Monday, December 31, 2007
Millions of people, waiting in eagerness and anticipation, their eyes glued onto the TV screen as Sydney is graced with another amazing display of New Year’s Fireworks. Others stand on the facade of the Opera House, pushing and shoving like another Myer stock-take sale, screaming and yelling with uttermost joy, as Sydney enters the New Year Countdown. It’s like the whole world is there with you ..
The fireworks ignite the dark sky, the bright lights burn at a thousand miles an hour, lighting up the stars of hope, wishes and dreams. Crystal tears well up in your eyes as the realisation that it’s the New Year washes over you and images of the past year come flooding back, wether they were tear-jerking moments, proud and monumental achievements, or you and your friends being just plain stupid, you look back at them with such preciousness and feel almost sad with a tint of regret that you cannot hold onto those moments forever. Your phone sings, as the wishes from your close ones pour in and at that moment you are truly glad of whom you are and so grateful of everything you have experienced and achieved this year and so thankful that it does not end tonight, when darkness turns to light..
Well unfortunately for me and all other SG’ers outside Australia (ie. Bob, Jerry, Fred and me), we have to live the “08 New Year countdown AT FREAKING 9:00pm due to those stupid time zones! And it’s even worse as Daylight Saving in Australia is still in play. =___= So yes, feel free to call me up at 9:01pm on 31st of December to wish me a “very happy new year.” ==””
Sometimes I wonder about what the definition of “pretty” is. Why has it gone so plasticated these days that people go into extreme lengths to fit in the “pretty” category, defined by unwritten rules? Like today for example, when it was just me and my best buddy *looks at the TV* and while I was watching Azn MTV (which sucks in my opinion) when suddenly this freaking white skinned chick popped up on the screen, (no.. not MJ) for the TV Ad “Doctor Bai” (doctor white)
If they aired that ad in non-azn countries, it would get sacked after the first screening. Isn’t ironic how while Azns are tryna go white, Anglos are letting UV rays aim their radiation guns and shoot at their skin and let melanomas roam freely in their bloodstream just for their skin to go a TINY bit more black/brown. But sadly for azns, we do not have solariums and bronzers at our disposal, so what can we do? And that’s where ..
Just a little bit of hardcore white powder and cream will disguise your blackness and transform you from a fugly black sausage to white angel!* Try and buy nowwwwwww.
Jeez, who wants to put washing powder on their face anyway? It makes you look like a fkn ghost if you ask me, and all for what? Just so a couple of people will turn their heads and AHEM admire at your beauty? I swear, all azn chicks look the same these days anyway. I went to HMV the other day (which concluded with a bad quality VCD of LP live a few years ago for a lot of Yuans == cheapass azns tryna rip me off) and I saw all these CD covers with this random WHITEFACED AZN CHICK WITH FKN BIG BLACK EYES WITH A WANNABE CUTE FACE.
Ow, my eyes.
I think we desire a look that we don’t possess. Like azns for example, have vision that can be blocked by a single horizontal finger, so anyone that exceeds that size is considered “special” and “pretty.” So therefore we’re all peer-pressured to have a dying wish of possessing eyes the size of golfballs.
Wow, our society can be so harsh.
George. “Looking back at me, I know that you can see my heart is open to, the promise of a lifetime.”
*no guarantee of success.
Alrighteee. It’s blogspot reviving time courtesy of Tom and Jerry.
This week my family and I went to Batesman Bay to spend the week, and oh what do you know, along with 2 other asian family friends oh ho ho. So after we exchanged excited phone calls and drove to eachother’s houses, my sister and I sat on the front porch while 3 asian families crammed asian plastic stools, ricecookers, plastic bowls to make dough for dumplings, huo guo cooker thingies and countless other things into the boots of cars, while a bunch of anglo teenagers walked past snickering at our asian-ness. =.=’’
How was I to know the true fate beheld in this holiday. Here goes, as I recount the horrifying memories of Thursday morning, i.e BOXING DAY.
I walked sleepy-eyed into the bathroom after breakfast. I scratched myself absent mindedly as I felt a mere itch when… WHAT THE FUCK??? Is it me or has my armpit grown a seriously large waterbubble hanging by a mm of skin?
I ripped away the sleeve of my tanktop to examine the cause of the horrific sensation when, to my disgust and horror, I found a TICK half-buried on the EDGE OF MY ARMPIT. Now, fellow sgers, you may not be familiar with the term “tick”, as none of you live in such a suburban, bushy, organic area like me, but “tick”, as defines in ‘Australia’s most deadly and dangerous beasts’ by Bruce Thomson (Christmas present from parents a couple of years ago after the snake in my backyard incident), as: ticks are placed in the same animal class as spiders (arachida), but are in a different Order (Acarina) [o.O’’]. they are a species of blood-sucking acarid parasites of the suborder Ixodides, superfamily Ixodoidea. Most native animals act as hosts for ticks but introduced mammals, such as dogs, cats, and humans, have no immunity and die from infestation.
