Friday, March 30, 2007
Yes Justin, spread the word. The word is legs. OOOH I GET IT. xD
Anywho, today, was so freaking AH ! It started off fine I guess, with Hisotry and then Geo, where Anna and I argued for more than 10 minutes about who was gonna go to their bag and get their Geography book. xDD It basically summed up to this ..
Anna: No! Why don't you go and get YOUR book!
Anna: I CAN BLACKMAIL YOU TOO! People say ..
Betty: All you have to do, is walk about 5 metres ..
Arkash: Oh man, just one of you go and get your books. You guys have been arguing for more than 10 minutes !
ROFL. xDDDD Too funny. And then when the bell rung, Anna and I were just standing at the library door, both refusing to step outside, with Croyle just holding the door and looking at us strangely. LOLS! And then when we FINALLY stepped outside [ that wasn`t hard, was it ANNA ?! ] then we both refused to pick up our bags, until we FINALLY called truce. xDD
And then next was double English with Mz Taylor dissing Justin's sexy voice. =( Justin's too sexy for me. And then I confided Jerry about my super-genius idea of how we can choregraph an expressive dance for the bit where Portia and Nerissa disguises into guys and saves Antonio. So then it can be like; first slow music .. and then suddenly .. GANGSTAH YO! GUNN'D! (:
Music and Maths were next. And whaddaya expect ?! Nothing interesting. =='
LUNCH! Omg so freaking screwed. Fraking everything. FIRETRUCK FIRETRUCK. You, you, you and maybe YOU. ==' Got so pissed. But I`m alright now I guess. Just overreacting abit, and yeah. And yes Anna, I don`t give a eff anymore. Or I WILL not. And no, not in ten years time. TT" Freaking Footy, freaking people, freaking everything.
After lunch was Science and didn`t do anything since I was so busy being pissed. History was just wasted watching video, copying notes and talking with Tom. And she said that some guy said that she got 8/24 in her non-calc. Psh, don`t worry Tom, I bet you that guy has bad eyesight.
AFTER HISTORY IT WAS ALL OVER ! Rejoice! End of Betty's major eff'd up day. )x Then Anna came over and we worked on our script, and it was progressive but we would've done more if AHEM Angela AHEM haven`t decided not to turn up. But yeah, it`s all well now I guess. And this telemarketer with an called and was like ..
- insert Indian accent - " Hoii, my name is PATRICK, and you have just won a brand new mobile phone .. " ROFL. xD
Yes, there is a difference between two cricket games. One where, minus one person, I can play, run, catch, go high and do anything and still fit in, or with that person playing, and stood around being a stick, feeling trapped and unable to fit in. Without that person, I can bring out the best of me. Go figure.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Okely, time for Terrible Thursdays with Pingu =DD
Okay, so it was the non - calculator test today first thing in the morning. It wasn't too bad except for the last two questions but since Betty doesn't wanna talk about it, I won't. =] Since it was a double, in the next period we did like, 4 pages of work from the textbook =S Wahh, tiring..
After that was science where we were studying convection =D Or concurrent. Something like that. Fun fun ==" Some things we learn are utterly useless. I mean, why would we need to know the path of a solid in liquid or something like that when we get a job or something? Pshh..
Ehh, we went to the library for geo. I can't remember what happened..
"As we entered the room, we were overpowered by the stench of the noxious, over-powering fumes of D3" - Refer to my other blog -
Blehh, why does D3 stink so much? I mean, the windows are open and everything. they should get someone to check that classroom..
English =D Actually, it wasn't that fun. Reading Merchant of Venice again. =="
And then, LUNCH! =DD Fun fun. We had all these plastic bags that we had oh-so-painstakingly collected these couple of days so Jerry and I went to the toilet to fill them up with water. [Water from the sink mind you, not from the toilet in case you were wondering xD ]
Anyway, while we were filling them up, Tonia came in and asked what we were doing. And then Jerry goes "Oh, we're making paramesium for science.." - Aha aha. Pushes the plastic bags through the sink so they look like they're swimming -
Yes, paramesium. Rofl rofl, and Tonia actually believed us xDD
And then, SG waterfight! =DD Rofl rofl. So fun.
Jerry and I went to get refills again and we made a paramesium family! =D Baby, Mother and FATHER PARAMESIUM. ROFL ROFL. xDD
Yeah, I hit Jerry with the Father Paramesium xDD But then she threw it back at me =="
After lunch was VA where we went to the library to do stuff with Photoshop. And stupid SOMEONE kept on turning off our moniter =__= And then AFTER THAT. Betty shut down the computer without saving our work. All that hard work for nothing..
