Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Everyone was talking about electives today. What are YOU going to choose?? What back-up will you put down?? Haha. But it is pretty exciting. We finally get to drop the subjects we don't really enjoy. Like Metalwork!
Anyway, we had Science then Commerce then English where the teacher said she'd mark our homework but SOMEHOW never got round to it. She never marks homework or assignments! She hasn't given back our assignments from Term 1!! Gosh. I bet she lost then all.
At lunch Fred, Tom, Bob and I played Big 2! And Tom actually came second once! All by herself! Congrats Tom!! Haha...
Then we had Touch! A's played first and Model Farms seemed really pro. They beat our A's. While we were watching them play, the Rugby team was playing behind us and we saw something shocking!
There was this really young teacher, female, who was coaching the other rugby team from Model and then she goes and whacks this girls butt. Then this guy goes Did you just hit her butt?? And she just says Yeah. Then he goes and whacks the teacher's butt!!! OMG. And Abi and Harleen were like Eww... but they heard and turned around and started laughing! Haha. So..uh...weird. And then! She kept screaming out things for her team to do on the field. Like RUN IT! And PASS IT!! I was like, she's gonna lose her voice... And like 10mins later, she starts coughing. Haha. Told you so.
So we played after the A's and most of us were scared and very reluctant to go on. But we played and I think the score at the end was pretty good! We didn't win but it was close. 3-2. Not bad seeing how good they were! We've improved!
Keke, today was such a fun Tuesday. In my opinion. We had our Subject Selection talk. Me and George were.. freezing our legs off. And the teacher talked for HALF AN HOUR. It's like.. *countdown* STILL 20 MINUTES!! -teacher continues to talk- A year later, still talking.. MEANWHILE.. *looks down at George* KEKEKE.
Eurgh, and we didn't get to play the rest of volleyball. What fun.. =[
Our one period volleyball was heaps good! Keke.. someone serves and then..
Arkash returns with a heaps hard full-on hit..
*Ode to Joy in the background*
Hehe, everyone watches as the ball goes down and down and down, aiming towards..
A particular person's head.. So, the ball goes down and then, suddenly rises up again?
OH! Whaddya see? KEKE. It lands on Rebecca's head..
Yup!^^ One long paragraph.. To me..
WOODWORK! =) Abi and Harleen start talking about TOM'S BEST FRIEND. How he's so cool, and good at magic tricks. After a while..
Abi: Hey Angela, -insert name here- asked if I knew you.
Tom: Ohh. -heart melts-
Kidding. You don't have to kill me, okay?
Oh man, the stupid bus didn't stupidly come today. And 3503 came SO late.
We all missed the other bus.. And the 234..
*eagerly waits for next bus*
100 years later, comes this rotten old ugly bus..
Eurgh. I nearly didn't stop at the right spot.. KEKE, there were like.. 3 people left on the bus..
DICE POKER!! Obsession..
And to the English room.. Me and Pat walk after everyone..
ZHU. Teacher: HEY. What are you doing? Blah blah blah. And makes them walk the long way.
Meanwhile, the teacher gives us some lecture about how she was frightened for the Year 7's and how it was such a scary experience. *Jerry, George and Fred walk in* Man, they missed the "lecture".
Erm.. TOMOLO IS TOUCH! Incase y'all forgot.. Which is quite hard to forget. We can't lose. Poo-eyy. Well, we can lose. Not.. *looks for word* DESIRABLE!! KEKEKE. Anyhow.. gluck to everyone.. And the week after is Northmead. And then.. some other, right? Crestwood? Man, we don't get a break-ish thing..
