Friday, May 30, 2008
Back home at long last! ^^ Hopefully this update won't take hours because I still have to practice for Effing Piano Lessons =OO
We sat around on the logs upon arrival in our camp groups and were issued our *AHEM* new and pristine rucksacks which would carry all our possessions for the next 3 days. Thinking "I BAGS THAT BLUE ONE THAT LOOKS BIG AND CONFY", i ran over to start unpacking and undoing the buckle at the top of the rucksack when my nose was became sensitive to a disgustingly vomit-ish aroma which occured whenever I leaned down to put something in it. AND THEN, as I was tightening the strap, A DISTURBINGLY CREAM-WHITE SUBSTANCE emerged into my 160 degree field of view which sprawled across the side of my rucksack which looked to me like accidentally spilt yoghurt. And to my greatest disgust, I leaned over to smell it and a wave of putrid vomit-like smell-waves (o.o'')radiated into my nasal cavity and I felt like fucking Puking myself. ==. What a great way to start camp. And as you can see, trekking for 6 hours straight with that constant aroma next to your EAR is not particularly pleasant, and NEITHER is sleeping in a 1 m long tent with your tent buddy with your rucksack NEXT TO YOUR FACE. ><"
NOTE TO SELF: Always check that the former consumer has not puked on the product before selecting it.
Then George and I became hopelessly confused and behind everyone else because the sleping bag had to be put into the rucksack FIRST, and while both of us had ordered a supposedly clean and efficient sleeping bag and foam mat with an inner sheet, It had not arrived yet. And when it did, we were informed that we would get the sleeping bag dirty after the day, and that certain boys from the previous group had not bothered to sleep in the bag which you had to crawl IN to before sleeping in the sleeping bag, and that they only washed the sleeping bags once a month. Which was later realized at night when I smelt it only to realize that it stank like a mixture of fingus and mouldy socks. OMFG, HELLO? DO YOU EVER WASH THIS EQUIPMENT?
NOTE TO SELF: Always check with Somerset about quality and hygiene of hired products before paying thirty five dollars for rental.
On a happier note *tries to see the silver lining on the stupid cloud*, I agree with Derf abour how everyone lost at least 5 kilograms after the 6 hours straight of hiking up the nearly vertical mountain side and down it again, which proved to be so dangerous that I think that the chance of someone being thrown down the edge of a cliff on the count of the weight of his/her own rucksack is highly possible. HAHAHA the silver lining just got owned. I'll ellaborate.
First of all, when you are struggling to keep up with the rest of the group while half jogging up the mountain side, your thighs and calf muscles begin to burn like the kindlewood in the campfire. And you can't really stop because then your momentum is lost and you'll probably end up creating the dominos effect and killing everyone in your group. Secondly, when you are going DOWNHILL and all the leaves and rocks are LOOSE, the best thing you can do is hold onto that poor 1 cm thick tree starting to group on the side of the trail for dear life. I mean, Marcus was taking a "SHORT CUT" (ie, a near vertical rock acting as a water slide) and a rock the size of his HEAD got loose and starting roling and smashing down the hill and hit MURALI on the back of the LEG, after gathering a tonne of momentrum due to the act of gravitational potential energy and increase in kinetic energy combined. WTF ==. Everyone got a heart attack. And apparantly Marcus was so gobsmacked that he was frozen shitless and couldnt somehow open his mouth to shout: "MURALI MURALI THERES A GIANT ROCK READY TO SMASH YOU SENSELESS MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!!!!"
hahahahaha ! Now that you look back at it it IS kind of funny. Oh, and thirdly, when you have been trekking for 6 hours with a rucksack tightened around your waist for support so tightly that you end up looking like a woman in a corset before WW1, your hip bones become bruised and it becomes very painful to move around.
HAPPIER NOTE: Canoeing on the third day was so slow and unprogressive that it seemed almost comical at that time HAHAHA =). We all paired up with a guy because if we were divided then by the time all the guys had finished all the chicks would still be trying to push off the bank ==. So me and Daniel A had such a tiring 3 hours on the coount of me being such a bad steerer, resulting in our canoe zig zagging across the river and constantly travelling backwards for no apparant reason. Then we stopped after only 5 kilometers because we were all so slow xDD. And listening to Daniel and murali's Mr Gnow immitations was so funny I couldn't hold the paddle properly.
At night after getting sticks for the fireplace we played gladiators with the bark against eachother in the dark and made teams and randomly chased eachother. Times like these I'll always remember. And singing *AHEM* campfire songs around the fire which I underestimated after I looked down to realize that my shoe was steaming and the rubber was melting. Then for some reason half of the group went to be educated about Christ in one tent while we were supposed to be huddled together around the fire, so then Vru, George, Bella, Anna, I, etcetc just sat there talking about bands and doing the soulja boy dance. AND LAUGH OUT LOUD at Murali's pro Aboriginal Tribal dancing around the fire! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Now that I've weighted out all of the good and crap, I've decided that although three-quarters of the time was spent in misery and tire, what we learnt from it and friendships gained made up for it, and It was heaps ok I guess.

