Thursday, June 28, 2007
Hahaha .. no. No seriously, don't turn up at my doorstep, because you will probably be welcomed by a scary teenage kid carrying a butter knife. x)
The power of the school cut cut down today for some strange reason, so during History we didn't have lights & ended up watching Ashiterix & Obelix, however you spell their names. Whilst the eyes of our classmates were glued onto the TV screen, Jerry, Anna and I were busy cutting out black cardboard & the Japan warriors (both courtesy of Jerry) and making our super-awesome History cards!
So, after that it was Geo & our stupid coral reefs etc etc. Corals are colonies of polyps and they contain algae beneath their t- .. *slowly drifting off to sleep* But we have commerce next term so that's good. x)
During double English we just looked at letter-writing with me drawing that lil dude on my paper smoking cigar with a huge gangster scar across his face and red, bloodshot eyes from too much smoke and alchahol. " WANT SOME? " - Harry Pothead. xD Anyways, and apparently my ruler was getting owned by Jono's ruler. oO" And since the electrician has to figure out what's wrong with the power cables, everything electrical was turned on, including TV, lights, FANS AND AIR CONDITIONING. And may I add, it's Winter here .. *shivers*
Music with Mr Wong was always unprogressive as ever, with Henry and Liang's super loud piano of "Can You Feel The Love Tonight" drowing out our "Promise of a Lifetime." So then I just ended up getting guitars and I LEARNT 3 CHORDS! ^^ Hehe and I was giving concerts. For free. YES WHERE WERE YOU? Missed VIP tickets? x)
OMFG MATHS WAS THE BEST!Yes, you read that right! But that was only cos ehh .. we weren't actually doing maths. =P The teachers needed to set up the lunch farewell for Mr Fugaccia so they told us that instead of doing maths, WE HAD TO REARRANGE TABLES! Hehe and MY class were so much faster at it then those smartass 8L1'ers. xP
Then it turned out that some people needed to help scrub the desks so of course, who can do a better job than Anna and I? *Pulls up sleeves* And while we were doing child labour for free, SOME PEOPLE *looks at you, you, you and maybe you* were telling me to hurry up and scrub harder and ..
" PUT YOUR BACK INTO IT BETTY!"Haha thanks for the encouragement Murali. YOU GUYS SHOULD SCRUB NEXT TIME! I felt like a housewife lol.
So after all that effort, we left the maths block with our only payment being an early mark of less than one minute. And I love to ..
*Hi5 !Lunchtime was mainly Bob and Pat showing off their fantabulous card trix, and when it came to me .. Haha the 4 kings trick.
Betty: Ahem, so now .. ehh .. as you can see, here's four Kings.
Bob: Noooo! Why is that Ace & Four there?
Haha oops, attempt failed. ><" Oh well. Science was after lunch and we just watched the video as the power was still not back. In History we just worked on our cards, and we finished cutting and pasting! ^^
The last bell signalled the end of term 2, and half of year 8. I guess this term had been eventful and certainly worth remembering. =) Time just goes in a blink of an eye, or a SCRUB OF A DESK doesn't it? Whether you're having fun or not. We choose electives next term too..
Well, I guess that's it. I'm post later if I feel like it but probably not. Happy hols everyone! =D And I shall end this by saying ..
TC BRIAN. All the best in Korea & Canada, wherever you are.xx.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
we are gathered here today to acknowledge a very umm... un-normal event. will it happen today? tomorrow? in a MONTH? who knows. the fact is...
wait for it....
ROLL UP ROLL UP, SERENA WILLIAMS IS COMING TO OUR BLOGSPOT!!!!and NOOOOOOOOOOO ITS NOT JUST A SCAM TO GET PEOPLE TO READ IT. seriiously, today i commented on serena's blogspot asking her about her most memorable moment [because of mrs taylor's assignment] and then i asked her to visit our blogspot and comment on the cbox =DDDDD and she AUTO SENT ME BACK TWO EMAILS . 0.0 -faints-
-points- HER!!! SERENA WILLIAMS!!!
o and uh... our names are aK0n harry dick etc, but DO NOT BE FOOLED X] yes we are indeed CHIQQUES. By the less complicated names of Lynette [ak0n], betty [dick] anna [harry] eugenia [pat] emma [bob] and angela [tom].
welcome to our blog. we are and will be the coolest people u ever met.
if you look in the menu bar you wil see our tagboard. comment if u feel like it yo! we would like u to know
lynette and THE soul-group chiqques
[note the CHIQQUES bit]
∞ SG BAG RACK!!!! =P
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Today was the BEST! Best Wednesday! It was SO FUN! Ok. 'Let's start from the very beginning. the very best place to start...' [Sound of Music!]
'Life is too short so enjoy it and make the most of it.' Just something a scripture teacher said today. And he's right. There's no point stressing about things as they won't get you anywhere. Just enjoy life! But you never know when you could be killed by a fire or car crash. So my advice to you is to be prepared...
SG has made some very good inventions in the past including SG cricket and the SG invisible door. But the best is by far our SG bag rack! Made with a simple long stick in a tree or right shape, it was Made in SG Area and is unique. However, we didn't get to our fabulous finish straight away! No. Houston, we had a problem. Haha. We got the long long stick stuck in the SG table. But after fiddling and twisting it for 10 mins it finally got free. From there, everything went well and we made the best bag rack in history!! It was so AWESOME! =D
Sport was cancelled so we watched Screaming and Kicking. I think. Well, a movie about soccer. And then, Bob and I discovered that we were TELEPATHIC!!! Haha. And we played cards and did magic card tricks and one where Bob and I were telepathic and no one could work out how it worked! Clever Bob!
Join the telepaths:
Call us on 1300 213 135
To join the telepaths.
We already have one other member!!
So, call us on:
1300 213 135 and join the telepaths NOW!
Haha. Like my ad??
Oh and, for all guys out there who want their voices to break faster, EAT MANDARINS!!!
It works! I know this through experience...xD
Enjoy life...^^
∞ L-O! =)
Monday, June 25, 2007
Yeah. Today was Tuesday. Zomg, I think I said that last time. Whoops. Anyhow.. I'm listening to Fergie atm. Anyhow.. and no, I don't like.. that stuff that the guy was talking about. Haha Anna xD. How stupid..
Anyhow. It was Recognition Assembly. And it was Fugaccia's last one todayy. Congrats everyone who got awards. HAHA, and it was funny. Funny. Hehe, speaking of Fugaccia, yday was the assembly thing, and the drums were SO cool!! And the violin =) Haha, and the slideshow was SO cool! I like powerpoint thinggg-os.
And so, we didn't have History and English. Which is okay. Buh we really need to finish our research for the board game otherwise we really won't finish..
Anyway, Jerry and HARRY [Zomg, I remembered!] got awards! And we all thought DICK got one too coz she had to stand up and help Rebecca up. Buh anyhoo. And then, we had to help serve coffee/tea. And we were SO good, weren't we? YEAH! =) So good that everyone started to do it THEMSELVES. Aye aye aye, so good.
Yeah, lame I know. And there's another verse, buh I'm really not bothered write it out, since I have this thing where you have to WRITE out the words.. Aye aye aye, things you do when you get bored..
ANYHOW. Hehe, everyone talks about chinese school. Well, not EVERYONE. Buh.. chinese school is SO fun, right ANITA? HAHA. And we got 100%!! So pro..