Okay, I think I've written enough. Time to do the English thing on Gothic Architecture.. Cyu~
>bob [x]
∞ G&J industries.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
I just realised that when you enter blogspot, it says "dashboard." As in "Dashboard Confessional." Geddit? GEDDIT? ==' I'M GEORRRRGE. AND I SHALL NOW PRONOUNCE MY BUSINESS PARTNER - JERRY! Extra extra, read all about it, G&J industries ™ can completely RENOVATE your calculator & folder!!** Terms and conditions may apply. A small fee of $3.00 is charged.Now lemme show you an ad. campaign that is set to launch and grace our screens in the next couple of weeks .. or months .. or never .. BUT HAVE NO FEAR! Here is a sneak preview (courtesy of G&J insdustries ™ ) ..--[An innocent year 7ner is sitting down, eating his sandwhich and LCM (lowest common multiple) bar]*DING DING DING! ALONG COMES JERRY AND GEORGE!*Geo: Halt! BEHOLD THY GRACEFUL-O ONE! What have we here?Jerry: [Puts hand over head to shade and looks around] Oh nothing much but a tweeny dweeb do I see!Geo: YOU! Almighty one, what might thee name be, sir?Jerry: OH WILL YOU LOOK AT THAT! Geo: OH I COULD HARDLY BELIEVE MY EYES![Breaks into a song]Geo: I have fallen ..Jerry: To my knees ..Geo: As I sing ..Jerry: A lullaby ..Unison: OF PAAAAAAAIN~..Geo: OH will you look at that Jerry! THAT FOLDER!Jerry: OH will you look at that Geo! THAT CALCULATOR!Geo: OH! THE PAIN!Jerry: OH! THE AGONY!Unison: It's a crimeeeeeeeee ..[Jerry starts rolling out crime scene investigation tapes around the area]Jerry: Oh dear me, to have such an ugly folder and calculator in possession is CERTAINLY a heavy crime and will be dealt with serverely before it's too late. Do you want to be a nerdy nerd when you reach year 12 in your Potter classes?Year 7 dweeb: [Looking extremely frightened] Ehh .. waaaaaah .. you guys are bullying me.. I'm dibby dobbing on youuuu ..Geo: BUT HAVE NO FEAR! G&J IS HERE![G&J loads up guitar guns, *kaaaaching* and PEOW PEOW shoots the folder and calculator and reduces it to ashes and hands out brand new calculator and folder with super-pro designs]Geo: There, that will save you. Now go run along boy!Jerry: Ah, it brightens my heart to see my customers so happy![The year 7 dweeb runs away at the speed of light half carrying his lunch with tears streaming down his face]--Haha that was random. But that's it folks! Now tune in next time for G&J industries for more details! =DAnd now to a more .. serious? topic. Just before, Tom was saying how she felt guilty and that we should stop being so slack to an individual, but after I told her what happened during Friday, she instantly took back what she said and was livid. And so was Jerry, and for the rest of SG, YOU WOULD BE TOO. I won't post details here as he/she may have access thanks to their super-pro "detective" skills.Alrighty. It's 1:08am in the morning. SO much for sleeping early Tom lol.xx.George.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
just updating today coz i wont be able to post next monday with authordontist and piano straight after.
We where thinking. Weren't we tom? that maybe well.. our bitching [dont take me wrong, im not talking about anyone in particular] is going a bit overboard? i mean, think about it this way. Is it him/her fault that they are naturally outcasted in society and prefer to attempt to be noticed via, as george pointed out, ''hiding behind that computer screen, trying to evoke the feeling of a deep heart and binding attraction''.
is it his/her fault that her facial expressions are inevitably considered PED-ISH among the society of the normal? That she can't help letting her eyeballs stray in the wrong directions once in a while? [-checks up
www.whitepages.com- lol] and has a somewhat funny habit of ''getting to know people better through asking despicable questions?
Tom and I have drawm to a conclusion. Yes indeed, we admit that we are for once, in the wrong while /that/ particular person is hovering between wrong and VERY wrong. LOL. nahhh just kidding.
we are sorry.
as you can see from above, there is still much to forgive and i will ask of /that/ person not to PUSH THE FREAKING LIMIT. because i might j u s t press ''EDIT'' the next time i sign into blogger. -glares-.
* * * * *
NOW. onto a lighter subject please. OR SHOULD I SAY, A TRES TRES TRES HEAVY SUBJECT. -side glances guiltily at tom-
a few minutes older than now, [and get ready to look at the clock dudes], we were just two innocent children sighing innocently in curiousity clambering innocently onto the bus and jamming ourselves onto the single seater seat on the front of the bus. [due to like a quarter of australias population being crammed onto the bus]. And what did we find?
TOM: o my would you take a look at this jerry!!
JERRY: why its a button!! shall we press it and see what happens?
TOM: good idea B2! -presses button and hanger like object comes out-
JERRY: OH LOOK!! a fabulous little bag hanger! and theres another one there! and there and THERE!!
TOM: OOOHHHHH I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS. are you thinkign what im thinking B2?
JERRY: i am B1!!
TOM AND JERRY: it opens up the flap into a storage space!!! -glares in amazement
click click click ''-5 seconds later-
!!!BOOM** BAM KAPOOWWW DONNGG*&%$#!!TOM: -seeing stars- what just happened?