Yeah, that was the end of school.
And then. BUS. THE BUS WAS AWESOME! =DD Well, not so much the bus, but the bus driver. He full on blasted the radio and he was putting the brakes on and off in time with the music OO" Yeah, it was really bumpy.. And then he was swearing with his Lebanese accent. "Omigawwwt"
Yeah, gotta run. Seeya all. =]
∞ Squeeze-on Tomato Sauce...
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Hey =P [P for Pat]
So today was pretty cool. Tom didn't come today cos she had an orthodontist [that's not right is it..??] appointment. Anyway, we had Science first up and we got our test results back. And guess what?? I did very bad. And everyone else did very good....oh well. At least it only goes to a little bit of our reports.
Then we had Geography and instead of doing the work in the library, we were thinking of ways to do a fund-raiser to raise MORE money for World Vision. As you may know, the Soul Group has been raising money for charity by the use of a swear jar. So, everytime we swear, we put 20cents into the jar, that QQ keeps. But I'm getting off the topic so....then after recess, we spent all of English thinking about what we could do for the charity thing and so we didn't do any of the work.
Then it was Scripture and I got killed by a 3 ton block on a chain for lieing[However you spell it]. In PD, we did the beep test, or as the tape says it, the bleep test. Argh, it's so tiring....
Then we went to iceskating. The ice was so smooth at first. Then lots of people came. And we saw an emo! First ever! She had black hair with a purple-blue fringe and her eyelids were all covered in black eyeliner and eyeshadow like when you have toast and you spread WAY too much peanut butter on. She was wearing a full black outfit of a black jumper and black pants. Then, her face was totally covered in white face powder and she looked like a ghost!! And her nose and lip were both pierced. She was scary looking. Oh and at lunch....
Now for: Pingu's Encounter with The Squeeze-on Tomato Sauce!!!! Dum dum DUM!!!
Okay, Pingu bought some hot chips and tomato sauce right?? Ok, then we sat down and started to eat but Pingu didn't know how to use the squeeze-on tomato sauce and she was picking at the top of it and I said, "No, you bend it." Then, Pingu was bending it the wrong way and I started laughing. Then I said, "You bend it the other way." And then, Pingu bends it thr right way and squirts tomato sauce onto her face!! I was cracking up so badly!! You should have seen it!!! Hilarious. It turns out that Pingu has never used any 'squeeze-on' packets before. Well, now she does!! GO PINGU!! =P
Haha, well that's all from me!!
Cyaz!! =P [P for Pat!]
s2 PaT
∞ The wheels on the bus go round and round..
Monday, March 26, 2007
Haha. WE HAD AN AWESOME BUS TODAY!! Howdeedoo! [ quote from Pat ] Oh yeah, Jerry hasn't given me an assessment task, so this blog might end up boring, uninteresting etc. Haha. =DD I'm happy, I dunno why. Don't mind me..
When were you born?? AUSTRALIA!! Err.. WHEN. =] Haha PinGu. Don't ya reckon I'm so talented?? My hearing skills. AND. I weighed 180kg yesterday. And I went to Jenny Craig and lost 2/3 of my weight. And now.. SOMEONE has to go too!! =] Yes..
Okely. We had History and it was boring, so we did nothing. And. We searched Spongebob Sqaurepants, Patrick Starr and Tom and Jerry on Google. Haha. I want the Spongebob t-shirt! And Pat can have the Patrick slippers. And the badge!! Hahahaaa. eBay.. Here I come!! =] And we had that boring French thing. Where we did nothing buh dress up and play around with stuff. And Jerry went to the other group. So we started this new policy. Every time one person has to go out.. it's Angela first. Then Anna, Betty, me, Eugenia and Lynette. Coz it's in alphabetical order. And. Jerry's eyes were SO funny when she ordered Keshini?? [ I think it was her ] to go out of the classroom. So of like O-O!! =]
And Maths was boring, as usual. Oh yeah, and in PE, we were indoors coz 8R had that thing.. I mean French thing. And it was indoor cricket. And our team was so good, eh?? Haha. We lost so badly. And I forgot who, buh they said that it was the fastest cricket game ever. Poo them.
