Thursday, May 31, 2007
Okay so I didn't blog on Wednesday... Let's pretend that today IS Wednesday, not Friday. Ok?? Good!
We had our first touch game with James Ruse!!!!!YAY!! It was so fun! And I saw 3 people that I knew because it was lunchtime when we got there. Actually I saw 4 people but she didn't go to my primary and I only recognised her after the game because she was playing against us. Haha. Anyway! The A team won 4-2 !! YAY! And we, the B team, tied 1-1!!! It's incredible!! We didn't lose!! Yazza was the great and pro player that scored our only try. Hehe!
I heard that soccer won their game too. I think. Or maybe I heard wrong...
Aiyah! There's nothing to say. Except that we get so much homework now!!! We have PD and English due on Wednesday and History on Tuesday. And I'm so confused with percentages and simple interest!!! It's so confusing!!!
Argh! I won't torture you anymore with my boring sentences.
s2 PaT
PS. Remember, it's WEDNESDAY! =P
Apparently my posts are getting too long.
But before I begin, I would like to say ..
HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY JUSTIN! =DMan, today was so awesome. It started off in History where we just did religion work about Jap. Not that interesting but oh well. Then it was Geo, OFF WITH THE TEXTBOOKS! And Mrs J will stop at nothing to make us do textbook work, I can tell you that much. Then we started watching this video about some animals. Neh, boring morning.
NEXT WAS MR FRANKLIN! Eh, I mean, double English. So then we all had nothing to do and just watched people play cards, which is ridiculously boring. -.-" So then I scabbed Keith's iPod and Tom was dying cos the music was too loud. oO" And then so the lesson went away with me apparently bursting Tom's eardrums. Oh yes, and Jerry drew this oh-so-kool picture thing on my calculator, but then she just had to write " THE DICK." -.- Jeeee thanks Jerry. >< And so many people is doing "Mushrooms!" WTH BRUSSEL SPROUTS OWNS YA'LL.
So then it was Music, and Mr W takes about 15 minutes to say something that will take a normal person 3 minutes to explain. AH! And it was so fkn unprogressive. It makes me think whether we're ever see the end of this song. STUPID.
So yes. It takes us to Maths, and I'm sad to report that nothing ever happens at Maths.
Far out. I'm cold. And I feel shit. I always do on Friday arvos. =[
OK. So then it was STREETBALL at lunch, I went just to soak up the atmosphere lol. The year 7s fully got owned by year 9s. x) And they were playing Step Up songs. =D
And then it was Science OMFG. We were disecting hearts, and then Anna and I were getting all into it HAHA. And then it seems like Nishy was WAYY more into it then we are, cos HE FUCKING CUT HIMSELF. Oh man, and he cut one of his arteries so the blood was just spurting out in CRIMSON RED. Blood was everywhere and he just couldn't stop the flowing. =[[ Aww poor him, and I can't believe he was actually smiling.. and apparently he needs stitches. =/
NISHY. I send you my sympathies. =)So then it was Nishy out and Anna and I kept on cutting. I think we cut the most outta the class lol. Off with the atrium and slit the ventricles eh? x) Awesome fun. And then we made Pat draw the heart ahhaha. And Maybeth's group were such wussys and wouldn't touch the heart, let alone disecting it into pieces. Haha, I mean, get a life.
Then it was History again, minus Nishy. We had to look through this BOOKLET of info with size 6 font for something about noble medieval Jap women and religion. MY ARSE! I mean, it only mentions the word "female" ONCE, and Bob found it. * applause applause* And then apparently we have a Q and A session next Tuesday, and just my luck.
IMMA NINJA. NINJA BETTY.So now I have to research so much info while everyone else thinks of 2 questions. >< And then there's still stupid Shintoism. WHY ME? And James was trying to learn "I'm hungry." xD
AH. History, French, English all due on Tuesday. Singing with Madamoiselle Zhou, due on Wednesday. OMFGGGG. TT___TT" *work work work*
And so Tom and I are going to Jerry's house tomorrow to work on our English. Ah, this is getting out of hand AGAIN, so I'll stop now.
Okay okay, I'm gonna try to make this blolg reallllyyy long, but I probably won't be able to. I don't see how DICK and Jerry can write 1000 something essay-long blogs. Gosh..
Ahh, this morning was so cold! And my whole body was frozen besides my legs and my mouth!! =O
Me: My whole body is frozen besides my hands and mouth!!
Tom: Your mouth isn't frozen because you talk so much.
I don't talk a lot! Right, eight?! Whoops, *right. And besides, it's impossible to have your MOUTH frozen, right? Only your lips get frozen. But I tell you what? Your hands get frozen REALLLLYYY easily, you know? Ah, shiie, they're frozen right now so I'm trying to type faster to warm up my hands. Faster, faster, fatter. LOL. *faster. [That was an actual typo you know.]
What? I've written so much but I haven't even started talking about my day yet! This morning on the bus. Omgsh, SO CROWDED. What happened?! So I was sandwiched along with like, 30 other people standing up. I wasn't close to one of those handle things to hold onto so I had to hold on to the one on the top which I could hardly reach. And my hands got soo tired. =(
Double maths. I was sitting right in front of the heater which was fine at first but then it got hotter...and hotter..and HOTTER.. Ahh, I felt like I was being burnt in an oven! =(
Science. Test. Pretty easy.
Geo. TEXTBOOK WORK. ARGHHH!! Stupid textbook.
French was so boring because I have the smallest French vocabulary in the whole class. DICK and Jerry were writing their speech about eating brussel sprouts and whatnot while I was like, "Ehh..A quelle heure.." I don't even know how to finish that sentence.
VA was boring. =( I sat there, twiddling my thumbs while the art genius next to me -JERRY- was hard at work, producing masterpieces every few minutes. Ahh, how talented.
After school, I got home and my daddy was back! =D And he bought all these Chinese DVDs and CDs and stuff. Haha. =] And..random stuff. -.-" My daddy doesn't know how to shop. xDD So he bought all these random pearl necklaces. OO" Wth?
Then I went to tennis.. AND OMGSH IT WAS SO COLD!! I COULDN'T EVEN MOVE!! =( Seriously. And I had such a slow reaction cause I was frozen =="
Oh my gosh, only 400-something words. WHAT?! Seriously, I've run out of stuff to say. That's all for now.
[[ aNNa_
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
BEWARE: Stalker on the loose. *Light bulbs and warning signs flashing*
Yeah, I really feel like posting right now, and sorry if I'm killing the blogspot, but I cannot seriously be bothered to relive my redemption-x one.
And what a way to start a post, as some of you may not understand, wait, DO YOU? Haha, well it's about that SPEDDY SOMEONE. And no Tom, please don't go and show /him/ this blog the minute you read this, because I don't want a stalker on our blogspot. Tyty.
KEEP /HIM/ AWAY FROM US. Like yeah socialise or whatever, but please don't tell him where we're all are and everything within the first 2 days of meeting. Because I know his history better than you do, and I don't want to have anything got to do with this.
If I told you what happened I think you will freak out too. But Jerry knows already. Remember on the bus Jerry? *Shivers*
And for safety purposes I shall not publise this.
