Thursday, January 31, 2008
"make these stories last,i see shadows of who we used to be,when i drive, drive so slow.. through this memory.."Let's start with the usual critisism of asian made products and service, courtesy of the 3 weeks spent in China. As we learnt in commerce, one of the most common tactics of chinese clothing companies involve purposely INCREASING the orignial price of an item, later claiming that a few yuan dropped is A RARE EXCEPTION and already pushed beyond the limits of an acceptable selling price.
step one- browse through rack of clothes, and one of the billion shop assistants will unfailingly come to your side and start recommending products
step two- pick out one which looks acceptable, and she will automatically start helping you try it on, with words about how good it looks with your great figure
step three- ask how many yuan. she will naturally reply trying to avoid your eye contact. Let's say, 60 yuan
step four- widen your eyes in horror and shout: "NEN MA GUI?? TAI GUI LA BA?" (she will ofcourse open her mouth to say how fine quality this piece of clothing is made, and how its branded by blah blah *cough*
step five- ask for 20 yuan cut. when she objects, pretend you dont care abot the clothing and say to your granddaughter in a loud voice: "NAH WO MEN ZOU, WO MEN QU BIE DE DI FANG MAI BA"
step six- walk away and turn back when she shouts just as you are about to leave the store: "nah hao ba"
And I must say, those factory "PRODUCT DESIGNERS" should take a few more english lessons before printing jibberish ALLOVER ok-looking-from-far-away clothes. For example. That other day when my sister found this cool vest thing, and at night when i was walking behind her:
"Anita, what does it say on the back of your jacket? It says um..:
MEELS STRUCKS TO FLOATwhole seld house monme PUNK ROCK, son of POST-PUNK sovsllon (EXPRES). so you were selling MUSIC in YOU mcontfrom'ndividusl PERSON (OOT). I'm taking NOWm we're GOING to BUY to STAGELLSo sfter you...And to my AMAZEMENT, somothing otarted to MAPPENHAVE youboon WITH py chodssor"WTF??!! ROFLMAO AHAHAHAHA -scratches moustache as question mark pops up-
Maths today? well let's leave it to another story for another day, hopefully by someone more technically advance in that particular area of academics >__>
The whole period was spent glancing at Anna's work, whilst attempting to remember fragmants of how to factise and defactorise algebra. Hm.
tc xx
Monday, January 7, 2008
2. GROW UP TO 165cm (psht I wish. Happy with 160)
3. Kick those brand new yr 7’s wheelie bags.
4. Kick.. (the ball) LOL BYE – knockout, indoor futsal gala day, grade .. etc.
5. DANCE DANCE BBY - Perform @ Variety night, SHAKESPEARE FEST (Julliet and eh .. Julliet? aish) and all others.
6. Buy a wig for Augustus.
7. Wait, make the above a toothpaste.
8. Get “recognised” at the next Rec assembly .. and not for the wrong reasons *mind drifts back to the time when I had to help Maybeth up the stage ==*
9. Be nice to everyone .. (besides you you you and maybe you .. aish that’s not good)
10. Make second maths class. (Piss off, Augustus .. taking up space)
11. Never leave assignments until the day before it’s due.
12. Study EARLY for exams with the exclusion of my best buddy *looks @ comp*
13. Do not sleep later than 12:00am due to unfinished assignments.
16. Thy shalt concentrate in all thy classes no matter how much I hate that particular teacher .. teachers .. =\
17. Buy 5 boxes of deo for D3
18. There are more but I cbf/can’t remember. =P
Generally just live through year 9 I guess .. and live every moment etc all that cliché shie :’D
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Aim of this blog: Get to 1000 words
Haha. Yes it's Tommy again. And since Jerry and George FINALLY revived this blog, i can easily say, that it is safe for me to blog again without dominating =DD
So I shall now blog about what i did on 31/12/07, aka last day of o'8.
Well, since both of my parents believe in Buddha, on the last day of the year, my parents took me and my bro to…. NAN TIEN TEMPLE. Yes, a Buddhist temple all the way in Woollongong or something. It was quite fun actually…
Ok so mum all woke us up at 6:30 in the damn morning, and we left the house at 8. BUT, since my mum didn’t fill up the petrol tank, we were forced to spend half an hour in the car listening to my mum worrying about the car dying on the middle of the highway, UNTIL this little BP petrol station pops out from the middle of nowhere (Okaii, maybe not the middle of nowhere, but it gives a great effect if I say it like that, right?)… ALAS! WE’RE SAVED!