Eh, and at lunch!! We had our waterbowl or something?? Btw, what's it called? And we played our SG Cricket!! So fun.. Everyone, bring high quality plastic bags tomorrow. Actually, we can't coz we have sport. Poo. Eh, we have training where we do nothing.. Anyhow, we had metalwork.
And the teacher was SO scary for the first period. And he kept glaring at us, and then he fell asleep. Haha. =DD And then.. we had Mrs Jenkins, and we finished, so we went outside to go to Tammy's locker and tried to talk to Jerry, buh she was too intrigued in her drilling. And we came back, and I got Nishant to get Jerry's attention. Buh no. And Keith wouldn't either. So Sneha did. .. And spent the rest of that time doing nothing..
AND THE BUS TRIP WAS SO AWESOME!! ON THE BUS!! Where we had a huge traffic jam.. Oh well. OUR BUS HAD A BIG PICTURE OF BASKETBALL ON THE FRONT. Oh yeah, Pat?? When we were waving to you, these guys were saying how you could see us. And then, someone was like.. "Hey, Yr 7's can see us!!". And then they realised that they were on camp. They're so mean, eh?? Yeah, I thought so too. -rhetorical question-
Yeah, I shall go and.. finish my Science. =[
Cya all!!
<3. bob_
∞ "Sustainable Futures: Energy'' pg 3
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Today was quiete an o k day for me, i guess. Nothign ThAT interesting to wirte about... [rofl and then ZOOM ZOOM 2 M long blog]
nahh j/k.
ARRRGGGHHH and then i have to start the stupid woodwork procedure and images of things that i dont even noe the name of, i MEAN WAT THE H*** IS THAT SHAKY BLADE THING CALLED???? and those stick things u put int he wood to hold it together. aiyaaarrgghhh...
and so after recess it was shakepeare on trial, during which were were falling asleep and investigating maybeth smuggling chocolates from her poclet into her mouth. tut tut tut, she wood like stick her hand in for 5 minutes making that xrinkly wrapper sound that EVERYONE COULD HEAR and then she stuck it under her jumper to unwrap it and everyone cood see coz there was this gigantic lump on her stomach. and then she leaned over as if she was resting her chin on her hands and stuck it in her mouth. ><''
and next to me marcus was getting busted for smuggling marshmallows.
i didnt get the play... did u?? the only bit i got was openign bit where they sed what their names were.... hmmmm, rofl its like : ''here is your opportunity to ask any questions'' and then: -sticks hand up- ''umm excuse me what hapened after the bit where you sed 'hi my name is pete and we'll be acting out a midsummer night's dream' ''...
ok and now, for a slight break i shall go to the toilet since i am BUSTING. brb.
OK.... AFTER THE BREAK, we got our... -gasps- COMMONS BACK!!!!!!!!!!=OOOOO
AND THE STUPID TEACHER stupidly deducted a mark just coz i wrote ''adjacent angles on a str line'' but i got over 70 so that was ok. ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG... illona got... 46!!!!!!!!!! and then...-looks at liang- eurrgghh, dont even want to go there.
woooootttt qq u got boots!!! xDDD yeh i noe the feeling, wen i got mine i couldnt stop hugging the shoe box after we went out of the direct shoe warehouse and i was like, polishign it with a tissue o.O
and NOW, i shall go and start woodwork and attempt to get past pg 3 of ''Sustainable Futures: Energy''
and then.... piano lessons -______________-
cu tomorrow everyone,
∞ 'ilovepapercranes' <3
Thursday, March 22, 2007
No, first of all Anna, I`M NOT STUPID ! I`m not the one flicking cranes at AHEM AHEM. ==" And I don`t think he told anyone, so it's all good. (:
Okay, back to Betty's Friday Arvos. Well today we had History first, and I can't seem to recall what Anna and I were doing. Looking up Black Death or something. ==" And then it was Geo and we were looking up birth and death rates. Naw, what a unevenful morning.
