∞ apshttt
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
So I’m just sitting there, tryna do VA presentation and studying ghey english (yesyes, multitasking, I’m so pro lol) and then I get bored of tryna cram everything in at the last minute. All of a sudden, total mind blank. Fcking can’t be bothered to do VA presentation and can’t fcking memorize the ghey English quotes, and for a desperate bid for help I type
www.s2-sg.blogspot.com trying to get ideas and at least some entertainment until it hits me…
><” Well since I couldn’t blog yesterday cos of some IMPORTANT issues apsht * looks @ ghey science research asso that I failed the test on today and textiles shiet* I shall now waste valuable time that can be used to studying and spend 2 hours on this blog. Yes that’s how long it takes me to write one blog.
Good morning/afternoon/night/whenever you’re reading this blog, loyal readers (xD) how are you all todays? =] I’m good tyvm, cos I’m currently feeling very awesome and that is why I am writing this =] bear with me because reading this is better then whatever your doing =]
And because I am totally and utterly mind blanked at what to blog about today, I shall compensate with a list of “whatever” so as an attempt to try and make to blog interesting.
In case you have a ghey bro like me, make sure you get yourself Ned Kelly style armour in case he throws a tantrum and start throwing anything he can get his hands on
I am now trying to dig out my old blogs so as to find inspiration of what to blog. Status: still mind blanked ==
The geography half yearly is part skills test. WHAT SKILLS? =S
Running out of things to write
I should really be doing my VA presentation now =/ meh.
O. m. g. I’m so mindblanked ><”
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Yohooooooo ~
Mrs Cullen herreeee!!!!
*yerrrr HI FIVE TOMMY*
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ok. Now that I'm done with my little intro, let's move onto commemorating with the courageous ANZACs who defended the country on the shores of Galipoli in the year....
Fk, I absolutely DETESTE stupid advertising and their attempts at seducing viewers into watching their lame shows. Honestly, every two seconds that f*cking granny pops up onto the screan and starts going "people say i'm loud ahahahahaha i admire pauline hanson she reminds me of myself looks what has happened now that we've let them into this country blah blah blah"...
WHATTTTT???? How could channel 10 possibly allow that old woman to show her face on national television? How cheap of them, (as we learnt in commerce 'o6), to use this tactic to attract millions of Asians to watch the show, and thus earn like a gazillion dollar profit? =.=''
And what's with that "flake" ad with the backwards motion and the opera singing? What the eff? Since WHEN is the power of raging emotion streaming out of the twilight just because some *ahem* pretty chick is sitting in a convertible in her backyard? (Except for in Phtography with our dear professor, ofcourse). What the =.=. the whole world is so superficial these days. What happened to letterwriting? kerosene lamps? NO COMPUTERS? (fcking school). Courtly love?
..."The whole damned world is just as obsessed
with who's the best dressed and whos having s*x
who's got the money who's got the honeys
who's throwing up before they digest"...
Anyway, spent my weekend grabbing the only piece of freedom while it lasted before judgement day (i.e, TOMORROW >___> Quick everyone, go go go study your arses off you're all gonna fail 3, 2, 1, bang bang study groups this weekend zomg your not going to be able to finish studying consumer arithmetic by next thursday!!!!!! oh no havent started History study notes yet what about geo ahhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! The sky is going to collapse on you because you only got 90%!!) =.=". *refers back to my post about peer pressure*
looking retarded in one foot deep water wtf
Do you know the story about the three wells?Well well well, you do now ! xD-James Kwon, History '07
LMAOOOOO lunch time, bishes.
Hope you all have fun studying, too.
Who knew that in the middle of Sydney Harbour there could be an island with "multimillion dollar views" and where you could watch the sun rise over the Harbour Bridge?!?! And all this for the budget price of $120 per night with included tent, 2 air mattresses, 2 chairs and a LANTERN?!?! When we found out about this oh-so-convenient camping spot where we didn't have to drive 10 hours to a deserted place in the middle of the bush, we invited all these other people to come because the more the merrier! ^^ We ended up with like, 4 families and THIRTEEN PEOPLE!! *miu*
So, we woke up early in the morning and drove to the ferry place and trundled our luggage where we met up with everyone else. Trundling luggage. Seriously, we were just staying for a night. And we had those extra large going-overseas suitcases, a medium sized suitcase, 3 backpacks, an esky and like, 3 of those Woolworths environment bags. Geez, my mum is so kua zherng..
My cousin got a new haircut like this!:
Anyway we were waiting and then this little kinda old looking ferry came and we thought, "Oh, what a cheap-looking ferry. But it'll do..."
BUT. It was going to Circular Quay (not Key) or something so we waited...
And waited...
A little fishing boat thing came onto the wharf. "To Cockatoo Island!"
"Eh... What's the maximum number of passengers you can have on..?"
"Thirteen you say? Oh, just right.."
We all squished into that little fishing boat but luckily it was only a five minute ride or so. Cockatoo Island - an emerald in the middle of the vast blue waters of Sydney Harbour covered with lush tropical rainforests. Cockatoos and little monkeys leapt around in the 1000-year-old trees, occasionally pooping on someone's head.