To add to that, as I tried to pull that stupid gay spider insect out of my armpit, I COULDN’T BECAUSE ITS HEAD WAS BURIED IN MY FLESH since it was in the process of INJECTING TOXIN into my bloodstream. Since I have had plenty of knowledge and wisdom about dangerous and deadly animals (courtesy of AUSTRALIA’S MOST DEADLY AND DANGEROUS BEASTS), I know that in the case of ticks, the best method of removal is to pull it out with tweezers. So after yelling at my dad to get the tweezers out of my family’s emergency first aid kit in the car, I accidentally ripped the fugly tick in half and had to go back and painfully tweeze the fangy things stuck on the edge of my armpit, while my grandma was standing there as the rest of the family was in panic, claiming that there was nothing to worry about as my eyes were probably just unfocused and it was only a “xue bao” (spot of blood) emerged fron inside my body. -__-‘’
That night I lay, wondering if I would wake up the next morning. My mind drifted back to how could I have possibly picked up a tick (since when a suitable subject comes past foliage, they detect its presence with an array of sensory receptors and either grab the host of fall onto them), when…
“AIYAH! Didn’t I sweep past those trees and bushes when I went into that bush thing to go to the toilet yesterday at that park?? “
Eurghh.. I’m never going to pee in the bushes ever again.
“ticks are often spotted feeding on the bloodstream in areas such as the groin, armpit, and often at a barrier.” (><’’)
“there are over 70 different species of ticks in Australia, but only 4 are the cause of major tick paralysis and human and animal death.’’ (WOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!) –faints in relief-)
Well I guess I over-reacted.
P.S I think the endless week of studying for yearlies has grown on me. Like, yesterday my dad was eating this banana that accidentally got left over before we went on the holiday for a whole week with black dots all over it, and while the whole family was staring at him apprehensively, he was like:
“zhen da! Hai ke yi chi da!”
[“really! You can still eat it!”]
“jiu shi you yi dian jiou wer”
[“it just has a bit of alcoholic taste]
Then I, with quick reaction and sound wisdom and knowledge:
“NO DON’T KEEP ON EATING THAT! The alcoholic taste is due to fermenting which is the acting of bacteria on the sugars in fruits…”
o.O’’ jerry =]
hope everyone grows in the hols.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Aww see? i even wrote it in christmas colours =]
okaiis. Tommy revived this blog enough =] cbb to blog more.
YOU FELLOW SG-ERS. IN CHINALAND OR WHATEVER. type up a blog on word. and send it to me.
this site needs reviving
&& im outt
Tommy =]
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Anger. Tears. Chain gangs. Cane gangs (?). PERSIAN WAR. This is the story- the story of trust and betrayal, love and vengeance. This is the lifestory of Soulgroup.
(2006-2007 AD)
We hardly slept a wink the night before the first day of highschool at OH LORD! BAULKHAM HILLS HIGH lah! Ah ni shi shang ballkumm hill mah? Wahh cong ming ah!
The restless year 7s would-be had already planned their next six years at baulkham hills high- to extend their educational ability to the max, never to be distracted by my appearance or conflicts with friends, EDUCATION= PRIORITY! Ah how we must study before starting school to get a head-start in the tense competition between students at this renowned academically rich school, not? Oh no, this size 12 skirt looks a bit too short and revealing… perhaps I should stick with the 16 to be on the safe side, like all the other girls. Ahh this bag looks slightly too small, oh dear maybe I should buy a bigger one to make sure I can fit all my textbooks in it? Oh yes, better not forget my hat tomorrow… (disgusting black flappy rimmed school one) I’m going to protect myself from UV rays! I must not use god’s name in vain. I must not use god’s name in vain. I must not use god’s name in vain.
-the next day-
WOW the big gym is so big! OH MY GO… gosh EEWW GROSS that guy from our school ACTUALLY HAS A MUSTACHE! EEEEEWWW that girl unbuttoned her second button –shields eyes- ahhhhhh so revealing.. aiyahhh all these people are swearing so badly. The S word.. even the F word! –faints-
I still remember the unfamiliar, lost feeling I experienced when we first sat down in the year 7 corner of the hall and had our first assembly. A black haired, kind of lynette lookalike with a little side fringe thing girl sat next to me. Her name was Betty Liu. She was my first baulko friend.
“And don’t forget to order your roses at lunch time this week for somebody special…”
“OHHHH” –insert gobsmacked/disgusted facial expressions at eachother- (wtf..)
MR SMITH: “And it comes to the point in time where everyone gets to the stage where you are educated about it… this term we will be learning about sexual intercourse and-“
-five minutes later- “Yes and when that happens it is called an erection-“
ROFLMAO I still remember that phase.
-a few weeks later into the first term-
“Hey you’re in my sewing class right? Oh can I take your sheets home so I can photocopy them coz I lost mine.” –looks up and sees random chick with mushroom hair and glasses talking to me-
“Yep sure, they’re at home, I’ll photocopy them and give them to you tomorrow”
And that was how the strong army forces consisting of busbuddies Lynette and Angela united.
Chicks started getting tired of seeing their 2 m long skirts in the mirror. It made their legs look so.. un-sexy. Black hair was so.. plain and dull. Fringes make everyone look prettier. Un-layered hair is so ew. Backpacks are so big and unfeminine.
And VOILA, that marked the outgoing of the EDUCATION=PRIORITY age.
(WTF ==”)
Lynette to angela: Hey wait a minute why is that lynette lookalike chick betty and anna laughing so loudly at the rumour? Omg they should start getting some proper friends, shouldn’t they Angela??
Betty to sidekick anna: wtf lynette better not start a rumour about me now just coz of her rumour with gary… coz my friends are good at bitchslapping
Lynette to secret spy emma ngai: well.. since I don’t have msn can you please tell betty that she should go get some friends…
Betty to friends: omg that angela chick has such mushroom hair
Lynette to secret spy emma: oh yes I nearly forgot, tell her that just because…
Oh yes. It was war between stormtroopers MUSHROOM ANGELA AND LYNETTE, and Nazis UGLY BETTY AND HER SIDEKICK ANNA!
