Saturday, March 29, 2008
I am so fucking pissed at listening to my bro’s unco piano playing ==
Since it’s his frkn exam next MONTH, my mum’s tryna get him to hardcore for like, 6 hours a day –thinks back to 7th grade exam (I don’t remember me being so retarded and playing like an idiot o_0) AND HE FUCKING PIANOES JUST TO FUCKING PISS ME OFF.
Fucking retarded bitch ==
And I still remember the last time I pissed him off. Oh wows, guess what he said?
WHAT DO THEY TEACH IN SCHOOLS THESE DAYS HUH? Lol. Yeayeas, so hypocritical when we’re all saying the same thing to each other, but still! Tuttut, bad influence from retarded friends (ive met all his friends and they are all super retarded == when they turn into yr 7ners I bet they’re gonna be acting all cool and hanging on to each other going “WASSUP MA HOMIE?” ==)
Since I’m super bored and I cant think of anything to blog, I shall make a long long list of things ABOUT ME:
1. Angela. Tom. Tommy. King Tom.2. Yr 9ner.
3. I frkn hate fakers/two faced people
Chiqques before dicks hoe. I hate frkn bitches who ditch friends for guys.
5. I don’t believe in starvation as weight loss.
6. I can be very slack when I want to. So slack I turn into superbitch.
7. I can also be very stubborn at times.
8. I absolutely HATE those people who diss others when they themselves don’t have the skill to do it. (Eg, THIS BLOG FOR INSTANCE. Don’t fucking diss it when you can’t even make up your own blog. Cos you have no right too)9. Atheist. I don’t believe in god/Jesus/whatever. I rekn it’s just a waste of time and just random people making up random crap (my opinion. No offence to those who believe in Christianity/Buddhism/etcetc.
10. I fucking hate those people who talk about sex all the time – eg, OMG 69 or OMG MASTURBATION ==
11. Oh yea. And I also hate people who ditch friends and hang out with other people cos they wanna look “cool”. Dude. It ain’t cool. You’re just fucking retarded.
12. I’m scared of thunder & lightning. And the dark, when I’m alone that is. Shuddup. I know that’s childish. Whatever ==
13. but I love heights =]
and there are heaps more.
But now my dads being a retard and trying to get me off the comp now ==
Friday, March 28, 2008
... and i almost forgot to blog today...
This afternoon after I got home i fell straight into bed and slept for 3 hours. NOT SURPRISINGLY /BISHES/.
And so continues my battle against teachers and raging life. Among the several...
First of all, what right do teachers possess that enables them to a) drag the chicks away from the guys for pe just because "it is obvious that those poor little girls are struggling to find fun and confidence among the opposite sex", b) select sports that result in a biased approach to marking due to prior training and
"class stratafication" (gosh- get a life and start reading political satires about the russian revolution) and c) unfairly accuse students of wrong doing and lack of practical technique (due to not being priorly taught).I. AM EFFING. FAILING. PE ==''. What happened to the 95, 99% pe yearlies? -glances sideways at geo-
What am I now?
an uncoordinated noob who doesnt know how to play netball?? For example, just a few days ago: "Yes now who else trains with me? yes YOU, go and stand out the front with the other netball people. Now the rest of you, evenly divide yourself into groups and make sure you have one who has played before, please... ANTHEA!! (which was probably directed at me due to suddenly marching over and grabbing the ball): You're not throwing the ball properly! (I felt like pointing out to him that it was called a "chest pass" and the fact that he hasn't shown us WHAT is the correct way to chuck a ball in netball yet) -proceeds to demonstrate the "shoulder pass" and begins to ask me if i was ok with mastering the concept-"LYNETTE!! OFFSIDE!! Now, when it's confident that another team member can catch the ball, we shouldn't BUNCH UP and make it harder for everyone else, so instead of running in to catch it you should run into a space to make it easier for.... LYNETTE!!!! OFFSIDE!!"Cheeszus. Now let's press fast forward and journey through our every so loved "My Fair Lady" production proudly presented by Ms Gnow's musical troupe!
Lynette and Anna uncoordinately/supportunit ly followed by Aaron:
-plays the introduction- and 5, 6, 7, GOO.... well GO!!! (Aaron): ohhh.. THE RAIIINNN IN SPAIIIINNN IS...mS Gnow: NO NO NO STOPP STOPP ARLON!! you gott tuu come in on the triplett you noo? Ok let's start from de topp(Lynette and anna): -plays the introduction- and 5, 6, 7.. (Aaron): the RAAAIIIINNN (Lynette and Anna): GO (Aaron): in SPAIIIINNN COOMEESSS POOOURRRINNGGGG...ms Gnow: NO NO STOPP!! Remember arlonn?? Yes? on GO this time, arlon(Lynette and Anna): and five... six... (aaron): THE RRAIIIIINNN IN SPAAIIINN (Lynette and Anna): seven GOO!! =.=''
Oh yes, and my favourite teacher Mr moho for the win!
"noooww i vill give yoo back yuuer tests... gary? yes.. Anna? Lynette? WYNCENT?? OK now do the sheet... yes, Vinston? Did you have a question??"AHAHAHAHA ROFLMAOOOOO!I <3>
TRES TRES angers me, when teachers pick on students just to express their authority and exercise their dominance of power. Like three days ago for example.
I was sitting quietly in the sweet-scented,
parfumed, fragrant room of D3 (which surprisingly has gotten rid of half of it's CO - classroom odour - due to the extinction of the 8
R class of Francais last year) and listening rather attentively to the Master of Subjects, as he tediously attempts to fill our airy heads with his knowledge and understanding of the weathering charts. I was on the verge of activating into
Domian Mode again as my eyes wondered sideways to comprehend all the graffiti on the walls - with a couple of them done by myself/yours truly, when all of a sudden, a particular comrade next to me uttered something completely
irrelavant about a particular Sir named Elton John, and in
amist of boredom, I laughed and said something along the lines of "
haha that guy's
Before I knew it, I was snapped to my senses, a deep-
octaval tenor voice transporting me back into reality.