Maybe we were over-expectant. Cockatoo Island is, in fact, a building zone with everything half finished and rusty old WWI buildings.

The only thing remotely camp-like was a patch of thin, yellowy-green patch of grass where the we tents were.
We put down our LUGGAGE and then we lazed around and ate. Then Ashley, Sophia, Andrew and I played frisbee with Stanley and his 5-year-old sister whose name I still don't really know.. But everyone calls her Miu Miu (little sister). And she's SOOOO cute! ^^ And she calls herself in third person so it's like, "Miu Miu..Miu Miu wants to play with Zhe Zhe!" (big sister - me leh ^^ So cute!!)
We chucked around the frisbee and then we had a barbeque with slighty raw around the bones but still yummy chicken and lots and lots of food. Somehow when there's more people you eat more. Don't be surprised if you see this random fat girl coming back to school.
After that we went exploring the island which was basically these rusty old buildings. Not very interesting. After that we ate again. =="
Miu Miu wanted to play frisbee again which was getting really boring. And then I had to play it with her anyway because my brother was tired. And then we played hide and seek. And that Carmella hand clapping game I played in kindy. And then we played "find the pack of cards in the tent" =___=
Then we ate. AGAIN. Another barbeque for dinner. Had shower where I spent like, 20 minutes trying to figure out how to turn on the hot water. And then the button popped up after a few seconds so you have to keep on pressing the button. So annoying.
Lol, noticed how my sentences are shorter now? I'm so tired.. =( But I have to finish this blog!!!
After that we played cards in Sophia's tent and Miu Miu (who was getting abit annoying now) was really REALLY loud.. Then we had a "Drama Club Party" where we were "dancing" to the loud music from the ships passing..
So tired.. After that to sleep~~ We were squishing 4 people in a 2 person tent So I was swuished up against the poles on the side in this thin cheap sleeping bag on the floor while my dad was on an air mattresses with this big soft blanket. =((
So ends the first day of the Asian camp. The nex day we basically had breakfast and left..
YAY!! A long blog =)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
HAPPY 300th POST SG! <3 As a celebration of this ceremonial event, I have just quoted the line from the movie “300” just for you all. =)
Now now. Upon the rapid-approaching reality of the commencement of term 2 & halfyearlies, everyone is too busy burying their heads in Mt Everest-height textbooks than to waste their cellular energy on typing up a long post. However, as you may know, some people aren’t as studious as others, which bring me here before you.
I just realised that, we always complain about the things we don’t like on this blog. Dish dirt on this, diss that, diss that chick you see at Eastwood.. LOL *Looks at Tom* But we don’t go on about the things we like sometimes. (Unless you’re Tom and talks non-stop about Ed-the-sped Cullen, whom I do not care very much as I have yet to read that damn book due to the lack of stock at Castle Hill Library).
So now, in the uttermost cheerful and joyous manner, I will tell you about – sings - “some of my favourite thingggggggggs~” J
If there’s one thing I learnt over this holiday, it’s how addicting cashews are. Yes, they might just look like some little, insignificant, minuscule, lifeless beings, BUT NOOOO YOU ARE WRONG. Once you eat them, it’s like you’ve entered the DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE, unable to escape, with the exclusion of possessing a hideous mask and a Darth Vader voicebox.
“ Just grabbing some nuts ..”LOL Scary Movie doing Brokeback Style ;)
But seriously. Whenever I’m hungry, I eat them. When I’m not hungry, I eat them. When I’m happy, I eat them. When I’m sad, I eat them. When I’m bored, I- .. you get the point. Please, if you know how to cure the ‘obsessive compulsory disorder’ concerning the consuming of cashews, please contact me on 041-
AH HA! YOU THOUGHT I WAS GONNA PUT MY CONTACTING DETAILS ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB FOR MILLIONS OF INTERNET PREDATORS TO PREY ON STRAIGHT AWAY? Well NO you’re wrong. *refers back to the article Fred and Tom wrote about internet stalkers last year*
Internet-safety precaution number one: never reveal your true identity or contacting details on the web.
Too bad you 80-year-old pedos with lung cancer and kidney failures! No whitepages.com searching for you!
SEE? I’m now dissing pedos and internet stalkers again! That’s deeply unpleasant and inappropriate in the 300th anniversary of
www.s2-sg.blogspot.com. I shall tell you about some more of my favourite thinggggggs~
Next on the list is ……
sleeping. Which is what I’m going to do now.
Until then,
∞ boredom does wonderful things.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
If no one else blogs tommy’ll be dominating sg blog soon ==
My dad came home and he had that pissed look on his face, and when he gets that pissed look on his face, it either means I me and bro get ignored for the whole night or starts giving dirty looks @ everyone, which in turn leads my mum into a crappy mood and start shouting at everything and everyone that gets in the way of her.
Seriously. If you’ve got a problem, don’t fcking take it out on others ==
Well moving on to a different topic now shall we?