JERRY: i think the whole wall in front of us just collapsed on us.
and at this point you can guess how stunned and in pain we were having just beein hit but this iron door thingo behind the wall of the busdrivers area. added with like all the entire whole bus behind us going ''WOOOWWWWWW'' =.=
AND ...inside the ''storage area'' was a complete mass of cable and electronic devices. powering the bus 0.0
and so the busdriver in front of us started yelling at ME, due to the fact that it was a one-passenger seat and three-quarters of my body was hanging off the seat and he was glaring at me trhough the rear view mirror. -_____-''
''WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?? YOU DONT FIT IT BACK PROPERLY AND ITLL KILL YOU!!!!! SIDDOOWWWNN!!!''and so in a span of approximately 5 seconds that buttons were pressed back down and then wall thing back on the wall- excpet maybe it was slightly hanging out to the right...
the point is, that BUSDRIVER was raving on as if we were some gay trouble maker kids who have no life. but who are we to blame when we are just innocent, 10 year old [rounded up the the nearest 10 XD] girls needeing a place to hang their 20 kilogram bags? and if he actually bothered to notice, since the bus company is so KEENN ON ''ensuring a safe environment for all passengers'', there were like a billion key holes on the panel which, unless i am incorrect, where meant to be LOCKED UP. how dangerous would it be for those poor old ladies needing somewhere to hang their shopping AHH?? CANNOT HANG THEIR SHOPPING WITHOUT GETTING ELECTRICUTED AND BRAIN SURGERY??
AND TO THINK that every afternoon when the bus is delivered back to the bus bay for inspection, it is not properly locked up for safety reasons. how can we help ourselves, thinkign that those black presser button thingos were nothing more than hooks for bags?
AIYAH... [ROFL nichole]
and me and tom had to absently sneak out without the busdriver notcing. nnnaaaawwww that busdriver for the rest of the year???? ==
maybe i should get plastic surgery.
∞ The world is smelly...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I couldn't blog last week so I'm sorry. But you probably weren't missing it since my blogs are so boring anyway.
So, today we had Wespac first two periods. Aiyah. It was so hard. Those stupid 'the integer
N' questions. What is the smallest digit..blah blah blah... Answer?? Uh..-scratches head- ...1?? Argh.
At recess, we totally forgot about POAL practice until Jerry reminded us so we ran for G14 and then we realised that there were already these three people in there. And we were like Uh.. so we started practicing anyway, despite the fact that Betty--I mean George wasn't there and the music staffroom was locked so we couldn't get guitars. And to add to our wonderful rehersal, the other people didn't leave. So they were just sitting there playing the piano loudly so we started playing really loudly too. And Bob and I were helping Jerry hit the drums really loud and eventually they left. What a GREAT rehersal, eh?
English blah blah...Scripture where we all found out that George's name meant snot. From then, she was known as Snot girl. Poor George. Also, LEARN TO MEDITATE WITH ANNA!!!
Anna: Now put your third and fourth fingers together in front of you and have your head straight and breathe in and out 43 times!!
But we didn't need to meditate cos there was nothing to stress about! Wait...French test tomorrow... AHH! -breathe in and out and in and out. ..PD...Oh, the teacher told us about a poetry comp. and the prize is $1500! Everyone was eager to do it but then 'and the topic for the poem is...'
-drumroll- ...organ donations...hehe...I think I'm having second thoughts..hehe..
TOUCH! I didn't really want to go to Muirfield, or as some people pronounce it, Merfield. But it turned out really fun! We won our game 3-2! Our first ever actual win. All the others were because the other teams didn't have a B team. Haha. Victory!!
Well, nothing else really happened today. Ah, French test tomorrow.
Cya, PaT
Nearly forgot to blog. Sorry. Eurgh, and now I have 10 minutes to write this..
Twas a cold and windy morning.. CUT. It wasn't THAT cold. Anyhow, bus trip la la la. Boring la la la. And skip to History =) Buh, we didn't get to do that board game reviewing that we all enjoy.. We had to write and write and write. Until my hand flew off.. And English. We got our CC books. HAHAA.
-reads the sheet Taylor gives us-
Pat: Well, I don't hafta read the book now, I already know what happens!
Bob: Err Pat.. That's not the story..
Yup!^^ And RECESS. SNAP! SPOON? PIG? TONGUE? ETC. SO FUN. And Tom was SO pro, right?! *nudge nudge* Keke. French. I don't get why Tom hates it so much. It's not THAT bad, right?! Test on Thursday. Needa study soonn~
Maths. ZOMG! I LOVE MATHS!! =) Keke, kidding. WE FINISHED 8:04! Ooft, so smrt =) And our lovely writing. NOT 0, like a big ugly oval, buh O, like a big round, obese circle. KEKEKEKe. IN PE.