" YOU. SEE ME AT LUNCH"- sees Wesley looking confused at the teacher and pointing at himself while scratching his head in total confusion -
- Betty looking confused at the teacher and pointing at herself while scratching her head in total confusion -
" YES. YOU. THIS IS THE SECOND TIME I'VE TURNED AROUND AND YOU ARE TALKING"(you know, it actually took awhile for me to actually comprehend that the "girl behind Wesley" was actually me, as he/she just pointed in that certain direction and shouted out some words, which I was also having trouble stringing together due to my lack of sleep this year)
Thinking back, I
must've looked like a goldfish, with my mouth hanging open in shock and amazement. Mm yes, and THAT, my dear children, is what you call ..
a kodak moment =)
Sheeshkebabs, it's not my fault that I was born with a voice of a
SHREW. *mind rewinds back to that Taming of the Shrew DvD scene when Katherina was rolling on the floor with Petruchio and shouting obscenities in the curst voice of hers. Jeez you two, get a room. *
So then I sideglanced at Daniel and Justin, as they were also participants of the conversation and were way more enthusiastic than me, but then ..
" I'M ONLY PICKING ON GIRLS THIS WEEK. But next week it's the guys. SO YOU, SEE ME AT LUNCH"
Omg, sexist much? Dude LOOK AROUND, this is the 21st century, where women have equal rights to men and deserve to be treated equally, unlike back in those days when the Federation Movement began and you were busy watching black and white films with live piano accompaniments.
So in this case, everyone else - AHEM* looks at the two Daniel's and Justin - gets off free and I'm forced to eat my
chicken-burger-which-the-chicken-does-not-even-reach-both-ends-of-the-bread at 1:06pm with some guy three times my age and in a room with no proper air ventilation. Wow, that surely sounds VERY appealing, non?
And to add to the injury, all this happened before the Non Calc exam, and is the cause of mental illness/high emotional and stress levels which were present when I sat for the exam. So if I fail .. I'LL SEE YOU NEXT TIME WITH JUDGE JUDY.
lol nonono I'm kidding =S don't give me another detention.
And so, being the dilligent and punctual student I am, I arrived at his/her office at 1:06pm (plus point five of a millisecond due to my snail-walking-pace) only to find the particular individual missing. Just making sure, I rushed around the entire school in search of him/her so I would not be mistakenly thought as "missing detentions on purpose." But alas! no prevail..
So then I decided to PERSEVERE, and pay the visit at second half of lunch, then perhaps there will be someone home by then. OH, HOW I WAS DECEIVED! No "knock knock, who's there?" for me!
Do you know how dangerous it is, for an underaged teenage girl to be running around the school by herself while carrying books the height of Mt Everest? Do you not realise that this positions herself as a perfect victim for some others? OO"""""""
But anyways, he/she forgot all about it yday during class. == Oh wells, my superlong post ends here.
Mr .. G .. E ORGE ..
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
When I was a little Chinese girl with a mushroom haircut that went ZOOM below the ears and ZOOM above my eyebrows, I found out that people in Australia DO NOT speak Chinese.
"Hello Anna, how are you today?"
"Ko gong gun meh yeh ah?!?!"
The super tall teachers who weren't in the communist Chinese times where people added pig fat and soy sauce to their rice and thought it was the yummiest thing they'd ever tasted towered over me. It was so scary.. =S I took my little green hat that I had to wear for identification and went to play with the wooden blocks.
"Wooden blocks, you say? I had those too!"
NO. Not any normal little wooden block, but these little sawn off wooden things with splinters sticking out of them and REAL nails which we could hammer in with REAL hammers. DANGEROUS? =/
ANd there was that annoying little girl who kept on stealing my toys. =( Here I was, happily playing with my little plastic toy when a girl came up to me and said in the foreign English language, “&^*(%^&*%*$%^_)(!!@#(“ AND THEN SHE TOOK MY TOY!!! I was chasing her all around the playground with tears streaming down my face and shouting BEY FAN OR BEY FAN OR!! And she just kept on running and laughing at me.
I don't like pre-school. =(
Onto a happier subject..
Gahh, I have to go. The happier subject will be posted about TOMORROW!!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Seriously. The bus company really needs to take into account the uncomfortability and lack of enough space on the earlier buses for the routes to and from Epping especially to schools.
They obviously don't know of the big rush to the door of the bus as soon as it stops and opens the door. As we get squished in the crowds of different aged students, the driver slowly opens the door and SPLAT! You are as flat as a pancake run over by a car-- no a ten tonne truck. With the combined impact of a chubby* tall person on your right, another chubby* but short person on your left, a person with a saxophone that is jabbing into your leg behind you and what seems like 10 000 000 000 000 kilometres (ok big exaggeration) of people in front of you standing between you and that spacious area called the bus. ><
Now for some maths. When all of the forces and weights mentioned above are all pushing onto a little person (like me), what would be the total weight forced onto that person. Anyone? Yes yes, get out your calculators. Do you have an answer? No? Well, let me tell you THROUGH EXPERIENCE that it is massive.
Wait... It's:
MASSIVE!! <-- Not as big as I hoped...
Phew. OH! Before I forget. I need to blog about cheese (nudge nudge Bob) and margerine? (wink wink Tom) so uhh... What cheese do you like? --I like Gouda! Now guess which line that's from. Well, not exactly but close enough. Uhh how do I blog about margerine? I'll just say it...
(Is that even how you spell it?? Oh well. Never been good at anglais anyway.
Now on a brighter side:
(I got this from an email from a friend of mine and I thought it was quite cute! ^^)
Why Pets were created:
<-- They help with chores.
<--They are great at decorating for holidays
<-- they protect the younger ones --> 

<-- They share the gossip
<-- They show us how to relax
<-- they will test the water
<-- They help us when we fall
Remember! Keep Smiling!

That’s it for today! xD
Monday, March 24, 2008
1. NEVER EVER go to the opera house & go sightseeing in the CITY like asian tourists and take cameras along with you ==
2. Taxi drivers love ripping you off if they think you’re a tourist X_>
3. Never run in Cross Country because SOMEONE -looks @ George- made you go in it.
4. If you do, make sure you don’t end up first. From the other end.
5. Never say in a VERY loud voice and a bad Chinese accent “OH LOOK ITS MR. GNOW LAHH” when he is within a 5-metre radius.