And then after recess it's DOUBLE ENGLISH with Mrs Taylor ! *gasp!* And while Mz Taylor was busy deciding whether Maybeth or Zoe made a better Portia, Emma, Anna, Angela and I were making paper cranes ! x]x] And then while we were reading the Merchant of Venice, Easwar and Bayu wouldn't shut the hell up. =="
And when Justin was reading, I turned around and whispered " shush you guys." And then instead of shutting their goddamn mouths, they talked a little more louder and Anna was like " be quiet!" And then they started talking REALLY LOUD, and it's a wonder how Mz Taylor hear it, cos frankly it was SO LOUD. So then I couldn`t cope anymore and I screamed " SHUT THE HELL UP YOU GUYS!" And as you all know, when I scream, EVERYONE can hear it. ==" So then suddenly the class was quiet and Mz Taylor was like " oh it seems like we have another play going .." ><"
And then when we finished making cranes, I put them all in a box and Keith started killing them. TT And then Anna wrote some gayass sh-eeeee-t on one of the cranes about AHEM and then chucked it at Keith. And then he saw it. =="
And then we had the Anti-Bullying. That was alright .. but then Maths was like .. ehh. =="
The it was lunch with me stuck in the canteen line for aaaaages with no one in company besides Zhu. == And then after lunch was Science .. TEST. Ahh stuffed it. And then History was a bore again and Easwar and Bayu was annoying Anna and I and we ended up moving away and listening to Angela's iPod which has sh-eeeeee-ty songs on it. xD
That that's the day people. Enough of my ramblings.
∞ Betty is stupid. x)
Betty is so stupid.. Haha. She always ends up telling Keith about things.. o.0 LIKE THAT EMAIL FOR INSTANCE xDD "People say.." Ahh, don't worry, I won't say anything more. xP
Okay, onto what happened today.
Today started with double maths where 8R3 next door was being so noisy again. Haha, our class is so quiet compared to theirs cause it's full of nerds. It's just Mohindroo talking with her Indian accent and in the background there's Shirley, Dietrich and James talking..
Science. Geo. Nothing more to say.
English where some people got their questions back. And Taylor noticed that some people were copying some other people's work. So then we got onto the topic of plagiarism and she was like "In uni, if you plagiaries then you get expelled from the uni." And she started interrogating people =/
After that was lunch! =DD And that means cricket with SG. =D Haha, so fun. Pat broke the stick we normally use and it was hollow inside OO" Anyway. Angela couldn't throw again.. xDD
VA. Blehh. We had Hagan as a substitute and we weren't allowed to talk for two whole periods =_= Stupid. And I couldn't mix the colour I was using so I had to paint over it with the new colour. So now it's a brownish purple o.O I'm not even using purple for my painting.. T.T
Nothing much happened. have `ta go. Byebye =]
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
As you can tell by my heading, IT'S BOB'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!! Yay!!!
And now for a song!!
Happy Birthday to you!Happy Birthday to you!Happy Birthday to Bob!Happy Birthday to you!Yippee!! Happy Birthday Bob!!
Well, today,once we all arrived, we rushed to the SG table for the official Birthday ceremony for Bob!! Unfortunately, the bell went just as we got there so we bombarded Bob with presents and went to Roll Call!! Bob received 3 DVD's, some jewellry, a poster and a photo frame. Enjoy, Bob!!We went to science, then in Geography, Gary and Henry wouldn't believe that it was Bob's B'day. They thought we were lying so we had to show them her Tcard and Student ID card! Then they believed us!! Haha.
Not much on Sport today......
Netball team won their game!! Yay!!
Pingu did crossover in iceskating and I did ... umm...hehe.....
Well, when we returned from iceskating we went to the netball courts to see Bob and Tom...they had a waterfight and ganged up on Tom...hehe...it was funny..=] Tom got so wet!! Haha.
On the trip home, for me, we were doing magic card tricks which involved..uh...smelling..um..the cards... It was weird...but hilarious!!=]
Happy Birthday once again to Bob from all of the Soul Group!!
Well, sorry Jerry for my not-very-good blog....
Cyaz next week!!
∞ Strike one, strike two. YOU'RE OUT!!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Haha. Oh yeah, and congrats Pat on the entertaining email. I give you a.. 213% !! Or should I say.. 135%.. Haha. Yes. Now, my turn. Assessment task 2.
Knock knock!!
Who's there??
P who??
- PinGu bursts out laughing her head off-
Eh, we had cricket today!! And it was SO FUN!! And.. during our SG Cricket, we were teaching Tom how to.. CATCH!! Haha. =] And she was so pro at batting, eh??
Strike one. "Come on Tom, you can hit this one". -swings really hard and misses again- Strike two. "Last one Tom!!" -swings and hits it- "Hey, where did the rubber [ ball ] go??" -looks behind Tom and sees the rubber behind her- Haha. Her -so pro- batting skills.
And in Metalwork. "Hey Tom, let's saw now.. " -ten minutes later- "Err. Do you want me to start it for you??" -starts it for her and twenty seconds later- "I'm so tired. Let's take a break now". HAHA.
