Tuesday, October 30, 2007
"When I draw this fleeting breath,
When my eyelids close in death."
Hey, just wondering, how sad would you be if you knew that you were never going to see your family and friends again? Like that ad about lung cancer and how she knew she was going to die. I know everyone has some time in their life that they just hate their parents or siblings. But can you imagine your life without them? I can't. Some people are like, Yeah! Life without parents telling you what to do would be great!. But is it?Isn't it weird that you never know when you will die. But everyone has to eventually. This isn't something you think about everyday. You go about your life without thinking that you could die anytime. Tomorrow, you could be hit by a car. Even tonight, you could be in a traffic accident that claims your life.Don't worry cos I'm not emo. It's just something that I was thinking about and how weird it is that nobody really thinks about it daily. So, I've decided that I'm going to appreciate my family more. Some people have lost a family member. And, try to make the most of my life. "..like the mayfly..."Just think though, wouldn't it be cool if you knew that there was somewhere for everyone to go after death. If there was a hero or someone who could raise people from the dead? A perfect world where you could reunite with your family and your friends. Would you want to end up there? But...Is there such a place?
∞ hi dearies =D
Well Dearies…
Currently replacing Bobbyboy this week cos she has some “urgent” matters to attend to. (eg. rushing home to watch half an hour of The Shak and then rushing off at 4:30 somewhere o_O)
I swear, ever since I came home, my right eye looks like it just got punched too, and now it looks like I was in a fight and got two black eyes. Red-and-swollen eyes rather. Blehh horrible. And parents haven’t been a great comfort too.
Mum: -examines closely- OHH NONONO, I think it is because you no have enough sleep and you use computer too much lahh! Nothing to worry about, nothing to worry about you sleep early today.. ah I think 9pm you sleep today very good time!
== As if. I have enough sleep already. Practically three- quarters of my life is gonna be devoted to sleeping xO
Ayy time goes so fast…
Ok. Back to business.
And so the day started off with my looked-like-it-got-punched left eye and me trooping off like a half panda (o.O) to history.
Wahhh Learning about who/what/when/why the stupid Spaniards conquering the Aztecs is boring. I mean, WHO CARES?
Aztecs did human sacrifice >> Cortez came along and dumb Aztecs thought he was a god of some sort >> Cortez conquered Aztecs >> Aztecs stopped human sacrifice >> Cortez forced them to turn Christian >> Aztecs turn Christian >> Aztec start to rebel >> Spanish + Aztecs = war >> Aztecs are killed >> Spanish conquer land etc, >> Aztecs died out and everyone is happy. Except the Aztecs, of course.
There you go. Whole term studying that kind of crap when we could be learning something PRODUCTIVE for once ==
English was just as un-productive as history == spent the whole period checking out ME AND FREDDIEBOYS (mine and Freddieboy’s? Freddieboy’s and I?) ROFL PRO FEATURE ARTICLE xDD
BEWARREEEEE XDDROFL. And then you see George and jerry’s EYE ENLARGEMENT ads and that “George and jerry’s homemade concoction” xD. English is fun, non?
Not ==
Spent recess taking photos of the JETSTAR pose xD we have so much fun at recess Arhaha.l
FRENCHH. ARHAHA ROFL GEORGE HAD TO SIT OUT TODAY XP and I was pointing and laughing cos she looked lonerated in the corner.
HAHAHAHAA noooo =.=
Played this random game with French words and shit… and everyone was like
When the winner only gets a…
Sticker. ==
Arhaha I got an apple =D can’t find it now though =[
Hahaha very ==
Did some random sheets with minor & non-minor trinomials and then spent the rest of the lesson telling pat not to kill my camera >_>
Futsal > Goalball yes?
ROFL after futsal I felt like something sweet. And cold. I FELT LIKE SPRITE GEORGE! Nudgnudgewinkwink rofl xD
Omfg what a pointless/boring post =.=’
Arhaha during lunch we were talking about scars and the FRIGHTENING YET INTERESTING TRUTH BEHIND ALL THOSE SCARS. Rofl I was on a high.. xD
I won’t even bother to go into the rest of the day ==
∞ carlingford chinese restaurant
Thursday, October 25, 2007
There was a girl with fucking socks under her eyes blinking herself awake, only to find that
No, you couldn’t describe them as “triple” More like the second eyelid somehow broke up into 2 creases and intersected one another. LOL MATHS. Anyway, it looked tres disgusting like I had just been hungover due to the fact that my left eye which is always perfectly fine was normal and my RIGHT EYE was SOO SMALL LIKE.. LIKE BAYU STYLE since the intersecting eyelids were pushing onto my eyeball and obscuring my vision.