-a few months later-
-Betty and Anna walks up to apprehensive sg {consisting of emma, eugenia, angela and lynette), and lynette and angela sideglance at eachother cautiously- "Oh my god they're pissing me off" Then, agreeing in frenzy, we all exploded into a deep conversation about "that fucking bitch" and "if she fuckign tries to... i will fucking..."
And that marked the unison of sg full version and they lived happily ever after =)
the end.
Monday, December 17, 2007
"Lawrence Leung"
" Joshua Lin"
" Y-?!YEE?! YING?! YING J-?!"
I quickly extend my hand and grabbed the hard, good quality, cardboard-like paper (most likely courtesy of Office Works - THE WORKS) with my sweaty hands to prevent enormous embarassment caused by Ms P saying my Chinese name another gazillion times. Slowly I squinted down the list of subjects and breathed a sigh of relieve as the list of straight A's came into view.
Oh wow, I'm such a nerd. 8)
I then glanced across the columns - Brings equipment:
Always, Well prepared for class:
Always, Demonstrates respect and responsibility:
Always. Always Always Always Al-WAIT A MINUTE!
Out of the 50 columns (dominated by 49 Always) my eyes lingered on AN BIG, UGLY, BLACK TIMES NEW ROMAN FONTED "
STARING RIGHT BACK AT ME, as though sniggering at me for getting such a horrid mark.
Huh? Sometimes? What could I do that is surely so unstandable to teachers.. ? I sometimes meets assignment/homework deadlines? Whaat?! WHEN HAVE I HANDED IN AN ASSIGNMENT LATE?
Exactly. And guess what subject I'm talking about?
Yes, thats right.
Oh so is this a payback now? For all the times in class we laughed at James' jokes and Arkash's way of saying "ockay!!" Just because not all of us enjoy the Chinese Pentatonic scale, doesn't mean that you can give us low marks for no reason. Oh sorry I'm not a member of the goalball committee. ==
LOLS. Anyways yeah today marks the distribution of reports. Today was also the day that I realise the true meaning of "asian black market" and "coke smuggling." LOL okay I shall say no more x)
Multicultural day was pointless. I mean, here we are, a group of asians EATING ASIAN FOOD. Very multicultural, non? I seriously don't know why I bother getting noodles, since I'll be living in that stuff for the next month or so..
My plane departs tomorrow morning so for all those wannabe hijackers out there - I own weapons of mass destruction so don't bother hijacking unless you wanna die in a horrendous way lols. * looks away..*
I'll miss you guys!! Meet up some place in China? Just not dark alleyways eeeehh .. only people like LITDN hangs there ..
I certainly hope that this has been a short and jocular conversation.
Peter Garret- wait no, GEORGE. xD
Saturday, December 15, 2007
And so another year ends .. it seems almost familiar .. the feeling of parting with the class and everyday life you've known so well. Another 24 hours, I'll be drenching in sweat of anxiety as Ms P yells out the name "YING JING LIU." I still remember last year, when Yazza had my report and then realised that it was the "other" Ying. xD
But this year's .. different. I think after spending 2 years with that special bunch of people, they start to grow on you. Yeah, there are sometimes- wait no, MOST OF THE TIME, when you're like " FK#$&** I HATE HIM/HER" and you just want that person to go smash themselves, but then when you think about it, will it really be a class without that person? Will it really be 8G?
I think I'll really miss my class next year.. and all those little things or moments in class that makes us who we are. Like when James asks a gazillion questions during Science, or when Ms H go " excuse me ___ are you awake?" - which is also now known as the "Domian Mode" xDD or when Justin starts scratching EVERYWHERE when he's doing public presentation, or complaining twice a week as we walk unwillingly into D3, or when Maybeth starts typing during exams and you can hear everying swearing under their breath.
" Okay is everyone ready? I will put this tape on and write down the meaning in ENGLISH NOT FRENCH"
- Presses start on the cassette player -" BONJOUR!! Quest-ce -
KERCHING KERCHING .. DINNGGGGGGGG"" So did everyone get that? Do you need me to play it again?"
I once read that,
when people come into your lives, they leave footprints on your heart and a part of them will always be with you.And in saying this, I would like to just .. THANKYOU 8G - for everything you've given me and making me into who I am today. Good luck for next year ..
Friday, December 14, 2007
But without you all I'm going to be is...
Incomplete.haha, remember backstreet boys? rofl. -thinks back to paint it black band names... BACKSEAT GIRLS?-
OMGSH (psht can't say the other one cos of that damn bet stupid pat made... "ohh you can't say OM*** because it's swearing!" -sees >_> nodding her head with enthusium-
Oh. Academic stuff again is it?
Well yes it is. And when you're dying in a damn selective school, plus scary Asian parents who expect you to get over 90 percent in each subject, i might as well go suicide before they come running after me with a knife.
Dammit. It’s nearly the end of term AGAIN. It feels like yesterday when it was still beginning of yr 7, when 180 little yr 7ners come walking cheerfully into the big gym, waiting for the distribution of timetables and finding out what class you were in. it still feels like the beginning of yr 8, when i remember… (Or was it some other day?) When jerry and me were late for school on the first day and wondered around B block trying to figure out where everyone one was. (haha i still remember Mr. J asking us from B16 or something "is dee assembly ovarr yett?")