Anyhoo. After all that chinese, I full have a mind blank. Yes. In Metalwork, it was SO stupid, coz I had to do SO many hammer heads which was SO stupid. Aish... And now I can't get the grease of my hands. Actually, I can.. And the bus trip was even more stupider. Full stop.
OH. We got our Non-Calc yday. And it was SO bad. Pat, you got heaps good! Someone got 8.. aish. You know, the bottom classes are getting WAY, SO, TOO smart! Like, their average was 17! Zomgg. Aish. I would have gotten UNDER. Aishh.
This is boring. Idk what to say. So I'm just randomly typing. And.. we had French today. And we watched Cheaper By the Dozen today. Which was good! Such a bludge! YAY! And it was good! Hehe. And in Maths, it was horrible.. Buh that's probably coz I SUCK at it..
And it was VOLLEYBALL. Which I SUCK at. And some people like.. MAGGIE are SO good at. Aye aye aye. And I could only serve ONCE properly. Aish. And.. lemme think. We WON! *cough* We just.. got.. 5.. which is technically the lowest, considering you get ONE point if you lose. And we played FIVE games. HAHA. Whilst the other teams got.. like.. ELEVEN. Aye.
Hehe, I have to think so much, that this thing has to save every 5 seconds..
YAY! Nearly EC camp! =) Oh yes. We're all going to Pat's house in the holidays! On Sunday. ZOMG. Is it this Sunday? Idk, can't remember. Hehe, if only I had Jerry's uber good memory.
HAHA. POAL! YEAH! =) We're getting good, right?
YAY! Northmead tomorrow! =) In the mud. STUCK. Maybe we won't play.. Anyhow..
Oke. Cya allz tomorrow. TOMOLOOO~
>bob [x]
ARGH, I'M SO PISSED. I was trying to delay this as long as possible. But, my mum finally saw...my report. With everyone saying how their parents were all cool about
their report, I thought it wouldn't be that big of a deal, BUT..
Me: - presents Mum with report - I only got one subject under average.. - weak smile -
Fun, not? -.-'
And while a proceed to explain how Miss Kite was a really hard marker and how Mr Wong gave out random Bs, she goes, “DON’T BLAME YOUR TEACHERS AH! YOU WOULD HAVE GOTTEN OVER AVERAGE IF YOU’D TRIED HARDER, ANNA!!”
Woah, scary Asian mums. =S Ah, so scared..
On a happier note, I shall now blog about Saturday! It all began with the eventful Chinese school..
We got our reports back and guess what?! Straight A's and 100% for everything. =DD But that was because everything was so easy and I'm only in Year 4. ==" Way better than my school report. Oh, and we had a fire drill, which is utterly pointless in my opinion. Well, at this time of the year anyway. Why didn't we have a fire drill in summer? ==" After fire drill was school photos which was really lame.
The camera didn't click ah... =___=
Oish, during lunch we were wandering around the school and we happened to go past the Year 7 classroom. And out pops the scary teacher! For some reason, she has a liking for me and Michelle so as soon as we went past, she was like, - big smile on face - "ANNA! MICHELLE! NI HAO!!" And proceeds to ask us all sorts of questions with that big cheesy grin on her face. ><"
That night, we had dinner with some family friends my dad's friend's son had come back from HK. The guy from HK pulls out this state-of-the-art tiny, superslim high-tech gadget out of his pocket which is a phone/mini computer/GPS navigator/whatever whatever. Everyone oohs and ahhs around it until he goes,
"Ahh, I have to get a new one! It's so old you know. It's already been out for 3 months!"
=____=" Three months?!?!
Yes, it's holidays soon! =D And as they draw closer and closer, I feel more happy! =D The first proper break in a looong time since I wasted the last holiday practising like, 3 hours a day for the one-month-earlier-than-expected piano exam. TT"
I can't wait! =D--Anna.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
ROFL. chinese was actually really intersting on saturday. -sees eveyone glaring at me wierdly- NOOOOOOO NOT THE TEACHING. who wants to have fun while the chinese substitute raves on about some old ancient chinese proverbs and talks about chinese history during which mao ze dong lalala and the republic blah blah blah.
firstly, 15 mintues late, the chinese substitute comes bustling in covered in nice big wooly clothes and like 4 pairs of pants, and then half an hour later we were reading this complicated passage about how once upon a time there was this man who wanted to find an easier way to cut trees and one day he was climbing up the mountain and a particular species of ''cao'' with blades cut his hands or something. o.O LAME OR WHAT??? neway and that was how the''SAW'' was invented. and the teacher was like illustrating the story by drawing grass blades on the board with a marker with no ink. xDDDD ''KAN JIAN LE MA???DONG BU DONG''
and it so happened that in the same lesson i found an INTERESTING [xD] mathematical equation inscribed on my table. ROLL UP ROLL UP HURRY UP AND COPY IT INTO YOUR BOOKS, HOMMIES, its very USEFUL for studying the four operations X)
F*CK + F*CK = 2F*CK2. F*CK - F*CK = 03. F*CK x F*CK = F*CK24. F*CK divided by F*CK = 1-quickly writes down in maths book-
ROFLROFL. ok that was pointless and retarded. moving on. the rest of my weekend was just bloody gay coz i wasted like 5 hours and 5 tubes of glue to stick the pages in my va books. -.-''
This morning i went to the ortho, and ended up thinking i was half and hour late to school, and after like 15 minutes of wandering around the school and girls toilets hopelessly wandering where everyone went mr hopper walks by and goes ''are you waiting for something? o everyone else is at mr fuggacia's farewell assembly'' >.<'' and then i ended up standing for 20 minutes outside the big gym and when the principal walked out crying and covering his eyes i clapped for him x)
sewing was fun since i FINALLY finished my volcanic apron, and the timetable went all retarded because of the extra long assembly.
at lunch i was busy filming my pro documentary on anna's phone. ANNA POST IT ON OUR BLOG!!! =DDD
QUESTION OF THE DAY: [and no, this time it was NOT posted by james]
sneha to teacher: WHATS ESTROGEN? (was that what she said?)
teacher: -blinks blankly-
according to google's web definition, estrogen is:
nahh ill pass. for those curious people out there go to
over and out
Yeah I just finished English Review on "Lincoln Park" -looks at Anna- xD, and really feel like blogging, so ..
YES, IT'S A DOUBLE POST!Be excited or be irritated, it's your choice. Either way, you have to put up with it. x)
Well my weekend has been, okay? Went to Btown for Yum Cha, and you see, while we were there, I was commenting on the "Pierre Cardin" top my dad was wearing and saying that some people are really into brands, and sure, there's really nothing wrong with that. But then he said something that made me think.
" Natural is beauty. If you fully go into cosmetics, plastic surgery, branded clothes, you're just changing your outside because you feel so insecure and self-conscious about your appearance. But then what difference does it make? How then, are you different from a mannequin you see regularly in clothes shops, dressed in fancy clothes? It's the soul that matters, and what's within yourself and makes you so unique. It differentuates you from everyone else, and from everyday objects. So don't fool yourself into being all fake and plasticated because it's the soul that counts."
Just something to think about.
Yeah, reports were .. okay? Yeah my "rents saw and they were pretty happy with everything and told me not to worry etc etc and then we were talking about how pressured some parents are to their kids, and then my "rents were like ..