Yes. Back to beginning. We had history.. with the entertaining -cough- presentations. And then English, and we got our essays back. And then French and Maths. Icky. And now Tom has taken my obsession with hating everything. Quote from Pat and PinGu: "You guys' hate so much stuff" LIKE IN OUR SCRIPT. Yes, Pat and I made our script SO funny, right?? high5 Pat. Ooh wee ahhh. I'mmm hypnotisedddd.
Oh, and PE. Haha. And .. "We should chuck a ___ [ whatever they call it ]. And everyone cheers. How about this one!! Everyone cheers. No, a this one!! Everyone cheers. And Gary goes: "How about a Gary??" -silence-. Haha. Btw, the "this one" was coz I didn't know the complicated words of people that they mention..
Yes. And that's the end. I think. Oh, and PinGu and Pat, bring your Sprite bottles tomorrow! Eh, we gained $1. 50 from that machine. "Hey Tom, maybe you should try.." I think I failed, buh oh well. Cya all!!
<3. bob_
∞ kiss my lucky boots bubs^^
O MY GOSH. FINALLY SOMETHIGN exhilerating to write about.... and this time bubs be prepared to be bombarded.... O and before i forget ... PAT, tut tut tut for your dissapointing attempt at assessment task 2. ONE LINE EMAILS ARE THOROUGLY UNACCEPTABLE. for your poor attempt i have awarded u... 2 %. now for assessment task 3... compose 3 jokes which u shall publish in your next post which will succeed in makign me laugh.
now.. bac to the subject...
This morning we were busily at work and AHEM cough cough enjoying cough our wonderful sewing example, which i was awarded 17/20 and err... results were not so good as QQ received a ... 2/20. =='' o YES and SOMEONE -looks at anna- was glad to see SOMEONE ELSE get 100%. xDDD hmmm.... i wonder who...
o yes and then it was SIENCE where someone was busily piercing our eardrums with some peculiar noises -looks at tom-
and F*** F*** ALAS!!!!! IT WAS f****** MATHS AND OUR BEEEEEEEPING MATHS COMMON!!! =O i wonder wot happened to my brain then. o yes and i sed the f word in the middle of the exam since mrs maison was like ''OK 10 MINUTES LEFT EVERYONE'' and i was like ''ppphheheewwwww'' since according to my brain i had finished the whole paper. but ALAS... the last page felt rather thick didnt it?? and i freggen turned the page and.... THERE WAS A F******* DOUBLE PAGE LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and you cood imagine the kind of panic with bolted through my body and set my heartrate like... ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM. and hmmmm... i wonder if i finished the paper?? WELL NNNNNAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.
and in the distance i could hear yoosung wheezing and snorting in the corner [yes, i noe, its hard to imagine but wen i turned around i was like ''huh??'' -sees him blowing his nose-] which DID NOT help me in finishing the paper. and dont tell him i told u guys ok?? yes and bob dont tell someone who might tell him.
owell... now to the LESS DEPRESSIGN nad more EXCITING PART OF THE DAY. ;]
HAHA... our hearts pumping with adrenalin and woe [woteva that means], we left the school in christina's car while R&B music BLARED throguh the speaker. yes that really got us int he mood. and then, hohoho, we were nearly there, and then i looked out the window and ..-gasps- there were these BIG, TALL MAURI people walking up the street. and here we were wading around in 2 metre long baulko jerseys wonderign where to stand on the field.
zomg zomg i cant believe we won 8 nil [not that i really helped] !!!!!!!!!! o and wen one of the opposition bashed into me it was like full on ''OOOMMMMMMPPHH'' -sees stars-
and then it took like half and hour for mrs wotsherenam to drop me and katrin off at eastwood station and then i walked all the way home. and now my feet are sore.
andyways... gotta go and do hisoty which i have not started.
later bubs
∞ Lancelot II. x]x]
Friday, March 16, 2007
OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK* ? I wrote up this super-long post, and then I clicked "Publish" and IT WAS GONE ! And I clicked "refresh" and still couldn't get it back. AHH SO PISSED. TT
So now, thanks to this stupid blogger program, I have to start all over again, just like my Swimming Carnival post. ==
So, today was Friday, and I don't like Fridays because they make me sad. Don't ask why. Perhaps it's because of this stupid blogger stuff-up. - glares at computer -
It began with History, and we couldn't see everyone's presentations `cause Mz Kite's computer broke down. == So then it was off with the video marathons ! And then it was Geography, and I began making stars again with Angela, if you can call what Angela made "stars." They didn't even puff up properly. xP
Then after recess it was DOUBLE ENGLISH with Mrs Taylor and her beloved Shakespearian book, titled " The Merchant of Venice." Alas ! Save thy from thee evil ! TT And Taylor always favours Zoe. == And she kept calling Sneha " Shhneha." Then this really funny incident happened .. now inviting to the stage, Jerry, Tom and Betty for their special reinactment!! - This is your cue to start clapping -
Angela: - whispering - ..sss..ssssss..ss
Lynette and I: Huh ?