Ahh. The memories.
And in another 2 months or so, it would be yr 9. Absolute hell. And if i thought yr 8 was bad... may as well go commit suicide before i go into yr 9. =/
OH WOE IS ME T_TOkaii. I should stop complaining now before this post turns into 1384 words of complaints.
Blehh. I feel so sick now. =/ i feel like im gonna throw up, and there’s this funny sort of feeling in my stomach =S. Ahh maybe its post-getting-reports fever. Ohh nonn =S
Which reminds me. There is approximately…
11 DAYS TO CHRISTMAS! The rest of you might be singing Christmas carols and getting ready to go to chinaland again (dammit i wanna go chinaland =[) and probably going...
“OHH CHRISTMAS IS NEAR! LET US CELEBRATE!” but let me tell you something that would probably shock you so much your eyes will come popping out of their sockets (joking. overexaggeration =D)…
SERIOUSLY. I hate the damn Christmas carols they play every time you walk into Myer; I hate the super big Santa heads they put over the door, I hate the Christmas trees all decorated with bells and crap like that, I hate the stupid Santa’s that sit at the end of Harvey Norman screaming “HOHOHO” on the top of his lungs. Three words:
Dammit. These Christmas holidays imma be stuck at home, spending endless hours on msn because of nothing to do (and i doubt anyone will be on because they're all overseas having the time of their lives), -looks at msn window and sees LITDN on-, trying to keep away from scary Asian parents who glare at you just cos you killed you’re yr 8 end of year report… oh and the list of boredom goes on…
Okaii. Tommy will now stop complaining and get off sg blog before she dominates it with her complaints/boredom.
Laters people.
Tommyy =]
∞ mission: impossible
Thursday, December 13, 2007
You're the colour, you're the movement and the spin. Could it stay with me the whole day long. fail with consequence, lose with elequence and smile. I'm not in this movie I'm not in this song. never leave me paralyzed, love. leave me hypnotized, love.
VEEEE SO PRETTY ! <3>And the diligent, plaited haired girl clambered up the tall steps of the stage, beaming in pride at the straight A’s achieved throughout the year. With sweating palms, she shook the principal’s calloused hands and groped for the polished golden tro-
Huh WHAT?? An A4 piece of reflex paper? Oh come on even my FOOD ON THE MOVE title page looks better than the principal’s award. Like last year they were lenient enough to let us keep the plastic sleeve that they were stored in before behind presented to us, and now… “oh sorry. The plastic sleeve will be tem cents thanks” (lol in primary old school there was chinese lessons and the bloody asian teacher told us that we had to have a plasitc sleeve to keep all our work together and she said that if we didn’t have one we could buy one off her for 10 cents- so fucking typically cheap)
WHAT IS WITH THE SCHOOL THESE DAYS? What happened to banners and medals you get for topping subjects? I think last year the awards were actually cardboard. Not some flimsy piece of paper which makes those fugly green merit things look like OSCARS. Humph.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 CONTROL ACTIVATE DAMIAN MODE!MISSION SUCCESSFUL! ohh ohh sorly demeeenn mole? dominian moe? mole? MOLE I SED KIF STORP TOKKING!!
which reminds me of the errmm HEM exciting encaptivating musical performance at rec addembly today >__> yes so entertaining that by the time they did the weird pointing guns at eachother thing at the end my sides were going to burst from laughing my arse off.
Now this may seem really random, but let me ask you: WOULD YOU BELIEVE ME IF I SAID I CUT THIS PICTURE OUT OF THE "AUSTRALIAN BALLET 2007"?
Feel the uncondtitional grace in those lines, feel the pride encompassed in her face alone. Experience the perseverance, the sacrifices, the pain behind that smile. 6 days a week. Homeschooling. Bleeding toes. Blisters.
On wednesday night i carpooled frantically with Jolene and Sandra to get hair and makeup done for the concert. And it was that night I realized the vastness of dedication of some people in the world to achieve their dream futures. Seeing her dance made me cry (nearly). And it just made me think about how diverted our lives are at the moment when in the end, it's not the essay on "characterisitcs in the 'power of one'" or the maths yearly exam paper that ends up counting in later life. In what ways does the textbook enrich your relationship with those around you, enlighten the way you interact with them, which is what life is about? Isn't it about the pursuit of happiness? Doing what you want?

Why is it that no other person in the ballet academy can dance like that? Because these days external committments are forced upon the young people of today, soley because "they are expected to know these things when you grow up". (psh, approximately 200 hours wasted on english and i still haven't learnt anything except for the meaning of hyperbole)
Compare that ^ to errr =.=''
LOL THAT PIC MAKES ME LAUGH. What a retard wtf seriously --''
Hi I’m George. Welcome to my jungle. *Points to Collaroy Centre*Hahhahaha I’m so lame..
“ I don’t laugh at lame jokes. They’re lame.” Sorry Jerry. xD
So today marks the official ending of year 8 camp at Collaroy, aimed to build self esteem, character and teamworking skills. Yeah yeah, it’s one of those camps where they try to get you to make more friends but you just turn out to hang with the same people again. You know, that’s what I used to think, until now..
Lemme tell you how three days went so quickly ..
DAY 1OHH OHH WHAT TIME IS IT?!?! *glances at clock and relived that it’s still 7:30am* thankgod that I haven’t slept in and don’t have to run alongside the bus all the way to Collaroy.. Or else I will end up with massive guns that will rip my shirt at the slightest movement of my biceps, or triceps? Haha I dunno which is which .. kinda explains why I’m here and not on “ It’s Academic” like Jonorffen. xDD But MOVING ON ..