So I was already like a minute behind schedule (seriously- a few seconds makes a difference on my watch since I always get to the train station exactly a few seconds before the train comes), and thinking “ahh I must look so stupid and weird with one puffy eye”, I looked in someone’s car window to see how stupid I looked, and then in the far distance, I saw a silver vehicle spurring out of the station and out of sight. -_____- WTF???
Then, telling myself that nothing dramatic had happened ( I have this pshyciatric thing where I can always put myself in a state of mind in which something majorly disastrous has occurred and I pretend nothing has happened), I walked calmly to the station and waited for the next train, and by the time I got to the bustop, it had already LLEFFFFTTTT!!!!
So I sat on the bench feeling forlorn and vulnerable, in the vast emptiness of grey dying of pneumonia in the wind.
A little blue bus came into sight, and the familiar big-handed green figure of JONATHAN SIEH came tottering and jumping out of the front door. And we waited there. And the sun became harsh and burning. The leaves became golden and showered over the pavement. The snow flakes came, tumbling down. The roses began to bloom. And THERE CAME THE 611!!
(at this point in time we had waited nearly an hour)
Thinking it would take us all the way to school, I snuggles into the warm seat until…
“you DO know that we have to get off at oakes road right? “ (refers to this bustop in the middle of the m2)
so then, greeted by the harsh wailing winds and the loud roarof truckes wooshing past on the motorway, we sat in wait for a 610. And the sun became harsh and burning. The leaves became golden and showered over the pavement. The snow flakes came, tumbling down. The roses began to bloom. AND THERE, CAME A BUS!!! 6... 61... 618???????
Thinking that we would reach school faster by walking from the m2 to baulkham hills via the MOTORWAY WITH 6 LANES rather than waiting for a bus, thats what we did.
We looked right. We looked left. We saw our escape route. we ran across the road and leaped over the cement fence to the safety of the footpath- that is, what we first THOUGHT to be a footpath. But oh? isn't there something peculiar about this path? Why it became narrower and narrower until it ended a few metres from where we were standing! Surely not a footpath!?!
Then, this man with a scary face drove by in a cleaner truck device yelling at us in a kind of nice way about how a MAN GOT RAN OVER HERE A COUPLA WEEKS AGO and if he was a policeman he would CHARGE AND ARREST US for illegally walking along the motorway. Dissapointed and scared, as we seemed a bit out of place in green flouro shirts in the middle of the highway, we crossed the road back to safety, andsmartly decided to go UNDERGROUND VIA THE SUBWAY which lead to a suburban suburb, trying to follow a road which seemed parallell to the m2.
but nooooo... after a few hundred yards we were greeted by intersection after the next, going upwards at a 50 degree angle, eventually gong in the OPPOSITE DIRECTION. undertaking the merciless trek back to the landmark; ''CARLINGFORD CHINESE RESTAURANT'', we drained the reamaining ounces of energy left in our bodies, and plopped back onto the familiar metal benches when...
VROOM VROOM! There illuminated in the rising sunlight was the 610!!
we got to school just in time for recess, and lived happily ever after.
I had lived to tell the tale.