We were awing at the pro people do their nice volleyball tricks. Teeheehee
-watches the pro people have a 100000hr long rally-
-watches us. serve.. and end of rally-
Well, Jerry and Dick? George? Idk's team were SO good. We lost so badly. Oh well. And we got taught cool tricks by Mr. Drew. So now, volleyball is less painful =) Haha, I don't really mind it now. Yay!
Umm. Woodwork. FINALLY. I get to blog without saying METAL. YAY! And Mr. Dodds didn't say we had to wear aprons and safety glasses. Hehe, we're so unsafe.
Argh, that was more that 10 minutes I reckon.
Muirfield tomolo~ Hope they don't have a team. Keke, coz then, we'd be in the semi finals. Where we would lose.. And Model Farms..
>bob [x]
Monday, July 23, 2007
"And I am comforted, to know you're always there, to hear my every prayer inside I'm clinging to, the promise of a lifetime .. "I shall now try to blog FOR THE THIRD FREAKING TIME IN THE PAST FOUR? DAYS. Three attempts = Failed.Anyways, I'mma just go rambling on about some randoms while you guys all wonder what I've been eating lately.On Sunday, I went to .. DUN DUN DUN .. IKEA! I know, you probably think stupid sofas and TEA TOWELS roaming around the place & walking along plain wood bookshelves just makes you wish there was no such thing as Bunnings Warehouse, BUT NOT IKEA! They set up rooms and so you can see exactly what you want and what effect you want to create, and then purchase the goods and it's all DIY! =D SO SMART OMFG. 8) And yeah I reckon Jerry, stupid Saehini ==' Nawnawnawwwww dooo yuuuu nawt understaaand me? I SEDD DWOOO TEATOWELS. VAT DO YU HAVE? DWOOOO SPONGES! NAWW HOW MANY TYMS DO I HAFF TO TELL YOUUU? Today at munchtimeeee we were busy tryna squeeze in LAST MINUTE PRACTISES before everyone comes in, [THANKS to Mr W - for more info scroll down to Jerry's blog ] yeah we didn't succeed as Henry and Andrew and SPEDDY walk at top velocity as usual and came crashing in the classroom just when we were " I know you're always there, to hear my .. " JEEZ LOUISE. SOME PEOPLE CAN NEVER CATCH A BREAK CAN THEY. ==' And no I don't mind if people watch as long as they don't make stupid and pointless critisism. And it's not like they can do any better jeeeeeez. *looks at SPEDDY* Tell me something that I don't know why don't you. But the remix sounds so awesome man! Like FULLY RAD =D naww .. besides the fact that we can't be heard .. wait, lemme rephrase, I can't be heard. ==' And I couldn't hear Tom even though she was like a stewAhs, I'm not looking forward to Metalwork tomorrow, I don't know why. It's just a feeling like you really don't want to do it but you know you have to no matter what. AND THE SEATING. Jerry, Anna and I still haven't managed to .. ehs, get >___> to move. = Le garcon est tres tres mauvais. Je tres tres mecontent. Non?*Makes the rest of SG nodd*Ooh, and Harry Potter! Man, everyone was talking about it this morning, laddeda " yeah everyone died" .. "oh no but not HARRY" .. "Ron & Hermione .. yerhs " Bwahh all these spoilers. DDD= READ IN PEACE DAMMIT PEOPLE!Hah, and the school tried a lockdown this morning during assembly.[The school bell keeps ringing and ringing and ringing ..]Mz M: And so that's what happens in a lockdown. All doors will be closed and NO ONE can come in, such as terriosts etc..[Someone from my grade walks in to the hall - can't remember who]Random dude: Sorry Mr Forsyth, I'm late.--ROFL SO MUCH FOR LOCKDOWN!Sigh, I just remembered after reading Jerry's post that our beloved Westpac maths comp is INDEED on Wednesday. Oh, I can hardly withstand my excitement and joy. ==' And then there's the electives, which I still not sure what to do yet. But I guess everything will be ALOT CLEARER once we get those booklets and attend those information nights with our "rents. Sport Science, Languages, DRAMA LOL TOM, Music, extended Maths, extended English, extended history, accelerated Commerce? Engineering, Metalwork, Electronics, Sewing (eh, thanks, but narhhh), Cooking, Woodwork, VA, Visual Design, Computing (no thanks) and MOREEEEE .. *Gasp!*Ah, just kinda irritated at things atm. Thinking about things.. ah, can't really explain it here. But here are just somethings for you guys..Friends - courtesy of dictionary.com, is:A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.
A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.
A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or movement
Friends - courtesy of Betty:SG<3.xx.Betty.
∞ CHOPstix DRUMstix ;]
Sunday, July 22, 2007
LOL. chopstick drumstick dick?