So then I sprinted frantically to school, half dragging my three huge bags and half trying to clip back my fringe. Then, GUESS WHO COMES TO MY RESCUE?! It’s Jerry with her HAT! =DDDDD Then the teachers gave us the whole “ muck around and we’ll phone your parents” lecture and then off we go, the wheels of a bus go round and round ..
We arrived at Collaroy and discovered that ..
YES, we’re going to the beach, but
NO, we’re not swimming.
EHHHH .. dot dot dot..In the arvo we did abseiling and high ropes, which was pretty fun in my opinion =) What’s long and black and red? The ropes of a harness! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING ? xDD
We then moved into our cabins.. they were pretty roomy, except REALLY STUFFY. I mean, the window is wide open yet still the air inside is all hot and humid. WDF where is the science in that? Look at it logically according to the law of heat transfer, warm air suppose to escape to the outside where the cool air is due to convection!
=____= I always knew Science Focus and Tracks were rigged.
So instead of sleeping on the bunk beds like normal people, Trang, Lucy, Florence and I decided to sleep on the ground and dragged four mattresses onto the ground. And our shower had a chair in it? oO”
After dinner was night activities, and thankgod it wasn’t another lame PG rated horse movie for 6 year olds like in year 7 camp. We just got in a circle and played couple of games, with Jason, Vinni, Vru and me onto the whole “ 32.5 degree gangster hats” xD Eh yes, I’m going through a “gangster phase” ..
But obviously as we came to find out, we weren’t the only one in toesocks *looks at Conneckshun with his lazer eyes*I mean, how would you like it if you were walking PEACEFULLY with your friend, then suddenly LAZER EYES come x-raying you from head to toe like some dude from Matrix =\
We returned to cabins after the games, and got stuffed on chocolates courtesy of Florence. And all the insects seems to be attracted to Anna ..
Everyone else: Eurghh
- Fred grabs her plastic bags and catches the beetle, and goes outside to throw it away, only to come face to face to Mr Nesbit –
Mr N: Anna what are you doing?
Fred: there’s a beetle ..
Mr N: Okay now go inside, I need my beauty sleep.
- Anna comes back in and announces –
Fred: Mr Nesbit says he needs his beauty sleeeep!!
Me and Jerry: WHERE WHERE WHERE? *shines our super-energy-saving torches in order to TRACK MOTHS*
- Silence .. –
Florence and I ended up staying until 1am. We normally talk a lot so we didn’t realise that WE WERE THE ONLY ONES AWAKE and the only reason other people weren’t saying anything is cos THEY ARE ASLEEP. = And it’s so weird that guys sleep so early .. who sleeps at 11pm at camp ? oO”
Surfing and body boarding in sub-zero temperature.. surfing just involved paddling out, or in Fred’s case, getting whammed FOUR TIMES IN A QUICK SUCCESSION by 70.5 cm waves, and then clinging onto your board for dear life while your instructor place you in just the right position. The waves come crashing along and OFF YOU GO, zooming towards land with this distant sound of your instructor shouting “ STAND UP, STAND UP!”
Slowly I placed my knees on my surfboard, and realised that WOW I’M ACTUALLY BALANCING! =D But then .. as I tried to stand up .. I plunged into the cool water and watch this cloud of sand forming a avalanche in front of my very own eyes while the salt water find it’s way through my nasal cavity. BEE TEE ALERT! Just like the Chinese meaning of my name eh?
The “hike” took place after dinner, which I THOUGHT consisted of climbing rocks and high mountains, crossing rapid-flowing rivers, going through thick bushlands with mosquitoes attacking you every two seconds. BUT it turned out to be a walk along the beach and then up the hill.. which is actually pretty okay since it was kinda cool and the scenery up the top of the headland is quite pretty and peaceful .. in my opinion anyway. the top and Vru took a picture of us all sitting on the rock while Eric shone the torch light from below his face telling AHEM horror stories LOL ..
Jerry and I brought along our multifunctional kinetic-energy-into-light/heat-energy torches! I walked with some of the guys while Jerry and Fred walked together.. AHEM FULLY MUSCULAR SHOULDER STRENGTH AY JERRY >__>
LOL xD It was kinda weird since people were saying “ omgsh everyone’s coupling up!” Even Ms M and Mr N .. >__>
So after around 2 hours, we arrived back at campsite with nothing to do. Me and Flo then walked around in order to find my torch which SOMEONE took and then found out there was a SUPERBAD MOVIE PREMIERE SCREENING in Jason’s cabin, thanks to Johnny’s laptop LOL .. so then me and Flo, along with 20 other people, crammed into that small cabin, munching on chips, attempting to watch that movie.. which was kinda sucky since chicks aren’t suppose to be in guys’ cabins, and whenever the door opened me and Flo would jump into one of the cupboards to hide .. AND THE CUPBOARD I SAT IN ALSO WAS WET! STUPID WET PATCH ON MY ARSE =(
We end up ditching the movie since someone came and told us that Mr N was ONLY FOUR DOORS AWAY FROM THAT CABIN. =SSS
DAY 3Ecochallenge day! We had heaps of freetime in the morning so me and Jerry went and played soccer with Eric, Thomas, Yoosung, Vinni, William and Vru. We then walked back for the ecochallenge in that bright sunny day, a day where seemingly nothing could darken your spirits, when suddenly ..