Lynette Christian Anderson.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Instead of recounting the day, I shall ATTEMPT to write about other stuff.You know, today at iceskating we spent like $5 on 1 packet of chicken chips and 1 cup of Fantastic noodles. And we shared it all. It's SO SO expensive especially as none of us were full afterwards. It's so weird how in Year 4, you would go to the school canteen to buy an iceblock which would cost like 50 cents and you thought that it was SO expensive but you reach high school and EVERYTHING in the canteen is like $2.00! Everything is increasing in price too. The Big Chocolate Chip Cookies were like $1.80 or something and gradually they are now $2.20. At least they were the last time I checked...Enough about commerce...That reminds me...we got a new teacher for our Wednesday Commerce class. He was said to be really REALLY mean and strict and he got George and Fred in troouble last year so when he came in the door, everyone was like immediately silent. Then, George was like frantically getting out her book and sitting with great posture. xPOh, by the way, Jerry, we told you it was really scary at recess right? Well, I guess we kind of forgot to tell you that we were joking. He's actually nice and makes jokes a lot. Plus, the other classes that have him say that he's not mean at all! Hey, anyone know how to re-toilet train a 1 year old Maltese?? Yes, my dogs being really naughty and my dad is threatening to give him to these family friends who already have a Maltese dog that's like...ancient. If ANYONE has any advice, please please help. And my dad is apparently going to "talk" to me and my bro tonight about it. Bummer! He's gonna try and convince us to give my dog away. =(Anyway hope I didn't bore you too much. ><PaT.
Monday, October 22, 2007
sorryyy. didnt blog last week. so here goes, yeh?
FLIES!!! today was so infested wit flies.. yuck. so thanks to jerry's wonderful idea, we became "pro" fly killers. now, if you all walk to the sg area, yu will see about.. 1 million flies with one wing.. oh what a sight! =)
history-- "now, is that a man or a woman?" errr MAN!! "actually, its a woman".. gonna full fail the sources test which is non studyable.. which reminds me.. of.. maths ><'' we spent the whole time figuring out our.. yearly marks, which is probably wrong.. cos i will full get degraded cos of class mark..
G_ _ _ _ R sucks. "burple muck". stinks.
oh, thank goodness we got to do futsal today. I LOVE GOALBALL. its my fav sport... *coughcoughspluttersplutter* today on the bus, anna was being fat and taking up all my space. JENNY CRAIG, here she comes! kidding.
french.. george's persuading skills!!! =] "c'est trop cher!!! AH NON MONSIEUR!!!! C'EST UN BONNE AFFAIR.. *ahem* 13 euros.. T^T french tests back` jerry got SO guddd!!!! compared to .. ermm.. some people.. nemeh.
sorry, paragraphs are so short. english-- so gangster.. hmm.. in the library. so weird.. get one person and everyone else comes too? thats my definition of
tralalalalala^^ zomgsh. so much homework. sewing, woodwk, english, everything.
cyuuu`z gtg do hwww yucks. sorry foh boring post. keke.
luf bobbbb {not BOBBIN, BOBBYBOY, BOBBY etc}
∞ music to my ears .
I miss .. people.
Sometimes I think you don't really realise how much difference they made to your world until they're miles away. I always thought whenever people come into our lives, they leave a handprint in our hearts forever and a part of them are always with you, no matter whatever happens as we go on ..
Where are you now? As I'm swimming through the stereo, I'm writing you a symphony of sound .. "--
Listening to "Promise- Matchbook Romance" at the moment .. again .. You know how you used to be so obssessed with a song .. and then new songs come out and slowly it fades away .. but once you hear it again, it brings back how you were feeling at that time .. and you love the song all over again ..
" Would you take my hand, and never let me go .. promise me you'll never let me go .. "LOL REMEMBER 'MONSTERS' Tom ?
And now all we have on radio these days are songs like " ohhh walking in a straight line .. " and some 17 yr old chick singing about Ping Pong .. psht grow up. And then all people can write about these days is about " ohh I don't miss you cos loving you was a mistake . " Like it's just makes you scream GET OVER IT. And the lyrics just .. kills the art of the music. What happened to the good old days when John Lennon was sitting in his giant mansion playing on a white grand piano singing "Imagine" ? xD BRING BACK OLD SCHOOL !
Sorry, I left that post last night too late .. well here is the sequel =D
For once .. I don't really know what to say. Kinda get sick of lame jokes and yeah .. the past week has been .. restless? Perhaps it's getting back into rhythm again. The piano is in 13 days. UNLUCKY NUMBER =O You're gonna die in 13 days .. no wait .. that's 7 days. My bad ><
Sometimes it makes me wonder if people actually mean it when they go "ILYILY." Like, to them, is ILY just another 3 letter word, or is it just something .. so much more ..