Ehhss.. i think YES!! =DD. non-toxic, non-ELECTRIC -looks at bob- . and guess what? Chopsticks was indeed what our chinese passage was based on this weeks chinese. talk about Eastern Pride. ''chopsticks are a pride to the country. whereas the FORK was only used since 300 years ago, our CHOPSTICKS have been around since 3000 years ago. Whearas FORKS cannot easily pick up noodles, CHOPSTICKS can easily scoop up a large amount of noodles, and today, 3 quarters of the population abandon FORKS to use CHOPSTICKS because it is such a great invention. and, CHOPSTICKS also improve hand to head co-ordination''
this morning we had our first cooking lesson of the semester!! I still haven't emitted my streak of passion for cooking yet, though this year it should be easier due to the not so confusing regulations with mrs dowler. talk about strict regulations. we only need TWO... YES TWO pieces of equipment this year. and we all know how many pieces we needed last year yes?
NOOOOOOOO. more like a vague assumption of the approximate number. to all those year 7eners who have the good luck of mrs sahini, always remember to bring 3 sponges and 3 teatowels JUST IN CASE. and dont volunteer to do the washing up unless you are A SUPERSONIC MIND READER. I mean...
''shoorr me your equipmendd''
-forlornly produces plastic bag stuffed with teatowels-
-everyone nodds head-
today after hurriedly scribbling my maths homework into my book, i scuttled up the staircase and wooshed down the corridoor to greet our beloved POAL PRACTISE. but to my dismay, -glares at guess who-, the rest of sg was lamely standing in a group in the middle of the corridoor looking confused as mr wong was explaining that it was IMPOSSIBLE that we had booked the room on the BOOKING SHEET and that the department of MOOOOOSic ''couln't have made a mistake.''
so what, we were all hallucinating that i physically ran up the stairs with a pen and wrote down ''ANNA AND FRIENDS'' on the monday and tuesday slot weren't we?
or maybe... =.=''
maybe i put monday and tuesday for last term??? NO WAY HOZZAII. HERES THE DEAL.
FIRST DAY BACK- boking sheet is filled and we have to make do with recess which was disrupted by guess who.
A FEW DAYS LATER- I quickly run ustairs in the morning to find an almost blank booking sheet which had other names on it too. -quickly scribbles ''ANNA AND FRIENDS''
THE NEXT MONDAY- new sheet with completely filled up bookings is put up while quess who torks about how the music department couldnt have made a mistake while eating a liver/kidney-resembling substance in his hand.
but i guess theres nothing to bitch about since we got a lot of practice done and it sounds GOOD!! =DD
ahh shceizers -_-'
westpac on wednesday. But i've learnt not to stress over petit obstacles since in the end, what really matters? results for some unknown maths exam once upon a time in year 8?
surely not.
now i shall retire and go check out Windows Movie Maker xD
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Gosh, I nearly forgot about blogging today, what with holidays and all. Holidays were relatively boring, did practically nothing besides wasting my life on pointless, idiotic, frivolous, meaningless, irrelevent, unproductive [starts checking up thesaurus.com] trivial...
Okay okay, you get my point.
Today we had the first double maths of Year 8 Term 3 and, OH, what fun! I was sitting right in front of the heater which was blowing out excruciatingly hot air which enveloped me like a cocoon. (Wow, I even put a simile in that sentence =) As my mouth started to get as dry as the Sahara Desert, I reached into my bag for a cool, refreshing drink of water. My hands groped around the bottom of my bag. But, alas! My drink bottle was not there!
So I became even more thirstier..
And thirstier..
And thirstier..
After that was recess! =) Oh, what fun. (For real this time). Jerry, Betty and I went to the music room to practise POAL while Bob, Pat and Tom were stuck in their maths classroom because Mister didn't hear the bell. ==" So us three were practising and then we came up with a remix to Promise of a Lifetime!! =D It sounds so cool and awesome, like one of those professional rock bands!! =D Now if we can pull it off tomorrow/Monday..
And now, I'd would like to take this opportunity to put up those photos I was gonna put up like, 3 weeks ago. =="

Finally. TT" Photos take such a long time to put on. And I couldn't write any captions either because then it would screw everything up. ==" By the way, the last photo is my brother.. just to fill up space. ^^
But guess what kids? If you read the whole of my post, you get a special surprise at the end! Or you could just scroll all the way down, but whatever.
Today, I have a game for you to play! Whoever guesses what the picture below is gets something special, courtesy of me!
And, HERE IT IS! ..
It's squishy, it moves and you can eat it.
Edit: IT'S DICK!