George looking stoned and leaning on Ewy's shoulder with Vinni in background looking stupid on the bus on the way back.
Now I'll go and practice PIano =( Dammit, back to normal. Aish.
-- Lynette/Jerry
Okay, this is a man on the moon, with two eyes, a nose and a mouth.Year 9 Camp is officially over. We had memorable times, laughing with each other and at each other, helping one another- it was great.
I personally, wasn’t too excited to go to camp. Sleeping in tents, digging a hole for a toilet, no showering for days- it didn’t seem fun, let alone enjoyable. Yet, I’m glad my friends dragged me to go, what an experience we had!
Take Uhz for example. It was night time of the second night, and as per usual, everyone took out their torches. Except for people like me, who had no torch due to lack of batteries. After our instructor lit the fire, we turned off our torches, because we’re so environmentally friendly, and put our torches in our pockets. Yet… it seemed so bright! We looked around… and glanced at “Big Kev”, and we immediately saw his pants. Okay, not a pretty sight. His pants were glowing! HAHAHAHA. We laughed so much and for so long. But I guess, it was one of those you-had-to-be-there moments that really make it worth laughing at.
We went to York Hill, our first campsite, only to find… A SHOVEL!! And we all panicked, thinking that we had to dig holes and pee in front of the horses and cows and donkeys and alpacas. Only to see a toilet. A wave of relief swept over us, until we opened the door… and looked down the toilet… and saw other people’s waste piling up from the ground! And it was extremely hard to miss the stench coming from the toilet!
The food was much better than I had expected. We had nice bread and a nice salad for lunch, which we fed to the farm animals because we didn’t even come close to finishing it! After feeding the donkeys, EEY AND ORE, and the horse, we walked back to our campfire, only to hear a STAMPEDE OF COWS eager for more food! We had toasted marshmallows, which Tom missed out on! Crispy outside layer with a soft inner part which melts in your mouth, especially nice on a cold day AND hot chocolate with a “special ingredient”.
We learnt how to put tents up, which weren’t soundproof. Kaustaub running laps super early in the morning, which sounded like a panting horse from our tent. Singing the C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G with Spongebob was fantastic, imagining we had a guitar, laughing at lame jokes about each other, and most of all, learning how to cooperate with one another. Memories which will last forever...
∞ what joy. it's camp again ==
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
I’m not going to camp D=
Therefore, im stuck at home for 4 daysI used to go to Carlingford West Public school =D
The Kindergarten rooms all got burnt down and 6 classes were extensively damaged (reliable source from thedailtelegraph.com)My bro goes to Carlingford West Public School
They didn’t have to go to school yesterday, today, and possibly the rest of the weekTherefore, he doesn’t have to go to school for the rest of the week
There goes my 4days being home alone D=It’s only been 9 hours and 14 mins and approx 4 seconds since I’ve woken up and started my 4 days-home-alone-if-you-don’t-count-my-bro-cos-of-camp holiday, and I’m… bored shitless ==”
Well what did Tommy do for her first day home-alone-excluding-bro ayes?
7:30am – Forced out of bed by pissed parents. Got up and went into bro’s room and threw a pillow at him to relieve frustration.
7:40am – Ate breakfast consisting of: cereal and leftovers. Oh. What great joy.
8:00am – Brushed teeth, washed face and actually “woke up”
8:30am – tried to pull bro out of bed and hit him with pillows for the fun of it. My bro makes a great punchbag thingo =D
8:40am- Mum went to work. Stuck with bro @ home
8:45am- Studied indirect and direct variations and trigonometry =D aren’t I such a good girl xD
9:30am- Gave up on maths and went on msn. Checked msn window. 5 people on ==”
9:40am- got bored again and went into kitchen to find food. Found cake mix. Decided to make cake.
10:00am- put cake in oven and waited.
10:20am- forgot that cake was still in oven. Ran over to kitchen and pulled cake out. Cake fine =D
10:30am- Chocolate Cake with chocolate icing. YUM! =D
10:45am- Decided to go West Ryde library and try find Eclipse. Walked halfway there and forgot library card.
10:50am- got back home and couldn’t be bothered walking all the way back. Was too chicken of getting caught and then sent to school =S
11:00am- Decided to do ghey science
11:30am- gave up on science and went to the nearby park with bro and played around on the swings.