6. Bob's feet are huge, and therefore not suitable to borrow her shoes for running long distance.
7. cos they'll fall off halfway.
Well, well, well.
It’s a fine Monday morning, the sun is shining and the sky is a prettiful blue, and little cute little birdies are twittering and flying around and, overall it’s a great day.
So. What do you do?
You grab TWO cameras (just in case one of them runs out of batteries) sling one of them over your neck, put HEAPS OF sunscreen on for “PROTECTION FROM THE SUN” take the ferry (>_>) to circular quay, run to the opera house and then take heaps and heaps of photos like ASIAN TOURISTS and then pose in front of the harbour bridge and take photos AGAIN ==
When you get to the city… what do you see??
Heaps of other Asian tourists taking luvos in front of the harbour and tourists getting ripped off in the lame souvenir shops @ the city with those retarded t-shirts with kangaroos and koalas all over them, and those ugly bags that say “I LOVE AUSTRALIA” all over them. xDOh what great fun. I now know what it feels like to be an Asian tourist O_O
But yeas. Overall, City was ghey and I got tanned again and I got heaps of mozzie bites and sore feet ==
Wows. What a short post >_>
Saturday, March 22, 2008
holidays and especially PUBLIC ones, are a time for relaxing, sleeping in, lazying around and-- woah, 10 assignments? -faints- have yu noticed that lately, srehcaet(jst being cautious here) have been using holidays to give out assignments, yet NOT GIVING THEM BACK?
"oh oh, it was so good, i decided to show the principal"that was the beginning of yr8. the end of the yr? oh, the "principal" must like them so much, she/he (even tho HE left already) gave them to the department of education?
and take yeneews as an example.
after a week of questioning and asking etc, "ill give them to yu nxt week"
"err.. if yu do yur homework, ill give them to yu tmrw", and the nxt day? HE DOESNT TURN UP. like noor said, "he'll never give them to us, he hasnt even started marking them".
well, HE better use the "holidays" marking them, instead of going to the pub! that type of occupation should actually work, instead of lazying around in class, placing their feet on the table, and EATING maltesers.
jst cos we go to "selective" school (as quoted from gnow, "a sa-lec-tif scool is guud la, not a bad scool, like the one i used to uhh teach in la. salectif scool students are hard-working la...") doesnt mean that we have to die from massive amounts of assignments.
on a happier note, im jst gna scrap all these assignments/tests/etc and jst play wii =)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Uhh…I don’t know how to start this. Subtle or obvious…hmmm…..
Let’s try subtle….
10 minutes later…
OH I GIVE UP. Let’s go with obvious.
BOB!!Hehe. I think that worked fine. Well, it’s the 21st of March and you all know what that means!
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday to YOU
Happy Birthday to BOB!!!
Happy Birthday to YOUQUICK! MAKE A WISH!
Enjoy the Easter long weekend and have fun, celebrate, relax and eat lots of yummy foods and chocolate! =P
Happy Birthday Bob!
s2-- Lots ‘o’ Love
Your fellow SG-ers
(That is Fred, George, Jerry, Tom and Pat)
NOTE TO SELF:Never sign up for a knockout soccer match unless you are sure you are not going to:
- Get bruises from rebounding off super gunned year 11 and 12 brick walls
- have to trade with the reserve in the middle of the game due to overwhelming exhaustion (from running up and down the field TRYING (note the trying) to receive a pass without being tripped over by a giant foot and/or standing there looking stupid while Lauren Mahony kicks the ball at you and it rolls past between 2 certain players
(glances sideways at george).- lose shamefacedly. (dad: "aiyahh... what was the score?" Noor: "errr... i think we lost three one? or maybe it was four one.. can't really remember.. wasnt keeping track."
hmmmmmmmmmm- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
On the subject of our much loved asian relatives and the sufferings of us second generation australians, I would like to take the time to clarify a few things.
Asian parents are the most sensitive species on the planet. Take yesterday morning, as a perfect example.
-walks upstairs to have breakfast and unsuspectingly sits into car-
enter mother-"which one of you went to the toilet last the night before??""errrr... anita? (. . .)""then would you like to tell me WHICH ONE OF YOU used up all the toilet paper and DIDN'T put a new roll there? WHICH ONE??""ummmm...""WHICH ONE??""err... i think that was me...""WHY DIDN'T YOU?? WHY? How many times do i have to tell you? Don't you know that that is the most DISRESPECTFUL thing you can do to those around you? So WHICH ONE OF YOU went to the toilet without toilet paper then, ahh??"=.='' see what I mean? Could this possibly be the same person who was aiyah-ing at whoever gave e that harry potter scar the day before? *shakes head*. And when Anglo-saxon friends of my sister come to visit, it's always:
"heloo Hannah!! Come in!"-The poor unsuspecting kid walksinto the pristine clean house with her sneakers on-"Err... can you... do you want to take your shoes off?""yep sure" -starts runnign upstairs-"wait wait! Your feet must be so cold! Come back, wear some slippers! The tiles are so cold!""No i'm fine thanks... no really!""NO NO!! you will be cold! Come down!""ok...." -reluctantly slips into a pair of micky mouse slippers-Oh god. On the other hand, asians can be so funny xD Like on monday, when we were all waiting in anticipation for ms Ydennek to stride in, who did but our wonderful music master!
"ocke! yes right.. ok, right, now... i goww tu get some wokk... Ocke! Now, class, who know what a whiite Australia Policy is? No? White, you know? White?" -tugs at his shirt-..."Right, BOOOOYYYSSS do yoo wokk!! NoW STOP TOKKING! IF YOU DON'T DO YOUR WOKK I'LL THROW YUU INTU DERR KONNA!!"ROFLMAOOO!! But i guess now is the time to start respecting our heritage and their culture because once upon a time our parents came to australia in order to start new life and an easier living for their children away from the harsh conditions of Mainland china, with 10 dollars in their pocket, and desperately needing a job and so on and so forth. SO THAT'S WHY IM FREAKNGG DYING AT CHINESE SCHOOL TRYING TO PRESERVE MY DETERIORATING PIECE OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE CHINESE LANGUAGE X___X.