DUN DUN DUN OH THE HORRORRRR! SCARRED FOR LIFE.Needless to say, Jerry and I were TRES disgusted, non?
Ecochallenge was just trying to do as many activities to gain points as possible .. we ended up coming third, which is pretty awesome for an all chick, non-tank group.
Bus trip home with Fred = not very appealing LOL. Kiddings ^^
You know I think camp really brings people closer to others .. it’s made me realise how different people are to what I think they were like before .. I think we truly see another side, perhaps an inner side to many people, and that’s what makes camp so great.
∞ greetings
Monday, December 10, 2007
Someone save me from the isolation/boredom/lonerisation gawddamit!
Noooo. I am so bored. –Looks at msn window and sees LITDN on-
Hm. Wonder why SHE isn’t going to camp.
Okaii. Onwards.
Well, last night, dad was using the computer to find houses online that we could rent IF we moved to Kingsford (gawddamit imma have to wake up at like 5 in the morning to catch bus to central station, then train to epping and then bus to school ==) and then SUDDENLY.
“ohh Mcafee viruscan has detected a potentially unwanted program (PUP)”
name: Spyware juansearch
You have 3 choices:
1. remove this program
2. trust this program
3. close this alert.
AND THEN.. oh here goes..
ANNNGG-QEEE-LAHHH!! What do I do now lahh??
Geez. Just when I was in a bad mood he had to go and bug me. Well, naturally, I got up from the potter marathon I was having and clicked the “remove this program” button and then OK. Guess what happened next? ==
And there was my dad looking at me suspiciously and going.. “HUHH WHAT IS HAPPENINGG?”
Pfft. Ghey macaffeee viruscan thingys that don’t WORK.
Geez it happens everytime. You press the “remove this program” thing and then suddenly the Internet page you’re on just automatically closes itself.
Damn Macaffeee. Shouldn’t it be already GONE? Damnn computer/viruscan that doesn’t even WORK.
its been raining in australia because the sky’s crying
cos BOB left us.
LOL – sees jerry shaking her head and going “I hate lame jokes. They’re lame”-
Come back soon =]
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Hello my fellow Australians!! I wonder who this is…
Anyway, I’m in Canada at the moment, and since you’re all at camp having the time of your lives, I thought that I should blog, since TOM has been bugging me about it for zonks. And… the grammar is like, PERFECT because I’m typing on Word, due to WONDERFUL internet access. *cough*
So, after a 28 hour plane trip, I thought, “oh great! Finally I’m there and I can relax in the sun, drinking smoothies, eating ice-crea-” Only to find that it was SNOWING NONSTOP and that it was 0 degrees outside. And to make it EVEN better, everything here is like unreadable because it’s such a China look alike. You see, I walk to the “mall” and look around, expecting to see t-shirts and jeans etc. but instead, TO MY HORROR I find Chinese traditional clothing with all the frilly things hanging down. My relatives probably thought I really liked it (hence my mouth hanging open for 10 minutes), because they were like, “OH. You like that? I buy for you!” Which took me another 10 minutes to explain to them that I actually thought it looked despicable, and wouldn’t wear that even if I died.
Oh man, I made Canada sound really terrible. It’s not really THAT bad, I think. Just yesterday (which would have been your today, since the time is so weird and demented and its 16 hours behind), I went to this random shopping mall where everyone said that it was just PERFECT to buy souvenirs. So me, as a excited person, jump ALL the way to the shop, only to find that they only sold TV’s and laptops and EVERYTHING IN BULK. What was I meant to buy? A TV for each of you? Sheesh, people here exaggerate things SO much to make it sound good…
But… there are some good things. For example, there are like… 800 TV channels here!! =) So now, my daily Canadian life consists of sitting in front of the TV, waiting for my shows to go on. Except for the fact, that SOME people are SO inconsiderate and make me watch this random MANDARIN thing, knowing full well that I can’t understand it.
And must I say that plane TV is heaps good. But not when the person in front of you leans back 90degrees, so all you can see is their hair.
Anyway, I hope you all have a fun time at camp SURFING, whilst I’ll be here… waiting for the temperature to reach 2 degrees. Miss you!
<33 bob.
Hey guys
It's not my turn to blog but I thought that I would write a very short one to say:
Arhaha! I'm not lying. It hailed! Yesterday! It was so fun. My dad let us [me and bro] go outside since the hail was like miniature. On one condition. We had to wear hats. You're probably thinking PFFT that's nothing. It's just a HAT.
But oh no, I had to wear those widely-brimmed, made-out-of-dried-straw-looking-like-stuff, old lady-ish type of sun hat. ><
So we went out with hats and an umbrella watching the hail. It was awesome! It was so noisy and when it stopped, we went to pick it up. My back yard went from green to green with white polka dots. Haha.
Our neighbour parked her car under our big big tree so, my dad was talking to my mum and he was like, I told her to move her car because it might hail and she said it doesn't matter and then the hail started and she IMMEDIATELY rushed to move her car. Haha.