12:00pm- got hungry and walked back home for lunch =D
12:40pm- had Asian food for lunch and watched Asian drama on TV =D
1:30pm- bloated and bored. Couldn’t be bothered to move
1:45pm- washed dishes
2:00pm- Mum came home and got bread from bread top =D wouldn’t let me eat =[
2:30pm- went on msn again and nearly died. Absolute loneration =[
3:00pm- decided to watch asian drama on youtube. Jiro wang is hot =D ok nvm me ==3:30pm- helped mum prepare dinner. Yes, its rice. And Asian stuff. But I like =D
4:00pm- had nothing to do so took a shower. Didn’t wna get out. Water was nice =D
4:30pm- Got back to watching drama. While multitasking and blogging
5:00pm- finished drama and was bored. Again. =[
Bah. It’s amazing how boring my life can get.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I lay there pondering the thought of whether I should go or not. I turned on my side, warm and comfortable. Do I go or not. Then I heard shouting so I figured it would be best to go. Ok. So I braced myself. I needed to get out first. I stuck out a foot. The blistering coldness made me take it back. I tried again. It wasn’t so bad. So, me leg came out too. Then my other foot and my leg. Soon, both legs were out.
I gulped and gathered all the bravery in me, well, the small portions of it. And stuck a hand out. Then an arm, and another hand and another arm. Finally, with a last breath and got out. Body, legs, arms and all.
The coldness froze me as I reached out for my only source of warmth out here. Shivering and thinking whether I should go back. I resisted the temptation of returning to that warm and comfortable hideaway and had finally reached my source of warmth. As I toddled out, I heard my mum shouting, “ARE YOU OUT OF BED YET?? YOU’RE GOING TO BE LATE!”.
Yes, it takes a lot of bravery to get out of bed in the morning to prepare for school. Especially on Monday. ><
Haha. Lameness. xD
But it’s true. It’s so cold in the morning nowadays.
CAMP!! Haha. I’m excited. Preparing for camp is SO tiresome. Yesterday, we went shopping for camp stuff. Two hours spent looking to see whether this jacket was warm enough or if these pants fit. Tonight I have to go through the dreaded (and boring) process of packing. Big whoop. Unless you are one of those people who think packing for camp is a wonderful, thrilling and exhilarating experience that you would always do enthusiastically and with a huge grin on your face. xP
But since we’re going to be camping. Outside. With no cabins. In a tent. Carrying our own things. Taking a flashlight out to go to the toilet. Making sure we have good clothing that is not a singlet and has sleeves so the 65 litre rucksack doesn’t grind and dig into our skin. I’ll be FINE. This is MY idea of a perfect holiday. NOT. But I still agree that it will be a good experience and break from cabins and dining halls.
Seriously, I am going to be so sore afterwards, I’ll be spending Friday sleeping, showering, eating, more sleeping, shower again in case the bacteria isn’t gone yet, more sleeping, eating, shower again with extra scrubbing of my hair, even more sleeping and possibly one more shower. Doesn’t sound too fun. I’ll be lucky if I can even get out of bed to reach the shower by the sound of things. My mum was saying how she has no idea how I’m going to carry everything when she saw the pile of clothing I had to bring. ><
Friday, May 23, 2008
ORDER ORDER.Just a little post to distract people AWAY from the effing chatbox. I guess we
are being harsh on some people out there, but let's face it- I'm never using Desktop Windows Manager again. LOOL JUST KIDDING. Everybody is welcome except those who wish to
anonymously schit on the cbox. Get my drift...? Eh? eh?
OK. Teachers can be such a B ITCH when it comes to PMS. So on monday, we had an important meeting at lunchtime in the gym during which the ladies of '11 where crucially eqipped with the neccesary knowledge required to be taken into account for the four days spent with NO proper toilet to sit on when the *ahem* occasion arose. YES SOMEONE BRING A SUBSTANTIAL SUPPLY PLEASE. I'll bring toilet paper =). and Derf will bring shovels. HAHAHAHAHA x)
(NOTE TO SELF: Go shopping for thermal underwear this weekend)Anyway, we went past the end of lunchtime bell, and many of us stayed behind to ask important questions. I, being at the back of the large crowd, arrived at the door of D2 only to find that that the door was LOCKED, and thus you can see how much I panicked as the rest of the class had their eyes eagerly glued to the TV screen whereas I was stuck outside knocking frantically. Then I spotted the teacher who was staring STRAIGHT BACK AT ME through the little sqare window on the door, and I wondered: "WHAT THAT FUCK? Why the hell is she standing there shaking her head at me? Why is she rolling her eyes at me when I've knocked 5 times?". Then, feeling extremely stupid, I started signalling frantically at my trustworthy friends to unlock the door, who just sat there staring blankly at me. It turned out that the teacher was telling them not to open the door for me. After about 2 minutes, Saam came running accross the corridoor to where I was standing, and finally, the shrew strides purposefully up to the door, opens it, and:
SHREW: Where have you been?J&S: At a meeting for duke of edSHREW: the rest of the class was here 10 minute ago (PSHT wtf) J&S: the girls had to say behind for a girls only meeting with Ms YdennekSHREW: oh really?J&S: Yeh really...SHREW: Well, go and get a note from ms Ydennek then. *speaks in malicious tone and slams the door in our faces*So then we went aimlessly back to the hall, where half of the ladies where STILL hanging around around questions, and since she was going to go to the same area where our classroom was, she just decided to come with us and tell that shrew face to face. So then, you can imagine the sudden change in her "disguised persona" (from shrew to idealistic, polite, well mannered, pleasant, domestic, woman of elizabethan society), when she saw the imposing face of the History department striding into the classroom and informing her that the meeting ran late.