Pah 'nuff of retarded ghey things. Paint It Black's first ever public photoshoot was on today ! In the .. library .. And while onlookers were smiling happily - laughing hysterically - at our awesome wannabe rock band poses, we were busy pretending to look as MCR as possible, which we kinda failed miserably in the end. xD
Aishhh and now Jerry and I are working on our ad.
G for Gangster, G for George.
Friday, October 19, 2007
~Everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today, love today, love todayYO PEOPLE.
ok. I shall now stop making a fool of myself by attempting to sound gangsterr.
Arhaha from now on Tommy shall take care of the weekends and make sure you people all get entertainment instead of being killed by boredom. xD. DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP TOO HIGHH THOUGHH XD
I should stop referring to myself in third person.
Time goes so fast mann. It's already been a week into school, and it feels so strange cos it still feels like the damn holidays ==. at least everyone's not as lifeless as they were during holidays >_>
oh look i just saw 11:11 xD
Lets see...
recount of what happened during the week :
HM. monday. First day of school makes me laugh mann. like seeing everyone again just makes me wanna jump up and down and scream HALLELUJAHH as loud as i can.
tuesday? second day of school. ayy school life >< feet ="[[">_> "OMG the way she struts around" rofl ehhs. ><
Lmao it amazes me how humans can change the way they act to certain people/mood so quickly. like, when >_> alone with me, shes like fully " OMG ANGELA LETS BE BEST BUDDIES"
and then when the rest of sg is there, its just.
Me: heyy what song you listening too?
-silence and then... - >_>: WELL ANNA. HOWS LIFE?
barred 3 times. not nice =[
ehhs >_>
I've been crying for so long,
Fighting tears just to carry on,
But now, but now, it's gone away.
Guess where that came from..
i think im addicted to that song. mann hes a guy and he can sing higher then me =[ ROFL @ his lame attempt at a performance on So You Think You Can Dance. WAHAHA IS HE GAY OR WHAT?
Whoah what a random post o.O Aww weekends are so boring =[
Tommy =]
>love today yea manns xD
∞ suicidal... suicidal
Yo sup sg.
-mrs pigram storms into classroom-
arrgghh... school is so shit right now it makes me wonder how i ever actually liked school. Like in year 4- year 7, when we were counting down the days to be rid of the blasted holidays, to enjoy the wonderous daily life inside the fascinating classroom. If you ask me, school has since then deflated... yes just that tiny bit.. in inspiration.
How do you feel when you get up at 7 in the morning, running up a 90 degree driveway with an apple half- bitten in your mouth, knowing that you will be forced to endure a neverending session of DOUBLE MATHS, then "work" on an english advertisement for a class tabloid during which we ponder over whether... ARGGGH THINKING about it is pissing me off. All this pressure... forced to do so much... ACCOUNTING FOR WHAT? How is all this going to help? Yes, one can point out that mathswill benefit us in the future when we study in a mixture of depression and stress, for a stupid pain synthesis (thankyou eg) by the name of hsc. And it will benefit in later life. But when you look into your future, what's the point? Isn't life there to frkn have fun??
Ahh supid economy, stupid LAW AND ORDER, stupid contracts and stupid MORTGAGE, whatever that is. ARRGGHH ><. If the world hadnt gotten so complicated all of a sudden, we wouldnt have to do this.
I sound tres annoyed, not? Well hopefully, just hopeflly, i will one day look upon this post and scorn my foolishness and inabiliy to appreciate school.
I have learnt one lesson today: it is not what life brings the person which makes her happy. It is the way she appreciates it which does.
Great words of wisdom, not? ==. Here is a pro SCIENTIFICALLY PRECISE graph of my level of elation during the day.

Lol random. Me and my sister drawing someone's wheelbarrow on the side of the road since it apparantly has such a beautiful demeanor. and me taking a photo of my feet and seemingly huge ass standing on the edge of a cliff...
jkjk, the water was like 1.5 m below where i was standing ><
dayuum, i just ruined the effect xD
∞ Advertorial -
Thursday, October 18, 2007
So let's paint it black and take it back..- My Chemical Romance.Yup, that's our band name, and I want to take this opportunity to officially announce that our band is called
PAINT IT BLACK. =D Tres pro, non? - sees us playing our air guitars and maracas - xD
Nahh jkjk, we're not
that bad, and for amateurs taking up another instrument with half of a lifetime of knowledge in piano, we're actually pretty alright yeah? And we're gonna start with covers and HOPEFULLY gradually move into writing our own songs, which will be .. ehh .. in another few .. months .. years .. decades .. centuries .. *gulp*
Hey Fred! Remember last year when we tried to write music, we sat looking blankly at the piano for about 3 hours straight? xD Oh, and speaking of pianos, congratz to Pat for getting a B for
Betty .. or
Bobby ..