My dad's collegue called and guess what? It hailed where he was too. But the size of miniture marbles? No, more like golf balls. His office car's windows had been shattered. =0 Lucky he had insurance! xP
Anyways, did it hail near any of you guys' places? It was so cool. =D
Have fun at camp!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Yupyup, Tommy's blogging again =]=]
Seriously. What was I think back then? mann. No swearing until the end of the term just for a MERE THREE BUX (Stupid pat wouldnt raise the price to 5 bux xPP) donated to my lonsdale shopping spree? DOH. oh it amazes me at how stupid i can be ==
ok. well the bet is:
Pats already volunteered 3 bux (grrr. it's meant to be
every 5 bux counts pat, not 3 !!). BUTTT. I NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS/BET BUDDIES/WHATEVERR. WHOOOO ELSE? 5 BUX. 5 BUX EVERYONE. awww c'mon. see. look on the bright side. IF i swear before the end of the term, (haa that's an IF) then you people earn.. 5 bux! great eyy? (but then on the other hand if i DONT swear before the end of the term you LOSE 5 bux. >_> WELL WE WON'T GO INTO DETAILS =])
LOL. Remember, SG, the time when we were all into superstitions and ohh "if you sneeze someones talking about you" and ohh if you se "4:44 then someones... Talking bad? about you" (stupid bet==). LOL. Well. Before you guys all go... OHH I SAW 4:44 3 DAYS IN A ROW =OO SOMEONES JINXING ME (ahem george ahem) well. i have something to confess..
LOL. i got that 4:44 and 11:11 thing from ASIAN DRAMA.
-sees you guys staring at the screen in horror because you thought that someone was trying to jinx you and you've been worrying about nothing all the that time-
ehehe. whoops ><><><
and onwards we go.
AHHH. OH WHAT THE HELL. i hate textiles. i hate textiles. i hate textiles sooooo much. and i hate mrs la8jkdsf. pfft. Geez. Now i have to waste like, ONE DAY OF MY LIFE stuck at Spotlight CASTLE HILL -glares- trying to find cotton material for less then 3.99 A METRE (cheapo school) for that STUPID TOP THAT WE'RE MAKING NEXT YEAR.
Of all the people they kicked out, why did they have to kick out ME? Seriously. it's probably cos my last name starts with Z or something. cos freddie got kicked out too and HER last name starts with Y.
YET. George and Jerry didn't get kicked out probably cos their last name starts with L & Q.
DAMNNN. i hate having a surname starting with Z == seriously.
Okaii. let me stop complaining.
MAN. We like. spent so long practicing for i will remember you, and then...
yes. stupid Mrs. P had to go... "ohhh sorry girls. martin auditioned first and so im gonna let him have a go at performing" ====
she didn't even bother to listen to OUR audition. i bet, I WILL REMEMBER YOU will probably PWN a TROMBONE DUET ANYDAY.
I hope they stuff their stupid trombone duet up == or, at the LAST MINUTE his stupid trompone stuffs up because he's been hardcoring to much. Trombones sound ugly. ==
OK. Enough of my complaining.
I'm out
Tommy =]
∞ Webcam Horror =O
Don't you guys just hate webcams?Yeah I know, you can see people when they're miles away and yadayada it's so kool in technology BUT LET ME TELL YOU.
If you're like me, and have a tendency to SMILE STUPIDLY at the computer, then a webcam convo is exactly what you DO NOT NEED. Okay, here's the scenario - you are sitting comfortably in your chair and reading information from this wonderful site (oh whaddaya know,
http://www.s2-sg.blogspot.com/ .. no dnt click on it losers, you're on it already) when suddenly those annoying IM bars starts flashing in that bright orange colour and the oh-so-familiar sound of DOO DOO DOO comes vibrating from your speakers. Oh, it's one of your friends going " HEY LETS DO WEBCAM ! =D"
Oh, my mind explodes into a million pieces as my eyes travel over the letters.. W E B C A M. Oh non non non je n'aime pas webcam, merci.
So then, you waste all this time trying out excuses to NOT use webcam, when finally you give in to the persisting. Dammit, this is where the horror starts =OO
So there you are, watching a moving image of yourself move in SLOW MOTION because of the lagging, and watch while your friends are staring blankly in confusion and amusement going"hey are you okay? You look stonned.. "
And then when it finally start to flow smoothly again, you continue your reading of some other website or another convo, and then comes across something amusing, AND STARTS GRINNING STUPIDLY AT THE SCREEN. And then suddenly you realise that the webcam is still on and your friend on the other end is deciphering whether you're laughing at them or whether you're just plain speddy like that dude in Dumb and Dumber. ==
I will not even mention what happens when parentals come in. =\
So, therefore :. (three dots) WEBCAMS <>_>
*deep breathe and takes a sip of water*
Sigh, what happened to those old days when we learnt to "never judge a book by it's cover" or "judge someone else by the standard you judge yourself" ? Have those wise sayings been going down the drain like the grass on our school oval?
Think about it.
George the Elf.
Yes he's real cos I believe. =)
( I think Jerry is probably reading this with ultimate disgust. xD )
This morning when I was walking to the bus stop which is only about 200 metres away, I counted exactly 4 plops of dog faeces and 5 dried up worms. They poos were quite fresh as well because, as we learnt in science, flies lay their eggs in dead material after the animal has died. But in this case, after the faeces were expelled out of the dog's anus? I don't even remember all that science knowledge I had. ==" Stupid dog owners who don't clean up after their dogs. Do they expect that the bacteria and stuff will decompose it anyway so they don't need to clean it up? How disgusting. They should at least kick it to the side of the road where it can be fertiliser for the trees.
And on the subject of roadkill. There always seems to be something interesting on the road. A bit flat, but nevertheless interesting. Like that nearly-a-metre-long goanna. It was just lying there on the middle of the road. And then,..