This is a PG blog. =="
∞ First day of Term 3!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
And this shall be Post 124. I don't get it. Why do we always start school on TUESDAY?!
Well-o. We had History. And English.. And we booked the Music room and everything, getting ready to practise incase we fail our Music thing, and KABOOM. In comes >__> with his CHOIR which were booked SOMEWHERE ELSE, buh NO. They had to have G14. THEY BOOKED IT. They were ALWAYS there. Ohwell, all's good.
Maths-- we had.. KWAN, as she LIKES TO BE CALLED =) Hehe, I had to write her name for her, and PUT A HEART NEXT TO IT. Odd. And she spent the whole lesson talking about.. laundry, kitchen, the house etc. How nice.
PE-- we ALL died. And tomorrow, our hands are going to be full dead, so we'll get owned in our Touch game tomorrow. Against Glenwood *shivers*
And we played SNAP! Which Angela didn't exactly know how to play. AHEM AHEM. With their SAMURAI/ASHIGARU/etc etc cards. So funnyyyyy
-two samurai's in a row-
All except Tom: SNAP!
Tom: OH! Whoops. -unwillingly takes the pile-
And then, she starts to get the hang of it.
-samurai, then ninja-
Tom: SNAP!
All except her: Umm, that's a samurai and a ninja..
Tom: Oh..
Pat: Do you need your glasses?
HOHOHO~ And in Metalwork, it was such a bludge. NOTHING! @@@
Yes, Jerry said I could blog about my holidays, eyyy?
SO FUN, talks were good, SPRWC was fun etc.
Wonder who this is, eyy? EAT UP LEENIE! =)
Tammy, Kat, Diana and me in cupboards. Yup, we fit. Except AHEM AHEM had a bit of difficulty getting it. *coughtammycough* Just coz she's TTALL. Uber uber tall.
Bug, Kirst, Dayz and Alo =)
As you can see. It's is right.. Buh, a bit wonkatated. However you spell. Good enough, right? Ooh ooh, get it? I LOVE SG!! =) SG LOVE YOU!! =) Oh hohoho~
Now, guess who that is.
Not that guy, the two girls. DIANA and Tammyyyy.
Uh huh. Bus trip. Not coach though. HEHE, suck =)
Okayy, I think I'm done. There's heaps more photos, buh I'm not botheredd to put them all up coz that would take me 10000 years.
Cya tomolo~
>bob [x]
∞ UNgraceful grace =.=''
Sunday, July 15, 2007
and so ends our holiday...
''when I do count the clock that tells the time,
of thy beauty do i question make
that thou among the wastes of time must go...''
-snaps back to reality-
and so begins the start to another 10 weeks of endless... bliss -_-.
on saturday we went to this old great auntie and uncles house who tend to travel overseas a lot and they were like over the phone ''6 DIAN BAN YI QIANYI DING YAO DAO''. so what did we have in mind? an exciting surprise of course -_-''
and then what. the first thing they do when we come in through the door is put this video tape into the slot thing and force us to watch this 4 hour documentary thing [HEMM.. ie videocamered with classical music playing int he backround] on their trip to EUROPE. FUN...
and then these other people whoe we didnt know came in, and they turned out to be this canto couple who were TRES TRES RELIGIOUS, the husband being a priest.
and so we all walked to the dinner table filled with roast chicken and potato and chicken legs etcetc, and i was in the midst of asking my mother what the substance in her wine glass was, when i was RUDELY inturupted by her, telling me to ''OII SHUTUP''
and i was like ''excuse me??''
may i repeat, ''ni he de neyi ge shi SHEN MA??''
''SHHUUUUUUUUUU''-jabbing me away with her elbow and pointing at the ''priest''
as u can imagine i was very confused at this point in time, ESPECIALLY when i looked opposite me to find the priest uncle jabbling away in cantonese [- mo mo gei gei jin joii etcetc] , thinking my mother was overeacting with the ''active listening'' lessons in pd. and dont blame me... for i am jsut an innocent little girl who does NOT understand cantonese.
but then i looked to myleft.. and then the next person... and then the next... and they all had there eyes closed and there heads bowed -_-''
hoping no one had noticed my asking questions over the priest saying grace, i did the same.
so yeh. and during dinner my dad and the ''priest'' were sitting next to eachother, and engaged in a deep, loud conversation while the priest was talking about the christian religion and faith and how it is logical that everyone should believe in the holy cross etcetc, while my dad was there using his theoretical knowledge about how the earth was created in the BIG BANG etcetc to think of theoretically correct and smart comebakcs.him not being religious and all. it is a fcat that my dad can be quite stubborn when religious people sit next to him at the dinner table.