" Yeah see we don't pressure you to do things right? What's the point, when you can do just as good as others that are pressured? And plus, life is hard enough already, without pressuring you to make it more difficult. "
Yeah .. something else to think about there ..
As you can see, I've had a pretty eventful weekend. Okay, shuddup, I know I haven't, but yeah. Just feels like it.
Oh yeah btw,
happy birthday Jimmy, althought I doubt anyone else reads our blog besides us.
Lemme make a prediction of tomorrow, since I don't feel like sleeping right now.
1 & 2 period - Sewing.Now now now girls, don't get over-excited -.-" I guess I've improved alot from my hopeless attempts last year, and it's gonna be fun tryna finish sewing my very organic *AHEM* apron, althought I doubt I'll complete the tedious task. Woah, I 've just put "fun" and "sewing" in a sentence. =O
3 & 4 period - Science.Scribbling results in the back of my Geo book since I've used up my 64-page Science book. Listening to Harw- WAIT A MINUTE!
"Wait A Minute - Pussycat Dolls" starts playing in the background.
Haha nonono stop the music now. Didn't Harwood say that she wasn't going to be at school for the last week of this term? Hehe. x) But I bet you we're just going to do textbook work.
5 & 6 period - on cours de mathematiques est tres tres mauvais.Revision tests. I guess I'm just grateful to have Chiem as a teacher? She's really trying to get us to be smarter, but kinda failing cos we're too dumb to be helped.
7 period - Music.Wong. Alphabetical Order. Full stop.
8 period - English.I swear, every year we're going to have English periods in which we don't learn anything. Last year it was Mz A and this year it's Mz L. C'mon, try to recall what we learnt from them. Blank, right?
I bet you my predictions are gonna be as accurate as hell. Unless something major happens, which I doubt. Every Monday seems to be the same.
BUT HAVE NO FEAR! Althought every Monday is the same, every single post written on Mondays by JERRY is never the same, and that goes for BOB on Tuesdays, PAT on Wednesdays, A- I mean, HARRY on Thursdays, and .. yes, so on so forth.
BTW I saw this QQ toy today! Aww reminds me of my old name. QQ IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN DICK! But now I have "THE PROPERTY OF D- " written on my calc, courtesy of Jerry, so that name is not gonna go away soon. =( Aww ..
None of the names suit Anna and I ( I wrote "me and Anna" first but then erased and changed it. See how influential you are Anna? xD ) and that kinda sucks. I mean, first it was QQ and PinGu, and now Dick and Harry. What's next? =S
Dayem, one weekend is up and still I haven't mastered Yu-Gi-Oh. Not good. *Thumbs downnnn* Btw I was thinking about having SG outing in the holidays. Anyone interested?
Hahahha which reminds me, my "I Wanna Love You - Akon" is the dirty version. Lols, althought I have no idea what
that have got to do with SG outings.
*Scrolls up and down*
Sorry guys. Betty strikes again.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
GUESS WHAT?What, oh what Betty?
IT'S FRIDAY!Eh, yeah .. so?
What an inrevalent and juvenile way to start a post. But yes, as I mentioned above, today is FRIDAY. *Gasp!* Tres tres chouette, non? Hmph, I don't seem to be making much sense. Lemme start again..
-DEEEEP BREATHE-So this morning, I arrived at school with blood the violent shade of crimson running through my fingers, but on the outside my hands were like ICESTICKS. =O First up was History, and Jerry, Anna and I just wasted the school ink to print out 40 cards with the character for Honour or something. ><" Cheap =)
And then it was REPORTS TIME. And Ying got mine cos we have the same name yadeeyadeeya, and then I got .. ehh .. ><" GOT OWNED IN TECHNOLOGY. Jeez she should've gave me more marks .. for sympathy, y'know? =) But I guess overall I'm fine with my marks. Btw hi5* Jerry! Same PE mark ;)
And then after all the comparing and complaints about reports, double English came. And yeah, got poem analysis mark back etc. MAYBETH GETS A FKN MERIT JUST COS SHE GOT 10! Like whaaaaaat? What about Tom, Henry and me? Sheesh, might as well give her full marks for her yearly right now, because it's gonna make no difference. And all of "her" friends get good marks too, even if Hayley wasted like 2 minutes talking about the lifestory of the POET, which is NOT what we were suppose to do. It just angers me, because some people put in so much more effort and dedication just to earn a " 8 " and there goes Hayley, who says something random and gets like "9.5" and a merit.
IL EST TRES TRES MAUVAIS! Je discontente! >=/
Psh, we all know what would happen if Justin turned up with a talk like Hayleys.
So then we just wasted the rest of the period listing, and since Bob, Pat and I didn't know we could use a variety of topics, we stuck with sporting figures and whooo we still did alot. =) And then Music was a boring non-progressive waste-of-time. Maths was .. -shrugs-
Jeez, what a non-exciting day.
After lunch it was .. SCIENCE! And Tom was showing us the picture of a girl WHICH SHE LOOKED UP AND PRINTED OUT. Apparently that's the hair she wants. oO" Bar fringe? Anywho, we made oxygen! And the eternal flame .. so pretty! ^^
The last period of History was the funnest/ and funniest POD (part of day) I've had. Anna and I decided to try to figure out the rules for our ehh, BATTLE OF HIDEYOSHI game. xD So then we tried out my rules, with my " ATTACK OF THE ASHIGARUS!" But then it didn't work rofl. I got fully owned by Anna everytime. xDD So then we got Nishy to teach us how to play YuGiOh! The rules are so hard to understand. ><><><
* Anna puts her Samurai card to attack*
Me: Ehh, so now what if I put my Ashigaru to defence?
Nishy: Well, then your dead.
Me: OHHH .. then eh.. Ninja?
Nishy: Is Ninja more powerful than Samurai?
Me: Ehh NO! AHH! *Quickly withdraws Ninja*
And then the concept of "trap cards" is just another story.
Haha, and Anna is gonna take lessons from the master of YuGiOh - HER BROTHER. =) While .. I eh .. learn off the internet? Nooooo I need tutoring for YuGiOh. And then everyone was just trying to explain to me the rules while my brain remains malfunctioning. I think it's gonna be stuck in that state for quite awhile. Yeah so thanks Nishy & everyone else, YuGiOh pros. =__=
So now it's the weekend, and one more week until term 2 ends. SO FAST OMFG. And I guess I'm generally happy with this term, and hopefully next term will even be better. =)
Until then, it's just me and you hommie. *Looks at my report card*
Gimme a T!
Gimme a H!
Gimme an U!
Gimme a R!
Gimme a S!
Gimme a D!
Gimme an A!
Gimme a Y!
WHAT DOES IT SPELL?! Ehh..Th...thuuuurrr...thurss...day? ><"
Okay okay, that just filled up a lot of room! =D Let me start off with Anna's Adventures. Compact, portable and fitted to fit in before school! =D
Is was a cold, cold, morning. Anna had a breakfast that was
tres rapide and put her feet to warm in front of the heater. It was a pity to leave the warming heater but VERY BRAVELY, she opened the door and wandered out into the cold, biting wind outside.
She walked the few hundred metres to the bus stop but it seemed like eternity, battling the fierce,
roaring winds. Finally she arrived at the bus stop. And waited. And waited...and waited even more..
- 20 minutes later-
A bus pulls out besides and a random driver growls, "HOP IN. WE'RE LATE!" Unsure of the route, the bus crawls ....slowly... to our destination.