HAHAHAHAHAHA OWNED MUCH? and THAT is hence illustrative of the "TAMING OF THE SHREW" for you! ^^. But alas, as soon as her back was turned, she gave us the if-looks-could-kill deathglare and gave us the
"you girls are ALWAYS late for my classes. Go and sit down" lecture, to which we snorted invisibly. Wait, on second thoughts, we should have jigged the whole lesson, and if the Principal caught us Truenting, we could easily have told her truthfully that our teacher simply locked us out.
Today at maths Anna and I both forgot to bring our textbooks, and when we were just about the exit the classroom in order to OBTAIN one from our lockers, Moho shouted at us to sit back down as we should always ask permission to leave class beforehand. So while everybody else asked and went to get textbooks we were just sitting there eating. Finally, after 10 minutes, we decided to ask again because she was giving detentions to whoever didnt bring their tbooks, and when we finally arrived at the locker... IT WASN'T IN THERE WTF =.=''
So panicking at the prospect of us walking back into the classroom emty handed under the eyes of the moho, we tried to pick at bob and Pat's lock (haha sorry won't hapen again), but it was so damn high quality, so we gave up and went back... (sneaked in when she wasn't looking). And half the class ended up having to write 75 lines saying"I will always bring my textbook". -_-''
Hm, I could probably fill up another 10 pages with details about cumberland High school, but I guess I'll leave that to George >___>
Going to sleep early today =)
==” go away now please and go get a life.
Doesn’t seem like you have one, seeing as you’re stuck on sg blog 24/7 oO
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I was watching Gladiators today and it’s so annoying how the referee ALWAYS shouts CHALLENGER ARE YOU READY then GLADIATOR ARE YOU READY as if we’re all deaf. I mean, can you imagine one of them saying, ‘oh wait, let me fix my shoelace’ in the middle of it. It gets so annoying after a while.
Oh my gosh, my brother’s going through a certain stage where he thinks he’s so cool by dancing like Mr Bean in the middle of our lounge room (which is enough for me to be blinded by) and acting as if he’s one of the characters in numerous movies with super powers and unrealistic fighting skills. Who else has siblings going through the same thing??
Stage 1: Ninja stageAfter watching TMNT shows, he buys heaps of those action figures and is constantly taking them out on the floor and making them fight each other. And I thought this was bad.
Stage 2: Pokemon stageCollecting cards and models to his heart’s content and upon arrival to my cousins house always makes sure he has asked them (at least once) whether they want to ‘battle’ him. While I get bored watching them debate how much HP was left I go excuse myself to use the computer. ><
Stage 3: The Jedi stage.
Simply walking by his room to see him waving a fake plastic lightsaber (which he though was called a lifesaver until I told him) around crazily making SZCERM noices and “fighting” an invisible robot. Uh huh. I was scared too. And he still occasionally gets it out to whack yet another invisible being.
And currently…
Stage 4: Indiana Jones
It is so weird how one commercial can spread to seeing Indiana Jones products everywhere. Like 10 different Lego versions, DVD box sets, fake whips with SOUND EFFECTS. YAY! >< In fact, as I write this, he is watching one of the movies now. But insists on my dad watching with him as it may get ‘scary’ but when I inform him that it is M rated he says it doesn’t matter and that he can watch it. Hypocrite. Every time, I mean LITERALLY every time, something that reminds him of that guy in a cowboy hat swinging onto a truck he gets all excited and starts jumping up and down saying LOOK LOOK! The other day we passed a bus stop poster. Oh boy. Instantly, OOH OOH! LOOK AT THAT! As if I had never seen a poster before.
So, who else has a brother going through this same thing?? Or maybe my bro’s just weird. Sounds slack but the truth hurts. I’m not trying to be mean. Just writing ideas for my to-be-bestselling book, LIFE WITH MY BRO. Haha. Joking.
Anyway, enough about my life. I’m meant to be doing Commerce assignment now so this post ends here. X
No, wait, here. X
Friday, May 16, 2008
When were through building memories, I’ll hold yesterday in my heart...Don’t you just feel that "yesterday" seems so close, times when play and no work were around? Times when your parents didn’t care about your math’s results; times when you had time to sit in your backyard, watching the sun set, laughing with your friends, as they told lame jokes. Remember the times when we were kids, and we would imagine stories of when we would be astronauts, or own a lolly shop.
