHEM ..
Piper AvenueT’was the second morning of September,
When I strolled down Piper Avenue.
The blissful street was lined with liquid amber;
Their lush green leaves glistened with sparkling dew.
Sweet spring fragrance doth perfumed the air,
Notes of tulips, lavender, and rose,
So cotton-candy sweet, and oh so fair!
Blossoming with life as fresh breeze blows.
The sky is painted of a pastel blue,
Adorned by snowy, cuddly puff of cloud.
O’er the dreamy wonderland, the birds flew,
Chirping cheerfully, so gay and proud!
But BEHOLD! - as darkened shadows loom;
Behind which cloud had sunlight met its doom?
See, it's so gay that I included the word "gay" in it! And gay as in happy of course. Doesn't that poem just make you smile. =)
Anywho. SCHOOL'S OUT TODAY! Thankgod, I definitely need a break from work, although three assignments and painting my stupid sets for my VD claymation arnt exactly helping with my chillaxing process. In maths I did my FIRST EVER sudoku, and needless to say, while everyone else was finishing their third one at the end of the period, I have just found out the 5th number on my first one.
Lesson learnt: sudokus require too much brain power.This morning was the two hour graduation assembly, and I feel sorry for those people who's surname follow some very academically gifted person and they only get a graduation certificate. It's like seeing me in 3 years time. ><
I wanna watch HouseBunny in the holidays haha ! Someone come watch with me please.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I'd like to give my mother a piece of my mind.
Picture this:
You are busily working on your English poetry assignment on the computer upstairs and you hear your motherf*cking sister whisper something fishy about something lying on the table to somebody else. Oh yes. I f*cking heard you, you little dipshit. You whispered "
another late note?????? I've seen Lynette's wallet, and she has so many late notes already" which is so suss since this house is made out of bricks and tiles not carpet and curtains and frankly I COULD HEAR YOU trying to lower your voice so as not to get bashed later, bitch. And then, you hear an uncalled-for, loud, piercing, screeching, shrewish voice yell at you from 4 metres down
"LYNETTE!!!!?????? Why were you late????"as if the teachers give you detensions for walking into class late or something"WHY DO YOU HAVE SO MANY LATE NOTES??""I've only had 3 this whole term""HOW MANY HAVE YOU HAD THIS WHOLE YEAR?""around 8""WHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY?????????!!!! DADDY DID YOU HEAR THAT???? SHE'S BEEN LATE TO SCHOOL 9 TIMES THIS YEAR!! LYNETTE WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING????? YOU'RE SO DISORGANISED!! WHAT WILL THE TEACHERS SAY????"dad:"Being late is not only bad for you classwork. It is also a SAFETY HAZARD. When your mother and I went to highschool, if you walked into class late, YOU HELD SHAME UPON YOURSELF."mum:"CLEARLY she doesn't even care! Don't you care about your education? Because on the days that your are late you never feel... REMORSE."*snorts*dad:"and you think you are RESPONSIBLE and INDEPENDANT. EVERYDAY your mother and I have to run here and run there and drive here and drive there for your activities. Do you want to tire us to death? In fact, NO MORE SOCCER NEXT YEAR!"mum:"DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TIME YOU WASTE IN THE MORNINGS WHEN YOU ARE LATE? You start the journey at before 8, and reach school at nearly 10!!!! What does your teacher say??? How do you keep up with the schoolwork after you've missed a whole hour!!?""I quickly copy my friend's notes""And you manage to do ALL that DURING THE LESSON???? What about your teacher, doesn't she teach during that time????""Yeaahhhhh.... you don't learn soemthing new every single minute of everysingle day, you know""IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOUR TEACHER THEN? WHAT DOES SHE DO ALL THAT TIME?"(...)"Don't compare yourself with other people! You ALWAYS do that, I don't give a ****** about what other people do or don't do. You ALWAYS compare your bad points with others!...."Ok I'll stop now since if I wrote down the whole comversation you would all be up until dawn.
As if being late sometimes is ever going to effect your schoolwork, except for English with the Shrew. Also, my sister tells me that my mum has been bitching about me behind my back, about how I'm supposedly going through the "teenage phase of Depression" and she doesn't know what could have caused it *COUGHCOUGH*. Ok that was harsh, but
maybe if she didn't tell me every single second that I'm failing at life on the count of my lack or organization and nocturnism, or if she stopped being a bloody hypocrite, and if she stopped making us do pointless things like wash our socks and undies before putting them in the washing machine, or always making me feel like everything was my fault and not the parents' resonsibility I'd be more willing to make friendly conversations.