MOVING ON. We got Science back today. And I promised Anna THAT:
- If I beat Liang in Maths one day, I`ll buy her lotto tickets.
- If I beat Nishy in Science one day, I`ll take her to a holiday in Mexico. ( LOL don't ask why Mexico. It's just a spur-of-moment thing)
- If I beat Maybeth in English one day, I`ll take her on a cruise on the Thames River IN A DINGHY! (However you spell it)
And Anna wrote it all out like her daddy does. (: And we all signed it and Anna and Angela have basically the exact same signiture. oO"
And nothing else much happened. Ooh ooh, the touch people, namely Pat, Anna and Bob, tied with Ruse while Jerry and I OWNED RUSE! Oh yeah (:
Haha. And I'll wait for Pat to expand on this day.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Actually, I have to remind myself like.. 1000 times in Metalwork, buh I STILL REMEMBERED!! YAY!! Sorry for not blogging yesterday, I mean LAST WEEK. ARGH, MIND BLANK. Anyhow.. NICE BLOG JERRY!! Haha, funny =) I did my dp thing, buh it's heaps crap and not the whole world wants to see.
AND NOW I HAVE BLISTERS =='' It's all TOM'S fault, eh? And she kept laughing at me for no reason. AND NO, I'm not a sped, I'm a SMED!! YEAH!! And you can be.. a .. spread. Lame lame.
Let me see.. I'm going to work out these button things up the top.
- HISTORY!! Which was boring coz we did nothing much. Buh, not that bad. Still pretty good, right? Oh, and the other classes got their tests back. Out of 20. I bet you I'm going to fail. Wait.. I don't think anyone really failed, buh yeah. Lame.
- English, eh? Poems. IN THE PARK. [ clears throat ] She sits in the park. BLAH BLAH BLAH. Zomg, I'm bored already. Such a boring gay gay gay poem. I hate poems, you know that? Yeahhh.
- French.. Oral.. Bonjour! Salut! Blah blah blah. Aiyah yah..
- Maths. YAY!! I IMPROVED! WOOHOO!! Whoopdidoo. 33/36! And Jennifer got that too! Smart smart girl! And Pat did my homework for me. So I just sat there and stared....
- PE!! YAY!! Basketball.. Except SOME PEOPLE kept hogging the ball, so we didn't do much. Except, I got two goals? Can't remember. SHORT TERM MEMORY. Aiyah yah, Jerry's not happy. Since I have such crap memory.
- And it was lunch. WE PLAYED GUITAR!! And now.. all we need is the rest of the sheet music. Which I think we need to buy. AND TOM .. Sped Panda?? Panda?? Btw, it's a GIRL name, TOM!! Kidding kidding.
- Metalwork. Where I got blisters coz of Tom. And I did cut myself.. So there.
And that's all folks! Stay tuned for another episode of.. LOONEY TUNES next week.
Sorry, that was a heaps crap blog =( And now, I really gtg. And do.. stuff. Uh huh.
Cya tomorrow!
> bob [x]
Advertorial [as xiaxue woud say kekeke]
i am here to promote a cool new [yes] program which can prove to be very useful for fun entertainment and useful purposes... guess what it's called ahh??
''MICROSOFT PAINT'' (!!!#$%^!!)
WOW u all say
microsoft paint is an easyly accessed program avaiable on all pcs which can be reached by pressing ''start'' then ''all programs'' then ''accessories'' and then ''paint'' want a demmo of what this progam can produce ahhh?????

HAHAHAHA dick. hope u dont mind xDDD
EMO EMO TOM ... tut tut tut. no wonder she has no eyeliner left.

AHAHAHAHA. lame anime comic attempts x)
JERRY!!!!!!!... the nerd O.o
and one more thing.... though for all of u out there reading this awesome blog, the following content is classified M for mature audiences, which in my opinion is 3 and above. but BE WARNED; if u get nightmares for the rest of the term its certainly not my fault!! jeez man, how bad can this picture get.
ARE WE STEADY??? - - - - [be prepared to cover ur eyes]
fuck fuck fuck man thisis the worst piece of shit i ever made.
now THAT is called an emo piece of shytt can [trying to sound like xiaxue] DONT WORRY DONT WORRY IM NOT TURNING EMO!!! im not gonna lalala and go all depressed lalala and check out websites which lalala and tell u step by step how to hang myself blah lah blah. seriously its only a picture. U VANT MORE???? give me a word and ill fashion one for u.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Yeah, I really feel like posting, and since this week hasn't lived up to our "
daily entertainment" code of conduct *looks at Bob and Harry,* I've decided to brighten this blogspot up! And what with a better way than posting? Aharhar.^^
Soooo, as you may be prompt to ask, what the hell is happening to the world of SG?
WELL ..Today, we got our Maths Commons back, and yadeeladeeda we all did okay, so that doesn't need further explaining. (: And after the tedious double maths, we had SCIENCE! Ooft what joy. And Mr Williams took us cos Harwood was at year nine camp, and we just did revision. Geo with Mrs J again. -.-" And we watched this video about Nike and Gap "sweatshops" thing. OMFG THEY ARE SO CRUEL! USING CHILD LABOUR! And they work to death, literally, without getting paid more than one Nike shirt sold in USA. Stupid TNC's. -.- HAHA! WHICH REMINDS ME OF THIS VERY EXTREMELY FUNNY INCIDENT THAT HAPPENED!
x) Oh yes. Not just funny, but ROFLROFLROFLROFLOLOLOLS funny. xDD
What happened was .. *trying not to burst out laughing* TOM was sitting behind this particular person RIGHT? ^^ And then she decided to take Anna's painting and wave it around like crazy, no doubt to get the attention of /him./ And then when that didn't seem to work, she chucked it HIGHHIGHHIGH^^ up in the air, and guess where it landed?
YES. THATS RIGHT. RIGHT BEHIND HIS CHAIR.>=] Muahahahahha. This is gonna get nasty ;)
So then, no doubt, you wouldn't go get it yourself because then all the attempt is ruined right? So what you do is you discuss very LOUDLY who was going to go get the painting, and when that didn't work, she called out and asked him. x) But unfortunately for her, /he/ did not pick it up. ROFL xD So then I had to walk out of my chair just to save her from doing something strange like that again. And you KNOW how lazy I am.
So, when that happens to you, you would give up right? Ooooh but not TOM! >=] Muahahaha. What does she do ?
She got her own glass case and started chucking it up HIGHHIGHHIGH^^ in a weirdly and unlady-like manner, and guess where that landed?
AGAIN. ENCORE!Hahahahhahaha !!
Nah, /he/ didn't pick it up or even turn around. Naww poor Tom. And then Jerry and I were going beetroot-faced just from laughing, and by the look of things Anna knew what happened too. xDDD So there we were, all cracking our arses off, with all three of us thinking the same things in our minds..
Tom's gonna kill me for this. Naww I'm so sorry, but it's just so hilarious. xD
Ahhh, I need to breathe. In and out, in and out .. ooft ..