Beethovan .. in her exam ! =D
And we SG-ers are all multi-talented yeah? Our band FEATURES -
Bob - piano, guitar
Pat - piano, guitar, flute, drums?
Jerry - piano, learning drums but sound tres pro =)
Fred - piano, learning guitar?
George - piano, very amateur vocalist LOL . and teeeny bit of clarinet if I can still remember from last year >< and I can also do .. CD players, cymbols, macaras, triangles, AIR GUITARS etc etc =D
TOURING DATES -The 'Promise Of A Lifetime' Remix Tour -
listen LIVE with VIP seating in G14 after the HSC finishes.The 'Everywhere' Remix Tour -
listen LIVE in Baulko gym at Year 8 Recognition Assembly, Friday 14th December ( no guarantee seating as eager parents take up the front row tryna film their kids receiving academic awards ==' )So yes, autographs are also available now. RUN RUN RUN LIKE A MYER STOCKTAKE SALE !
Just finished watching "So You Think You Can Dance." And when Mica was performing in his usual 'lets prance around in a gaily manner' MY DAD AND I were watching in disgust and wondering how he managed to fit in those supertightskinny bright blue jeans of his.
" jeez he's not THAT ugly but when you hear his voice it's like o____0 even worse than that other half man half woman - "
" Pricilla?"
" yeah . at least it sounds like a girl, he just sounds .. "
" like a cross-dresser ?"
" lol yeah *disgusted and looks at me* what's wrong with teenage music these days."
Woah so late now and guess who's still on ? >___> blehh, signing out.
Georgenatorr .
∞ The cow said MOO
There once was a group of six little boys who liked to frolick about in the bright sunshine and playing Ring-Around-A-Rosy around a mulberry tree.
Okay, that was just a sentence to fill up space cause right now, I can't concentrate with the TV in the background. Isn't that annoying? Even when you're doing something that you're really into and concentrating hard on, then TV turns on and then you have to watch it, even if it's those really lame cartoons on ABC. =="
The day started off with double maths.. Gehh.. Every time I'm in maths, I have to glance up at the clock like, every minute to check how long it is until recess/lunch. And it's so suspenseful cause I think it's been a long time and when I look up, the minute hand's only moved 1/2 a centimetre. =="
Jerry, Bob and I invented a "lapdance" today.. xDD ROFLLL. "Oh, would you like to see our...lapdance?"
- George looks at Jerry in disgust - Hey, is this long enough?..
OH YES, I KNOW. We're making a class magazine for English so this term will be bludged by "discussing ideas for our article" and "examining techniques used in the article" when, actually, every's just lazing around doing nothing and talking about anything that isn't related to English.
Tom and I are writing feature articles. We're thinking about writing one about one of the many issues in our society such as
obesity, kidnapping or
internet stalking..--Fred
Monday, October 15, 2007
Right? RIGHT? *glares at you and rolls up sleeves*
And I was thinking about doing something productive after this, but considering the amount of effort I put into this to make sure this is published before MY DEADLINE COMES *looks at Fred and her thousands of drafts* and the amount of bombarding IM's I receive from Tom, I doubt I'll be doing ANYTHING ELSE productive this evening.
Note to Self: term 4 does not have a staff development day.Dammit.
So today marks the first day of our tedious term 4 and what a way to begin a "great day @ Baulko" by taking notes about some boring country towns while the presenting person goes on speaking at about 100km/hr.
" my town is moolooomoolooalalala .. "
o_0 I'm sorry, but can you repeat that? " it's spelt M O O O O O O L L O O O " sorry how many 'o's are in there? Was that a N or a M?