dont blame me... its just my parents and their thing with other traditions.
yes and anyway... yesterday our family decided to go on another PICNIQUE in wollongong next to this humongous dam thing. and ollie came too!! =]
a bit... confused.
and today i went to get a filling done at the dentist. so fucking scared and paranoid.
u know what she sed: ''im going to have to give u an injection for this tooth'' and then i sighed in relief as i remebered that those weeny littel needles they gave me before i got my braces which didnt hurt ONE BIT.
and then the dentists takes out this revolver-looking metal structure. and it FUCKING ALMOST DRAINED ALL MY NERVES FROM MY NERVOUS SYSTEM.
and now only the right side of my mouth is functioning and my nose is so numb i can't feel ''bi ti'' when it comes out so i have to walk around with a tissue -_-''
Monday, July 9, 2007
And now I'm making the biggest decision in my entire blogging life.
TO POST, OR NOT TO POST?Too bad, I chose to post. And plus, to read Jerry's fkn hilarious blog, sign in and read in Drafts, which is obviously not published for certain reasons. And that's kind of why I'm not going to post some very, *ahem, amusing pictures up like Jerry asked of me. Although I'm glad to show anyone who is interested and won't get me busted. x)
And it makes me think, is it fair for the school to cancel out blogs because of complaints or harsh comments written about some other students that are also attending that school? So does it make it alright, if I wrote something harsh on Paris Hilton, and yet completely, utterly UNACCEPTABLE if I published my masterpieces on D-Sped ( thanks to Paint) in this post?
I kinda know where they are getting at. Like sure, of course it's wrong to manipulate truths and talk trash about schools, ie. "degrading the high status of the school." BUT, people also have to understand that blogsites are also written in *checks English book* SUBJECTIVE FORM, ( tyty Mrs L ) therefore the readers/ FANS of the site should be aware that the posts are written by OPINNIONATED people, and does not necessarily define the truth.
And the whole point of blogsites is for people to express their views, and they deserve the freedom to write whatever shiee they want on it. Or perhaps put up a disclaimer? Haha *thinks back to my redempion-x blog*
So let's just predict the outcomes. If I post those pictures I made of D-Sped and Jerry post that kickass blog then we will gain ALOT MORE READERS. Ooft, nice nice. *thumbs up* BUT, more people viewing our blog means the more the blog is gonna spread, and of course, where will it end up? In that huge skull behind that few strands of hair. ASHLEY AND MARTIN HAIR TREAMENT FOR HAIRLOSS ANYONE? Ooft, I think I just gave it away. Oh well, W/E.
So then, of course, being the "man with the big heart" like he tries to express unsuccesfully, he would go and tell his parents or the year advisor, and SMACK, there goes our asses out the, ahem, front entrance of the school. This will of course be SHUT DOWNNNN and dayemm there goes our source of daily entertainment.
Enough about that topic. I better finish soon cos I'm so tired. Stayed up until 4:00am watching Nadal vs Federer. Ah Federer got lucky this time, but Nadal has improved alot and his crosscourt backhands and forehands are .. *sees you drifting off to sleep there* ..
Okies. SO, the last couple of days has been .. interesting? I wish. = Well actually it's quite good but dno, just tired right now. Went to Officeworks - THE WORKS, to get books and a new folder. Yes, call it peer pressure, or uneven shoulders, but I just felt like getting one.
Btw Tom, I think I'm watching HP on Monday. I don't get why you're so obssessed with it. It's just Harry Pothead afterall.
Bwahh one more week until school starts. TC ya'll. AND POST DAMMIT! It's only Jerry and I that's posting these days. = Okay okay, I'mma retire now and go sleepytimes. =)
∞ Yamada Hagaki. =)
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
YAMADA HAGAKI! So much for
daily entertainment. So here I am, in attempt to follow Jerry's theory about holidays = boring = people looking up websites for entertainment. And no, not the kind D-SPED looks up. *runs away*
I just came back from Anna's place and we finished our History! It's so high quality and all awesome. =) And no worries Pat, no matter how bad we get, we'll never blame you. =)
So yesterday, someone added me on msn with the msn nikk of this not-so-liked girl in our class. And no, I had no problems with that, but the email sounded more like a guy's email? So then HE started talking to me and I realised that it was actually a guy from our grade. And during that time, Tom and I were on msn, kinda being pessimistic for no reason, sighing and complaining about pointless issues. Being stuck in post-school anxiety drama? I don't know..