At Oakhill College. OH NO! Where are all the buses?! A little group of Baulko students look lost but then an ingenious person finds a bus that goes to Castle Towers. The bus driver looks in disgust as we get off a Castle Towers like we were a bunch of school waggers. AND EVERYONE KNOW'S I'M NOT. Right, right?! =P Anna is feeling very cold. =(
At Castle Towers, we wait for some time but then find out that the next bus to TAFE comes in half an hour. Having nothing to do, we decide to WALK to school. Anna is still feeling very cold. =(
Anna, yet again, trudges along the GRUELLING hike, feeling very cold indeed. Anna sees why Angela thinks walking is boring. ==" She finally gets to school at 9:15 and misses the non calc!
Like my story? Like the description? My brain was still frozen from walking so I didn't do as good as I could have. TT"
Oh yes! Today was the French breakfast where we got to EAT! =D Ehh, what else would you do? ==" Stupid me. But the pastries were SO BIG and I was really full after that.
What to write, what to write..
After school, I finnaly went to tennis. The first time in like, 4 wekks. What is it with Thursdays and rain? TT" I was so crap because I hadn't practised in ages on account of the rain. BUT THEN, it started raining halfway after all. -.-
Now, I'm feeling very cold and typing this up. I keep on making typos cause my fingers are cold. =(
Oh yeah! We got this huge TV! =D 46"!
Ah, have to go have to go. Sorry for such a short post but I PROMISE PROMISE that I will make up for it later this week, neh? ^^
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
It was very very very very very very very very very very very very very cold today. At recess. But it got warmer so it was alright afterwards.
Anyway, we had Science and I had to sit with Bob because Jerry was at zone again and we were doing these maths-like equations with the H for hydrogen and then you change it to H2 for the equality of the results and the ARGH! It's so confusing...
In Geo we were watching the video again and then in the middle of it the screen went black and then kept flashing and so the teacher went to fix it and she stood behind the TV acting like a TV transmitter thing so the video was watch-able. It happened twice too.
And at RECESS! We discovered that Tom likes watching a TV show about a guy with the nickname of BIG BUN!! And there's a Little Bun!! Actually it's meant to be Big Abalone and Little Abalone but because it's Chinese the translation is a bit strange. Hehe. I found it very hilarious.
We had English and we found out we were meant to do the report on the review for homework but none of us did it so we all said that we had finished it but it was on the computer so we bludged the whole period. =P Then we finished Narnia in Scripture and did this worksheet in PD.
After that, we had lunch and then SPORT! But it was all wet and muddy. And we were "running" through the muddy muddy grass. So we had no training and went to P1 to watch a movie. We voted and ended up watching She's the Man. But before that my voice was breaking...xD It was very strange...Don't worry, Loooooong story. She's the Man is SO funny!!! HAHA! And we had very good timing cos the movie finished and we put our chairs up just as the bell went.
Argh! Such a boring post. Sorry. Nothing interesting happened today...
∞ Aishh..
Aishh. Tuesday 19th June. Horrible. English Comp. Was Easy.
Hehe. You like my short sentences? Its to provide SUSPENSE and keep the audience entertained. Kidding. Things you learn at English.. aye aye aye.
I was going to bring CAMERA. Since Jerry said to put photos, buh that would take up my bag space and my bag today was awfully heavy.
Zone today~~ Though I didn't go. Buh one SG-er did!! Hehe. JERRY!! =) Good luck! I mean.. idk what I mean. Anyhow, you're going tomorrow too. Aye aye aye, it's a bye tomorrow. Training. Aishh. What fun.
YOU KNOW. Mr Pickle Burger is a very fat, ugly blob that clings onto Pat's bag. Here, a song xD
Bob: Who stole the Pickles from the Pickle jar?Pat: BURGER stole the pickles from the pickle jar!!! Bob: Who HER?! [points to Tom]Pat: YES HER!!Both: BURGER STOLE THE PICKLES FROM THE PICKLE JAR!-fanfare- Presenting......BURGER PICKLES!! HEHE. In French, we were reading this passage in our workbook thing, and it goes..
DEAR TOM. Blah blah blah. Today, I went blah blah with Jim [I think I shouldn't with the other part incase] and Joanna. I went swimming with Sophie. KISSES,
SPEDD!!!!!!!!!! Aka... [Actually it was Louise. Close enough]And we were walking to Recess to our shed-ed place, and we pass... *drumroll* SPED!! And he waves ENTHUSIASTICALLY and Tom waves back ENTHUSIASTICALLY. Aishh. What people do for their BEST FRIENDS...
Anyhow. It was PE!! And we THOUGHT we were going to combine, buh we went to the shed-ed place. And we just did random stuff. Skipping, soccer [not really] and handball etc.
Argh, I'm so cold. Ok. And WE PRACTISED OUR MUSIC!! Except Jerry wasn't there, so Pat did drums. And it was cool!! =) And Ilzy and Sonya came to watch, so all was good. And I rejected Jennifer and co, so they couldn't watch xDD Sorlee.
ZOMG. METALWORK! I always seem to blog about that. YOU KNOW, I finished my hammer!! Before ANGELA ZHOUUUUU. Which reminds me, I hafta do Cooking hw. Aye aye aye. Anyhow, it was such a .. [insert word] lesson.
You know, we didn't get our reports. And Tom was stupidly contradicting herself. Like.. "ARGH. I don't want my report back". Five minutes later when she finds out we're not getting them, "WHAT?!? I want mine!!" Aishh.
Anyhow. Idk what to write now. Lemme see. Oh yeah. Pat and Jen's class got let out early, buh I didn't know, so I told the teacher the bell had gone already.... ANd now, he probably hates me coz I lied. Not exactly. Anyhow.. we got let out early xDDD
Good luck to Zone-ers tomorrow. Aish. It's gonna rain? I dunno. Anyhow, cyaa~~
>bob [x]
∞ the 10 commandments.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
i'd like to start off with a few words, since right now im virtualy drowning in guilt ><
"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out." "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." "True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost." thus i have achieved none of the above, i am sorry. You would think that after somone put so much effort into supporting and making your creation such a memorable moment, the least you can do is repay them witht he same deed ==''
nevertheless, i have my commitments. RIGHT SOUL-GROUP? -makes u all nodd-
on the subject of GROUPIES and COMMITMENTS, we- [minus some people who were too besotted in their card game] have compiled the official THE 6 SOUL-GROUP COMMANDMENTS.
1. This blog will remain upstanding and regularly updated [no, not once a month] until the last day of the last term in year 12. [ okay, at least until term 3 when hsc starts]
2. Playing cards is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN within the sg area. [which is, btw,from the sg log to the used-to-exist-doorway to the silver seats to the tree next to the rubbish bin]. ok fine, fine, that rule only exists four out of 5 week days due to unpopular demand -_-''
3. support for one another should be flawless and everlasting. Live in love and promotion, not envy and jealousy.4. Every action of an sg'er is dedicated to the well-being of another.5. smoking within the sg area is not permitted. [what??? couldnt think of another one lorr...]6. breaking any of the above rules is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN dot dot dot, u are all thinking. ^^ hahahaha not much of stirct commandments ehh? -sees tom and harry pushing poor jerry off the table- -makes tom sit on blop of tuna-
ahh sorry, this entry is so messed up and pointless ><. its the thought that counts right?? ROFL today at music we were all wondering what mr wong was on about when he was playing the number pattern game or something. i mean wtf? ''3, 5,... what is next in the pattern?'' errr... 6! we all shout, confusedly. ''INCORRECT... SEVEN'' -nodds absent-mindedly- i mean, whats he doing? counting consecutive odd numbers???
and then ''dair was dis old old man, mch older than me'' -gestures above his head-
what do u know. my mums younger than me o.O
sigh... i feel so dissapointed in what ive just done to a friend. dick get online ill tel u what her reaction was.
sorry if this post seems really screwed- dont feel like talking
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Sorry folks, no more deep and rhetorical questionsa gain. But before I start, LET'S ALL CHUCK A MAYBETH!