Jeez and we were lucky to make it through to recess. And after recess it was 2x the power of maths and science, oh think brain think! Sometimes it really makes me wonder how people like Pythagorus can sit there for ages doing maths and tryna find a formula for TRIANGLES. And then what did he get at the end of it all? THE ALMIGHTY, THE ONE AND ONLY A squared + B squared = C squared. OUR FAVOURITE FORMULA OF ALL =='
Seriously, and correct me if I'm wrong, BUT IT'S FREAKING SPRING RIGHT NOW! So why are these blazing heat waves travelling from that faraway land of the Sun .. OHHH ALMIGHTY HUITZILOPOCHTLI .. please tell me we do not have to cut open someone to sacrifice their heart just for the temperature to drop a few degrees, because then I certainly won't envy whoever that's spamming on our blogspot right now .. xD
And the Music was just filled with Mr W and his pelvic thrusts- oh sorry, I mean, bellydancing and detailed explaination about the bellydancing chick with massive abs. Aish we don't need to know what you get up to when you go to Egypt! ><""
And then you see Nishy sneaking out the backdoor and disappearing in a bathroom for what seems .. quite awhile .. xD
I learnt something new in English today! Time for Betty's "did you know" facts again!
- DUN DUN DUN -DID YOU KNOW .. that Nelson Mandela was the 15th president of South Africa and was against the apartheid? BETCHOO DIDN'T KNOW THAT! Go read some books and get some education! xD Or you can just check it up on Wiki ..
OR -the most easiest option - read it here. =D
Woah what a day. And I thought today was gonna be one of those bludgy days where we "slowly get back into rhythm" as it is the first day of school but noooooooooo it's hardwork from the word 'go.' But PE tomorrow! BETS UP PEOPLE - what indoor sport are we gonna do?
hockey .. tres violent, non? I still remember when Jono was full bleeding last year when we played it .. ><
badminton =D
futsal .. less exciting version of soccer ..
If they make us play that sport again, I'mma .. SNAP THAT GOALBALL. I swear, I know a lil "experience" is good, BUT IT DOES NOT TAKE 5 WEEKS THANKYOU. ==' And for the rest of you out there who does not understand the horrors of the sport of Goalball, just type the word into Wiki and INSTANTLY YOU WILL UNDERSTAND MY PAIN AND AGONY .. especially when you're partner does not seem to know which way is right or left.
Pahhhhhh .. I LOVE THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL .. yeah I know, it's all .. just work .. but it just gives you this sense of joy and happiness of when you see your friends again .. ahhh okay I'm leave before I embarrass myself any further =S
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
What am I? Would anyone care if I just...disappeared from this world..?--
Arhaha, you were all probably hanging off your seat in suspense with your eyes glued onto the screen awaiting a tragic, emotion-filled post, only to find...
Nothing. Because my English skills aren't good enough to convey my feelings to the loyal readers of this blog (excluding a few people) even if I were to blog about that kind of stuff.
Apparently, blog readers like reading blogs with short sentences because they only scan through the blog to look for something interesting. Which means that no one would want to read my blogs because I like to rant on and write long sentences. =)
Tennis camp for this whole week.. Let me talk about TODAY and bring up a matter of GRAVE CONCERN. We were separated into groups to work on our own stuff and in my group was my bro, three girls (including me) and this little brat I shall nickname John.
First of all, this John thinks he's OH SO GOOD at tennis and he was complaining how he had to be stuck on the
girls' team -insert whiney voice- WHAT HAS HE GOT AGAINST GIRLS, F$%^ING SEXIST.
"Oi, don't play like a girl. Oh right, you ARE a girl. ARHAHAHA."
"Let me show you how it's done." - attempts to return a serve, swings on its second bounce...and misses-
Look at himself, man. When we were playing 2 point singles after that, he was paired up with this girl who isn't exactly near the top of the group, skillwise. (No offence. There always needs to be a bottom and top.) "Aww, how come I have to verse her? I'm gonna SMASH her."
And then he does a double fault and on the next point where he finally gets his second serve over, she hits it, and he misses. -.-" And on his next turn, he lost 2-0 again...and again...and again... PSHHH, so much for "I'm gonna smash her."
At this rate, if he keeps up that attitude, he'll never get a girlfriend and then he'll end up an lonely, old, wrinkly man with arthritis and kidney failure living off welfare. And when I told him that, he said, "I've already had 2 girlfriends." PSHHH, S'IF. Oh yeah, did I mention that John was this little, scrawny 8/9 year old?