"Saying someone is ugly doesn't make you any prettier". I guess when you hear others dissing other people's appearance, it makes you realize the extent of which you tampered with someone else's self esteem. And I'm sorry If i have, and dissing someon'es lack of hair is not an exclusion
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
1. NEVER EVER install that “government safety Safe Eyes” shit from the internet
2. Touch/rugby/afl is ghey and they should not be considered sport(s)
3. Australia should stay as a Consitutional Monarchy
4. or not.
5. NEVER SIT NEXT TO FRED ON A BUS TO ICESKATING. Or else she’ll get bored and start making demented faces @ you =/
6. Beware of random Pedos on VA excursions who carry a camera and randomly take a picture of you and then walk off in the other direction (omg, some distant relative of elyorcrd? Rofl)
8. World War I was between 1914 and 1918.
9. I think.
10. Always to remember to do your theory H/w for piano. Even the nicest piano teachers can turn nasty =[
11. Never ever take individual photos for school photos. Cos school photos are ghey.
12. Coconut Milk Tea from Easyway is disgusting. Especially from the Carlo Village Easyway.
13. Which is VERY dodgy.
14. But the Jasmine Milk Tea with pearls is awesome. So SOMEONE SHOUT ME ONE =]
Liked my list? =]
Well onwards with the blog xD.
Just as I was beginning to shout for joy at the thought of three yr 7-less days @ school, and a EMPTY epping bus for once (==)… I hear this trundling of wheels behind me and a super duper short yr 7 shorter then PAT with a fugly okluab green hat –I have one too - to show SCHOOL PRIDE (xD) and then a huge wheely bag…
Oh. Yr 7’s back from camp already? =[
NB: to any yr 7’s currently reading this, do not take offence ^^ I’m only tryna find something to blog about xD.
But anyways.
Yesterday was the maths common
And I stuffed the maths common
And since I stuffed the maths common up IM GONNA BE PUT UNDER HOUSE ARREST THIS EASTER T_T
And since im too depressed to blog anymore
This blog will now end here
The end.
End of blog.
Let me show you an example of what a FREAKY ASIAN PARENT IS.
Like wtf? Its so typical man, like my dad wanted to use the comp for some “research” (research that probably was seeing who bid the highest price for whatever he’s selling on ebay o_0 – shakes head at those idiots who would actually bet for whatever it was - and SINCE THE DAMN INTERNET PAGE DIDN’T LOAD he started blaming telstra and bigpond for their shitty internet service o_0. and then. He turned to me and went:
And since I had ENOUGH TO WORRY ABOUT with maths common and shit, I ignored him and continued to kill the piano with my gheyarse pieces (omg sonata in a major??? Oh wows what great great fun ==) UNTIL I HEAR….
Psht. oh whaddya know, its my gheyarse dad tryna speed up the page with the constant clicking of the mouse on the “go” sign nxt to the address bar ==
AND when I get frustrated, I feel like screaming, and when I feel like screaming and I CANT SCREAM, whenever I talk I practically shout at everyone/everything and when I do that, frkn parents rekn im being “disrespectful to elders” and when my parents are pissed at me… THAT’S NOT A GOOD SIGN.
And being the typical Asian dad my dad is, he went and phoned the damn bigpond helpline number, and started interrogating them about the shitty comp and their “shitty net service that dies all the time”
And guess who was on the other end of the phone??
HOIII I AM HERREEE FROM TELESTRAAR TO ASSIST YOU WITH OUR SERVICE AND WWWHATTT IZZZ YUOURR NAMEE?Yes. A curry guy who had such a thick accent that I could not understand half the time what he was tryna saying ==
AFTER much interrogation, HE finally told me that he couldn’t do anything about the shitty comp (==) and gave me a random number for a computer technician o_0. *(&*( geez Couldn’t he have told me that earlier rather then tryna get me to understand him through his thick accent? (and plus two angry parents looking on with a pissed look on their faces cos app. “I killed the comp cos ive been watching too much stuff on youtube o_0’’)
God. ==
Lols… imagine if my parents figured out I was blogging this o_0 then …
Freaky asian parents >>> turn into fucking mental parents who’ll ground me for the rest of the year and give me lectures about “Omg in my day we had to walk 9 miles to get school and you should not abuse the advantages you younger generations have… “
God. I hate it when they take out the “recalling of bad memories when child” strategy to make me feel bad ==/ (not that it really works but yeas)
Ohh I love it when my parents are shouting @ me “for my own good” ==
Wows. What a depressing topic xD.
Whos doing Duke of Edinborough? XD. It sounds so very much appealing eyys? A frkn hike for 2 days with no showers/toilets (OMG NO PERSONAL HYGIENE) plus a frkn heavy camp bag on you with food/tent/stove/pots/pans/etc sounds so much fun non? And plus. Ask me to pick between not taking a shower for 3 days or to be stuck with george watching horror movies in the middle of the night… I think ill rather watch the horror movies ==
And don’t roll your eyes at me, cos it’s how bad it is. ITS CALLED HYGIENE =]=]
George- king george of… GEORGE TOWN. But king tom pwns king george.
Bob- LOL emmayingbobbyboyngai lord of… sponge town ^^ (this is so lame o_0)
Pat- Duke of starfish town ^^
XD. Jksjks.
She can be my Personal Serving Man xD.
Jks. She can be a princess. That I’ll marry her off to some random guy. XD.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Whoot new skin & song !
Tag it pleaaase <3
Saturday, March 15, 2008
EXCUSE ME, but when does the topic of government funding stray into the Personal Development Health and Physical Education sector of education?COUGH SPLUUTER ACHOOOOEelyorcrdCOUGH COUGH *ahemmmmm* (you all know what im saying, yes?)
For one thing, purposely lagging and stretching a totally irrelevant unit of work in the event of avoiding another is totally unacceptable, ESPECIALLY when our parents pay hundreds each term just to equip their daughters with the necessary knowledge to guide them in life. I mean, COME ON, we've been learning about "where does the tax that you pay the government get sent to" for the past 3? 4? weeks.