But yet, we’ve arrived a time in life, where assignments and tests are endless, knocking at your door. Where you have no time, to sit and roast marshmallows in your fireplace, and don’t even have the time, to remember and treasure those memories. Still, our dreams are destroyed when we realize that all we can truly achieve is to be an accountant, lawyer or doctor.
It’s like we don’t have time to enjoy life, that we don’t have time to appreciate it. We sit at the computer for numerous hours, finishing our assignments due the next day; and study for tests until we fall asleep at our table.
What if there was no school? What if time stayed still, and our clocks no longer worked? Like Peter Pan, who never wants to grow up, acting like kids, and no one cares. What if- a question that seems forever ending.
I see the clock and it’s ticking on it’s way... And I’m tryin’ hard, but I don’t know what to say...
WTF is with school these days TT.TT
Somehow I don't feel enlightened at the prospect of going to school anymore. Everyday is just... the same... no more rushing to G14 just before maths to play around on the drumkit and fooling around with vocals on the guitar. No more rehearsals in the drama room =(. No more doing chin ups on the oval or mountain climbing. o.O" ok nevermind. Every Farking day is driven only by our need to get a move on on that photography assignment or needing to go to school because we have double science, which we can't miss because OMFG HALF YEARLIES !...
There's literally nothing to blog about. Apart from the fact that there is so much hidden anger and hate in all of us, which all of us except Tom has been able to withstrain. But I'm not going to bittch about them here, because i'm sure that if people have things to say about me, they would probably also be shit. *trying to treat others as I would like to be treated*. Psht. she calls herself a doctor and all she ever does is pretend she knows what she's talking about when all she does is make PD lessons so complicated and stressing that even Doctor Phil's brain would exhaust itself. In confusion, that is. Because her lessons are so irrelevant. Anyway.
DON'T YOU HATE ADVERTISING ON CHINESE SATALLITE TV? Omfg wtf =.=. In the background, it is so frkn airbrushed that it's almost like an ANIMATION, where the sky is a deep, clear blue with flocks of clouds drifting peacefully across the horizon, bordered by a field of bright green grass and pretty asians all smiling and supporting eachother and...
WTF? Since when was there grass? Since when was the skyscraper 5 m away VISIBLE PAST THE BROWN/GREY AIR PARTICLES? And it just pisses me off when those ads on "scientific breakthroughs" that go on for literally 10 minutes due to repeating sections of itself numerous times play. I mean, just look at that ad where oversized ladies can buy that under-suit which "Apparantly" squeezes all the body fat and lovehandles, etcetc up to the
BOOBS which thus look mouthwatering and increases chest circumference by like 8 cm ==. And also keeps the body temperature heated due to electro heat transmitting fibres in the material. AS IF. WTF GO GET A LIFE. *sees actors attempting to look amazed and purposely saying "WO KEN SING YAO MAI" out loud*So my grandma watched one of those ads except advertising one of those chemical things that apparantly destroys bacteria in your eyes and makes your eyes prettier and healthier or something. And she decided to "try it out" because the advertising seemed so real. And then her, and my uncle went to do the eye testing which apparantly withdraws a sample from the liquid (conjunctiva...?) and is put under the microscope so that you can see what types of bacteria are in your eyes. And then to her horror, there were several large parasite-resembling things in her sample, so she WENT AND BOUGHT SOME. And then seeing the extent of the bacterial activity in her sample, my UNCLE went and got his eye tested as well. AND GUESS WHAT??
And apparantly those people were full like "AIYAH look at all this bacteria! Ni Ma Shang yong zhe ge yao ba!"
And without you is how I disappear, And live my life alone forever now. lynette.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Ok so I was exaggerating a little bit there. But you’ll feel the same way when you have sivad as a basketball “coach” == note that the word ‘coach” is in quotation marks ==””
I now know why the A&B netball team lost every single game they played in last term ==”””””””
Omg wtf. Fcking bball today was a fcking piece of shit. WTF, like, how did someone like ADKLJFDKLGJ >_> get a job as a fcking PE teacher? Jesus. Like, did she bribe those department of education people to get a job or something? Apsht. Oh yea, some advice from me, -who is, unfortunately, super unco but at least I know better then YOU, you fat bitch-; why don’t you fcking join weight watchers and get rid of that ugly flubber and that huge ass of yours before you start criticizing others on “how to play sport correctly”, huh?
Actually. Go join the biggest loser. Though I doubt you wont get into the ghey white house cos you’re so fat. Wait, my bad… they’re all fat ==””” well at least you’ll feel better then you’re around fat people. You see? If you go lose some weight, you’ll be happy, we’ll be happy cos you’ll be away from us (depending on how long you survive in there), and everyone is happy. Good. NOW GO LOSE SOME WEIGHT.