After that fantastic bit of entertainment, it was French, and man that subject is so boring. -.- When I first took it I thought I would've been fun and everything, but the teacher just makes it ..
zzz .
Especially with that Tapis Volant book. I want to burn mine at the end of this year. Anyone? x)x)
ENGLISH with Mz Taylor was always fun neh? We went into the classroom and sat where we normally sit, and then guess where Tom sat?
And then it was just such a coincidence that Keith pulled Tom's folder forward, so it fell. And guess where Tom's folder landed?
And by now all of SG (Bob, Pat, Jerry, Anna and I) were all cracking up like shit, and he didn't pick it up so ..
And then Jono & I started having this retarded, juvenile arguement about whether L classes own more or R's. I mean, HELL YEAH L'S KICKASS.
Anywho. We went to the library to research poems but we ended up studying, with Bob and Pat studying GEO? I think and Jerry, Anna and I were testing each other in Science. You learn something new everyday. ^^
Lunch, we went to the Music room to start putting together "The Promise of a Lifetime." Man we tried the intro with Anna on piano and Bob & Pat on guitars and it sounded so good! =DDD And now it's just .. singing. -.- And when we went to VA, Jerry, Anna and I started singing and it sounded pretty good. Well narhh I mean Jerry and Anna, not me. -.-"
VA was awesome. We just took pictures and then drew stuff. Me and my detailed drawings. -.-" And Anna drew the back of me. At least it's better than the one she drew of Justin or Shadroth. xD Jerry drew her shoe lol.
THEN, HOMETIME! And to my dismay I realised that I left my keys in my house this morning and needless to say, I'm LOCKED OUT. So I called up my dad and he came back to unlock in about 45 mins so I just sat there reading notes. ><""" Note to self: always check for mobile phone and keys before leaving house.
Raaaah studied for Science. And eh .. Geo? Ehh .. *ahem HELL NO ahem* Man this is so unhelpful. TT" But at least I'm okay with Science? Nehh maybe not. ><"""
Hmm. *scrolls up* I wonder how many words I've written? Ooft, 996 so far! But then I just added some more as I went along. I think I wrote too much about the "TOM" incident hehe. x)
Sigh, it's only 10:47pm, past Tom's bedtime lol. Writing blogs makes you feel so much better inside haha.
OH YEAH! Btw I went walking with "ENERGY AND LIFE" on Wednesday. Yeah I jigged Soccer but who cares. ><""" So Flora and I went to Towers with everyone else and all along the way I was listening to punk on Florence's iPod (which owns Tom's anyday). It was so fun! I don't get why Tom hates it so much. Walking is so kickass awesome. =DDDD
But I guess if it was a Soccer game then I would definitely go.
Aharhar, I think you guys are probably drifting off to sleep now, so I'll end here. Final world count: 1070. I think I beat my other record. Dayem, I just added more words. ><"" Oh wellers. Good luck on yo exams tomorrows, although I doubt any of you are going to read this before tomorrow morning.
" Let our lonely hearts collide.. "
Ah, I can't believe this, I nearly forgot to blog. ><"
First things first. Double maths where we got our maths common back! At the rate I'm going, I'm going to be in the lower half of the maths classes next year. Ah, I knew I fluked it into my class..
Anyway, congratulations to all those people who got such good marks! =D Maths teacher was disappointed in us again. =_=
"This class's average is never as high as 8R1. They always get higher than this class. This class got lower than I expected." etc. etc.
- Skip the rest of the day. I can't remember. So sorry. Stupid short term memory-
Ah, I remmeber something! I drew a bin in VA! =D And then I drew a stool. And then I just hapened to glance at SOMEONE'S work and VOILA! That person had drawn a stool as well. =="
End of school. Tim oh-so-kindly carried my books for me when we were walking home. =] But he had to read them even though I've told him millions of times that reading when walking is bad for your eyes. But he doesn't know the way back home if he doesn't read. =___=" Stupid.
Bob's friend is so nice! =) Whatsisname? Matt. Arhaha. Ah, I wasted so much studying time to write this post, you know that?
[[ harry_
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
YAY! I remembered to blog today!! =D Happy, happy.
So, we had Science first and Harry and I were studying! ^^ We learnt ALL about the skeleton, didn't we, Harry?! Then Geo and we got another worksheet to do. Recess! We played speed, or spit as Bob calls it. Then English and we got 7 and a half minutes of detention on Monday ><
In Scripture, we watched NARNIA!! YAY! Such a good movie, if you haven't seen it, you should. Then PD where we had a substitute and did this fact file on diseases and went to the library to work on the powerpoint. LUNCH!
We ate and I learnt how to play Hawaian [However you spell it.] Hehe. Fun! And guess what was next?! NONE OTHER THAN TOUCH!! We had a bye so we just played with these bigger guys in another team thing. We didn't play much though. So, we went to get a drink and that's when the real fun began!! xD
Bob and Jennifer started the water splashing and when we went to get refills at the bubblers, Harry poured water on my head!! So I got her back and we were all against her...hehe. After that, we basically fooled around like trying to drink water by chucking it in the air, copying Bob's laughing technique! Right and left and right and fall backwards!!! Having a lot of fun with water bottles...
Guess what the topic on the shak is?!?! H2O!!!! And there's a cool story on water slides!! And it's Nickelodeon! SPONGEBOB!! I wanna go there!! Anyway... WAIT A SECOND!! ISN'T MORTIFIED SUPPOSSED TO BE ON!!!??? Poof!
Two tests on Friday and Maths test results tomorrow! Ahh!
s2 PaT
Monday, May 21, 2007
hopelessness i tell u.
do u know how DISGUSTINGLY OUT OF TUNE AND SQUEAKY MY VIOLINING IS??? ok first things first.
we're still doing the same things we decided yesterday AM I CORRECT!!??? if we find that our parts dont suit ourselves, we'll then change positions, but for now we need to get one thing straight. ANNA ARE U SINGING?? no, lets still assume that you are piano-ing.
tom-sing and keyboard violin sound effects
jerry- attempmting to drum
after hours of trying to perfect my gay vaiolining i have decided that the keyboard would sound better as when i play the violin the voices are going to be drowned out, plus the keyboard doesnt tend to go out of tune when ur in the middle of a note. the ONLY circumstances under which ill switch to violin is if i cant drum for crap or if anna ends up singing and tom ends up playign the piano and dick ends up drumming. which is not going to happen right??? =='' ok i must admit, im actually [according to my sister] quite in tune... BAHHH only for the bit near the end whare it goes a..b..c#..d. how hopeless. >.<''
onto the next subject please. SEWING. wadduyu noe, we forgot our bobbins ==. BUT BUT BUT for such a minor factor no one would expect to have to pay $1.60 just for using it for an hour? what is this? RENTING A BOBBIN: ONLY $1.60 PER HOUR???? just coz the school is so pov they have to charge such a great amount of money just for some gay sewing gadget. and now i have 2 bobbins -__-
scinece and maths is not worth mentioning =DD
music was... progressive.. O.o while everyone was busily working on their finale or cd thingo we were huddled in the corner trying to sing promise of a lifetime -looks at tom-.HAHAHA more like blowing through her teeth. ROFL XDD AND HARRY: ''umm right now tom u need to focuss on singing so that people can actually hear u... and betty uve got a nice good voice but u need to focus on singing in tune''
HAHAHAHAHA LMAO. yes thanks for the encouragement talk harry. XP
oo oo oo and ENGLISH xDD.