In a way, he kind of reminds me of THAT CERTAIN PERSON but with waaaay more hair and at least willing to express his opinions (as distorted as they may be) out loud instead of hiding behind the safety of the computer.
Photos next time. =) Till then..
∞ ehehehe ><
Ahaha hectic (not) holidays so far. mhm. Sigh-- is this post going to jackpot 40 comments? It makes me wonder how a weeny little post can cause so much drama from a particular person, but i guess thats how celebrities cope, you know, they just have to put up with the raving fans and the 24 hour signing autographs.
I went to watch hairspray with my sibling the other day, and it made me think about how many new movies are being created each week, and how every one is getting more and more cliched by the day. I mean, you will not believe the clicheness of Hairspray.
So i was almost snoring after the 10 minute song at the beginning where she, Tracey (the main character who's schoolshirt stretches down to as far as her bellybutton) sings this song about loving the world blah blah blah and gets busted at school for making her hair stand a metre high with hairspray la la la and then for some reason she auditions for the corny something show and gets in and in the end falls in love with ZAC EFRON, who was previouly engaged to this other girl on the show who's mother is tracey's arch enemy or something... ie, MAKING OUT ON STAGE.
Now i'm no movie critic or anything, but couldn't the makers of the movie think of a better, less cliched ending? I mean, sure it's fine if it's a happy ending where a couple is newly born, but it makes me confused about what is real and what is not when it gets to the part where Zac efron (the in the movie hunk of the school) stares at her arse when she whacks it in a somwhat mesmerised way, or the bit where she is away from her house and he goes into her bedroom and he sings in utter passion for her love and making out with her photo. (meanwhile he is clutching his heart and lying on her bed)
I mean, for gods sake, the cool good looking person in a movie doesnt always have to fall in love with the fugly one!! And yes, don't have to remind me again about how beauty is skin deep, and how its the personality that matters and blah blah blah, but seriously, the bit where they make out in the end is just disgusting.
Nevertheless, as it neared the end, i kind of got into it and appreciated all the 20 minute sessions of singing and 5 second non-singing breaks, especially with the insight to how the negros in the olden days were treated like shit and fought for equality.
Hmm... i feel like uploading photos. We havent had pictures on this blog for ages.
Alas, attempt failed. Blogger malfunction. Sorly guys, next time.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
An old 'O6 song, but think about it.
Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
Hey girl you know you drive me crazy
one look puts the rhythm in my hand.
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down.
Cover up with make up in the mirror
tell yourself it's never gonna happen again
you cry alone and then he swears he loves you.
Do you feel like a man
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has found.
A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down.
I see the way you go and say you're right again,
say you're right again
heed my lecture
Do you feel like a
when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down a new life she has.
Face down in the dirt she says, this doesn't hurt, she says I finally had enough..
Face down in the dirt she says, this doesn't hurt, she says I finally had enough..
One day she will tell you that she has had enough
its coming round again.
Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has.
Do you feel like a man, when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end
as your lies crumble down, a new life she has.
Face down in the dirt she says, this doesn't hurt she says I finally had enough..
Thanks guys.
∞ I don't step, I BATTLE.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Today must be exothermic, cos it's HOTTT. x) *use finger to touch skin*
SSSSSSSSSS .. Okay, since Jerry gave us lectures about how we have to keep this going over the hols, I'll give my dvd marathons a rest and write something pointless here just to keep everyone entertained. Well, I guess I can't keep EVERYONE happy obviously, as I came to find out >___> but screw the rest.
OMFG *nearly faints from looking at the temperature* Seriously what is happening to the world, IT'S FREAKING SPRING AND TEMPERATURE ROSE TO LIKE 36 DEGREES CELSIUS. == And you just sit there and you can feel your shirt sticking to your back or small droplets of sweat forming in the roots of your hair .. if you have any ..
So far watched four.. five .. six? dvds in this hols. Finally watched Stomp The Yard and it was pretty awesome, with all the krumping and shiet. It kinda made me realise America has so many versions of hiphop and in "down under" where the only special thing we have is the Opera House and a big rock in the middle of nowhere .. Sahara Desert? and we only have like kind of hiphop. And that is .. hiphop. And people normally think that it's just street dancing where gangs-durrrs do it as a more civilised hobby as opposed to smokin' weed and burning up golf courses ..