Not that I was ever depressed in the first place. It's just when they have to know everything about everything going on in school or why I didn't participate in that poetry competition or why I didn't sign up for debating or.... etcetc that gets me disgruntled. Seriously, does
anyone here think I'm turning emo? *snorts*. Except for sometimes, when I'm just a bit stoned.
On a happier note SOFTBALL WAS SO FUNNY TODAY!!!! I swear, Grasshopper looks SO MUCH LIKE a 50s version of Aaron Cornelius when he runs! Like NO JOKING, I've never seen an adult run with such childish joy! XD I bet when he was little he was one of those over art-obsessive students who failed at PE LOOOOOLLLL! HAHAHAHAHA Thinking about him running makes me laughxD
Cricket today was just........... OK, let's just say, we won on the 2nd over. And we played 9 overs. Overall,
pretty uneventful if you ask me.
Monday, September 22, 2008
DID YOU KNOW?? The Carlo West Fete was on Saturday. I did. =]
Well. On Saturday it was the Carlo West Fete. IT WAS GREAT FUN! *sarcastic look* It was alright because Tonia was there too. Ok so what did we do....hmmm...
We walked around! - anything interesting??- uhh...well we got FREE FOOD! *sees tom glance up quickly* (that got her attention) I quote, "Awww I should have gone for the food...". xD We got free spring rolls (that my dad donated anyway) and free hand-made, not-as-greasy-as-KFC "popcorn chicken" which was very yummy by the way =] and some noodles. And we bought some kebabs from the Indonesian food stall so that made our total cost of dinner= $3!!!!!! Yes you heard right! And that was for BOTH OF US!! What a bargain eh? Well yes you should have come.
I also won a football from the clowns thingo where you put the balls in. And, being the awesome and SMART students we are, we decided to watch some other people play first and used the "laws of physics" to determine the amount of time taken for the ball to travel from the opening of the clowns mouth down to come out of the chute and into the separated numbered sections. =D Well we concluded that it would take roughly 3 seconds. So before the lady told us to get lost we handed over the money and started playing.
Well going with our conclusions we put the first ball in aiming for the 5. FAILED! So we tried to use our experiment to try and get all the balls into that one (six) FAILED AGAIN. So instead. We gave up on physics and came to another conclusion .
NOTE TO SELF: clown machine games are rigged.
But then after 4 balls (we had five total) we had 5, 5, 6, 6. So after giving up on the giant soft toys we set our eyes onto a small blue animal soft toy won if 26 is achieved. Tonia does the maths. And decides we need a 3 to win. So me, the pro arcade gamer, achieves this task and we got the 3. Then the lady comes to us with the option of a squishy footy ball or a plastic pony and we ask if there's anything else and she says no. So we take the ball and walk away thinking that the lady should go check her maths skills. But we recap. 6+6+5+5+3= 25!!!
-uhh we needed a 4...- ==
NOTE TO SELF 2: revise addition skills.
Overall it was GREAT FUN! Ok maybe not "great" but the fireworks were awesome =] and it was a very funNY day. xP
Everyone come in two years time!
∞ graphsucks.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
“ You may start.”
- quickly flips over to the first page –
If in x over y z, x is the mass number, y is the atomic number, and z is the element, then using the graph below, which shows the decay of certain radioisotopes, answer the questions. Please read all information before answering the questions. Yabajahbawoolloomoolloo.. roflolmaowtfbbqchicken&pekingduck..
Jeez, might as well write all that in another language. At least it may be comprehensible to a small percentage of the population. Why are all Science process test questions so long and complicated when it’s giving the simplest of information? It’s so time consuming and takes me 5 minutes to finish reading the question, 2 minutes for it to sink in, another 3 minutes to re-read it as it didn’t make sense the first time round, and then another minute for the information to sink in. And there is 11 minutes gone! RAWRR..
I think I have issues with graphs. They don’t like me much.. =( I still remember last year’s process test ..
- ultimate silence / test conditions –
And then suddenly, the silence is broken by the piercing voice of non other than ..
Betty: OH SHIT!
As I realized that I plotted my graph in pen and I have plotted 2 points wrong, which is perhaps why my graph looked like it was going high and all over the place. So then I quickly snatched the TAPE white-out from Pat’s table and attacked my poor exam paper with it.