Angela: - a tiny tiny bit louder this time - ..ss..ss..SSSS..
Lynette and I: HUHH ?
Angela: ..SSSSSS...SSSSSS...SS
Lynette and I: - glanced at each other with puzzled beetroot faces - WHAAT ?
Angela: AAHHHH ! [ note: finally a word that's in my dictionary. LOLS! ]
Angela then snatches a piece of paper and writes what she's been trying to say for the past 2 minutes. And guess what was on the paper .. ?Keep guessing. I never said stop.. Okay, what it said on the paper was this ..
" DID MRS TAYLOR SAID SHNEEZA ?" ROFL ROFL ! Haha no wonder we couldn't understand her. " Did Mrssssss Taylor ssssssssssaid sssssssssshneezzzzzza. LOLS! And then I was full on hyperventilating from laughter. xDD Highlight of the day! (:
And then it was Music, with me and my stupid piano skills, if I had any at all. Freaking "My Immortal" ! But then just because stupid Maybeth's and her group heard Anna and I playing that song, they decided that, " oh, whaddaya know, lets use that song for our next term performance !" and went and told Mr Wong. Then Mr Wong, being the nice and biase to Maybeth person he is, he comes along "
hey girls " Anna and I, and told us about their plan. I mean, WHAAAT ?! That is so unoriginal, and there are tonnes of songs out there, WHY "MY IMMORTAL" ? And that's not just what I'm pissed at, it was what was following. They decided that since Anna and I have the sheet music already, they won't bother to go and get their own and will PHOTOCOPY MINE for their own expense. == WHAT IF I PAID FOR THAT SHEET MUSIC ? HUH ? HUH ? DO YOU CARE ? )x And I couldn't say no since Mr Wong is a teacher and it will make me sound like a psycho -beep- so then I agreed. And now Mr Wong has my sheet music and soon Maybeth will get her greasy hands on it. GRR =="
Don't worry, nothing remotely earth-shattering and life-threatening happened during Maths.
Then it was LUNCHTIMEEE ! Jerry and I ditched soccer training cause it was way too hot. And I went up to the field later with Florence and it turns out that great minds DO think alike, because no one else turned up at training either. x]x]
After lunch it was science with Harwood and her science sheets. Last period was History, and we were watching King Author while Henry, Gary and I were having the World War III - the Battle of the Papers. Haha that's in our English script ! - nudges Anna and Angela - xDD And Emma, Eugenia and Anna started playing " Mary Had A Little Lamb " on their drink bottles. LOLS!
So then it was HOME TIME! And I went home and I had a Battle of Ownage with Henry. Woah, so many battles, perhaps he can be on of my gallant brave knights of my square table. And I shall be Lancelot the II, otherwise known as, Betty the Cool One. Back to the topic, I swore 19 times while trying to defend myself against Henry's violent language. So now altogether I have sworn 35 times [ including my f- word at the beginning of this post ] or otherwise known as 7 dollars for World Vision. The more the merrier .. ? OO"
Then it was badminton, and nothing was wrong besides Erin's sudden appearance and her outfit, which consisted of a MINI-SKIRT, leggins and Keds. Ehh, sport, gym .. anybody ? Does anyone see how ridiculously ridiculous her outfit choice was ?
Woah, this is ALMOST as long as my old one. Meh, I've tried hard enough. Oh yeah, and tomorrow after Hiphop dance I'm going to Jerry's place for AHEM soccer extention skills AHEM. And by that I mean watching Under 9's play and copying their super-pro skills. ROFL xDD High5* Jerry !
A'ights, I'm out. Goodnight to yo all.