First of all, you cannot work out how to "feel good about yourself" in an equation. You can't beat depression by "ohhhh now put your strengths into a list and prioritise them, choose two and tell the rest of the class which are your strongest values! Right, after that you can compile a list of what motivates you in life! Lynette! Give me an answer!"
ME: errrr the willingness to be better....?
elyorcrd:....... yeeessssssssss..... but what motivates you to possess that willingness? Name a personal pressure and an external pressure? What motivates you from the outside?
ME: ... ?
AIYAHHHHH wtf is with this? You don't measure hapiness and success with all that complicated sht. When was the last time YOU cried and began to wonder about how you can gain success by being pressurised by parents to do well in your yearlies?
Then, sometime 3 weeks ago, we somehow strayed onto the subject of needs and wants, and then onto how you can provide a need or want to those in need around the world, and then onto how some of the money donate to charities ends up in the government, and then onto developing a tax system that is fair to everyone regardless of their income, and then onto where does the tax that you pay the government get sent to...
And so now, while all the other classes are being equipped with the necessary knowledge which will prevent
socical insecurity, WE are talking about
social security and wages X___X (geddit?)
Something fishy going on eh? eheheheheh?
p.s. If you don't go to our school, which starts with a B except im not going to publicaly identify it here for safety reasons, you wouldnt understand.
p.p.s. Quote of the week:
"LYNETTE!!!!!!!!! THERES NO CHEESE IN MY CHEESBURGER!!" lmaoooooop.p.p.s bob, at least your mum doesnt make you recycle teabags and kill you just because you accidentally threw away the napkins that you got from mcdonalds the other day.
You know, I used to think "Duke of Edinburgh" is Black Adder?
Anywho. While we're on the topic of Duke of Ed, don't you all agree that 95 dollars just for a sheet of Reflex A4 paper with a stupid bronze sticker (okay, which will prolly cost $2.50 more at local newsagency) is just a TINY BIT too much for us cheap, stingy asians? I mean, do you know how many pork chops I can buy with that? Or Squalene pills to sent back to my grandparents in China? Or yumcha dimsims?
And PLUS, additional fees are required for hiring equipment for hiking and enrolment of additional classes in order to fulfil the requirements of the Duke of Ed awards is just .. sky high. The last time I checked, I did not have a ATM sign on top of my head. ==
I swear, the amount of money required for the education of society teens these days is absolutely outrageous. With school fees to begin with, plus the extra fees on electives, plus fees for learning an instrument, registration for sporting team(s) + sport equipment, art and dance classes, learning the oh-so-wonderful language of chinese, and something that applies to 9.999999999999999999 percent of asians - COACHING.
Haha, I'm in the rare 0.0000000001 percent. I'm special =D
Note to self: if I ever become sucessful .. at winning the 21 million lottery jackpot .. I will fund my parents' superannuation for all the hard-earnt money they have put into my education.
By the way, my softball team won our finals today! =D 7-2. Like it's not such a big deal, but I think, for something like this to occur at this time has just brightened my world.. with coping with schoolwork and the darkness due to the never-ending photography assignments. == It had just made me realise that there IS something more out there, something that exceeds beyond the scribbled red marks on your latest test or assignments.
Yeah, things are gonna get harder from now on. Already nearly the whole term one has gone and I haven't had the chance to actually pause, stop and reflect on what this was all about. But I guess that's just one of the things in life - it's continuously progressing forward, and it's up to you to pace yourself. You can choose to either embrace the change for the better, or you can stay, desperately trying to grasp onto the past, and miss all the windows of opportunities that are out there for you. Either way, time does not wait for you, nor anyone else.
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Sir Winston Churchill
Smile and live on.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
*post removed*
yeas guess i was feeeling shit when i wrote that =/ just felt like screaming, but since it was 930 @ night and i dont think meighbours were really gonna appreciate that (><) nxt best thing is... POSTING IT UP ON SG !! XD
well yeas. post removed cos yeas. seems to be attractiing alot of readers though xD
thankyou all so much for reading sg and keeping up with the *daily entertainment xD* but yeas. tag tag tag on the cbox everyone!!
tommmyy =]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
- Commences little piano introduction and clears throat -
"All I want is a room somewhere,
Far away from the cold night air,
With one enormous chair
Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?"
And so starts the Couldn't it be Loverly song from the musical production "My Fair Lady."
ASIANS. are such funny people sometimes. must i say CHEAP. i was walking home with people today, and we were talking abt how asians are so odd..
1. those asian parents who go to yur presentation assemblies and pay no attention at all, xcept to acknowledge their own kid. "oh, theres -insert name-. i heard jst passed amus and is planning to teach piano". oh wow -sarcasm- and at the end, "there are now some snacks at the back of the hall". HUH? where are all the parents? asian parents? oh, gathered at the back to steal food in those plastic containers that they try to hide in their bags..
2. its funny how asians dnt like contributing much, buh like taking. i remember in yr 4, when asked to bring tissue boxes to "donate" to collection at school, only abt 5 kids brought tissues in, whilst the other 25 were influenced by their parents and stole tissues and took them home. SHEESH, its only tissues ><'' like $2 MAX?!
3. and those people who take straws and tomato sauce =) and lardida for "safe keeping".. sheesh, they must be too pov to afford them, aye? or might i say, CHEAP. they must be so pov they cant even pay a-tension. xD
and some asians are jst.. clueless.. take our
lovely teacher for example (emphasis on lovely coughsplutterdie*) : ttenned took us on an "excursion" today to ask adults if they knew who the 3rd prime minister was. and the first person was, dun dun dun* MR GNOW!! =]
ttenned: do yu know who the 3rd prime minister was?
gnow: uhh what did you say la? -scatches his 3 strands of hair-
ttenned: thir-dd pr-ime min-i-staaarrr. auss-traa-lii-aa.
gnow: no, ahh, i think uhh. stiplin la. stiplin.. yes.. uhh.
might i add that there was no STIPLIN in the prime minister chain.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I deeply despise anything that begins with "P" ..
.. and ends with "hotomontage."
What were YOU thinking? *shakes head* the sick and disturbed mind of youth these days, what happened to back in those good ol' days when the only entertainment that was available was washing your own clothes and everyone rushing out to collect firewood (fallen branches) after a typhoon has hit like a Myer Stocktake Sale?