dick and jerry: ''heHEM. -violin- hu HUH HUH hu huh HUH HUH -wierd wheezing sound-
''its funny how the men only look at the *beep*
he got real big brains but im looking at ur *beep*
asoemthing something something soemthing *beep*
somethign somethign sowmthign *beep*
i dont give a *BEEP* keep lookign at my *BEEP*
coz it dont mean a thing wen ur lookign at my *BEEP*
im gonna do my thing wen urplaying with ur *BEEP*
hah HAH HAH ha ha -lame coughing sound-
u noe, my piano teacher made me read this 100 page book on BACH. and he was like ''very interesting lalalala blah blah'' umm yes. just taking a few notes since ill probably have short term memory loss after i get past the 2nd page.
born 1684-1750 (65 years)
his family very music obsessed - long line of musicians.
both his parents diesd before he turned ten
born in eistenarch, germany
took job of organist wen he was 18
worked in weimar (wateva that is) in 1708 during which he borned 6 children and 2 died.
developed a serious cataract and had 2 operations but none work... proceeded to make him blind.
finally died in july 1750
ahh man... i kind of lost track after page 3... HEY LOOK, my favourite line in the whole book:
''after a month blah blah he died of lalala... ./'
the world went on./'''...=Pindeed it did
∞ But I guess that doesn't cut it.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Maybe I shouldn't say who I am, because according to Anna's comment, you can probably tell who I am anyway.
Anna sucks. [not lollipops] xP
So, this week has been all hectik and awesome at the same time. As you probably know from reading previous posts, Shakespeare festival was on Monday. It was so awesome! For pictures go see Tom's shitty blogspot. Haha jkjk. Seriously, it was the best performance we've done, and everything actually went right. I couldn't have asked for anything better. Thanks you guys^^ And then during the interval this lady came up to us and she was like " you guys were so good that it was unreal. " =DD
So, todayyyyyy~
In the morning we had History, and to our dismay we found out that we were going to have the second part of our half-yearly exam today, which consisted of taking notes during this Medieval Europe video and then write an reponse afterwards about the jobs. Haha that Barber Sergeant was so disgusting. Cutting people up and stuffing pipes up people's rear ends. xDDD
Then it was Geography. And it just angers me how we don't learn anything because Mr Filewood don't teach us often anymore due to the fact that Mr Jones went to some other school to teach. So now we're stuck with Mz J and DO TEXTBOOK WORK. HOW CAN WE BE EXPECTED TO PERFORM TO THE TOP OF OUR POTENTIAL WHEN SHE CAN'T EVEN TEACH? All we do is copy from textbook. I mean, then why don't why just buy the damn textbook? >=[ So instead of doing the boring textbook work like we're suppose to do, we moved onto the topic of "what we want to be when we're older" again. And apparently Anna wants, correction, WILL be a doctor, Jerry wants go into architecture or engineering, Tom wants to be a fashion designer, and yes. I like photography. =D
So then DOUBLE ENGLOOO after recess. Again. I hate poetry. -.- Well, I like expressive poetry, but that's about it. Banjo Patterson's poems do not interest me, whether they are on abouit Mulga Bikes or about the Christenin'. And I don't really like Indegenious Poems either. Haha, and while Jerry and I were writing stuff in Bob and Pat's diaries, the teacher thought Jerry was writing love poems. Yes, "I love you Uluru." xDD
Anywho, after that it was Music and we just tried to play guitar lol. And listened to *AHEM* play My Immortal. -.- Trying to play anyway. Maths wasn't that amusing besides the fact that someone was doing their Common outside and according to the teacher we were too loud so we got kept in for like 10 minutes. -.-"
Science is so AH! Like, if she wants us to understand a topic properly, then she has to go through them properly, not rush it all in because our exam is next week. I mean, we only started the topic like last week! >=[ And all those complicated names and systems..
History was fun rofl. We wrote our responses and Anna and I were writing like crazy. We were both scared that we'll run outta time so we were like zooooooom zooooom. When I was furiously writing I could see Anna tryna to make her hand write faster haha. xDD But we both ended up writing abit more than 2 pages. =D
Aww, this post is so boring. Lemme try to brighten it up.
TOM! *Looks at Tom* I know something that YOU don't know! xPP
Guess what everyone?
Not telling! =P SHE WANTS IT BAD! xD Haha Tom's gonna kill me for this.
Woah, what a lame attept to try to make a hopeless blog interesting. Today is truely a boring day..
Damn, I hate it when people say all these things about how much they love someone when they don't give a shit. -.- Psh, people these days lol.
∞ Sumo-Wrestling.
My brother and I got onto the fascinating subject of sumo-wrestling so I decided to blog about it now.
Sumo-wrestling is one of the stupidest, my pointless sports I've ever seen. It's just two obese guys, who are in danger of having a heart attack because of the fat cells clogging up their arteries, in G-strings trying to push each other over.
Why do sumo-wrestlers have to be majorly obese anyway? Don't they think about the health hazards? And G-strings? If they decide to make themselves so obese by stuffing themselves with food, they should at least cover themselves up decently. I mean, indecent exposure to young kids? And their fat is bulging out of their G-string. =="
I saw this picture in the Chinese newspaper of a sumo-wrestler and his wife. The sumo-wrestler's thin wife only took up half a chair. The sumo-wrestler took up two.
Okay, I'm bored now.
[[ harry_
Hiya! =P
Aiyah!! [so asian, according to BOb] I forgot AGAIN!!!! Argh! I'm so unorganised!! That's two times IN A ROW that I've forgotten to blog!! AH! I'm HOPELESS!! >< Well, today [Wednesday] was Part 2 for the Sports Carnival but because it was the 16th of May, Harry, Tom and I had Theory for Music. Mine was in the morning and so was Harry's. But she went back to school after. Tom's was later on in the arvo...And it turned out that the folk song was the easiest for me...and the hardest for Tom!! She wrote one line asnd gave up!!^^
Enough about Theory!!
I heard that the touch team won their game!! *ahem they had no game ahem ahem* ANYWAY, that's not the point! The point is that they won!! And later they played against Joe's team and then Bob scored a try!!!!!!! GO BOB!!! WOO HOO!!! YAY! Sorry, I got carried away...
You know, today, everyone was like 'Ah! My legs are KILLING me!!' Haha... I wasn't there!! Maths Test tomorrow. Actually it was today because I didn't blog yesterday and now it's Thursday...
THat's all from me...
s2 PaT
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Okay guys, time for Harry's Horrible..Herald? ><"
Today was the maths common. =O
- DUN DUN DUN- Ehh, that was a bit exaggerated. Not as hard as the first one but I made heaps of mistakes which I realised later on. Like that
"What shape is ABEC?"Ehh, trapezium? ><"
Okay, no more maths common chit-chat.