So in midst of all this dull atmostphere, I suddenly had a brainwave. A very slack, mean,
-looking up more words in dictionary.com- troublesome, ugly, unfriendly, unpleasant, unscrupulous, vexatious, vicious .. etc etc you get my point, brainwave. I confided in Tom about my stupid, immature, juvenile idea, and both of us thought,
and still thinks, that it was a very hilarious idea to start an email on msn and pretend to be another person.
Yes, that person.Sigh.. the guilt. Yeah sure, both Tom and I both sworn that we will be wayyy nicer to her now, but still..
So yes, back to the story. Everything basically went like this ..
- xx has just been added to this conversation -" hi. dis is ________"- xx has just left the conversation -ROFL ROFL. xDD And it was like that in all the convos except for one, which I shall not go into details. But yeah, we couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the day, and hell yeah I'm still laughing now.
And so inspite of all the guilt, Tom and I decided that we will only limit to our class and as soon as we scare another three? more people, we'll stop.
OKAY. ENOUGH OF MY STUPID EVIL IDEAS AND COLLABORATIONS WITH TOM. x) And I shall now complain about .. D-SPED! *Joy!* Yes, indeed another incident happened again, this time he was dissing Tom's hair to Tom and then afterwards dissing it to Jerry, WHILE SHE WAS OFFLINE like she was his bestestest mate or something, forgetting that he was being so slack to her only a few days ago.
What makes him think that he can talk to people like they are some useless trash? He thinks that just because he can hide behind that computer screen that shelters him from showing his insecurity, he can do anything and not suffer the consequences? I don't see him being the "man with the deep heart" like he goes on about when hes lurking around the school, hidden in the shadows. I don't see the "colours" and the "class" hiding behind that few strands of hair when he's "trying" to spark a conversation. Yes, "trying" very hard indeed. So hard that he thinks that you will fall for him after three "hello"s.
PLEASE. Don't think we're all shallow-minded airheads. Save your complaints for someone else who cares, savvy? And don't think we're just a bunch of pushovers, cos perhaps it's you that's so freaking vulnerable. We learn to IGNORE rumors, not be so frightened by them that it kills you just to sit next to a girl. Oh oops, sorry, perhaps you meant that you were scared that the girl you sit next to will fall madly in love with you? Knowingly that you do not "want to involve yourself in relationships because you are so PRONE TO THEM?"
And to you if you're reading this;
LET GOD JUDGE ME.Don't judge me by the two words I typed. You don't know me or the rest of SG, so don't talk about the things that you don't understand.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
lol i feel like posting right now since i have used common sense and logic to draw to a conclusion.
holidays = nothing to do= people getting bored= checking up certain websites for ENTERTAINMENT. THEREFORE. i thnk we should live up to our daily entertainment code of conduct since, indeed, its not during the SCHOOL TERM that people get bored and seek entertinament, but yes, rather the HOLIDAYS.
and i can tell you people that my holiday so far has been SO FREKN FUN and so frekn gay at the same time.
yesterday me and my mum and my sister went to mcquarie to shop and around and get exercise books for my sister's oc test this year. and yoou know whats funy. like 2 weeks ago right we went to hurstville and got kababs for lunch from Ali Baba and my mum was so besotted in her chicken and mayo kabab that she was full remebering the name of the shop andpraising it on how cheap itwas.
so you can guess what we had for lunch yesterday in the mall. yes ALI BABA KABABS. only this time she was full bitching about the cheepo azn shopkeeperS [note the plural- by that i mean like 8 asian women like crammed behind the glass] coz hey did such a bad job and the kababs were liek TWICE AS EXPENSIVE and HALF AS BIG.
i guess it runs in asian blood. no offence. coz the ali baba we went to at hurstville was owned by actual ARABIAN people who took great CARE in wrapping our kababs, not dumping it in the package so half of the kabas contents were falling out throught the hole at the end. and then u see 8 asian chiqques going ''tentaii aiitai faive daularr pliizzz''
and my mum thought she said ''twenty eight dollars fifty'' instead of ''twently dollars and eighty cents''
sigh... these few nights have been so disturbing. becasue my mum is putting so much pressure on my sister about the oc. however hard i play the keys on my piano at night to drown out the commotion, it never works, and the house is echoing with screaming at my sister for making this careless mistake, and that careless mistake lalalala at some trial test, since her marks are LITERALLY GOING DOWNWARDS.
which is another thing to think about- and ive been thinking about this kind of thing during the past weeks.
like when your mum forces you to wear that fat green baulko jacket over your jumper wen its only like 15 degrees, or wear long black unco pants to sport on wednesdays. and threatens you about the side effects of not covering your legs such as getting ''varicose veins'' -refers to science textbook- or getting old and wrinkly earlier than everyone else. -_-''