TodayTonight: oh today police has discovered that one of the major bushfires yesterday were caused by some teenagers as young as 10 and as old as 20 suspected of burning up a nearby golf course .. Seriously, don't they have something better to do than run around with fire and matches in the 36 degrees heat? And then you see your parents going " oh sighhhh what is wrong with teenagers these days .. so uneducated lahhh .. no hope for future!!"
-looks at you- Aishhh .. *sweatdrop*
*more sweatdrops from the heat*
Oh man, this arvo when I was coming back from shopping .. -oh fun fun fun- .. for groceries .. I remembered that I still have softball training to go to. So then of course, there I am wishing there was a big air conditioner in the middle of the field while smackbang'ing nearly a whole bottle of sunscreen on myself to make sure I don't turn into a kentucky fried chicken with grass salad in the blazing sun. But when I got there oh what do I see?
Only like two teams were training and my coach and teammates were nowhere to be found, so then I went back home again with a mixture of irritation and relief.. they owe me a whole bottle of sunscreen. ==
LOL Summer Heights High is so random >__> "and like, if we don't have a formal, I'm going to like, pretend to cutt myself, and like, if they don't let us soon, I'll die from all the cutts.. ohmygodd and that's like .. they can't do that to us .."
"and all the emos, asians, fugly people, sluts, lesbians and the "hawtt" people would get together .. " - starts dancing all retardedly-
Alrighty, I think I contributed enough, non? And now I shall conclude with ..
" Are you perspiring, in this irony?"Don't we all love Cute Is What We Aim For? Yes .. Shaant is .. ahem very "hawtt." LOL >__>
∞ two days gone
Monday, October 1, 2007
Another term gone, (nearly) another year over.
As you can all see, someone, or something, is missing. Well, no one cares x]. And instead of moping over all of what fuckshit has spammed onto our comments, as i would expect him/her to be hoping for at the point in time, I'm going to resort to blogging about things that happen in my daily life, as per usual.
And before /that/ particular person decides to frantically press the 'post comment' button with remarks such as "you little kids lead a shit life" and "ha-ha i'm more intelligent than all of you put together'' and ''go repeat primary school.. its 'spammed in our comments'' not 'spam onto our comments'', our blog is probably the most interesting thing you have ever encountered in YOUR life, judging by the twenty four-seven falconing over newly posted comments, and keeping the
www.s2-sg.blogspot.com tab open for, what, eternity?
In this way we should be thankful for the sudden increase in publicity and fan mail, not?
TO DEAR ANONYMOUS: thankyou for the extra blog-improvement points, and Allah bids you farewell and goodluck in future.. ehs.. oh yes, "arguing with someone (or some people, in this case) who are clearly less intelligent than you. "
Clearly, you need to pick on someone your own size.
BRING IT, SEAN KINGSTON!! Just kidding just kidding xD.
ok, enough farewelling of /that/ particular person. Heeerrrrrreeee is waht happened YESTERDAY.
It was like any other Monday, and straight after i got up in the morning, i hurriedly turned on the raaaddioo. But halfway through "the take-over, the breaks over'' (during which i was fully singing along and strumming my broomstick), the music suddenly stopped. My sister and I decided it was a slight radio malfuntion since there's nothign to do these days and all we ever do islisten to the radio and watch TV. But NOO. when we switched ont he TV,it didnt work, when we switched on the lights, it didnt work, when i opened the FRIDGE, IT WAS COMPLETELY DARK AND WARM, when i tried to call my friend who lives on the same street, THE PHONE WASNT WORKING.
So all the milk went lukewarm, and it was tres disgusto coz when i poured it into my cocoa-pops, the second thing i tasted after the nice, chocolatery taste was HUH??? SOUR???????
hmm... a few hours after that it was all ok and all the electricity came back.
oh DANG, i just remembered that i still need to get clay to make those stupid goddesses of fertility or something like that. Aiyorr. To busy taking drawing lessons from my grandma while she paints these murals with watercolours, while sitting beside her, i do some random picture of a soccerball in lead pencil o.O''
I think I;ve said enough. Keep blogging int he holidays you guys!
x.x jerreee