Needless to say, I failed that. TT__TT”
My next encounter with graphs came at the time of yearlies. As soon as I saw the grid paper, I gave up and moved onto the next question. But then, being the asian student I am, my hunger-for-good-exam-marks altitude kicks in and my Einstein brain had a sudden brainwave! I distinctively remember how giving a title to my graph and labeling the axis helps, so then that’s what I did. And guess what? I managed to gain 2/3 of the marks for that question. =) I am so smart.. S A M R T ..
Dayum, good times, good times.
So then, last week, as the teacher announced that we were going to have ANOTHER process test, instinctively I panicked like there was no tomorrow. As some people did it in period 5, I was quick to interrogate about the type of questions which were tested.
But all everyone said was “it’s just graphing.”
Oh thankyou. That’s extremely helpful.
And then Vinni and TOM was telling me HOW HARD IT WAS and I got scared lol ><” But then Josh said it wasn’t hard so I was like ehh ..
Then period 8 came in a flash, and this time, I was being EXTRA CAREFUL with my calculations and plotting my graphs in pencil. But then, my bad luck with graphs prevailed and I plotted the raw count rate of the decay instead of the correct count. So there I was, grinning stupidly to myself with 12 minutes to spare, and carelessly flipping through my paper until the phrase “mark the CORRECT COUNT on the y axis” caught my eye.
By then the teacher was telling us “5 minutes left ! “ and I was hardout panicking and near breaking point. ==’’’’’ So then I created world record by rubbing out my whole graph, replotting, and then changed all my other answers which were associated with the graph in 5 minutes.
Phewwwwww .. TT__TT””
Now I am going to eat food.
Guess what I’m eating for dinner? First prize wins ..
and we will tell you after the break.
W- Kim Jong Il… I’ve heard of that name somewhere… is he a soccer player?
(W wishes to remain anonymous)
It is currently approximately 31 degrees right now, and I am in a super bad mood because of the lack of entertainment around the house now. The Internet modem’s been taken away, theres nothing on tv… and im bored shitless.
Therefore, I am going to write a super duper long blog entry now to cure my boredom.
Man I hate daytime tv on Saturdays. Apart from the random “afternoon classic movies” they randomly put on, theres nothing else other then car racing == and frankly, I’d have more fun watching that retarded magpie out in my backyard trying to find food, then watch a bunch of cars driving around like maniacs or something.
Today was different because….
“I do believe in fairies; I do, I do!”Oh god I love peter pan LOL.
I love tinkerbell because shes the size of peter pan’s palm, and she can fly, and shes a fairy. <3
So anyways; the sun is shining, the sky is a prettiful blue <3 and excluding the highhighhhighhh temperature, I’m happy. This is why I love spring. And since I’m bored and everything, let me set it out as a maths equations so you people can understand it better =]
Spring= sun + blue sky + flowers + trees + colour + food
NB: food was put in there because, because nothing works without food =D
Tom is happy when there is: sun + blue sky + flowers + trees + colour + food
So therefore *insert mathematical sign**
Tom is happy when it is spring!
Don’t you just love my logic?
Of course you do.
aw, it’s not a super duper long blog =[
Friday, September 19, 2008
Okely dokely, on Thursday it was once again teacher's strike, so courtesy of some very lovely friends, we went to the park with the fountain opposite towers to have a picnic for my and Ying and Noor's combined birthday party!
But guess what: Ying the other birthday girl didn't bother to turn up because she was sick ==". The only bad bit apart from that was that the strike ended at 10 30am so after like 5 minutes of eating everybody got up and started rushing back to school -__-". Which left Tom, George, Tammy, Matt, me and some other people sitting around having to choose between a) enduring an hour and a half of the beloved William Kentridgeo and his pornographic charcoal animations OOORRR b)jigging the whole day with TOM&DOM!
In the end we chose to go back to school and followed the trail of lollies on the top oval so that we wouldn't get lost =)D= what a waste of Aldi lollies.
Anyway I'm glad we went back to school because since Mr Sivad wasn't there to take us for PE we played soccer! I swear, Aaron Cornelius is the pro-est soccer player in the universe. Gosh, I envy his power and coordination.