So today marked our first ever basketball game =] and yes, we were playing against ruse, which was ghey cos they had a really pro team for bball (omg who knew that nerdy people could actually play bball? =D ==). And yes, we got thrashed, (hardcore ==) but I don’t give a shit cos yeas. Ahh. Ignore me.
Lol jeez what am I ranting on about ><”
Anyways lol.
It was the ghey NAPLAN reading test today. Nothing exciting, expect the fact that I had an awful coughing fit during the middle of the test and had to keep it in. Not that that was exciting, jst making a note of it =] not that you really had to know ><”
AND It was Pats bday yesterday. Haha suck, she still cant watch M/MA movies legally cos shes not “of age” yet. XD. REMEMBER TO HAVE PARENTAL SUPERVISION WHEN YOU WATCH A M/MA MOVIE XD. Or you can always ask George to watch with you =] even better, wait until September and I’ll watch M/MA movies with you =] though I’ll probably be the one hiding behind the cushions ><”
Ehhs what am I talking about.
Remaining anonymous for safety reasons
edit- im gna keep this blog completely anonymous and replacing >_> with aasjkdhdkfg. =D
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
OMFG I FUCKING HATE SINGLE SEX PE CLASSES.Okay, so unless you’re a guy, which is like 50 percent you out there, then it’s all fine for you. But just because I’m a girl, I do not see why I HAVE TO SUFFER
I’m sorry, but that’s just not my idea of “fun” or “exercise.” And my teacher just happens to choose the MOST UNEXCITING SPORTS, maybe cos she thinks we’re gonna break a nail from playing a AHEM “CONTACT” sport like basketball or soccer.
And then .. instead of learning how to “PUSH” the hockey ball properly, we hold our stick parallel to the ground and try to hit the ball up and down!
Um, SO WHEN EXACTLY IN A GAME ARE WE GOING TO REQUIRE SUCH SKILL? Apparently it’s to improve our “hand-eye coordination.” WHAT THE FUCKSHUN?
And the teacher is so biase. Just because a chick is in one of her grade sport teams or dance class, it instantly makes them PRO and far more superior than the rest of the people. And I hate it when someone just flukes a shot and it just suddenly goes into the goals, and then she says in very loud and excited tone “ OHHH ___ YOU ARE VERY VERY GOOD! OH GOOD JOB!!!!!” and thinks that they’re like super pro.
And the bottom oval grass is all lumpy and if you had common sense, then of course you’ll realise that MAYBE IT’S NOT A GREAT PLACE TO PLAY A SPORT WHICH INVOLVES A BALL ROLLING ON THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND. Because then the ball just gets trapped in the overly grown grass and into the dirt holes every three seconds!
And then we had a game. I thought that would be fine, except then when I was trying to defend..
Oh fucking hell. Can’t you see I’m trying to run from my defender? And then after my faithful goalie the infamous crocodile kindly let in two goals to the other team, my teacher comes along “ OHHH DID THE BLUE TEAM JUST SCORE AGAIN? Betty and Anna you girls must try to get some goals!”
== It’s not like I’m not trying. And it’s not my fault that crocodiles don’t make good goalies.
And then it’s like this, every single time. Last term when we played netball, she was like “ OH WHERE ARE THE GIRLS FROM MY NETBALL TEAM? Oh you girls can be captain..” while she thinks the rest of us do not comprehend the sport of netball at all. At least that time she realised that I’m not a loser after 3 minutes into the game, not like today when it’s like .. “ GOODJOB AMANPREET! OH GOODJOB SHEHANE! ... and Betty .. you have potential..” ==========’’’’
I swear, when have I hated PE lessons? What happened to halfyearly PE mark of 99% last yr? *looks at Jerry* Since when did my teacher think I was some uncoordinated retard who’s never played a single ball game in her life? If this is the so-called lame attempt to “get girls to participate more in sport,” then fuck this man, bring back the unisex PE class of 8G.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
I’m so tired today. But that’s not the point.
Let me think… It’s the eleventh. Of May. And it’s a Sunday today. So it must be:
The one day of the year your mum gets spoiled with presents, a night out, a cooked ‘breakfast in bed’, chocolates, a great big HUG! Or you could keep it simple like me. I’m just going to wash the dishes for her. ><
Well, Happy Mother’s Day to all mums out there…err…even though I doubt you’ll be reading this…xD
Anyway, you know how RELIEVED and free I felt on Friday not having to STUDY! It was so good! The relaxation part, not the exams. [Duh!] Haha.
DID YOU KNOW? High School Musical 3 is coming out on the same date as the new James Bond movie… apparently….oh I wonder which one you’ll be watching??? Ok this is so random.