Ah, the needle mark from yesterday was still there. The thought of a
SHARPENED DOUBLE-ENDED STICK (oh Lord of the Flies, how can I forget) spearing into your flesh does not sound very appealing, and if I was performing JURY DUTY at the High Court, I would accuse the doctor for the crime of mutation, or sexual assault. (Thankyou, those immensly exciting and tres educational double-period Commerce classes).
Anywho, as I was slowly activating into DAMIEN MODE yesterday during Commerce class, when suddenly I noticed that at the door of D11, stood a silouette that I can barely see..
" All the girls with last names A to L, can you please go to the TLC .. "OH ALAS ! GOOD LORD OF MERCY, THYNE SAVIOUR! *kneels down and bows and therefore deactivating Damien Mode*
The TLC was lined up with year 7 girls and guys still wondering HOW IS IT POSSIBLE TO CONTRACT CERVIVAL CANCER, and there I sat with them, clutching my pink vaccination form for dear life, wondering what awaits my fate behind that pink curtain of doom..
*gulps and glances at the chick next to me*
" go up Betty"
So then I sat down in those uncomfortable school chairs next to this nurse, who was changing needles on the school tables. The question of hygiene rose in my mind, wondering whether the nurse knew what colours of bubblegum has managed to find its way under those cheap quality school tables, due to the lack of government fundings. =='
Nurse: do you have asthma?
Me: no.
Nurse: do you have any allergies?
Me: no.
Nurse: are you pregnant?
Excuse me, DO I LOOK PREGNANT TO YOU? Do I look like I go to nightclubs every second week, get smashed, high and hungover, "gets it on in 2 minutes" (LMFAO >_>) and end up being found by police on the streets of Manly and Bondi? Do I look like I'm a regular visitor to Las Vegas, Amsterdam or Macau- the asian Las Vegas, with 1323928 frequent flyer points? ==
*shakes head with disgust*
So then, I was about to tell her I was too young for it yet, but as soon I uttered a syllable, before I was METALLY, PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY prepared, I felt this thin needle injecting fluids into my upper arm right above my tann line, with great resemblance to that scene in "American Gangster" where they were injecting weed into their helpless circulation systerms.
But to the contrary, I did not get high and end up leaving the dreaded with a round band-aid and a smiley face IMMUNE stamp. Naww, I think I deserve a sticker for my bravery and perseverance shown on that day.
Ps. feel free to tag on the tagboard =D ily all.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
ohs. sorry to disappoint you all xD. seems like Tommy's gonna blog again ayys? xD
And i would like to remind you innocent people who are patiently reading this and that HAVE NOT BEEN FUCKING SPAMMING THE CBOX, to not be offended and shocked at the shocking amount of swearing you are about to read in the following paragraph(s)
7 Mar 08, 16:23
Andrew: lol i want to read more!!! lol have u guys seem Lord of the Flies video ? lol the books better anyways. how are you tommy? lol bolg more !!
6 Mar 08, 23:31
JERRY: jeez. where on this whole blog did we say we blogged for "blogging success"?
6 Mar 08, 22:44
ltia22.4: critical fail
6 Mar 08, 22:10
GEORGE: tyty yeli =D
6 Mar 08, 18:35
Yeli!: Most of the time I'm a silent reader, but your blogs are fun to read :]
5 Mar 08, 16:47
Andrew: LOL major spammage ... [b] (>'.')> [b] <('.'<) haha i can only write in the Cbox @_# !!!. is this site just for entertainment ? haha btw its pretty cool.
5 Mar 08, 16:11
PaT.: Oh wasn't my post so long? Well, for me it is. That's making up for last week which SOMEONE decided to mention and rub in. TOM!! Arhaha! Jks. xP
5 Mar 08, 15:49
5 Mar 08, 15:03
GEORGE: eh . major spammage ? =='
2 Mar 08, 17:44
Andrew: lol sorry for wasting to much space on your CBOX thing. i hope she won't kill me for it!!! " i weren't sapmming"
Andrew: <<<< see my name haha ==" cool place ^_^
2 Mar 08, 17:38
Andrew: lol i'm just andrew . haha , th stuff in here is pretty interesting to read. haha it made me laugh
2 Mar 08, 17:27
JERRY: who? and who are you?
2 Mar 08, 16:43
Andrew: nar, i don't even know what is the " billion dollar blospot" thing is. lol i knew this from somebody
2 Mar 08, 16:38
Andrew: hahah , yup i got it now .. lol now i am addicted to it ahhhhhhhhhhhh
2 Mar 08, 15:12
JERRY: was this billion dollar blospot recommended to you by critiques or did you randomly come across it o.O. the song is "best of me"- the starting line, btw.
2 Mar 08, 15:09
JERRY: whos andrew o.O. introduction please?
2 Mar 08, 12:29
Andrew: haha u guys got a [color= green]nice song going here!!!!!! [/clour] i can't believe i never heard it before. what is the name of it ? sweeet nice nice its awesome hahah hey people !!!! lol
1 Mar 08, 21:35
Andrew: ZOMG, LOL your join button completetly disappeared when i pressed it, is it a meant to do that HAHAHA ...
and that bitch who wrote "critical fail" LET ME SEE YOU FUCKING PRODUCING A FUCKING BLOG. critical fail? sure, we try and "advertise" as much as we can, and yeas, we say that this is a billion dollar blogspot, and all that other stuff, BUT WHEN SOME ANONYMOUS SHIT LIKE YOU COMES AND WRITES "omg, critical fail" IT JUST FUCKING PISSES ME OFF.
AND SPAMMERS. NB: GTFO. sure, post a comment, DONT FUCKING SPAM THE CBOX LIKE ITS YOUR OWN PERSONAL SPAMMING AREA. fuck. seriously. sure, you might be saying that "omg a cbox is meant to be spammed" SHUTTHEFUCKUP. yeayeas, dont fucking roll your eyes and think "omg this tommy/angela chiqque is such a fucking bitch" fucking gtfo.
and yeas. silent readers: pleaseplease tag on the cbox so we know that this blog is actually READ =]
any deaththreats?