* I know, I've just added another 20 cents to the Swear Jar.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Hihi =D
Well, today [Thursday] started off with double maths.. =/ Wahh, so tiring.. After that was science where we had this really cool Chinese substitute called Mrs Kwan or something =D James started speaking in a Chinese accent and she just laughed instead of blowing up like Harwood o.0 Ehh..Geo. Watched a video. And then English where we were reading Merchant of Venice again. Rofl, James and her herein/heroin xDD And Mrs Taylor goes "Are you on medication?" xDD
Aye, and SG have started a swear jar ^^ It's 10 cents for every time you swear and the money goes to charity. =] Heh, I lost 20 cents in one day T.T But Betty wasted 30. Rofl. xD
Ehh, nothing else to write about.. The 3502 was awesome! =D It was a hugr air conditioned bus with like 18 people on it and the driver blasted the radio really loudly. Haha =]
Eep, I gotta go. Blehh, I couldn't really blog properly. =(
∞ It's not easy being stupid...
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Heyaz people!!
I have no idea what to say right now cos it's very VERY hard to concentrate with a dog barking at you while your computer makes those dun-dun noises every time someone sends something on MSN!!! ARGH!!! It's driving me nuts.
Anyway, haha.. SG iceskating styles!!! The penguin.......ahem someone ahem...and the glide glide ker-plonk, glide glide ker-plonk.....AHEM tom AHEM...
Now the weekly sports report...
SOFTBALL- 15 to 1 win!! YAY!!! GO QQ!!
No game for Jerry, cricket- training....skills training....
Netball- B team lost 23-7 but that's cos the Crestwood teams are really good....and tall....
Iceskating- Pingu and I didn't progress much this week because the ice was all dry and bumpy so we couldn't do anything....low quality ice, as Jerry would say...
Ahh, not much to say......not much hapened today.....normal stuff....
Right...English was ...umm...funny....
BOB?!?! What are you doing??!?!!
HEY!!! Check out my backhand!!!!
Oh man, I used my lifetimes savings on that mouse!! 50CENTS!!!!
Ok, calm......
Well, nothing else to say....[Jerry, did I pass?? Probs not...]
∞ Bob's Boring Bits.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Eh heh. It's mine turn again!! Welcome to yet another episode of Bob's Boring Bits. In today's episode we.. ok, enough of that now. =] And onto Tuesday, the best day of the week, aye??
Oh yeah. Wow. New layout etc. And song. And.. at the top it says "soup group". HAHA.
Yes. And so, we went to History, only to find out we weren't watching those so interesting talks, buh going to the library. Aiyah, so boring. Talked etc. Nothing much. =DD Went to English where we handed our so good essays. And QQ's was SO good, and long!! Compared to my low quality one. And studied a bit more of the so interesting Merchant of Venice. Yes. Then French where we got our magazines with.. -drumroll- CHRIS BROWN!! Say Goodbye.. And then Maths with however you spell it.
AND THEN PE!! Only to find out we're playing cricket. Jerry must be awfully happy, since she's so pro at it. And I was the last person left, and on the bus, SOMEONE was so mean etc. Anyhow, and QQ is SO good. Seriously.. =]
AND THEN IT WAS LUNCH!! Where Tom did something so amazing, eh?? Ok, so we were fighting and BOO!! Tom gets a huge heart attack, nearly dies, buh instead.. DROP. And there on the wood was a big, wet sploch. Oh, she dribbles!!
Then Metalwork. With my so talented sawing. And Tom laughing at me every 5 seconds. And it was so tiring that we were basically sweating. Yes. Today was an awfully boring day. And SOMEONE, stop asking. =] Yes, such an uneventful day yet again. Stayed tuned for Pat's P___ Parts tomorrow. Can't think of word.
Cya all tomorrow!!
<3. bob_
∞ SUPER- DUPER EXTRA EXTRA boring post -_____-
Sunday, March 11, 2007
o jeebubs 2day was SUCH an uneventful day. Someone name ONE thing which was funny 2day.
sigh~~ well well, qq, we signed up for touch!!! o o o and tomorrow we have soccer training so i shall try to remember to bring shin pads and socks. and on the weekend... BOOTS SHOPPING!!! LMAO XDDD
SHIIIIEET. and the fucking essay and fucking piano lessons tonight. am so stressed. need chill. on the SUBJECT of chilling out everyone go download ''say ok'' by vanessa hudgens. its so damn pretty!! o yes and ont he subject of SINGERS LETS MOVE ONTO AKON!!! ROFL akon is mad!!! [o yeh and you guys DO noe that the random aK0n dude hoo commented on tom's blog was me rite??? arhaha yes ssssshhhhhhhh....
and 2day dance rehearsal was so non-progressive as usual since the gayass people who couldnt be stuffed to go on saturday spent like half of lunchtime trying to remember the first move. and tall gel got OOOOWWWNEEDDD!!! ROFL GO KAT!!! WWWOOOOOTTT'
and someone tell me why HENRY IS SUCH A FUCKING GIGI~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND FUCKING ZHU!!!!!!!!!!! who the hell does he think he is, assuming we did curry dancing.
o yeh now i suddenly rememeres wot i was meaning to talk about. -drumroll-....