Before when we were at towers George and I went to Insport to get 2 pairs of shorts for $40 instead of one pair for $35. In the end I for some reason chose the synthetic plasticy papery black ones because I thought they were airy and wouldnt' shrink, and since i forgot to bring my PE stuff for PE, I just wore the new pair of shorts, which was lucky, because then I wouldn't have noticed that they ride up so much that every time i take a few steps I have to pull them back down again. But luckily, i hadn't cut the tag off so even thought my arse was sweaty and probably contaminated the crisp new shorts, I was able to return them in exchange for the other pair XD. That guy at the counter must recognise me now, I've gone to him to exchange some random item FOUR TIMES NOW.
Thankyou to the people who spent time looking for a birthday present even thought they KNEW they didn't have to spend the money, and thanks everyone for the party and the three cakes =)and sorry for looking so stoned all that day, I was sick.
In the arvo I was hungover and had a major migraine, so I went to the towers toilets for a little nap and to open my presents =D. Then, I went to the library and was meant to be *ahem* looking over the teacher's science notes, but that failed because I kept falling asleep on the couch.
Stupid tests today, maths was just screwed over and I skipped around 5 questions. Science was alright except that it was one of those tests where you just stare at the first extra extra long question trying to process the info through your brain mind-blanked.
I'm so fucking glad it's the weekend.
Monday, September 15, 2008
OMG some people are so up themselves sometimes. Those people who gets good marks and rubs it in everyone's face. Yeah, them dicks. Fuhk shoot them all. Go fk a calculator.
But seriously, just because you got full marks at some test WHICH DOES NOT EVEN MATTER LATER IN LIFE, does not mean you can go and correct people and broadcast your Einstein Pythagorian intellegence to the world in ultimate ecstasy. Rawrrrr..
And there's VD tomorrow. This is exactly why I despise Tuesdays so much these days. I'm sorry, but when I signed up for VD, I did not sign up for 4 periods a week of "why are you looking at me blankly?! kapeesh! oh that is ferrel."
I don't even know why I'm typing this. My fingers are just moving at their own accord.
I'm not really sure where I am right now. Whether where I am is what's best for me. Oh well, I guess I'll prolly think straighter after 7 hrs of sleep and 2 periods of Oz Tag tomorrow.
Name the last time I wrote about something other than you.. but we have to be someday, so I'll keep dreaming.. x3I need a sunrise.
∞ random post =D
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
You know what pisses me off?
Your face.Lollol ok no. That was stupid.
Wednesdays. I hate Wednesdays so much. Srsly. Especially when 2 hours of your day is committed to walking, where you first start of at the school and then go around in a circle for 40 minutes until you exit back into Windsor Road.
And by this time you’ve been exposed to the sun for nearly an hour; and being exposed to the sun without protection equals…?
SKIN CANCER!!!!! =]Lollol wtf.
No srsly. It was that bad.
Im in a bad mood now. Bear with me.
I need a job. I’m in financial difficulties now, seeing as its birthday season right now.
Anyone have any relatives that own a shop or something that I can work at? =[
∞ revolutionising the ways of the world
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Has anyone noticed the fast revolutionising of our technology. I mean we have gone from big fat chunky mobiles the size of my cordless home phone to super-slim big-screened touch phones! When will there be phones will holograms? Or phones all commanded by voice? What will be next??
Well, these few questions have always been in my head and I have always wanted to know what cool new thing will be for sale by the end of the year.
Little did I know that the next cool gadget I would find out about would be in a vegetarian restaurant...
Yes that's right in a vegetarian restaurant. And no I didn't see someone with a new hologram-ed phone. No I didn't hear someone voice activating their message inbox. Actually this "new gadget" wasn't a phone. It was a bathroom.