Science where we learnt about ventricles, aortas, pulmonary veins, etc etc. SO FUN! =D Ehh..
Do you like my one sentence paragraphs? They make my post look longer. =D
Geo was next and we got our assignments back. I bet I got the lowest in the class. ==" And we had Mrs J AGAIN. And we were doing textbook work. Can't she teach us for once instead of giving us work from textbooks? Gosh..
English. Studying poetry again. To bad we can't perform those shape poems.
You get the point.
After that was lunch. And I actually had yummy food! Yummy leftover chicken! =D Haha Tom.. xD There was a moth on Jerry's bag that looked like a piece of bark xD
Jerry: Let's touch its antennae! =D
It's not moving!
ROFL ROFL. xD And then DICK went off to to the Rio Tinto science comp while Jerry and I went to VA wher we roamed the school to take photos of our ugly entrances and Joe was posing for us. xD
After that we just coloured our sketches in.. And James' picture is sooo pretty! =DD It was like a picture from a fairytale picture book! He should consider being an illustrator someday. ^^
Ahh, my blogs are so boring, aren't they? And they're like, half the length of Jerry and Dick's. =( I guess I'm just not gifted with the talent of writing. =(
Okay, we've used up all up internet speed even though it's only been 17 days into this month. My bro watched like, 100 episode of Naruto on Youtube. =__="
I have nothing else to write about.
[[ harry_
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Okay, this is just a random post from Harry. =)
Eh.. Today was Aural Exam. We dropped off Andrew at Tim's place since Tim's brother and my bro go to the same school. And Andrew was complaining and stuff cause he had to wake up early. 7:00 = Early? Well, he'll have to get used to it cause in high school he's gonna catch the same bus as me. Anyway..
The exam was at Homebush Boys High and it took like, 1 1/2 hours to get there cause of the huge traffic jam from people going to work. But even with the huge traffic jam, I got there half an hour early cause my mum is so prepared. =)
So, while we were waiting, my mum and I were looking at the other people who were all looking OH-SO-POSH for some reason. I mean, the people in school uniform were wearing like, blazers and posh-looking uniforms while the people in normal clothes were all posh-looking and stuff. And there I was, with the bright green and yellow Baulko PE shirt, non-posh-looking jumper and baggy pants. ==" Even my mum said I looked like "yut gor mow qin gor yun" xDD
Okay okay. The exam was so easy. =="
Got to school and used the new system thing! =D Fun fun. Number 16 for family matters! =D
Athletics carnival was boring. ==" CONGRATS TO JERRY WHO MADE IT INTO ZONE! =DD Ah, so pro.
Musicianship tomorrow. =( And maths common after that. Fun.
[[ Harry_
∞ _all because of you_
Ack. I can't get that song out of my head. Ahh. And I just wasted 20 minutes of my life doing nothing. Mhmm, I waste my life so easily. And ZOMG. Maths Common. And I haven't even started studying, coz I've been wasting my life. Coz, everytime I start to open a book, I get so bored, and then.. BOOM. I go to more interesting things =)
Zomg, my intelligence level has gone to 0. We were doing the Activity Courts thing, and then Miss Kite goes on about dribbling, and I asked wat dribbling is =) It's called.. MINDBLANK. And she goes on and on about how dumb I am. Well, not dumb. And then, we're doing Hurdles tomorrow. And she'll be there, laughing at me =( Oh well. Mhmm.
On the bright side of things, CONGRATS JERRY!! HIGH JUMP!! ZONE! Though, you don't want to. Haha, you do realise, that I don't think I've ever gone to zone? Oh, except once. When, I was a reserve in Year 3.. or was it 4? And then, I went anyway. For no particular reason.
Zomg, I'm so sorry. You guys have to listen to my ramblings.
Oh yeah, we spent like.. the whole day playing cards. And I won.. 69 points. And yeah.
Jennifer: OH! That means that Harleen has the Q of spade.
Pat: Uhh. No.. she has the.. umm.. umm.. Q of.. umm.. HEARTS!!
[everyone agrees]
UNTILL.. You see Pat laughing her head off and points to this isolated card near Jennifer.
Pat: HAHAHAHAHA. There's the Q of heart!
Me: Ohh.. Umm. No, Pat means.. Harleen doesn't have the Q of hearts. She has the.. umm.. Q of SPADES. Yes..
Haha, and Tug of War. Funny.
Zomg, I suck at the whole.. activity courts thingo. Just coz.. umm.. I DIDN'T know what dribbling was and the teacher just happened to be listening. Oh well. Pshh.
Oh yeah, tomorrow is our game. We have a home game. Better than.. athletics carnival =='' *coughdribblingcough* Cumberland. And PAT might not be able to do her.. theory. RIGHT? Yay! I mean, not yay. Anyhow.. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! Though there is no such thing as luck. Who cares. GOOD LUCK!! Have the .. time of your life =)
Zomg, I forgot what I was going to say.
Hmm. And far out. Do I look like Matt Kan? NO>> GOSHH.
OHH!! Pat got a spirit stick today!! HAHAHA.
OH JERRY! Who said that "If I was on the field, we would be losing 50-nil". "Me losing" thing? LOL, that was funny =) And then, we eye each other. HAha.
Is this long enough? [sees Jerry shake her head vigorously] Fine.. [enter's heaps]. Much better =) Anyhow, I gtg now. Zomg, something is wrong with the publishing == Cya all tomorrow, right? RIGHT?
> bob [x]
Sunday, May 13, 2007
-clears throat-
anyways, right now im typing on dicks keyboard since right now where at her house on the count of the fact that we walked like 3 km up a hill which was like at a 45 degree angle, and we're gonna ordering Tucky for DINNER!!!! and then, throw on some of my 5 cm eyeliner and then off on the 3km trail again groping around in the dark. nahh jk, dicks dad is gonna take us there.
today was SUCH a good day man. before roll call we lagged absently around at the bus bay... DONT ASK ME i have no idea why. and then sg table where pat opened her new presents and gasped in pride at toms home-made present.
im yellow with holes and i smile like a freak lalala...SPONGEBOB!!!i wear my pants too high i hate kevin [?]SPONGEBOB!!!i have buck teethSPONGEBOB!!!ok back to reality. we bludged the WHOLE DAY,... oi wait a minute, thats not bludging. its called absorbing knowledge through variety and watching people slap their knees and falling on the ground. and this yr 12 guy and this girl were so GOOD MAN. evern her face is full acting. sheeesssshhhh. and then these two girls [hermia and helena] were singing and it sounded SO FUCKIGN GOOD. and their voices..... -faints-
o o OOOOOHHHHH.... i forget xDDDDD
who am i?