And on the topic of petrol stations/empty petrol tanks, WHAT IS IT WITH STUPID PETROL PRICES THESE DAYS? The price of petrol at that stupid BP station we pulled into was like, 137c per litre! God. People are crazy for money these days –shakes head-
Ok. Onwards.
After an hour of stuck in the car, boredom AND having to listen to my bro point out car brand names (stupid 10 year old kids –rolls eyes-) “ohh ohh look whoahh that’s an AUDI! OH and the one over there is a Peugeot!! Whoah look at that MAZDA!” this huge Forbidden City structure look-alike looms in front of us, and the big Chinese characters of “NAN TIEN SHI” and then huge ancient Chinese gates welcome us in.
God the entrance is scary. Straight after the entrance… is the CREMATORIUM. I was looking at the sign and then Chinese characters underneath it, and asked my dad what it was. “Ohh, that’s just the place where they turn the body into ashes lahh, nothing special.” *(^*% NOTHING SPECIAL? Dude, they put the body in a big furnace and like grind up the bones and turn them into ashes and then put them in a pot and then-
-DEEEEP BREATH- (that reminds me of Maybeth xD)
I shall now calm…
Whoah, that temple, is so much of a Forbidden City look-alike rofl. And there were red lanterns everywhere, stone lions, Buddhist Monks WHOAHH Haha it was so cool xD. And we had to take our shoes off when we went into main shrine.
IN the main shrine there were 5 statues of Buddha, exactly the same except for different coloured clothing… and they were… HUGE. XD, outside on the stairs and walls were little wish cards or something. And reading the cards made me laugh xD. Seriously. There was one where it said, “wish for a better love life” and another was, “I want to be the richest person in the whole world” (im guessing a 10 yr old kid wrote that). Haha. It was fun =]
After going to make offerings to all the statues of Buddha (it was my mum, not me!) I saw this big tower pagoda thing, and suddenly, I had the INSPIRATION TO GO AND CLIMB THE PAGODAAA!!! So me and my bro and my mum all trooped up to the pagoda, UNTIL… we found out that we couldn’t go up there unless we were visiting a dead person’s ashes.
Oh god. So we were in a tower, with DEAD PEOPLE 4 levels on TOP of us? =//
I should stop being so childish and move onwards with this blog =]
Which reminds me, THE FIREWORKS WERE SO PRETTY!!!! It was better then last years, and the year before that, and there was like, a non-stop moving hourglass on the bridge. Whoah. Wouldn’t it be cool if you were the fireworks designer? XDD
o’8 already guys. Time for… NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS!!! XDD
Ummm let me think of some…
1. Oh yes. Get my 3rd and 4th grade piano theory done
2. Get a damn A in 8th grade piano grr. Ok. So that means, hardcore piano everyday, hardcore aural, hardcore memorizing general knowledge…
4. OH YES. OH YES. I shall NOT be so picky with food from NOW ON! See see, I tried steak for the first? Time today. And yes, it was nice =]
5. OH this is a must... GET A DAMN JOB
6. Ehhhs listen in class? (Not quite sure about this one =/)
7. Grow TALLER!!! Aim is 165cm =]
Ok. I guess that’s it =] although I’m probably gonna give up half of my New Year resolutions once school starts ==
My friend lent it to me, and I’ve practically been watching it everyday now =] its so good! Haha. I like the amigos. Let me quote xD
Amigos: how you gonna find the aliens?
Mumble: Lovelace! I’ll go see Lovelace!
Amigos: Lovelace? Aww he don’t like you at all
Mumble: its okay. I’ll just appeal to his better nature.
Amigos: how you gonna do that? Cruel and unusual punishment? Unimaginable torture? Imaginable toture? Your singing? NOOOO
-One Amigo starts singing out of tune-
“Can anyybodeeey find meeeeeee”
Amigos: HELP! The Ice is cracking! AVALANCE!!
ROFL HAHA. Naww they’re so cute xD
Woot 936 words already! Nearly 1000 xD (yes they were put there so I could reach my aim closer xD)
And to end this pointless blog, I shall now end with lyrics from happy feet xD
Don’t push me, cos I’m close to the edge.
I’m trying not to lose my head.
It’s like a jungle sometimes it makes me wonder how I keep from going under.
And I’m outt.
Adios, Tommy =]