There were actually a number of things that were awesome about the bathroom. (I know, I sound like an idiot but its true)
1. the lights: the lights were all those cool new energy-saving ones that turn on when the sensor picks up movement. Then it turns off after a while
2. the taps: the taps had sensors too and water would come out when you stuck your hands under it
3. the soap dispenser: ok ok this thing I had no idea how to use. It had no button or pressing thingy so I assumed that it was awesome and had a sensor like the rest of the bathroom. So I stuck my hand under it for like 2 seconds and it did nothing so I thought that someone had just forgotten to put an "OUT OF ORDER" sign on it. Then just as I took my hand out from under the soap dispenser it makes a WHIRR noise (that freaks me out) and then a whirly shaped stream of blue foamy soap squirts out landing in the form of a poo and lands on the bench. oops... ><
By now you probably think that I'm just some idiot who has never seen lights, taps and soap dispensers with sensors but I have saved the best for last. (and if you've already seen or heard of this then good for you but I had never seen it before and I got terribly excited about it)
4. THE CUBICLES: okok so my mum and I go into the bathrooms and immediately see the toilets. You know how normal toilet cubicles have plastic coloured doors. Well, these cubicles had GLASS DOORS. I'm not joking. So then we're standing there thinking eww that's gross how do people go to the toilet? then I suggest for me to go inside the cubicle to see whether the glass is that cool type of glass that is opaque on the other side. But we can still see just as clearly through it. So since I'm absolutely busting to pee I tell my mum to not look and i close the door and lock it. And once you lock the door, THE GLASS TURNS OPAQUE and you can't see through it! It was so cool that i kept turning the lock till I saw my mum waving at me to stop before I broke it. xD
Haha well. I thought that was worth blogging about since it was one awesome toilet. ^^
∞ tom's bithday <3
Friday, September 5, 2008
What an great way to end this immensely stressful week, with the Maths Common question " If a normal duck has 2 legs, and a LAME DUCK has 1 leg.." HAHAHA I don't know why I found that ques very funny, so funny that I burst out in laughter during the exam and everyone else turned around looking at me like
" WHAT IS SHE SMOKING.">< *beetroot face* It was Tom's birthday on Tuesday! And since it was strike, we all went to Towers to celebrate her bday and the teachers striking. I hope the government deprives them more so there's more strikes. So then at Towers me, Bob, Jen and Celia's group met up with the rest of SG and Dom. x) And then marched with eagerness and anticipation towards Harrison's Pharmacy with one objective in our minds. Cartilage piercing. Rawr I was so scared lol. And then met up with Josh and Grumpy outside, and Harrison's pharmacy told us they didn't do cartilage piercings.
Attempt #1 - FAILED.So then we marched to the hairdresser next door and asked. But to our surprise, no avail.
Attempt #2 - FAILED.MNG Beauty Hairdresser/Salon next! They told us they did cartilage piercings, so then Tom and I marched with anticipation to the back of the place, followed by a parade of 11 eagerly smiling asians with Baulko uniforms. BUT, just when we thought we could finally lay our minds to rest, we were bombarded with the fact that the lady that does cartilage piercings WAS SICK TODAY AND NOT HERE.
Attempt #3 - FAILED.We dragged our ourselves out of MNG Beauty Salon with disbelief, wondering if there was a hairdresser in Towers which we have not infiltrated yet. But then *FLASHBULB* I thought of ERIC'S HAIR! .. The hairdresser .. not.. Eric's hair .. >_>
So with our last string of hope, we made our way to ERIC'S HAIR and to our delight THEY DID CARTILAGE PIERCINGS. So we got Dom - Tom's .. AHEM half brother.. to sign our parental guidance forms, and then sat in the chair of doom while the lady held the gun 2 cms from my ear.
PEOW PEOW. FINALLY, with 3 failed attempts...
Attempt #4 - GREAT SUCCESS..JPG)
Yaay. =D No it didn't hurt much.. just went flaming red for abit. We then went to the food court and Tom opened all her presents. ^^
Now I shall go do my stupid pdm and VD which I have yet to start. Actually no, I think I prioritise lunch over that.
Until then..
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Morning everyone. Guess what, my computer's back from being repaired =D. But, half of this post which I wrote before got deleted for some reason, so just bear with me=)
Anyway, here is my story =)))))))
Escape the Fate
Just as we cannot control the fiery sun that rises at every dawn, we cannot defy our destinies. Remember this, as I tell you this story.
Nestled in the mountains bordering Spain was a little village known as Neathandra, and it was here that a woman lived. Her name was Cassandra, and though she was a widow, she was young, and beautiful too. Of the several eager men who fluttered around her, hovering over her sumptuous inheritance, none seemed able to hold her attention for long. Some say she was made of charm and eloquence, others say that she was nothing but a bitter-sweet menace to the married women of the town. One could observe that she had everything a woman could wish for, but she did not; for how can I describe to you the grief which plagued her for years after her late husband’s demise? She was in need of new love, and indeed she was blessed, for soon she had irrevocably fallen for the son of a wealthy landowner by the name of Lucus, whom she had first met at a banquet held by her father.