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Dear parent and caregiverOur school's year 9 students have been invited to particpiate in the 2008 Essential Secondary Science Assessment Online Practical Test.Trialling is an essential part of the Essa testing.What the f*ck?? invited to do so now eh? DAMN YOU DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION!
On the subject of "misleading" treacheries committed by the school, as far as i'm concerned, they never cease full.stop. I'M SICK AND TIRED OF BEING BOUGHT INTO SH*T. FOR GODS SAKE. Just because we fluked it into "Baulkham Hills Selective High" (ooohhhh souuu goot xien zai wo de er zi yao qu bu xi lah), it does NOT mean that you can exploit us poor children because it is a fact that "OHHH TRUST ME. YOU WILL NEED A BOOK. STUDENTS OF BAULKAHM HILLS HIGH WILL FINISH 20 MINUTES EARLY" and also, stop with the "how did you people get into this school" just because we don't know which species of birds in the north-east of libya has developed an adaptation of changing.... and the list goes on.
We're human. So stop treating us like Michael Lee. (ROFLMAOOOO JKJK. But btw he's overtaking Liang at maths)
Imagine this:
I glared at the blurry white numbers in the bottom right corner of the computer screen. 12.47 a.m. "Good", i think to myself. i still have plenty of time to study for the science test and remember my entire English essay so that i can write it out tomorrow. On second thoughts, I'll leave out the science.. my favourite teacher ms Yoh told us all it was a short, brief test and we had nothing to worry about. Oh, how lucky i am compared to last week to have so much spare time! Praise those teachers.At 4;30 am i finally fall asleep.DING DING DING DING DINGI rise and shine as the clock strikes 4:32 am. I quickly grab my english book and attempt to remember the paragraph i wrote about symbolism and polical satirism in relation to the Russiamn Revolution.Then, opening my book in period 8 and expecting the teacher to stride in and tell us to turn to the back of our books and give us a small trivia quiz on the age of the earth, in strides MOHO holding a bunch of booklets 6 PAGES LONG.
== I swear, I'm gonna drop out in year 10 and become a hairdresser.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
OKOK. I was meant to post this up yesterday, but since I couldn’t, imma post it up now.
“Ehhs why?” You all ask?
BECAUSE ITS TOMMY TURN TO BLOG NOW =O. –Ehhhs cos bob said she wants to swap days with me now. Just for this week dayumm- And yes, I don’t care whether you all are sick sick and sick of reading Tommy’s post, I’m blogging now and no one’s gonna stop me =]
First of all, I would like to start of this blog by congratulation Derfie on turning =O 14 TODAY!!
So lets all join in a great big
Ohh shes a jolly good fellow
Oh shes a jolly good fello-
And yea and yea you get the idea xD
XDD. Being 14 is so awesome eyys? –Me, Jerry George (who is a big belated 15 now) all nod in unison-
So, Tuesday, Tuesday Tuesday… Well well welll. Tuesdays are just plain awesomeness eyys?
So in the morning me and pat were waiting for the SCHOOL bus to come in the morning, which came half an hour late, mind you, AND went to the tafe instead of the SCHOOL like where a nice little SCHOOL bus should go. SERIOUSLY!! What’s the point of adding the word “school” in front of “bus” when the damn bus doesn’t even go to the school?! Dayumm. And seriously, STUPID LIL YR 7S THAT TAKE UP BUS SPACE. In the afternoon, they just fully charge at the bus and start pushing and shoving to get on the bus while ttibseN goes “now now children, no need to push,” and now that does NOT help.
BUTBUT. Nevermind all that…
ITS DERFS BDAY TODAY (and I suppose you know that already because of the 2 paragraphs of excitement mentioned earlier =))) andand during recess, we were fully filming and making documentaries (well pat was) on her “opening presents ceremony”
AND ROFLMAO. BEIJING OLYMPICS KEYY RINGS XD. Psht. Chinas gonna make so much money on those ugly soft toys/key rings/etc. I remember in 2000, Aust. didn’t make a big fuss about those ugly echidna/platypus/and what was the other one? But yeas.
… actually it did. Happy meals and bags and etc. BUT THATS A DIFFERENT MATTER
BUT STILL. Beijing Olympics xD. Awesomeee. (not really, as stupid tv time on channel 7 gonna be like, FULLY CRAP, cos of stupid Olympics ==) maybe ill see some relatives on tv eyys? =]
Aishteru; Tommy.
How many of you people look forward to the holidays? I know I did. (
note the past tense)
You work SO HARD during the school term to finish off all your essays, assignments and projects to make your teachers happy and proud of you so they give you good report marks to please your parents who will probably take a glance and use their SUPER SONIC F DETECTING EYESIGHT to skim through your piece of printed cardboard then when they detect no failures, tell you to put it away somewhere and continue with their pre-dinner activites.
You would think, after all this hard work, the holidays would be a time of relaxation and enjoying your non-homework/assignment period of 2 short weeks before we go back to the daily routine of being squished to death on the bus and working in that always-too-cold-due-to-the-air-con-always-being-on-18-degrees English room. Oh the excitement.
The truth is. This myth is absolutely false. (with exceptions to some holidays and the summer holidays).
As the teachers sense that the end of term is on the horizon of another week or so, they decide to set you an assignment to ease your “lack of things to do”. Oh thank you so much. ><
What is it about holidays that makes teachers think that students have nothing better to do than sit at a desk all day and tediously type “and I believe that this is why blah blah is such a good film” There’s some sort of instinctive behaviour that causes them to think holidays are made for more assignments, sometimes even more than usual.
EXHIBIT ALast year, year 8, 07.
Assignment set to be due
AFTER the holidays. To be completed
DURING the holidays:
• VA assignment on famous architectures
• Essay for English
• Some other assignment that I probably don’t remember due to not wanting to remember it.
We had not had 3 assignments due all in the same week in the whole term until then.
And even after you decide to sacrifice that outing with old friends to the movies to stay home and finish off that profile on some French museum famous for its design. Oh what fun!
Us, as the conscientious students that we are, are at home sweating and making a watery mess on our table stressing about whether we’ll finish this in time to start the next one!