I hate myself for being so childish sometimes.
… Wait, scrap that thought. I ALWAYS hate myself for being so childish ><”””
Since it’s my bro’s piano exam, in like, what 4 days, his piano teacher has been coming over practically every 2 days to work on his piano skills (I personally think that she’s coming over for the money- and not the fact that she’s desperate for him to pwn this exam ==), AND plus the computer’s oh-so-very-conveniently situated in the same room as the piano, I was confined to my room with no other alternative other then getting a random horror story (credit to my bro- who’s been raiding w. Ryde library for horror stories- don’t ask why ==)
And being the scaredy cat that I am; I couldn’t go through the book without closing windows and curtains in case of looking out the window and half expecting a ghostly figure with it’s head in one hand and it’s eyes gouged out and yeas.
Or it could’ve been a vampire (EVIL vampire that is, not edwardcullen vampire) with razor sharp teeth and blood dripping from them, and super WHITEWHITE skin and a receding hairline with hair slicked back draco-malfoy-in-pothead-and- the- chamber-of-secrets style.
><”” And it’s funny how people (ie, me) get scared at supernatural beings when we perfectly know that they don’t exist. Bit pathetic I rekn. Me included ><
But moving onwards.
To top it off, it was raining and storming outside with the wind blowing at 129037459km/hr, with the lightning that flashes every minute or so. And then typical Tommy- started thinking about pathetic little things about ghosts and vampires etcetc ><
So in the end I had to go into another room where there were other ppl in it too.
I could blog more but I cant be bothered to. so yeas =]
Friday, April 18, 2008
Hahas. I can be so slack sometimes ><”
On Friday or something, I was @ ewood tryna find morning glory (which I spent half an hour tryna find it until I realized that it was probably over at the Korean side of ewood ==) and I went into that arcade thingy, and then I saw a 11 or 12 yr old chiqque with…
FLURO ORANGE pants that are TOO short for her – CHECK!
White socks that are too long to be ankle socks and too short to be knee high socks- CHECK!
Unpolished school shoes/flats/whatever – CHECK!
Ugly bag that looked like they were made from the softball mitts @ school- those ugly brown ones that is- CHECK
Two pigtails and are like sitting HIGHHIGHHIGH on the top of her head- CHECK
LOL. And whenever I saw her pass I would like, burst out laughing while she was probably thinking “omg who’s that weird chiqques over there that laughs whenever I pass her?”
AND THEN IN MY FAVOURITE SHOP xD (bread top- gotta love it =) her and her mum were in front of me and I started laughing again while saying to my mum IN SHANG “HEY IF SHE DIDN’T BUY THAT UGLY BAG SHE MIGHT HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO BUY HERSELF ANOTHER PAIR OF PANTS” and then…
SHE TURNED AROUND WHIPPING ME WITH HER WISPY LONG (ahem xD) HAIR AND GAVE ME A FULL DEATHGLARE with two squinty (okok I should stop dissing her) eyes ><”” And then my mum started laughing @ me and saying how “See dissing other people not nice, next time don’t laugh @ others for no reason and then they won’t bother you lahh”
Wows that chiqque understands Shang? ><
Blog yes sg? So far its only me, George & Jerry that are bothered to keep this blog alive ==
Ps. We should all go write up a petition to get rid of Cedric Diggory as Edward cullen >= those in favour say AYE!
XD. I’m so lame ==”
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Since I haven’t acquired much beneficial sleep throughout the first tedious school term due to various educational school curriculum which OF COURSE, prioritise over my health issues, on the first day of the holidays I slepted and slepted like there was no tomorrow. Finally, after 9 hours of sleep.. I awoke from a long sleep like that Disney princess, which I have long forgotten her name.
As the knowledge of finally having two-photography-[my] ass-free-weeks finally hits me, I jumped out of bed and pranced around gaily in delight, attempting to do a MJ moonwalk (but non, failing miserably) and started singing out-of-tune to Low by FLOOOOO RIDA whilst attempting to do some unco hiphop routine from Step Up.
YES BRITNEY SPEARS, BE SCARED.So then, in amidst of my happiness, I pulled open my curtains in ultimate excitement, with full expectation of bright blue skies and fluffy white clouds come zooming in my view, as …..*checks Science asso* … my optical nerves would have transmitted the inverted image information from my retina as impulses to my brain, which would’ve then processed the image and perceived the object as an upright image, BUT ALAS, WHAT DO I SEE?
*GASP* *HORROR* #$&*&(*%($ !!!
[ Ooh, that rhymes. =) Thankyou my inspiration, William Shakespeare. May you have all the luck you had with chicks in “Shakespeare in Love.” xD ]
When I first saw the thick blanket of columbus-nimbo (sorry, I can’t recall the spelling of the technical term of storm cloud), I was horrified that PERHAPS SOMEHOW I was starring in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow” or was being magically transported back to the Beijing Olympics like Nero in the “Matrix” and the overload of pollution was slowing suffocating me with it’s long, wrenching fingertips, but upon blinking in slow-motion once more in Zhu-style, the sad reality overcomes me ..