" Biodiversity"HEEEHHH - deeeep breathe -Haha, and most of you probably don't even know what I'm on about.
SO, TODAYYY IS FRIDAY! =D Aint that awesome? So, ma journee commence a huit heures. I left home and walked down that ridiculously steep hill that's like nearly vertical when I realised that I forgot to bring cardboard and contact for History!
NOOB.And then I looked back up the hill, and immediately decided that there was no way I'm walking back up again. So I plunged on in the cold, bitter winds of winter. Arrived at school, ladeeyadeeda, then first up it was History!
And we just drew our designs for flags and stuff, and I was too busy forging my History show note, because due to my stupidity, it was due today and yes, you get the picture. So then that took me until Geo, where we were watching this video about Oceans and Tom and I was just listening for whether Maybeth was going to repeat what she did yesterday, ie. "chucking a Maybeth."
Damn, she didn't.Recess was normal, just guys tryna squish each other and far out it kills your hip bone, as I came to find out. ><"
English speeches were next, and since it was a double, everyone finished speeches. Just as a recount, here are some highlights during the whole assessment of English poetry speaking and analysis.
JUSTIN - rofls "calloo callayy!" -scratch scratch- He scratched so much lol. Arse included. xD
ZHU - Stage fright! Haha he was so afraid that we could see that his hands were shaking violently. xD And his palm cards were like the length of chopsticks, sticking out of his hands and shaking.
EASWAR - Man that guy makes a good horse-racing commentator! He was going at like 1OOO miles per hour, rests and refreshments not included. =O
BAYU - Eyebrows go up, eyebrows go down. "Nuff said.
LIANG - Haha yeah actions yo! And he SLAYED the Jabberwocky. - does slaying actions -
And Kayley's going to get a merit for her recital! WHAAAAT? Just because she has a loud voice! I mean, what about mine huh? Like not to boast or anything, but mine was just as good as hers, and plus I remembered the whole damn poem! JEEZ LOUISE.
And for our grand finale? Guess who's coming to town?
EXTRA EXTRA, READ ALL A BOUT IT!ENGLISH SPEECH GRAND FINALE, FRIDAY 15th JUNE..FT *****!Hahahha censored =P I'm not going to post her name up here because that's just tres tres slack. So after that fantastic piece of entertainment, we slowly walked towards G13 for Music. Ooft we only practised like once. >< And Nishy was going to jump out of the window if we payed him lol. But then he didn't. =[[
Cours de mathematiques est tres tres mauvais. I swear I'mma beat Murali one day.
LUNCHTIME, MUNCHTIME! ^^Well, everything was going well, until eh .. Jerry came and found me. ><" We then joined Jolene's group for dance. Haha, and on the way to the English rooms, we ran into Ganesh and he was asking me for breakdancing lessons. xDDD I shall say now: I CAN'T BREAKDANCE! Apparently someone went around and said I can breakdance and now people are all asking me. ><"
So then after trying to escape from an eager student of breakdancing, we went to Science, which was just learning stuff. Oui, tres tres occupee. =) Haha, and then the teacher was listening to Beethovan! ^^
So then it was History again and we were writing Chinese! HAHA! x) And we wrote all this stuff like "Love Fruit. Love ya mum" on Bayu's thingo. Then we ended up with "Love Rice." And then just writing random Chinese. xDDD
Walking home is surely the greatest part of my day. -.-
Which reminds me, if that has any connection to what I'm going to say at all, but Ms Kite didn't collect History AGAIN! What a waste of time! Haha and I learnt so much from "Samurai Training" video, courtesy of YouTube! =DD
- DOOSH DOOSH DOOSH -Yeah, so that kinda concludes the week. Evenful, ainnit? But next week - non calc, REPORTS! History Show rofl, French breakfast? Idnooo ><"
And now the sky is in a shade of purple with a hint of pink. Pretty ..
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Okay okay, 103rd post!! =D
Hehe, I don't know why I just wrote that.
YELLOWCARD is touring in
August. xP * wink wink nudge nudge *
Tom: But I would rather spend 400 bucks for a VIP seat for Rain concert!
OH NO YOU DON'T! Heh heh.. Go listen to some of their songs Angela! ( Am I being too suss, Betty? ><" )
OH! THEY'RE SO GOOD! ( I think I
am being too suss now.)
Ah, I'm so hungry.. My mum's been busy working these couple of days so my dad cooks dinner.. X_X Go get cooking lessons or something! Or your family may die from indigestion or food poisoning!! I shall now describe some of the dishes he has made these last couple of days. AHEM..
FIRST UP!Steamed egg bespeckled with leftover cherry tomatoes at the bottom of the fridge. Garnished with a few handfuls of anchovies and topped with a few generous slices of ginger to taste. Add a little salt and oil, and into the pot! Oh yum. =="
SECOND UP!Oh no, what is he doing? He's attempting a soup! He lets the water boil, then adds Chinese mushrooms, dates, peanuts, these Chinese nuts, Chinese ginseng, zhi gua.. Oh no! He forgot the add meat! He puts some fish, adds a little salt and oil to taste, then lets it boil for a few hours. Oh I forgot to mention that he cooks some cobs of corn on top of that in the same pot to save energy.
WHAT? What is this disgusting blackish-brown pool in the pot with a few browned slices of zhi gua floating on top?
Why, that's the soup of course!
And then corn has soaked up the flavour of the "soup" and become disgusting. To serve with the soup, there is STEAMED BACON and very dry leftover rice. =____="
My mum has become the official food-tester so we wait for her to come back before we eat, which was around 9.
-Looks at "soup" -
Why'd you put the zhi gua in the Chinese herbal medicine lah?!?! You just wasted a whole gua!
Dad: Ehh, that's soup..
Mum: Shocked.
I am in need of proper food. =_=
Today he has attempted a soup again. I think he took a few tips from my mum this time because today, it doesn't smell or look as bad as yesterday's concoction.
I'll just write about the highlights in the day. I find it boring to blog about the whole school day.
HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY #01It is English and Justin gives his speech. What was wrong with him? It was like he had body lice or something. And scratching his butt.. =="
HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY #02We went to the music room at lunch to practise Promise of a Lifetime and it sounded really good! Tom just couldn't get that part right and everything needs to be louder, especially the singing. But overall, it was really progressive and good. =) Eeeee!
Seriously, I can't write anything anymore. I have run out of things to say. OH YEAH! Check out the side of Betty's calculator. xD With my bad handwriting on it. Hehe.
OHH.. I can't write anything interesting. I have totally run out of things to say and my whole head is blank except for the thought that I can't write anymore because my head is blank except for the thought that I can't write anymore because..