That is why I love the summer holidays-
Besides going to either:
1. Gold Coast at Dreamworld with big round eyes in amazement to all the Patrick soft toys they have mounted on the wall.
2. Hong Kong spending all my money due to the sudden profits received after landing in HK and going to the international currency part of their banks and finding out you have … five-times-ed your money. Oh the bliss of being rich! Jks.
3. Canada freezing my same-size-to-fred’s fingers off and getting frostbite on my nose. Not that I’ve been to Canada but I’ll be going sometime in the future. ^^
4. Uhh…nowhere… staying home and being a couch potato in watching TV and playing games and then decide to get some exercise but ending up turning on the Wii to play a bit of “tennis” on Wii Sports.
- you don’t get any holiday assignments!! Whoo hoo!! xD
(Unless you’re weird like Tom and you HATE the summer holidays cos all you can do is stay home and watch Pascal Savage on Johnny English and his “
tower of Londen” accent so many times, you can practically recite the whole 2 hour movie. ^^)
Disclaimer: this story may be entirely fictional. Or not.. ==' I hate it when teachers buy you in with things.
It's the last term of being free little year 8's, ready to pick our electives and *gasp* oh so many to choose from! Should I do PASS or Commerce? Textiles or Geo elective? Or should I spend the next two precious years of my life under the teachings of our inspirational, one and only music master .. MR GNOW >_> *mind reflects back to the good old days in G13*
"ockay beee quite ! kif put dat chair dowwwn! jonorfen and bayoo SITTOWN!!" - suddenly insert quiet and calm voice - "ockay rebcka you can go sit on der piano stool .. "LMFAO good times ..
Anywho .. moving on. Whilst our year advisor was busily answering the neverending questions that flowed from Mr Kwon, I looked down at my list of what will succeed me in the future exam that consist of three letters .. when my eyes stumbled on a topic that sounded so fascinating to me.. namely ..
PHOTOGRAPHY.Back in those times, being the dillusioned and a silly littlun I was, I thought Photography consisted of
capturing emotions and
expressing through black and white photography, processed in darkrooms and learning techniques regarding different lenses of cameras.
But JUST TO MAKE SURE, on one hot Thursday summer afternoon, Jerry and I rushed to the Visual Arts staff room to inquire about the photography course next year. We were greet with the info from this 29382187218 page book that teaches you about the design and art in photography and how we will be developing some ourselves and how photography truly
opens up windows of opportunities and will
inspire you all around. So being the inspired young art students we were, Jerry and I were TRES excited and immediately decided that this was ALOT MORE WORTHWHILE than the making of punk jewellery that Textiles had to offer. (which Tom and others later found out, no such luck.. no punk jewellery for you ! xD)
=='''''''' Oh little did I know what I was signing up for.
Simon: eh.. it's the other way ..
LMFAO so noob =='
*press rewind to last week's photography lesson*Teacher: now, using PHOTOSHOP ELEMENTS, open the file and YOU SHALL DISCOVER A FRUIT! Now using the MAGIC LASSO, go around the image and the MOVE TOOL, place the fruit onto of Tony Blair's face ..
Me and Jerry: O_O"
But as long as I'm not making tribal partner dances, I'm fine. xD
Oh, and happy bday for yesterday Fred. =] Hope you liked your presents and have fun smashing your bro and getting a sock tan. xD
"Never let go of anything that you cannot go past a day without thinking about .. " x/3
Sunday, March 2, 2008
DID YOU KNOW..That back in those days .. (no, not those times when our parents were little and had no money and could not afford a computer, let alone '97 version publisher ..) during the Shakespearian times, "wanton" meant sexy/erotic and "stale" meant bitch?
Bet you didn't! Well you learn something new everyday =) Go get some education!
Anyways .. ==
dun dun dun - insert extra dramatic music -
Well well well.. this morning I woke up with my head the weight of a council rubbish-collecting truck, my eyes as big as the size of Valentino's 29 inch? biceps triceps .. and whatever other 'ceps' he has. >_>
So then I dragged my 20 tonne photography diary and my bag to school, walking slowly while staring into the sunlight so the uv rays are slowly letting melanomas roam freely and have tea parties in my bloodstream. So here I am, an innocent, studious, dilligent, eager school girl, making her way to school and not to some dark alleyway to smoke crack coccaine like those other cliche society teenagers .. soaking in every inch of precious sunlight which we have scarcely felt in the duration of the summer season, when all of I sudden I turn the corner .. and
SMASHHHHH SCREEEEEEEEEEECH @(#*(*&#*$&#*$&!!!! WTF?!?!?!
And all of a suddenly, this lady started stopped angrily 2 cms from me and screamed out " OMG I CAN'T SEE YOU IN THE SUNLIGHT!"
Yes, you read that right.. she can't see me .. IN THE SUNLIGHT. It would've been understandable if it was in the dark .. because then with my super tanned charcoal skin it would be extremely hard and a tedious job to spot in amist of the extremely small undergrowth (the grass) and the suburban houses.. but in bright daylight? Surely my shirt is not so pure and superbleached and reflects a thousand electromagnetic waves that just happen to stab her in the eye? When has the quality of my washing machine improved dramatically? I thought its nature was displayed in the result of my "ripped/stretched/gangster" size 16 school jumper, courtesy of Lost Properties.. ==
You know, I think we have become the guinea bigs for stress and strain, to demonstrate our coping abilities through the adversities we are confronted with. I know that year 9 is a new step to our vivid and colourful education, BUT SURELY THAT DOES NOT INVOLVE SITTING INFRONT OF THE COMPUTER SCREEN 24/7 AND RESORTING TO MSN AS A LAST CHANCE OF ENTERTAINMENT?
*shakes head in disgust* SHAME ON YOU MR RUDD! What happened to education revolution? Although I know deep within the
darkness of my heart (LOL "Lord Of The Flies" essay) that it is not in the wrong of our great chinese-communicating prime minister .. ==' but I guess, the earlier we get exposed to masses of work, the better? But I just think that being "prepared for the future" requires something more than sitting infront of a computer while your brain cells are dying due to the exposure to extremely harmful radiation.
Sigh .. and I'm losing more and more brain cells by the minute. Hey! There goes another one! and one .. and another!
Nooooooo come baaccckkk *attempts the grab*