It’s raining, it’s pouring.. Australia is snoring..
The knowledge that it’s raining has brought my ecstasy levels back down to negative indices. I stumbled and decided that it’s time to end my environmentally-friendly phase and turned on my lamp.
AND ON THE FIRST DAY, THERE WAS LIGHT.Reference: Thomas Edison, inventor of the light bulb.
[“Some or all the ideas and techniques researched MUST BE made reference to” – quote from Photography Assignment no. 30493049304]
Oh well, it’s a holiday nevertheless, so I shall not let this catastrophic incident dampen my holidays spirits.
Upon finishing making my breakfast, which consisted of two piece of bread <3333, I settled down on my cushiony sofa and turned on the TV, expecting some “special-programs-designated-for-kids-during-the-holidays, but to my disbelief, the Morning Show with Kerri-Anne popped onto the screen. *switches channel* 9am With David and Kim. *switches channel* The Morning Show. *switch* ..
“ Open wide, come inside.. it’s plaaaaaay schooooooool .. “
Ah, this is going to be a long and enjoyable holiday, don’t you think? *glances out the window and sees flash flooding in my backyard*
Merrily merrily merrily merrily .. & I’m outt.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
DISCLAIMER: i love you both mum and dad, the following is not only directed at you xDDDROFLMAOOO ASIAN PARENTS ARE SO EMBARRASSING TT.TTSeriously. They're so CLUELESS especially around Anglos and then when these friendly old country town folks try to make a conversation and start using traditional Australian slang language that doesn't help either =.='' and when they attempt to 'catch on' it doesn't help either. Like one day, after she comes home with a very very funny slang joke which she heard from her boss and couldn't stop laughign at:
MUM: ahahahahaha listen to this joke... a mobile phone is like an arsehole...
*explodes into laughter*
THE REST OF THE FAMILY: errrrrrr... >__> <___<>___>
dot dot dot...
And my dad is so slow on pronunciation and catching on with the rest fo the crowd xD. Like, for example, the other day when my sister was getting picked up in the car from soccer training,
DAD: I don't seem to know anybody's name except they all know mine... what was that man's name? That girl's dad... Vermmm... Verna...SISTER: Oh do you mean Vernon? That's ***'s dad.DAD: What was it? Ve.. VERMON? VERMIN?SISTER: NOOOOOOO... VERNON...v-e-r-n-o-n... Vermin is the green stuff you vomit outMUM: What? then what is the word for... you know... they say when you get bitten by a snake... verr...vermm..SISTER: that would be VENOMDAD: so he's name is Vermon? Say it again? VVERRRRmon?SISTER: =.=''' *looks arond to check noone's listening*OMG ==
Sunday, April 13, 2008
”Bella, I coundn't live with myself if I ever hurt you. You don't know how it's tortured me...the thought of you, still, white, cold...to never see you blush scarlet again, to never see that flash of intuition in your eyes when you see through my pretenses...it would be unendurable...you are the most important thing to me now, the most important thing to me ever.” – edward cullen, twilight
I love edward cullen <3 ^^
… I seriously don’t get why people or so overly- obsessed with holidays. I mean, holidays aren’t /that/ great – looks @ pile of books on desk and like. 5 million assignment sheets to go through-, and wtf, do the teachers plan all the exams in advance so that they would be “keeping us busy” during the holidays, leaving absolutely NO time for rest? Talk about selfish ==
And plus with the whole “high school romance” thing going on… it just makes me wonder…
Do people actually mean it when they say, “I love you??” Or is it just some phrase that can be randomly said so that it can be said back to you? O_O Like, is it that easy for someone to get over a guy/girl when they’ve just broken up? Or is the relationship just there for them to look “cool?”
And reading jerry’s post about that guy dissing his “girlfriend” with his friends about her looks; that guy absolutely disgusts me. What, does he see his “girlfriend” as a tool to raise his social status? Or, in his eyes, is she just an accessory to match his “too-hot-that-I-have-to-have-him” catwalk?
Yea, like dissing the chiqques about her looks is really gonna raise your social status.
Look in the mirror freak. You’re fugly yourself. Dissing your “gf” ain’t gonna make you any hotter then you are yourself ==
Ahem. No offence or anything xD.
And I absolutely hate it when my dad’s tryna get me of the comp ==
I swear, it gets so annoying it just wants to make you wna get up and frkn shoot him. Yes its that bad == ever since that FRKNSTUPID Asian newspaper published that stupid article about how using the comp before you go to bed is gna stunt your growth, hes been giving me lectures about how frkn short I am whenever he sees me using the comp ==
And I’ve said this once before, and imma say it again.
Man I don’t even know if the preceding paragraph actually made sense or not ==
Friday, April 11, 2008
I love the feeling of relief.
Like when you finally type “And this is why I believe that –insert name of book here- challenges…” (And I’m sure you are all familiar with the rest of it.) for the last time, save and print your 756 word essay to submit the next morning.