Omgsh. =="
P.S. Betty, you don't owe us anything, right guys? Isn't that what friendship is? Being there for each other without thinking about how the other person needs to repay you for the friendship? And even if you did, you've already repaid it more than enough.
∞ happy happy -_-
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
HAHAHAHA. this long weekend was so fun. o yesh, minus the GHASTLY periods of stress on monday night suring which i was fucking trying to finish history.
''I KNEW IT!!!!!!'' -points-
ANYWAY back to my weekend. saturday was nothing much since there was TWO HOURS OF CHINESE WITH NO BREAK. o yeh and last last saturday i was so bored so i wrote a message on the table to whoever happened to sit there next and read it. heres what it said [note that my writing is in black, and it includes everythign including the ''me and you'', and /his/ is in red.] :
Me: anyone want to reply to this? xDD weekly conversation affairs. HI MY NAME IS schuyler [code name] whats yours? = ugly shit
You: your gay bud
Me: so are you lor. im presuming your a guy judging by your uncouth language and messy writing. im a guy too!! nahh j/k
You: [and make it polite this time]
and from that point on i am sorry to say that /that/ particular person had written something in red, but obscured it rudely by smudging my entire conversation creation out. NAAAAWWWWWWW. back to judgement day at chinese.
ok to MONDAY. me and my whole family of 5 members [me, anita, mum, dad and ollie] went to VAIS PIQUE-NIQUE at the olympic park!!
hehehe ~gazing into the eyes of bruce almighty~~~
THEN.... we went to the BRICK PIT which is this ginormous pit dug out from a chunk of the earth and looks liek this meganormous meteorite smashed into the world billiosn of years ago. and there was this rickety bridge thing which was 20 metres off the ground and me and my sister were attempting to shake the bridge by jumping JET STAR STYLE. X}

As you all can see it took a bit of time and film to get it perfect, but VOILA!!!! see the end result xDDD... look how high we jumped off the ground dudes.
btw, we had to try more times than those up there.
today was alright i guess, minus the long hours [fine, half an hour] of ''soccer training'' at the end of the day. U CALL THAT SOCCER TRAINING AHH???? more like hopelessly weaving around the trash can and dodging the ''opponents'' -looks at the gum trees-
and SHE SHOOTS!!! -ball rolls between a wooden pole and a mound of grass-
what a waste of an afternoon. rugby was interesting, i guess, and we sunbaked and made harry a GRASS TIARA!!! and wen i bobby pinned it o her head she looked like julius ceasar. xDDD rofl.
all hail ceasar
Wednesday again. Another cold morning. Actually, this morning was the coldest but maybe that was just because I was wearing PE uniform...
So, after roll call, we went to Science where we were doing this activity on the elements and during a demo of the ammeter, the whole needle in the ammeter snapped in half! Haha. In Geo, we finished the video we've been watching for like 4 lessons and during the video, Tom and I were playing with an extra large elastic band and she streched it upways and I let go so it flew up in the air and nearly touched the roof.... Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's an ELASTIC BAND! Wow!! And then it landed like 3cm from Betty who was like, ' what was THAT?!!' Yes.. all Tom's fault...And luckily the teacher had gone out of the room to talk to another teacher or we would've been busted!!
At recess we sat in the sunny part of our spot and seeing as Tom was sick yesterday [DON'T TRY TO DENY IT TOM!! WE ALL KNOW THE TRUTH!! =P] and was still eating chips which is not good, we assumed that she was still on the road to recovery so we stole her chocolate cake from her but she got it back afterwards...
We had English after recess and did some activities and finished our reviews!! And speaking of reviews, here's the one I did on Tom...
Tom is a teenage girl with abnormal views. She believes that milk and cheese are disgusting [at least without artificial flavourings-milk] abd that eating lots of chocolate is very healthy. She is obsessed with Leehom and Fahrenheit and prefers CREAMY michel's patissere cakes over HEALTHY baker's delight buns. Tom insists on disagreeing with anything we [the rest of the Soul Group] like, say or want. One of her favourite sayings is 'I am NOT sick!' especially when she actually IS sick. To add to this, she always seems to be losing her sheets and ends up calling us up to ask us to fax it to her. There was even a situation where Tom had received a worksheet in Period 1 and had lost it by Period 8.
Despite all this, she is very funny and always makes us fall into a heap of laughter. We always have a lot of fun with her around.
Like it?? I had to put the last paragraph in so I didn't seem really mean...
In Scripture, we watched the exciting part of Narnia where the Witch kills Aslan which was sad but then he....[maybe I shouldn't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it.] Well, I recommend it because it is a very good movie. And the bell went JUST before Mr Tumnus got unfrozen. ><
We had PD and Betty, Bob, Tom and I had very high expectations for a good body shape, didn't we?? We only had 4 out of like 18 pictures on the thumbs up side... BUT then we found out that Betty had left one picture in the envelope!!! So technically we had 5 on the thumbs up side..poor guy...
LUNCH was fun. We had VISITORS!! And we played cards...again...fun!! And poor little Tom was sitting all alone on the SG table because she didn't know how to play cards...
ME: So Tom, what card games do you know how to play?
TOM: Uhh...
ME: Hearts??
TOM: No...
ME: Big 2??
TOM: No...
ME: ...uh...SNAP?!?!
TOM: YES, of course!
ME: Ohh....[returns to Hearts game]
We had no game because they didn't have a B team so we were playing random games with the ball like Piggy in the Middle and Intercepting and Long passes. Then we watched the Opens play. And fenced with long grass stem things...Then we found a random soccer ball and played mini-soccer with it...untill these two guys came to take the ball back because it was their ball...so then, with nothing left to do, we played Hearts!!! Hehe...
And that's about it!! Wow, it's pretty long!! Longest one I've done so far I think! =D Yay!
s2 PaT
∞ My Parachute.
HAPPY 1OOth POST SG!Ah man, I just feel so shit and hopeless and .. sigh, you get the point. Far out, you know when you have a bad day already, and then there's fucktards like me who is going to take it out on a keyboard aqweirusadmasldfa[sejfasl;f.
AHH STOP. FAR OUT.That's what you feel like saying right? Just take me away from this dreaded place. Fucking save me dammit! Sometimes you look at the people around you, supposably your "friends" and you ask yourself, are they really who will be there when I go down? Do they bring out the best in me? And I turn, and look at my surroundings now. What do I see? What DO I see?
"OOH OOH COME AND GIMME A HUG" "OMG THAT'S SO HOT" " Yeah let's go BANG BANG yeah?"Do I really need that? Can I cope with that any longer? Is that really the best I can be?
No. WHO CAN? Why are some people so shallow? Is that the path they want to go? Do they even enjoy that company? What's so fascinating and interesting about some shallow-minded people? IS THAT WHAT THEY CALL FRIENDS?
IS IT?Psh, I'll tell you what friends are.
When something happens to you, they come, unquestioned, by your side, whether you are wrong or right. They don't go and ditch you because some new guy they met on the train walked past. They ask you if your okay when you stayed silent for 2 minutes.
THEY CARE DAMMIT.Here you go, pissed as hell due to a shiet afternoon, and then there they are. What can I say? Smile it off and pretend that nothing is wrong? Nothing is wrong while they step on your feelings and trample on your pride?
" Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change, Once a whore, you're nothing more, I'm sorry that'll never change "- Misery Business, by Paramore.