A car crushed it.
ZOOM. Another car flipped it over.
ZOOM. Flip.
ZOOM. - rolls around like it's made of rubber -
Oh, I don't see the top half of it anymore. As the car speeded past, I could see a whitish object stuck onto one of its tyres..
And then there was the turtle/tortoise.
OH! I see a turtle/tortoise on the road. Let's go look at it. (And bring it back to eat!!) Oh yes! Let's go!!But then along sped this car and then ZOOM.
CRUNCH...We can still eat the roadkill..?
What the heck, something just flew on me and I thought it was a speck of a meteor. But then it turned out to be one of those little bugs that are always flittering around the lights. Oops, I aciddentally flicked it into the holes between the keys on my laptop.. ><"
Tomorrow we have the Chinese school presentation day! =D I get to see Wing-Ki singing with a bunch of little 5-year-olds! My class is singing Jingle Bells in Chinese? But the teacher only knew 2 lines so we're repeating them over and over? Lame~
I like...straight people?! o.0"
Stupid chinese stinky healing quality potion-like substance kept in a 2 cm bottle. My dad always spreads it on me when he uses it to put on his mosquito bites for fun AND HE JUST SMEARED IT ALL OVER MY BLOODY UNDER THE NOSE AREA so now I have this disgusting burning acidic sensation and I cant smell the cooking ==.
Anyhows, FUCK MAN whats with the erratic weather these days?? Stupid global warming. Ok, this afternoon I was walking along the road normally and when the rain and lightning began I was so scared I was gonna get hit like that person who got struck by lightening at the beach that I was RUNNING past the electric poles and then: all clear –starts walking again-, WAIT NO POLE ALERT –sprints past next pole-
Ahh what ==. I’ve got such a big phobia for loud noises. Yes I KNOW I KNOW don’t laugh I was born with this errr –glances through science tracks- physical adaptations >____>
· I’m so fucking scared of party poppers that I have to cover my ears at parties while everyone is like “YAAAAYYY POPPERS!!” and I have never popped on in my whole life.
· I used to be scared of poppable bubblegum..
· I’m scared of fireworks
· I’m scared of little kids playing with fat party balloons, so next time you see me squinting in apprehension at a party don’t go wtf.
Hehe last year when we had to do that electrical wired electric shock thing where there was a blue spark I got so freaked out I didn’t do it when we were all meant to have a go =]]. O yeh and I was too scared to contribute to our hydrogen testing popping taper experiment coz.. yeh =DD. OH MY GOD WTF you know in the textbook with the prac that you follow it goes “place lighted taper in testtube. Observe results”
WHAAATT WHAT IF BOB hadn’t been at school and I, and innocent girl who strives to achieve her best did it thinking that the flame would turn green or something?? =.=’’
I would like to take this opportunity to remind the public of their owed duties to their own friends once again. *DEATHGLARES*
gonna go and get some shut eye after that exhausting match to which I contributed so much. Yes.
jerry <3 sg
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
“Raindrops are falling on my head, pit-ter pat”
It was raining ‘cats and dogs’ right before our lunch time. We were doing role plays in the hall and when it came time to leave…that’s when our adventures began…
Tom and I looked at the huge puddle right there before us, the only obstacle between us and Bus 4, which would take us to the ice rink. We glanced at each other with puzzled expressions as neither of us knew how to cross the deep pool of muddy water. We took a deep breath and started wading our way through the dirty water. As we took our first step, we thought ‘Well this isn’t so bad’ But, we should have never ‘counted our chickens before they hatched’. As we took our second step, the water became deeper and we started to wonder whether we should turn back. On the third step, we were halfway to the other side when we thought…’too late’ for the water had started leaking it’s way through the holes in our sneakers. I then realised that the probability of the where the water was going to be the deepest, was in the middle. (Who designed the school’s pathways so that the path would slant in so all the water would flood?! Oh yes, great ‘architecturing’).
We found refuge on the ramp leading to C block and felt relieved that the worst was over, but as we looked to the quad that we were about to cross, we became aware that the worst was only just beginning…
The whole quad was flooded. Even more than that of the pathway we had just bravely, made our way over. We gazed over to the other ramp, where Jerry, George and Fred had found shelter under and saw that they were removing their shoes. So we quickly started to do the same. Taking an even bigger breath than last time, we started to step our way through the almost-knee-deep water. It was cold, muddy, dirty, horrible, uncomfortable, bad, icky, gross, disgusting and wet. Step by step we tackled the water pushing against the non-existent current and bypassed a twig being sucked into the drain creating a whirlpool. When we reached the other side, we ran to the toilets and started drying ourselves off. To our disgust, out shoes and socks were soaking wet with rain/dirty water. While we pondered on what to do, Tom reminded me that we have to catch our bus to ice skating. Hurriedly, we decided on just wearing our shoes and not our drenched socks.
Upon arrival at Norwest, we ran- correction: we couldn’t run due to our sore feet so we hobbled- to the ice skating toilets and attempted to dry our shoes and socks under the hand dryer. FAIL. It proved no use as everything was still wet. Throughout the hour that we were at the rink, we constantly ran to the seats, to rest our tired and sore feet, or to the toilets to re-attempt to dry our shoes. (You see, by now I had given up on my socks) In the end, we just hobbled our way back onto the bus and found a form of relaxation called listening-to-high-school-musical-songs. (Tom’s idea, not mine, I repeat, NOT mine)
Oh, what an adventure!