Or when you finally find that last bit of info needed to complete your geo assignment after endless hours of searching on the internet.
Or when Tom finally stops bugging you about needing you to get her wallet, then her phone, then to put her wallet back, and then- I should probably stop- out of her bag cos she can’t be bothered to take her bag off to get it herself. xD
Anyway, just something I realised when it finally hit me that it’s the hols now. No more waking up early to get ready while still half-sleeping or getting squished when caught in the massive flood of students crowding around the bus door with the bus driver inside thinking, Oh dear why didn’t I take up teaching, as he reluctantly opens the door to let us charge in to the bus. xP
It’s funny. At assembly they say, Have a safe and RELAXING holiday.. then they go and fetch 10 assignment sheets. How is spending your hols doing assignments relaxing. Maybe for some. I know we’re meant to be a selective school but we do know how to do stuff besides homework…
I already have like 3 due next term. Looks like another FUN FILLED HOLIDAY for me!
Anyways, I hope you guys have good holidays. Hopefully not as assignment filled as mine.
EXCUSE ME BUT DO CERTAIN PEOPLE OUT THERE HAVE A CONSCIENCE?Now I'm not going to bother with refraining from swearing because quite frankly, this site is already blocked by Intergard, and to do so will just defeat the purpose of our
"what we want as loud as we want" motto.
For some reason, some people think that spewing SHIT onto the street is fun, and
ofcourse i'm not pointing out anyone in particular >____>. FOR GOD'S SAKE. Stop giving others shit because you're fucked in the brain, and today people's perception of love and reality is so screwed and cliched and maybe they should go.get.a.life. And i'm sorry if i'm just behaving like a hypocrite but why do some people seem think that spewing something on the spot is going to give them numbers in proving their worth? Why do people actually believe others who have a long running record of being fucked in the brain? Wait, someone or something distract me from this topic, please.
Which just inevitably reminds me of little boys being pressurized into dating these days. Now since I am not going to point out names, I am just going to say that
you do not date a girl out of lust for a social status, and then diss her appearance with your mates on the bus. Doesn't it occur to that type that faking it is going to get them nowhere? In the end, what is real and what is not? I mean, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to notice the amount of posing and walking practice in front of the mirror taking place before school, and being splayed across the runway on the path towards the bus stop -looks sideways at tom- that is, one hand casually plunged into a pocket hung on the rim of the school pants worn so low that even I am tempted to run over and dack him on the spot. His Chris Brown wannabe shuffling steps accompanied by the constant chewing of gum, with a country road bag strung oh-so-casually over one shoulder, hair gelled so thoroughly, bobbing from one side to another as if he's going to break into "Low" by flo-rida any second.
EHHHHHSSSS >______> Tres hot, non? Right, so now I'm going to sit on the bus with my eyes glued to this hottie, wishing he was mine with every pounding heartbeat.
MY FLABBY ABDOMINALS NO.phhhwwoaahhh, this post has probably beaten by shortest post of the year record. With an exception of the lame attempts at posting as little kiddy year sevens who had nothing better to do. Which reminds me of the time when I thought I was an Israelite xD ROFLMAOOOO LAMMMEE: (QUOTE FROM EARLIEST POSTS)
"SSSHHHHHHHHYEEEEEEThey bubs. u noe this arvo my grandma told me something which ... may or may not be true depending on her level of insanity but anyways...my GREAT GREAT GRANDMA WAS AN ISRAELITE.therefore,my grandmas mother is 1/2 israelie and my grandma is 1/4 israelie and my mum is 1/8 israeli which makes me and my sister.... *checks calculations*... 1/16 th israelie!!!!"==''
I could puke in embarrassment at the level of corny enthusiasm presented in our amateurish posts from agazillion years ago ><
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Fk man, our teenage society is so corrupt these days. If you ever took time to tear yourself away from your life-support.. the computer.. and turn on the dusty tv, which hasn't been watched recently due to the lack of quality tv shows, (pshttttt My Kid Is A Star or something or rather.. a tragic attempt to attract viewers) at 6:30pm, YOU WILL SEE NEWS.
Now, if you try your best to see pass the .. AHEM quote "slutty news presentators", you will realised that Anna Coren is presenting a story about the guys carrying baseball bats and machetes and rocking up to Merrylands High , which is rumoured to be 4 blocks away from Vinni - Sheik Mohammed Ilke Ali G Habib's house..
Wow, I never knew he could afford one..
lol nono I'm kidding don't smash me with your abs.. ><"""
Those "young adults" charged into the school, and started smashing anyone within a ten metre radius of them. I mean, WHAT THE FK? If you are pissed and irritated with life and emotionally unstable, go to some internet cafe and take it out on Warcraft or Maplestory or something! Or just cut yourself! .. with paper .. Express your anger into something more productive than guillotining teachers and emotionally scarring 1093 kids.