UGH! We have the NAP test this week. I think they are pointless. I mean, why is our grade always, and I mean ALWAYS the “guineapigs” in these situations. We were the guineapigs for the online science thing and after years 7 and 8 we finally stopped the basic skills testing things and- wait…OH LOOK THERE’S ANOTHER ONE THAT WE WANT YOU TO TEST!! IT’S ACROSS THE NATION YOU KNOW??” Oh big whoop. I guess that the up side is that we get to miss out on some subjects so I shouldn’t complain.
I was thinking about that ‘interview’ that the teachers do to get through. And I suppose it made me wonder how some of the teachers made it through, no offence. But yeah. What do I know eh??
Sorry for this time-wasting, boring, pointless and sad excuse for a blog.
Friday, May 9, 2008
So on Wednesday me, George and like a billion other people went exceitedly to ZONE X-COUNTRY. Ho Ho Ho, tres exciting non? Yeah, with a 1 cm red/black blister on either big toe=.=". When it finally came to the 15s girls race, I felt like I had just RUN the race rather than is ABOUT to run the race. I have no idea, don't ask me why. So then the entire 15s girls extra contributive girls (minus Germaine and Cecelia) squad discussed our team tactics:
From the starting line up to the first goal post, jog very slowly making sure everyone is at the bottom of the crowd
When reach the goalpost, start SPRINTING and line up in a single-filed line.
When in a straight line, SPRINT PAST all other contestants and wait for cheering from the Baulkham Hills crowd
When over the hill and out of sight, IMMEDIATELY stop and start walking.
When 100 m from the finish line (still in a line, ofcourse), start ZIG ZAGGING until over the finish line.
Wait for cheers of approval from fellow students and teachers X__X
Err, and that was highly successfull. Half of us ended up trying anyway, and it was so bloody hot I couldnt be bothered stopping to socialize so I finished and started eating my cookies. o.O.
Wohoo, Duke of Ed soon. You know what, I think High schools should do more of camping in the bush with no showers for 4 days. In fact, I think showering everyday is ridiculous. (I know, hypocrytical statement). BUT, when we were little kiddies in Kindy and had showers once a week, and only because we needed to wash our hair, did we die of the plague? Get bitten by bed bugs? Got told that we stunk? While some Africans don't even have 100 mls of water to pour over their heads, we're letting water run for at least 10 minutes every day x__X, and it when you look at it theoretically, It doesn't make a hell of a lot of a difference (well for me anyway), becuase after school i sleep lying in my bed insde the bed covers with my uniform on, which dfeats the whole purpose of... == nevermind. And flushing the toilet wastes SO MUCH FRKN WATER! like we use like 6 litres just to wash 20 mls of urine down the drain? OMFG -___-. That's why when we get the opportunity and mum isn't at home, me and my sister don't flush the toilet until it's actually worth flushing. Or if we poop. Omg, we humans are so non-resourceful.
Psht, now I can start rambling about issues raised in the past few weeks.
I know, it’s not your problem, and your life’s purpose is probably to engage in other lives in order to make them “better”, but for my sake, please don’t act like you’re so superior and actually DO SOMETHING. Haven’t you ever heard ACTIONS LOUDER THAN WORDS? It takes more than just STANDING THERE and yelling out others’ faults. Phucking, I hate it when those extra fit teachers have such high expectations of you when they’re just sitting there at the top of carver crescent watching you try and run up the 75 degree hill and telling you not to stop your already there. And those that can never be bothered to stand up from their chairs in the classroom.
And when we are playing a one-eigth court game you don’t have to explain the “do you understand the concept of offside” to me as if we were playing oh-so professionally and is obviously lacking vital knowledge, and when I nod and say “sorry didn’t know we were playing with all those” you don’t have to explain it slowly to me and check with me every two seconds to make sure I’m understanding what you mean. -_____-“
And… =.=’’ I could keep going but I should stop now. I should probably stop being a mindless, ignorant, conceited, selfish, arrogant, …
Wtf, I find it quite hard to give about what others think of me these days. And pardon me, if I’m beginning to act like Katharina Minola some days more than none, but some days I feel like the whole world is so stuffed because everyone is just trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations, and I know that in saying this I’m being a bloody hypocrite, but what happened to independence and living life for yourself to see?
Throw it away
Forget yesterday
We’ll make the great escape
We won’t hear a word they say
They don’t know us anyway.
*shakes head in disgust*
This is an extract from my many artistic works. Published in year 3 when I was still taking ESL classes at school after being in Australia for around 2 months. Note: this was written with the aid of my Chinese-speaking friends.
A Holiday Adventure.