“Why, would you believe it?” she would boast to her friends, “The wealthiest man and woman in town! In love…”
For many weeks, she hovered between fantasy and reality. During the few times they met, she would lose herself in his gaze, dazzled by the way it seemed to grip her heart, forcing it to accelerate. Soon it became clear that she would die sooner than be wed to anyone who was not Lucus.
Yet she was inwardly doubtful. Try as she did, she could not win the sincerity in his eyes when he looked into hers, and was dissatisfied.
“No, not so soon,” he would tell her when she brought up the topic of their marriage, “I will be unable to carry out my duties if the chief learns that I am soon to be wed.”
He did not love her back. No, he only had eyes for Miranda. And who is Miranda, you ask? She could not be compared with Cassandra. Or so that was what Cassandra thought. She was, after all, only a factory maid; bedraggled in comparison, and dark-skinned. But she was also beautiful, and Cassandra despised her for being so, for what did it matter that she was the most attractive woman in town if Lucus, her one love, did not think so too? How could she, almost a pauper, fall for someone as magnificent and well-earned as him? What was it that Miranda had that Cassandra did not? Cynism overwhelmed her, though she did not quite know why. Perhaps it was the way Miranda seemed almost too poor and too vulnerable, yet able to wrap Lucus around her finger and have him eating out of her hand.
She was miserable, and hated being alone. Frustrated, she made a journey to the heart of the village, and sought to speak with a fortune teller. She couldn’t bear to live any longer not knowing if Lucus would ask Miranda to marry him, or refuse her, as he did Cassandra.
As Madame Zaraine set her cards on the table, her eyes became alarmingly round.
“The two of spades,” she whispered, and suddenly the room was filled with cold, silent air as they both knew that the two of spades could only mean murder, and that the cards spoke the truth.
“A murder,” the fortune teller wheezed, “of the person you love the most in the world.”
Cassandra wept into her dress and pleaded helplessly, for she knew that the cards could only mean that Lucus was to be killed.
“Who would do such a thing?” she choked.
“A woman whose love is poisoned by envy and greed. Be warned, she is not who you think she is. And remember, fate is irreversible, and you must follow your destiny, as must we all,” and she said nothing more.
Several weeks passed, and before long Cassandra had received the news which she had dreaded so vehemently. Lucus and Miranda were to be married. Fury boiled inside of her as she remembered how he had used his duty as a poor excuse to deflect her proposal. She stormed towards his residence, ordering to speak with him.
“Fool,” she hissed, “are you blind? All she wants is your inheritance.”
“You are mistaken, Cassandra. Miranda loves me for who I am, but after we are declared husband and wife, if she is in need of money, I will not hesitate to aid her,” was all he said.
Cassandra knew that what she had suspected was right. For she could only think of one woman who could possibly want to commit such a crime, and who coveted his inheritance more than Miranda? Though she had heeded Madame Zaraine’s words, she was not convinced that she was powerless against the omen. Beleaguered, Cassandra was suddenly aware that the answer to her turmoil was simple: Miranda had to be eliminated, and fast, before the wedding. She would be the only soul to know of the true story behind the mysterious disappearance of the forlorn factory maid. And Lucus? It would be as if Miranda never existed!
Finally, nightfall blanketed the village. Cassandra entered Miranda’s ramshackle house stealthily, and upon reaching the room in which she was sure she was sleeping in, pulled out a dagger from deep within the folds of her russet dress. But she was disoriented. Miranda was nowhere to be seen. Had the maid slipped right through her grasp just as she was about to eliminate the only thing that stood between her and Lucus?
Suddenly, a dark figure emerged from the doorway and made for the interior of the pitch-dark room. Spurred by the paroxysm of sheer terror, she plunged the dagger through warm, bare skin, and the figure fell to the floor.
When dawn broke the gloom, despair took her in its grasp and shook her, for indeed, the cards had not lied. The face which was now illuminated by the sunlight emanating from the window did not belong to the woman she wanted dead; this was Lucus, whom she loved and had fought so hard to keep. Miranda returned home from the cigar factory to discover Cassandra, misshapen and haggard, kneeling by Lucus’s corpse. Still clasped tightly in his right hand was a blood-red rose.
∞ HAPPY birthday tom
tom's 15th birthday
remember to:
- laugh
- celebrate
- get an SG photo
- enjoy life
- have fun
- eat cake
- get cartilage piercing with george
- SMILE =]
" our birthdays are feathers in the broad wing of time"