Can you believe that they're only aged between 14-16? FK MAN ! THATS LIKE, EVEN YOUNGER THAN ME! Psychologically unbalanced at the age of 14? When I was 14, I didn't even know what machete was even though I've been called Betty Machete for the last two years of my primary school life.. ==
ehhh .. dot dot dot .. *shakes head*
And it's not the first time that young teens carrying weapons has intruded at a school and started showing off their lightsaber skillz at kids with wheelie bags. Remember Virginia Tech, when that kimchi basically gunned down the entire town before blowing up himself? - Kids, don't try this at home.
Two words people ..
Kids Helpline.
Or ..
CHILDRENS AID! LOL Russel Peters..
But I think we are being exposed to too much inappropriate contents these days. THAT'S WHY, being the great advice-giver and helpful person I am, I will advertise ..
SAFEEYES INTERNET FILTER! * dingdingding drumroll*
AHEM .. Safeeyes is a government approved/ Department of Education and Training approved internet filter which prevents indecent exposure to various harmful contents ranging from EXTREMELY explicit internet sites such as google images and youtube. No longer will you worry about your child's eyes glued onto the screen of google images! All the images will be blanked out and to view them will require the tedious efforts of clicking on each image individually, which requires heaps of time for you to sneak up behind them and accuse them of wrongdoings.
AuthorisedByTheAustralianGovernmentOfCanberra. SpokenByBetty.
lol, writing about youtube reminded me of another story on TodayTonight or A Current Affair I watched a few days ago. Remember that Ecstasy song by Mr. G on Summer Heights High? ( yes .. the dicktation show ..)
And there it was, a mom of a 6 yr old girl, complaining about how the video clip for the song was HIGHLY INAPPROPRIATE and should not be aired at all. And then according to her mom, her daughter did not find it funny AT ALL. LOL, that I highly doubt. I swear I can see her laughing behind the camera when Mr G started dancing around in purple tights with poles and gigantic white pills!
lol but yeah, I agree that it's abit .. wrong for young viewers.
I rate it .. PG = Pour George. Which when translated into Anglais from Francais, it means .. " For George."
Man I hate it when it rains.
Standing in the cold, waiting for a stupid bus that seems that it will never come –looks across the road and sees a bus coming every 5 mins or so for Epping guys ==- and then… I turn around and…
But now I’m cold, wet, and now my bros just started to playing with the football PLUS sound affects && commentary ==
So I was just sitting here, typing in www.s2-sg.blogspot.com in (don’t click now you’re already on the page) thinking I might be entertained with another post 1896345896 words until…
Oh shit it’s my turn to blog today ><”
But anyways. Just in case…
Today, during history tenned handed out this pic that had two African-Americans hanged on a tree, and then like, 50 or so white people below them pointing @ them and smiling camera. And they looked like… they were having a great time.
Lynching as defined by dictionary.com: To execute without due process of law, especially to hang, as by a mob.
Apparently. Those two African Americans (note the bold type) were hanged by a mob (full of white Americans)- again, note the bold type- because they were a different colour to the majority of America.
Can you fucking believe that?
Yea I know. It’s been happening since forever, and probably still does (the racist part I mean, not the lynching) but what’s with all the shit about killing someone because they aren’t born the same colour with you?
I still remember George/jerry telling me what that chiqques said to jerry just cos she was Asian.
“Hi im Melissa and I hate Asians”
Wtf’s with all that shit about Australia being a “multicultural and racist free” country huh? Psht. so much for multiculturalism.
Those people who look down on those that aren’t the same colour as them make me sick. Go jump off a cliff.
Signing off anonymously for safety reasons ><><
Ps. Holidays soon xD. And sg is not to ditch this blog just cos it’s the holidays grr :@
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Seriously, I should be writing my English essay right now but do I know what to write? No. Because a very vague WOMAN bythe name of Noolnav doesn't even tell us what to do?!
"So now.. arh...line 150 petruchio says to Baptista.. oh just like when my daughter showed me her boyfriend... oh the fashions of the modern world... *drone drone drone*"Has it ever to occured to you that people in your "lecture lessons" in that deep, rumbling, slow voice are extremely prone to activating the all-so-popular damian mode? *Looks at guy sitting in the front row*
What have I even learnt this year except that buldingsroman means a coming-of-age novel and that your daughter's boyfriend wears skinny jeans?
Okay, back to English essay!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Patience IS a virtue.
According to Google, it means the quality of doing what is RIGHT, something that my favourite teacher needs to grasp! Nergdnul, in case you haven’t heard of him, is the odd looking MAN, who blinks every two seconds and wears super thick glasses and teaches my favourite subject, sciences naturelles!
“Now, who can tell me why the wavelength of red is shorter? COME ON. WAKEY WAKEY?!?!?!?!”
Well, for the record, you technically didn’t give us anytime to THINK (._.)
And LOVES certain people, who seem to excel in this lovely subject.
“Ahh k__, would you like to tell the class what you achieved? First in the state? See class, not SCHOOL, but STATE. A certificate? –faints in shock- Oh my! A book signed by… -looks- oh, Karl … -looks again- Kennedy. Wow, how I would like one! ” … and goes on and on and on.