" On Saturday we went to New Zealand. Alice and I go to the zoo. We see the dolphin and we got to feed them. We see the deer. The deer is very tall. The deer eat leaves and we see the tiger, Alice feel happy, I ask her;’’ why do you feel happy?’’ Alice said;’’ because I like tigers, tigers are very smart. We see other animals, we want to go home. THE END"
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA ROFLMAAAOOO .. I still crack up like crazy when I read that. That paragraph is spoken like a true asian. LMFAO " the deer eat leaves. The deer is very tall." I think I meant giraffes. LMFAO =='
But I guess I can look back and say “ look how far I’ve [we’ve] come?” And maybe that’s all life is about. It’s about constantly moving forward despite all the ADVERSITIES that we are confronted with. *Ahem still remembering back to last year when Ms Taylor kept on using the word “ADVERSITIES” everytime we discussed the book A Cinderella Story.”
But I’m guess I’m still not completely free from the ESL-ness.
“With a final kick, I watched the ball fly into the air and plunge into the goal. I couldn’t believe what I’d just accomplished. The crowd corrupted, and the sounds from the sea of blue was roaring louder and louder.. “ – Maradona Essay, last year.HAHA, erupted and corrupted. I’ll never forget.
Friday, May 2, 2008
And she eagerly turns to www.s2-sg.blogspot.com only to find- LAST POST- MARCH?! what the-
sorry for not blogging for ages, leaving all those deprived children out there, who live at their computer, doing nothing, but staring at an empty screen.
we should start a petition.
*enters our new-improved canteen*
we walk around, looking like complete hobos begging for food and ALAS! an iceblock!
"how much is that?" -dribbles-
"umm. just $2.50"
$2.50?! i bet i could buy like a box of 10 for $2.50. from our trusty aldi. just because chubby canteen ladies dont know how people feel after playing touch for three periods in a row! and incase you're thinking, woah, she must be pov, we're asians, okay? we like to save our money on more important things, like our uni education. if we ever make it through high school...
"how much money do you have girls?"
-looks down at our many coins-
"umm.. 70c"
"im sorry, but i dont think you can buy anything..."on another note, i'd just like to show my gratitude to my favourite teacher!
A: "we're getting our shakespeare essays back today!"
-2 months later-
A: "we're getting our shakespeare essays back today!"
B: "weren't you meant to get them, like a year ago?"
THANK YOU TEACHER! for finally returning our essays! and yes, we know you live ages away, so it takes you a day to drive to school, so we'd just like to thank you for emailing back our essays at 12am, the day of our exam
good luck everyone! remember, don't die because of overload of information!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
"Shakespeare's plays have many things to offer to the contemporary audience. Discuss."
Shakespeare's infamous plays has to offer many things, including 3 pre-essay drafts, 5 rewording drafts, hours spent buried in printed notes courtesy of SparkNotes.com, massive bags under your eyes from the lack of sleep due to late night studying, headaches and white hairs due to mental stress, phobia of the word "challenge" due to the countless times of writing it, and sore hands from attempting to race against time on the actual day of your exam.
“Shakespeare’s plays still remain interesting and entertaining. Describe how Shakespeare achieves this.”
Firstly, the further definition is required of the terms “interesting” and “entertaining.” Is it, indeed, not:
Entertaining: 1. to hold the attention of pleasantly or agreeably, divert; amuse.
Interesting: 1. engaging or exciting and holding the attention of curiosity.
So, unless dictionary.com is trying to fool me under my very eyes, I believe that is the definition and I shall use such terms as thus.
Shakespeare’s plays is ENTERTAINING through the use of sexual jokes, demonstrated in “am I but three inches? Nay, thy horn is a foot long” as it amuses the audience by challenging us about the sexual nature of Shakespeare. However, apart from that, it cannot be defined as entertaining, as it does not “hold the attention of pleasantly or agreeably.” It also cannot be said that it is indeed interesting, as when applied to the context of the contemporary teenage culture, it fails to “engage or excite and hold the attention of curiosity” of the 21st century audience.
Yes, today marked the day of our ONE AND ONLY .. YR 9 ENGLISH HALF YEARLY. If anyone mentions the word “taming” or “shrew” to me again, I will seriously puke or jump off the nearest building.
Okay well, truthfully, I think Shakespeare’s plays are actually really well structured and yeah, he’s one clever dude, but surely, after studying his works for three years, I believe that .. IT’S TIME THAT DUDE CHILLAXED FOR ABIT AND TOOK APPRECIATION OF THE WORLD AROUND HIM INSTEAD OF DISTURBING OTHERS BY OFFERING INSIGHTS TO THE WORLD AROUND HIM TO SOMEONE ELSE.
Haha, this morning when I was frantically writing during the English exam like every other person, I could see Justin next to me just sitting there glancing around the room and indulging in the scenery in the most relaxed manner. LOL man, that guy’s got style. =)
Anywhooooo, that’s one test down, only 3099859485 more to go.
Ahh, not in the mood right now.. something’s just.. ah. =\ I'll post later.