-attempts to pirrouette ondayauu and land in open forth in a lunge-
-does 360 [heHEM] leg fan with desperate arm and head gestures while leg only goes through 90 degrees-
hmmmmmm *scratch scratch* aaawww i feel guilty,
WELL DONE GUYS!!! U GUSY ARE TOTALLY AWESOME!!! well done for trying. im sure the crowds gonna go wild.. ur technique is so good man.
yeah... ok now i dont feel as guilty. U GUYS ALL BETTER COME TONIGHT, and for all u losers out there who couldnt be stuffed to come to our engllish performance, prepare to be faced with woe and regret coz we modified the storyline and fused sound effects into the songs. yes we're so cool and gangstah. [???] anyway stuff that, thats an understatement. [if there was a *ding* for the most overstated overstatement of the day, i would be deaf by now]
OI OI OOIIIIII *slap* SHUTTUP JERRY. wheres all the self confidence gone??? sheesh. owell we have to go and be good little girls and study for maths. =] and learn the art of shakepeare and mastering the art of expression - - -
note to self: do not eat too much chicken in case we get indiggestion on the stage or accidentally spew if circle thing on the top of our oesophagus opens while we cartwheel.
at least we dont have eating disorders like some people.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Hiya! =P
Sorry I didn't blog on Wedenesday. My internet wasn't working.
Anyway, Wednesday...Let me remember. Oh yes! Jerry went to zone after roll call and we all went to science where we learnt about digestion...Then, Geography where we had a substitute and did textbook work. Fun. Recess...English we did our presentation without Jerry and hope we got her a good mark.^^ Then we had Scripture and then PD.
Oh! At lunch, we had 2 special visitors and we gave them a great welcoming party and a tour of our oh-so-creative spot! Then we had training and we played touch basically. Then it started raining so we went inside and watched a DVD.
I know, my blog's are so boring. Let me try to entertain you... Hmm... -thinking hard- Argh! My brain's frying. I give up! Mother's Day on Sunday! Haha. I have such good memory. =) I haven't got a present yet though... Any ideas??
I've got to learn how to write more interesting posts like everyone else.
Nothing else to write.
s2 PaT
∞ I want to break you down so badlly..
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Oh yes, it's Betty again. ><"
FRIDAY ARVO! GOTTA LOVE IT! ;) Yes, today was pretty kool in my opinnion, not that anything THAT great happened.
History test was first, and it wasn't that hard. Thankgod Maybeth couldn't do the test with us, because frankly, if she did I would've chucked her goddamn typewriter out of the window, and thats if I get there before Jono does. After the test it was Geo and Tom, Jerry and I just mucked around and discussed the details of SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL! Oh man, it's next Monday! *GASP* Everybody better come for moral support so it doesn't end up like last time.
At recess, Pat and Bob invented the invisible "door" and apparently the teacher crashed into it a couple of times. Oh dear, I hope she has insurance. xD
After recess was double English with Mz Taylor, studying poetry. Aw, I wish that one day, I will understand poetry as well as Mz Taylor does. Like, we read the poem, and there I was, thinking " oh what a shit poem this is " and then once she explained all the techniques used, and then I just realised how smart the poet was, and how the knowledge and understanding really makes you enjoy something much much more. Okok, enough about poetry.
We also got our reflection statements and marks for the Shakespeare performance back! Haha hi5* Jerry! I think it is now safe for me to conclude, that the performance was NOT a total screw-up, and that something good HAS come out of this. I guess people are right in saying "you get out what you put in." The efforts weren't wasted, and I really hope that we do good on Monday night.
And which takes us to Music, and I was just killing Angela's earphones by blasting punk music from her iPod. x) And then Jennifer, Harleen, Dhusy and Keshini was playing songs on their comp so then we were all listening to songs. oO"
Maths was .. -shrugs- I was doing my Finale music which I had not bother to do during Music, when the teacher saw me. TT" And then she was like ..
Teacher: Finish your sheet and then you can finish your asso.
Me: Okok, sorry..
Teacher: When is it due anyway?
Me: Eh, after this? -Gulp-
[Teacher pulls the maths sheet out from infront of me to reveal my finale music]Teacher: Just do that.
Haha, sometimes I think she is the bestest teacher in the world. =D
So then during lunch, Jerry and I rushed down to the Library as we need to merge songs on Audicity and I need to do Finale. I nearly finished Finale when the music teacher found me. -Sweatdrop- But then he didn't really mind seeing as I actually bothered to try to finish I guess. ><
So then the bell rung and Jery and I were both hungry so we both bought a cheese and bacon bread each. I was still eating when the science teacher came, so then I was like stuffing it all down. And then it was Science and we were learning about digestion. xDD Hohoho, do we know about THAT topic! *cough INDIGESTION cough* Anddd Angela forgot her glasses, so she was copying work from me. Which proves not to be a good idea, since I wrote something wrong twice in pencil so I was able to rub it out, but she wrote hers in pen so she had to scribble out so much. xDD *points and laughs* And then we were just talking about crap..
History was even funnier cos we were watching a video, and since Angela doesn't have glasses, she couldn't see. HAHAH! And so she spent half of the time talking to me and asking me what is happening in the video. xD
Then .. DINGGGGG~ le cours de histoire est finite! ^^
Oh yeah, on Tuesday Jerry and I bludged half of the day and did SNAP in the morning with the year 7ners, and then WE LOST KNOCKOUT SOCCER! TT" Oh well, there's always next year I guess..
Rah, *scrolls up* another long and pointless blog?
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Ah, I hate Thursdays.
Today is Thursday.
Okay, so, today was Thursday? My dad went to China today. Something to do with some medicine seminar or something along those lines. My whole family line of doctors. ==" My dad's a doctor, my mum's a doctor, my uncles and aunts are doctors or nurses, all four of my grandparents are/were doctors or nurses, my great-great- whatever was a doctor, etc., etc. You get the point. But I think this generation will break the "Yang history of doctors".. Haha.
Okay, now onto what happened today. Lemme remember..
Today was cold! =D [Thank you, my brilliant memory] And I wanted to hibernate. =( You know, mammals can hibernate. Ah, so cold.. =(
Double maths. Did worksheets. Fun. =="
Recess. Forgot what happened. Ah yes, it was cold! =( And since I couldn't hibernate yet cause I still had to go to class, I did laps around around the shed! Which made me not so cold and not so wanting to hibernate! =D
Science. "Did textbook work" Well, we didn't really do anything. What were we talking about again? I can't remember. Stupid memory.
Geo. Apparently, we're gonna have Mrs Jenkins 2/3 periods for geo cause Mr Jones went away. Which kinda makes me wish that he wasn't going. But then again.. ><" Anyway, we just did boring textbook work again. My hand hurt from writing. =( Science comp. It wasn't that hard I suppose but not as easy as the practice ones. I think I might get credit again cause I always get credit for science. Except for last year where I got Distinction! =D Eh, that was probably just a one-off. Well, that went on for two periods and after that was lunch. COLD! =( And then, VA. We wrote about the architect I. M. Pei. I Am Pie. Get it? Get it? ARHAHA. ==" For the next period, we went outisde and drew our "school entrance".
Mrs Barry: We're going to draw the school entrance.
Me: We had one?
Mrs Barry:
- Points to Administration Block- That's it.
Me: Ah, I see..
So much for an entrance. And drawing it has just made me realise what an ugly entranec we have. Eugh. According to Mrs Barry, all our buildings are very 1970's ish. and something else about rotting? I don't remember. But, blehh. The letters are dull and kinda rusting and there's an UGLY AIR-CONDITIONING THING inside a bird-cage looking structure.