"Science is a lovely subject. It explains why things work the way they do."
Do we REALLY need to know why sound can't travel through a vacuum? Last time I checked, a cleaner didn't need such knowledge
And to Yr7’s, as we watch them like a documentary from our sg spot. Umm, sg spot as in the pathway, since they rudely stole our place. . From nerdy looking little girls, with 10m long skirts up to their ankles and super big backpacks which make them topple over, to try hardy girls with rolled up skirts and sleeves, smaller backpacks and folders. AND SIDE FRINGES. And evil glares.
As for the guys? Well, they attempt to be cool, hanging out with the “girls” and talking to all the other people in older grades. They gradually learn that wearing shorts is not recommended. Take Det as a lovely example. -walks over to sg with one hand in his pocket- “Hey Wassup? What are you guys doing?”
As for their attempt? Hopeless. In comes JOE, our life saver!
“Guys, you’re going to have to leave this table for the Year Eigh- I mean Year Nines”
-unwillingly moves and glares at us, poor souls-
Haven’t you heard of RESPECTING YOUR ELDERS? Just because you’re taller than some of us, doesn’t mean you have authority. And it most certainly does not mean you can tread on our property and laugh and SHOUT super loud. We too, have feelings.
DUN dun DUUUUNNNN; "six o' clock, tommy" !!"what?"
"Don't worry"
-whispering- "six o; clock"
"yeh what about it"
"one hundred and eighty degrees"
-sees suspicious glints radiating out of the corner of one's eye-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So what motivates YOU to achieve self-actualisation?? [note: self actualisation = realizing full potential as a person and being creative]. I am sorry George, but I disagree; the "So You Think You Can BS" cash prize is not in the hands of a certain teacher who can give useful information about Francais and Germany in world war 1, but rather that of a certain species of man called
"HOMO ERECTUS" who thinks that she can waste 40 minutes of my life giving us a photocopied sheet that she made up on the spot saying "you are to research a particular foundation, and you should be able to give information about what it does, where it gets its money, and how successful they are", because she somehow believes that government funding is related to Personal Development, Health and Physical Activities.
This just reminds me of cooking tech last year, during which we had to go the the library every week to "compile a find-a-word consisting of Australian Towns" or "create a crossword puzzle consisting of all the big objects you can find in Australia" or "complete the following questions: 1 a. Which big fruit is Moree known to have in its north-east corner..."
And how many times did we actually get to cook? WHAT? TWICE?? =.="
Well, let me ask myself WHAT motivates Me to achieve self actualisation. And i think: "what?"
Is it because i feel pressurised by other students at this super duper asian sensation school by the name of Bowkumm Hilla La? Is it because i believe that all the 5 years worth of work and study actually counts towards the
HSC? Well guess what. It doesn't. And we were all falsely deceived into all this bullcrap. I mean, even if you did NOT hand in that photography assignment on time, or EVER, your world is not going to collapse on you. (As we have realized, with our good friend errmmm). If the teacher orders you to go to the principals office immediately, and you DON'T, the principal is definitely
not going to chase you down windsor road and strap you to an electric chair. So therefore, -inserts mathematic symbol of three dots-, failing the history exam on world war 1 or the Persian Wars is not going to fail you your HSC because frankly darlings, the topic will be just a little rusty, yes i know, just a LITTLE in 4 years time.
So what motivates me? =.=''.I have no idea. But just to be safe, I WILL do that photography essay and i WILL hand it in on monday morning.
OH LOOK, a perfect BS essay up there before your eyes which i could have oh-so-easily copied and pasted into the little table column of my PD assignment about "self- actualisation", but no, I shall resort to posting this up on the cute little website
p.s. Don't you think learning how to write an essay about The Taming Of the Shrew with Ms Yenews is so frkn complicated? Like can you at least not throw us off track by asking a gazillion questions about why Baptista is so blah blah blah and just INSTRUCT US ON HOW TO STRUCTURE THE HALF YEARLY EXAM? AND WHY HAVE YOU "ACCIDNETALLY MISPLACED YOUR ESSAYS (which you said you were going to give back to us two weeks ago, and said your forgot them, and said you forgot them, and said you forgot them, and said you had them but the computer broke down so we can't get them until the computer is fixed and all the marks are recorded, and now this)", SO NOW ALL THE STAFF ARE "LOOKING THROUGH THEIR DESKS"
Thankyou and goodbye.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Hello Australia, and welcome to ..
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN BS!This week, our contestants are put to the test in order to uncover .. AUSTRALIA'S BEST BS ARTIST!
- applause and cheering from the crowd -And now, let's welcome our .. JUDGES! BETTY BETTY AND eh .. ahem BETTY!
Very soon we will announce the winner of our weekly competition, but let's have a look at the most fierce and dominating contestant this week and how George went about discovering it.
This week, the competition takes place in the beloved room of D5 on a sunny Tuesday autumn afternoon, when the leaves are gently hanging off the branches, slowing transforming into beautiful shades of auburn and gold. Ah, such metamorphasis..