All you wanted was somebody who cared. And I found it, here. And I cannot even express how grateful I am to have you guys, and nothing could repay all I owe you guys. Each and one of you have been there and that's all that matters. You would not get weirded out when I call you guys, sometimes maybe choking on tears. And I just want you guys to know, I'll always be here for you too, like you guys did for me.
You guys helped me achieve the things I would've never thought I could. Forming a band? Starting a dance? Join in knockout soccer? Art Exhibition? Variety Night? SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL? Be the best person I can possibly be? BELIEVE IN MYSELF?
I used to think about doing something, but then giving up without even trying because I had no support, no foundation. But I found it, here. I realised the ability I had was far greater than I thought I was capable of, and there's much more to life than just what I had before.
And sometimes, it just hurts, when they just do something so thoughtless, and you feel like your heart has just been stabbed. Simple things, as they may seem, but what they meant stood for much much more. A simple phrase, completely inrevalent, harmless as you may think, may be something so much more to someone else..
Yes, I still fucking have feelings for that person. Happy? So now, would you get a conscience and not bullshit about some fuck crap? Is that clear?
But you still came back for me.
" And in midst of this self-inflicted pain, I can see my beautiful rescue.. "
∞ Long weekend! =)
Morning! xD
I don't get it. Jerry didn't blog yday. So now, I'm heaps confused. And ANGELA, stop telling me to remember to blog. My memory isn't THAT bad, you know! Anyhow..
FIRST DAY BACK AT SCHOOL!! Actually.. after the long weekend, which wasn't all that long. Buh to me, it's the first day back. And.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTAL!! =) YAY! Oh yes..
Aish. Today we had History. And I am failing History. Anyhow, we spent the whole time doing our board game. And Angela kept laughing for no reason. Maybe it was because none of her pens have ink!! And speaking of Angela, SHE IS SICK!! Man, Angela sounds funny. Ok, Tom. Coz she was like.. "I'm not sick *sniff sniff*".. "I have a sore throat" [keeps on eating her chips] Bad bad. Anyhow.
ARHAHAHAHAHA. English was so boring. And we did NOTHING. Aish. Except write stuff about sonnets that made no sense to me. Oh. Taylor wasn't here today. So we had Melrose. And she was talking to us about.. about.. PE, I think.
And.. RECESS. OHH. And TOM kept eating junk food, even though she shouldn't. And not drinking WATER. And Harry was telling her about how bad that was. Tut tut.
Anyhow, and we had French and Maths. Blah blah blah. And the "Oh, are you constipated" guy sat next to me. And it was.. pshh. And then, PE!! YAY!! Haha, we played soccer! And our team was so good, wasn't it? We just lost every match. Anyhow, Pat and I had to change teams halfway through. And Bayu kept picking on me. And we were cheering for Jerry!
And Pat thinks she has super sonic hearing. "Let's go, let's go. One, two, one, two". HAHAHAHA. And at lunch, we were playing.. sherades? seragedes? Ok, I can't spell and I won't bother. Anyhow..
Metalwork. It was good, eh? And Tom stuffed up her thing heaps bad! HAHAHA. Anyhow, and then, I nearly finished.. Oh yeah. MORNING!
Zomg, this is such a lame post. Coz I'm really not bothered to type anymore, since I have typed for 17 minutes already..
Cya tomorrow!
> bob [x]
Sunday, June 10, 2007
It's funny how people's attitudes to things change as we become older. In the opposite gender for example. In Kindy and Year 1, it was perfectly fine to hold a guy's hand. In fact, my best friend was a guy too. After that was the cooties phase with the whole,
"EWWWW!! BOY GERMS!! You can't give them to me cause I crossed my fingers." That kind of thing. And now, there's no such thing as boy germs anymore and you're labelled "immature" if you still believe in them. =)
When I was little, didn't give a damn about my parents and I thought, they don't understand kids. What would they ever know? I've finally come to appreciate them and I realise that yes, they were children at one stage of their life. Now that my brother's come to that stage of his life when he doesn't even care about what Mum and Dad do for him, I keep thinking to myself, "Woah, I was like that?" =="
When I was Kindy, I was just "that shy girl" who never talked to others and never laughed at anything. In fact, some people even thought that I didn't know how to speak English because I was so quiet. And, being so shy, I didn't get around to making proper friends besides they guy who's house I went to every day cause my parents were working.
That whole "shy" phase went for the whole time I was at that school. There was a lot of racism at that school so, being one of about 10 Asians in the school, I got remarks like, "Ching chong chung, I can speak Chinese! Chinese people should go die!" and other rude comments being thrown at me all the time.
In Year 3, I got in with the wrong crowd. I was one of those shy, quiet girls who hang around in the background getting picked on. Pathetic. So my parents decide to move to get away from that school and neighbourhood so I could start afresh. I'm really grateful for their decision because if they hadn't decided to move, I would still be that quiet, shy girl I was back then.
In Year 4, I made a lot of friends at my new school and started to loosen up a bit. In fact, it was the first time that I had ever been told off in class by the teacher! There, I finally found out what having real friends was like. And it was really fun! =)
In Year 5, it was the cooties phase. I think it came a bit late for me because of that little country-ish school I went to. xD
In Year 6, we were top of the school- the oldest and smartest. Year 6 was filled with the excitements of being the oldest in the school. Peer support where we got to boss around a group of kids, Year 6 mini-fete..There were also a lot of..conflicts.. between me and certain people.. But I won't go onto that. All that I can say was that I was really childish and I should have made some decisions for myself instead of getting into those..conflicts..
Finally, I got to high school and everything was so new and strange! Carrying your bag around the whole day and going to different classrooms for each subject. It also felt strange being top of the class in primary school and then coming to a smart high school and suddenly becoming average, even near the bottom, of the class. But, I made a lot of new friends and school was really fun.
Now that I'm in Year 8 and I look back at my past, I still think, how could I have been so immature? And, "Omgsh, I can't believe I did that!"
I'm really grateful to SG - Bob, Pat, Jerry, Tom and Betty - and all of my other friends. So I'd just like to say, thank you for being my friend. =)
I think I've come a long way, from that shy girl in Kindy who never talked or laughed, just sat there in the background, to who I am now. I'm "weird and random", I talk to others and laugh (a bit too much? ><" ), and if I act serious, people go, "That's so not Anna".
I can finally say proudly to myself, "Look at me now."
∞ Torn between this life I lead and where I stand.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Just think about it.The rain drizzled on, ending the week. I'm cold, so cold.
After getting half-yearly results back, I have to say that I finally realise what people mean by "you get out what you put in." Although my history is a huge disappointment, wait, lemme rephrase - IT WAS SO FUCKING SHIET, but apart from that, I have to say year 8 has definitely been better. I guess I'm just grateful for everything that I have right now. The group has grown so much closer since this year, and I guess while everything else falls apart I will still have you guys. Thankyou<3
Sigh, sorry for the not-so-bright beginning. Blame it on the rain and the wind. So cold, so cold.
Not much happened today, and I'm not really in the mood to go into specific details, so I'll type what I'm thinking right now for a change.
Maybe sometimes where you are now isn't really where you want to be, and where you fit in. Maybe sometimes things have to change, sooner or later. It just hurts to know that some people aren't what they are what they were used to be, and has changed into something completely unrecognisable. Hypocrite, I know, but it just .. to hear people talk about them, as they slowly merge into something they are not.