Okay, enough about our entrance. And so, school finishes.
Athletics carnival next week, but I miss out cause of Musicianship and Aural. Fun. =="
450 words. That's like, two times less than the amount Betty writes. =="
Now I shall go and study for history test tomorrow.
∞ Lardidahhh..
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Ahh. Far out. Today was such a fun day, wasn't it? Yeah! With the SNAP test and all! [ sarcism retires ] Ack-ity. TOday was such a crap day. I mean, we didn't have PE =( Stupid SNAP test. And it was such a waste of time. Where I got tired and nearly fell asleep etc. Oh well. At least I didn't have to stress about Metalwork since I suck so badly.
Mmm. OH!! Good luck Jerry and QQ!! And the rest. I bet you guys won!! Hahaha. And you guys are SO lucky coz you guys got to spare half of the day to waste. DOing NOTHING! So lucky. Whilst we had to go through.. the beginning of the day..
HAHAHA. In French, right? We got this "Madame Russell" lady come and teach us! Haha, so funny. Coz she was scotish and all. Funny =) And we learnt heaps, right? [ nodds head ENTHUSIASTICALLY ] How do you spell that, man? Such a long and uninteresting word.
Anyhow. Zomg, Maths =.='''' Horrible. Since I suck SO BADLY!! Zomg, I am the worst person at Maths and therefore [ the three dots ] I am going to fail my common, and because [ the other three dots ] of this, I am going to have to start studying everything that the teacher said buh I so wonderfully didn't understand. Which I will probably not end up studying since I find it the most boring thing in the world. Yehs =)
Haha, I've opened the blog on another window and I've listened to it.. three times now. This is how long it takes me to write such a short blog. Uh huh.
Oh!! In English, SO FUNNY =DD
James and Bayu and Zhu and Liang had to do their performance xDD And it was about.. Toyota Camrys ?!? And the whole $200 000 car, and ONE $10 000 wheel and $20 000 insurance and how they .. erm.. broke the "car". LOL =] Yeahh. ANd Taylor said that Zhu was "good" at acting/drama and he should consider it. HAHAHA =)
Ack. This music is starting to bug me since I have played it so many times. 5 times to be exact. Yeah, my Maths skills have gone up ever since I did the SNAP... *cough* 1+1 is?!? [ five year later of calculations ] 3?!? Yeah, so smart, eh?
Wow, I just realised how long QQ's blog was!! I'll never manage to make anything that long. Unless I enter every sentence =]
Ok-ee. I'm going to go now. Uh huh.
Cya all tomorrow? !!
> bob [x]
∞ ''when there is light at the end of the tunnel...''
Sunday, May 6, 2007
ahhhh this week and next week is going to be so strenuous its gonna shoot beyond my limits. ok now, before i get brain damage again and forget wot imma say, ill start with this.
People from Baulkham Hills High School are
tres sympa. during all of today, there was not ONE FUDGELING RUDE PEEP about me having lice, people runnign up to me to ask if i have nits, or me seeing these people shuffling away from me. C'EST MAGNIFIQUE!!! aaawww silvout pleye everyone. [however u spell that word] and if anyone feels itchy on their scalp FEEL FREE TO BORROW SOME SMELLY MOOSE FROM ME. yerhh ive got a lot to spare. -looks at brand new ''banlice'' can-
yeh anyway ill skip sewing and go to recess. SHAKESPEARE!!! -jumping around in ecstacy-.
but naaawwww... throughout my old fugly wierded life i have learnt not to get over excited about anything, because if that thing happens to collapse on you, it makes recovering even harder. but anyway, stuff that. the fact is everyone: WE'RE IN SHAKESPEARE FEST '07!!! and and and we get to blude all of monday to go practise in the tlc, which reminds me of the problem of the CD which i think i lef in the dramaroom sound system, and the fact that w'ell have to ask mr wong to help us fuse the songs together, and ill have to waste so much time searchign and dowloading a PEEOOOWWW sound on limewire. and wed better fuse them together or else itll be like:
-jerry cartwheels through shlock and lorenzo-
*music stops* ''umm do i press next now?''
''yes!!! hurry up... no not the rewind button the TRIANGLE!!''
-all three of us stand lamely on the stage in position while the audience nodd their heads-
ok enoguh of those random hallucinations.
scinece and maths -presses fast forward-
lunch. far out, for some reason whenever i come to the prospect of actually getting in i cant smile. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME??? -smacks head-
its probably just some post-tryout trauma period, but i cant help the feelign of guilt, seeing all those other pro people who just stood there dissapointed, and replayign the bit where i fluke the goal and accidentally block the ball. but i got in
[just], and thats all that counts. RIGHT???
music was cool, since we bludged the whole lesson and checked up ballet studios and i gave tom and jet first position arm placing lessons. HAHAHAHA. for strenuous, high quality ballet lessons, ask JERRY THE LAME BALLET NERD, charging 10 cents per hour. EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: pink lycra tu tu and pink ballet socks!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLO
its 90% luck, 2% skill, 8% concentrated power of will...
∞ f*ck that so called lice expert
Friday, May 4, 2007
guys dont try me today coz i am curretnly in a VERY FUCKING BAD MOOD. and no, not because i DO have lice, but because i DONT FUCKING HAVE LICE.
NOW THAT my dad has checked my hair for sure last night and made some quirky notes about using head and shoulders more often, im just going to let all my frustration pour into thos post, to make up for the tuesday incident abotu which i did not blog.
WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS???? HUH????? to publically tell me to go and wait in the office because i have ''evidence of lice'', as she printed in our letters sent home to our parents. EVIDENCE OF LICE? more like she spotted lice droppings in my scalp???
ok so ill start from the beginning. sitting down in front of her waiting for her to finish asking the other teacher if those white things on my scalp were eggs was frightening enough. ''im sorry but having lice is actually a GOOD thing... it jsut means ur hair is very clean as they stick to clean hair'' -at this point im noddin in confusion due to the fact that i havent washed my hair in ___ days [shuuushh]- and ''from what i can see, if i can whipe those things and they dont move, then theyre lice'' and ''even if its just dandruff, its always better to be safe than sorry'' -at this point im cursing myself for not washing my hair in ___ days-
and i was like ''wel can you PLEASE check our hair again coz u sed you would wen u got here'' and then she lifets my hair up and comments on how abundant it is in those white things [shhhhh dont tell anyone] and id have to be kept isolated along witht he others for safetly reasons. -_____-
and FUCK THOSE OTHER GUYS who got told they had lice but escaped to class.
fuck this. i feel nigalled.
i mean, is anyone gonna believe me wen i tell them that it was all a mistake? coz like, usually wen one hears that a chick got lice and comes back after the weekend saying she doesnt after all, it is not usually believed to be true.
∞ What a week.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
So, it's Friday again! ^^ Which means .. more updates with Betty! And I have ALOT to get through so .. mhmms. Get ready lol.
THIS MORNING, we missed out History because the teachers wanted to check everyone's hair for head lice. But it turned out that Jerry DIDN'T have lice, so everything's alright now I guess.