In walks Judge Ju- wait no, George, placing her book and sheets on her table and preparing herself for a lesson of intense learning and extreme hardcore information overfill. Oh little did she know what she was preparing herself for..
- Enter Ronaert -
" Okay .. everyone take on of these sheets .."
" Now .. what happened during the WWI? Germany, as you know, was very powerful and large nation but she was only formed in 1871. Now at that time, she was in an alliance, with its neighbour Austria-Hungary and furthur south, Italy. And while .. "
- everyone slowly activates the ever-so-popular domian mode while the silhouette figure places itself on the luxurious, cushion-y chairs and continues to drone on in monotone whilst we feel our rear end getting jabbed by the irritation of cheap school chairs.. -" Britain had an Empire, to which France and Russia belonged to as well. Now.. Britain was fearful of the growing power of Germany, and she did not want Germany to get new colonies and .. "
- 5 minutes passed .. eyes flicker, fingers fiddle ..-" Now many of the people in the empire of Australia- Hunary wanted to be free, and she wanted to control the Balkans, which consisted of Romania, Serbia (DJOKOVIC FTW!) Greece .."
- 10 minutes passed .. pens spin, mobile phones and nintendo DS's are gradually making an appearance .. -" But France has lost some rich land to Germany in 1817. Many Francais people wanted revenge
(some which is unfortunately inflicted upon us at the school due to language choices) and others feared their strong neighbour .."
- slowly a calm breathing sound of small amplitude and low frequency reached me through the waves travelling through a medium and carrying energy through the motion .. (thankyou, Science Focus) .. and upon turning 90 degree angle to her right, George discovers a person has drifted off to a peaceful and serene sleep .. -" Turkey, like Australia, controlled .. "
Slowly I could feel my eyes getting gradually heavier and heavier, and the amount of energy required to stretch these tiny slit azn eyes were overwhelming. Perhaps its cos don't do enough Wheatbix in the morning.. I glanced at the clock again for what seemed like the 69th time, and just watching the secondhand tick was making me feel more and more drowsy .. I can see the blurred image of Noor falling asleep 4 seats infront of me ..
" Russia was worried about the new, strong Germany .. Russia wanted to control the .. "
Wow, when does this ever end? My eyes became smaller.. and smaller.. and then ..
Going once. .going twice ..THREE TIMES! *ding ding ding* NOW THAT IS OUR NEW WINNER OF THIS WEEK'S ..SO YOU THINK YOU CAN BS!!Now let's conduct an award ceremony with Beethovan piano accompliment in the background shall we? This amazing contestant has managed to enchant George into such a state that she is at a loss for words and in extreme state of falling asleep.
And that's it from me, George, on SYTYCBS! Say hello to your moms for me! Goodnight Australia. =)
OK. I have precisely 17 minutes to write this blog and my frkn dad tryna get me off the comp @ 9:00, cos there was a fucking article in the CHINESE newspaper about how using the internet before you go to bed is gna stunt your growth or some shit like that.
DUDE. THAT DAMN NEWSPAPER WILL WRITE ANYTHING TO GET MORE READERS. What nxt huh? Sleeping at 9:00 will kill your brain cells therefore we shall all have to sleep at 6:00pm exactly?
No retard! Gahh ==
And since im feeling so shit atm, I shall now blog ==
Is it even my turn to blog? O_O
Gah. Whatever. I shall blog anyways as I know how much you all love my blogs =]
I have decided to restrain myself from swearing on sg blog, due to the stupid government safety shi- I mean, safety… erm thing blocking every fuc- site on the net due to “over excessive amounts of swearing”
And wtf? I didn’t have much swearing in my other blog =[ … I think.
Gahh. Let’s all do swear jar again yes?
I remember last time sg did swear jar I lost 15 bux ==, 20 cents for every time you swear. But then George couldn’t find a way to actually donate the money to Oxfam so the swear jar donating to charity thing didn’t work and yeas ^^ I used all my money on chocolate ^^ so indirectly, it is still put to a GOOD cause as im getting ripped by all those chocolate sellers @ school ==””””
Sighs anyways.
I hate faggy yr 7’s that take up bus space and invade sg territory @ lunch and recess and act all “cool” and go up to older grades and then pretend to be all gangster and say “Yo. Whatsup, im ________”
EVER SINCE those faggy yr 7ers got kicked out of the quad and they were left with nowhere to sit, the place where sg sits has officially turned into a “mini pimping ground where all the yr 7ners hang out to look cool”
And when you actually go up to them to tell them to FUCK OFF –nicely of course- they look at you for like, 5 seconds and then go back to whatever they’re doing, which is, from what I can gather, Reciting random Shakespeare quotes from a midsummer’s night dream and acting as if they’re oh-so-cool cos they know some random quotes from that damn play ==
So now, everytime the bell rings someone from sg has to RUSH to the sg table so those frkn fags don’t kill the quietness that it USED TO HAVE.
And since my 15 mins is up now –glares @ dad- I shall now have to go
tommyyy =]