Why are they doing this? Just because they think that it will get them higher status? Does it really matter?The icy droplets of water keeps on falling and the bitter winds contine to blow .. they don't care, after all, who does? I don't give if you go and throw away everything you have. Even if I lose everything, I'll still have my soul, but if they lose everything, they'll be nothing at all.
What do you see in the mirror?Is that really you staring back? Or is it just this plasticated self-portrait?
Do you even care when you go " I love you?" Or is that just the current trend?
DO YOU CARE? Fullstop?
Sheesh. Fuck off.--
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Sorry about that, I felt random...
We had Science and we started CHEMISTRY! At first I was like YAY! Then, 'now the basic form of an atom...' PFFT! I don't get atoms...THEN GEO! Where we got our half yearly tests back and I did bad...=( And guess what?!?! HARRY GOT 99%!!!!!! AH!! Smart-ness...She only got 1/2 a mark off!! Can you believe that?!?! Smart person...
And then! We went to English, after recess, and we handed in our lovely posters and Radio Ads...You should have seen Jerry, Tom and Dick's one....hilarious!! And ours was cool! So yes and we started reviews....
We kept watching Narnia in Scripture and then did this thing about body image in PD and watched a video with some gross over-muscular people in it...
LUNCH!! And this lunchtime, we made sure we didn't miss the end-of-lunch bell like we did last week...Touch was...fun...We played a home game against Kellyville. And the A team won!! YAY!! And our score was 5-0....WE WON!!!
They won...5-0...now i'm not joking...yeah i know....SHH!!! such a bad loss....couldnt get over it...END OF STORY. Actually, we nearly got 1 try!! Ok. Now it's the end of the story...
I have such short paragraphs. We have long weekend this week. MONDAY OFF!! YAY!! Did you know that it's my brother's bday on that day..same as the queen!! =P What are you guys doing on that day?? I actually have no idea what I'm doing...better be fun though..
AND! Our [Jen] cooking idea was so fab that I'm gonna make it again on the weekend! haha. We are genius pie designers!! Joke. But it WAS delicious. So yea. I'm making it again. As Jerry and Dick say: Miam, miam!! =D
s2 PaT
∞ I'm so cold-- ICEBOX!!
Zomg, I'm so cold. Garage =='' Anyhow..
Haha, we all walk into the classroom and glances at the teacher sitting on the chair.
YAY. It's Mrs. Leishman!! And then, she walks out of the classroom..
[stresses] Everyone starts to practise their orals for the last time.. AND THEN, ARBLASTER COMES IN!! YAY!! =) Haha, buh we prob have to do it on Thursday.. Two extra days, right?
She sits in the park. Her clothes are out of date.
Two children whine and bicker. Tug her skirt.
A third draw aimless patterns in the dirt. IN THE PARK [ dramatically]
Aishh. Dick's one is SO GOOD.
And we spent all of English.. doing.. poetry.
Humpty Dumpty sat on the
Humpty Dumpty had a great
All the king's horses and all the king's
Said, "Oh now, not scrambled eggs, not now!" We played Hide and Seek once again!
And this time, we weren't under the table, we hid behind the trees. And the trees were so THIN, right? And TOM still couldn't see us. HAHAHA.
And then, Jerry was in and she found me. So I was in. And after I finished counting, TOM comes out. HAHA, the point of HIDE AND SEEK is to HIDE and then the person SEEKS. You don't.. come out. HAHAHAHA.
Oh, and we did our French orals. And Pat and I went first. AHEM. AND JERRY AND DICK'S WAS SO FUNNY!! And.. so were other peoples. HAHA. Ours.. I forgot to say AU REVOIR, so Pat stood there for.. a few seconds and then I remembered. And Bishop was like.. "Are you huys finished?" HAHA. Whoops.
OMG OMG OMG!! TODAY WAS THE BEST MATHS LESSON!! Coz.. Jeyaratnam didn't come. HAHA, so we had.. Mrs. Kwon? Kwan? I dunno. Buh, it was SO FUNNY. Coz "Mr. Chou" couldn't stop talking, so he taught the lesson. And he spent the whole time repeating what Jeyaratnam taught yday. HAHA. And we learnt.. .. that ratio is different from RATE!! =O SO MUCH! Haha, and.. ratio is used in CORDIAL. And I didn't hear the rest.
PE! Soccer. HAHA. It wasn't THAT good though. BUH, Jerry got injured because of Zhu. And Zhu kept following Jerry, so Johnstone had to tell him to stop. And.. we lost real bad. Against the Green's. Oh well, better luck next time, yeah? HAHAHA.
ARGH. And Metalwork was plain boring. I didn't do ANYTHING. Actually, TOM kept copying me. AGAIN. SO I didn't help her =D And now, I'm never going to finish my hammer coz AHEM AHEM'S keep hogging the thing, so I haven't done much in.. a long while. AND TOM.. I'M BEATING YOUUUUU.
Geez, what a boring blog.
And now, I really gtg and finish my ENGLISHH. Dreaded. AIYAH YAH.
Cya all tomorrow!
>bob [x]
∞ 93 posts!!!!
Monday, June 4, 2007
93 POSTS SO FAR DUDES!!!!!... and counting.
ahhh today was actually an OK monday... in my opinion, or maybe its just me since through like i have learnt to enjoy life as it is or at least make AN ATTEMPT to not die during sewing. which i didnt due to the fact that my apron finally looks like its turning into an apron- and not one that looks like its from ''lynette's charcoal ashes'' or ''charcoal char-grill'' or something like that. seriously, black and brown...? o.O and RED!!!!!! =]
AHHHH but NOOOONNNNNN. this morninig was one of the worst mornigns in the whole entire month since was was getting off the train and then i SUDDENLY REMEMBERED that i was meant to bring french since today is like the only opportunity to practice.... which i didnt >.<'' and i was the only one who wrote it in my book. and then i was so panicked and checking through my bag while eeryone was getting on and off the train that i nearly bashed into the guy who stands in thedoorway holding the flag thing, and then i stood under the escalator calling dick on my phone with all these people yelling in my ears and peope rushing past to catch the train. not pleasant if u ask me.
ahhhh sry sry dick ><
science was ok since we spent first period measuering oour pulse and breathing after runnign around the quadrangle, and BOB GOT SUCH A SLOW PULSE!!! 80 BEASTS AFTER like runnign for 2 minutes. or maybe it was coz i didnt know how to work the stopwatch and we just stood there while bob pressed all these complicated butons and passed it to ME , who forgot everything and attemped to press the red thing on the side, whcih obviously didnt work, so i handed it back toBOB, who had to do it AGAIN, and passed it back but i have such a slow reaction and couldnt rememeber what buttons he pressed. -____-
so yeh... and i ended up getting such a bad heart rate. 130 beats per minute. so fit eh? DAMM U BOB. next time dont be so smart and remember how to work a stopwatch.
at lunch we played hide and seek and 44 home and it was SOOOO FUN.... right bubs? -all agrees-
it was so pathetic though since tom forgot her glasses and couldnt spot harry when she walked past, while harry was hiding under te sg table. and then there was the incident where tom walked like ALL THE WAY to the toilet in a lame attempt to catch us unawares, but ended up walking lamely back to find us all sitting on the sg table =DDDD kekekekeke...
ahhh non.... je suis tres tres TRES OCCUPEE!!!!
have to go and do last minute practicing before piano lessons. and then DINNER.
[rofl xDD]