After Lice-Check was Geo, and we just mucked around and yeah. English was after recess, and we watched the rest of the performances. Some were so damn funny LOOOOOOLS. Keith and his Darth Vader crap and " I AM YOUR FATHERRRRR" xD And some people *looks at Jono, Justin and Easwar* were under the time limit. BOB&PAT&HARRY? performed and they were funny. xD The Patrick Starr picture and Bob's school photo. ^^
And then it was music and we went to the library to do Finale, and we just ended up listening to Tom's CD which are filled with Azn-wannabe pop crap such as Leehom, Rain, Se7en, Ron Ng, TANK, etc etc. And then I just ended up looking up Atreyu and then listened to the MCR and Linkin Park blasted out through Eric and Jimmy's speakers. ==
And Maths was just alright.. so was History and Science afterwards.
Fah man, to sum this week up, may I say,
It doesn't even feel like the second week of the term, it feels like the ending.
From the dance disaster, to the soccer and then to the lice incident, I have to say first of all, Jerry - things will get better. You always say that when you can't keep on getting unlucky, and there must be sometime when you become lucky again. Life has its up's and down's..
Watching everyone's performance kinda just made me regret everything all over again. It kinda sunk in now that it's all over, and it was kinda us who made the mistake of choosing to perform at recess even though it's mostly Mrs Taylor's fault for not booking the Drama Room in the first place. Sigh, and then there was the Science and French tests yesterday..
And it seems like we have soccer training everyday and we're just losing time to be with our groups of friends and everything. And then there's SNAP and the game tomorrow and Science comp is sometime next week and History exam is on Friday. And then NEXT WEEK is the ..
Second Maths Common of DOOOOM! Sigh, how nice. But at least I guess it won't be as hectik as this week, well I hope anyways. At least we are asso-free, for now.. And Jerry YOU WILL GET IN ON MONDAY. Have more self-confidence yeah? You cannot seriously tell me that you are letting the whole soccer trials get to you.
So tired, it seemed like this week has been FOREVER. Which reminds me of Tom's letter. Haha for English I wrote my letter based to Jessica to Lorenzo and then Tom decided to do visa-versa. And her one was so mushy and yucky and then suddenly ..
[Extract from Tom's English letter]" I shall whisk you away to freedom. You shall be my queen and live above all others .. AND REMEMBER TO BRING ALL OF SHYLOCKS MONEY .. love, Lorenzo .. P.S BRING ALL THE MONEY. "
ROFL, how heartless is that? And then my beginning was so weirded. And it's here now, it's new, it's fresh, and it's by BETTY! *Gasp!*
[Extract from Betty's English letter]Wherefore art thou, Lorenzo?
You are everywhere to me,
Yet when I open my eyes,
It’s not you that I see.
Oh, how I miss thee…
I hope this letter finds you flourishing. It has been forever and a day since I bid you goodbye, and from that time, not a moment has passed when I have not thought about you.
Save me, Lorenzo!
Convert me into Christianity, and take me away from here! I have no love for this gloomy place anymore, and from here, we can go and search for the better things in life, and not be bounded by the unrighteous, the hateful, the malicious. It will be a new beginning, a new chapter of our lives…
Do reply soon, and end this strife. And I’m still clinging to, the promise of a lifetime ..
Haha, I left half of it out obviously, but that bit is about Shylock so mehh. ^^" And according to Anna the English-pro, my writing is very "ornamented" while Angela's, on the other hand, is very straight to the point. ie. " I LOVE THEE!" xD And some words weren't capitalized so TUT TUT! See Tom, that's what chatspeaking can do to you!
And during Science Anna and I decided to get a new SG name because our names don't really suit us and no one calls us by them anyway. Here are some ideas..
Barbie && Ken. HAHAH!
Bill and Ben the flower pot men. xD
HARRY & LLOYD! From "Dumb and Dumber"
Nemo and Dory.
Mickey and Minnie [ mouse]
Donald and Daffy [ duck]
Snoopy and Woodstock lol .
TOM, DICK AND HARRY! Hahahahah! And then I had to be dick and I don't want to be. == And when Pat and Bob called me that I responded twice. TT" BUT ONLY COS I WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION! ><
I. Am. Not. Dick.
Anyways, Jerry suggested Bruce and Jet but then they were names for AHEM AHEM so now it sounds weird, especially when Jerry went ..
Jerry: And I reckon Jet should have a cBox on blog so people can comment.
Bob: JET ??
Hehe, and you can just imagine Bob's reaction. And then Jerry told her "Jet" was me. Wahh I need a name that suits! Oh yeah, and Bob, Pat and Anna [ for now] made this song about Tom and her Voldemort [ Tom Marvolo Riddle ] MOUDLY VOLDY ! ROFL !! ^^
And yeah, I really have to go now. I hope you had fun reading this super long post and understand that ..
∞ Bonjour!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Hey! I haven't blogged in AGES and I almost forgot to blog today! Oops...>< And ignore the random title.
Well, today in English we were presenting our convincing proposals and it was Tom's turn...
Tom reads out her "convincing" proposal that leehom is cool and when it came to voting time...ALL IN FAVOUR?!?! Aye! -scanning the room only to find ONE person [Tom, duh] with her hand raised.ALL NOT IN FAVOUR?!?! AYE!!!! -scanning the room finding 29 hands raised-Hilarious! ^^
Oh! And we had sport tryouts today!! Jerry, QQ and Tom did Soccer and Pingu, Bob and I went for Touch Footy. [Even though I didn't even know how to play till today] Turns out we [touch] made the team...but everyone who tried out made it so yeah.
Well, that's all I have for this post. I have to go study for the French and Science tests we have tomorrow.
s2 PaT
∞ May the words of my mouth..
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Uh huh. My turn to blog again. Except, nothing much to blog about. Mhmm, I haven't touched this blog in ages. Touch? Anyhow, JERRY, QQ AND TOM DID THEIR DANCE TODAY!! It was SO good. Except for the fact that the teacher couldn't book you guys the drama room during class, so you guys had to do it during Recess. Haha =) Yeah, buh it was awesome with a capital A!! Haha, we have to do it on Friday. Guys, we're practising TOMORROW, ok? Which means that we have to get the script done and prob extend it, seeing that it's really short.
Oh yeah, we got school photos today =D Hahahaha. Some people look really funny =) Anyhow. Wow, I just realised that you can do bold and stuff.
BOLD. Mmm, I'm so lame. OHHH. Guess what?!? I see a.. BIN!! OMG =)
OHH!! We had PE TODAY!! YAY!! It was basketball, which was cool. Better than the other stuff. Hmm. And we were all like.. separated. Buh that doesn't matter. And I travelled like.. heaps =) Buh I'm so bad, so it doesn't matter anyway. Yeahh.
I have nothing to say. Metalwork was stupid. Except I spent the whole time doing nothing =D HAHA, and I beat Tom =) Yeahh.
Oh man, grade sport tryouts tomorrow. I don't think I'm going to try out for anything. I'm just going to do rec sport. It's easier, I reckon. ANYHOW.
Cya all tomorrow =)
> bob [x]