OUR FUCKING HISTORY PRESENTATION. someone shoot me dead, please. WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED????? and somehow all along i knew that somethign that that wood have happened so thats why wenever we wanted to do it ont he day i felt sick in the stomach. and then wen it acually came to friday i actually felt CONFIDENT since we all rehearsed for so long and we were laughing so much. and then. AND WE ACTUALLY asked SOME PEOPLE to laugh for us, at least to get the others started, bu noooooo.... UH - HUHHH!!! tomorrow some of those sore losers are doing there presentation!!! and lets see how enetertaining there ones are compared to ours.
AND THEN at dance my heart felt depression as my eyes were faced with worst sight beyond imagination- the sight of the un-co year sevener with the two metre long skirt, asking to join TWO WEEKS FROM THE AUDITION.
SOMEONE SHOOT ME DEAD AGAIN PLEASE!!!! AND ZOMGFGHT KAT ACTUALLY LET HER rehearse with us!!! fuck did u see her while she was ''trying to pick up the steps??'' it looked more like this raandom person putting her arms in wierd positions. i eman, not to be mean, since i noe how it feels to be in year seven, but HOW DESPERATE CAN ONE GET??? ok now i shood stop wasting time and get ont with the fucking essay.
cyu all tomottow, and hopefully that will be a more eventful day,
∞ Rawwr
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ahh, sorry I didn't blog on Thursday but I'd typed up this wonderful blog and then..I SHUT DOWN THE COMPUTER T.T
And now because of my short term memory, I can't remember what happened on Thursday anymore so I'll blog about something else =]
Guess what guys?! Seven people are coming over to stay for 2 or 3 weeks in 2 weeks time - my grandparents, my grandpa's sister and her husband, my grandpa's sister's son [the one who's looking for a girlfriend here xDD ] and two others who are somehow related to me. So altogether, that makes 11 people living in our house =S
And we've figured out the sleeping arrangements.. My parents sleep in their room and my bro and I get kicked out of our rooms =__= And since we can't fit 11 people around the dinner table, we're gonna eat..on the table tennis table o__0" Lmao.
Wahh, I don't get to go to New Zealand cause of school =( And since Andrew's finished his Selective Test by then, he gets to go with everyone else while I stay at home =(( Wahh..
Speaking of the Selective Test, good luck everyone =DD Even though no one's gonna read this..
"Every day when the work is behind youAnd the shop and the store put the lock on the door,Just get away where your worries won't find youIf you like, well I'll tell you mooooooree~"Hehe. =]
Thursday, March 8, 2007
YO 'tZ BETTY 'ERE ! (:
Yer, Anna is suppose to blog about yesterday, but I can't be bothered to wait for her, so here are the details about today, which is Friday. Keke.
So today was such a .. exciting?! day. We first had History and we practised with chopsticks and forks before we started. But when we performed, IT SUCKED. Like, I dont know why, but there was just no reaction from the rest of the class. I mean, during our entertainments, most people just smiled or didnt do anything at all. I wasnt expecting full roll-on-the-floor laughter, but NO RESPONSE ?! Definitely not what I had in mind. :( And the "march" .. omfg.
Okay, then it was Geography, watching videos. Then DOUBLE ENGLISH with Mz Taylor. As you all know, last night I foolishly went to creative arts fest to see Aaron singing. -_- And so I didnt finish my english which was due today. So when I came back and had showers everything, I typed up 2504 words. (: And then I glanced at the time .. and guess what it was ?
Friday, 3:30am ! Omfg, and yes, I slepted for about 3 and a half hours. And then woke up to the sound of my ringtone, Remember the Name. Sigh, but Im not tired anymore now, so thats alright I guess.
Okay, so after the long tedious English lesson, we slowly "marched" ROFL JERRY, towards the music room to face Mr Wong. And then I LOST MY CLARINET ! I cannot believe this ! It was all perfectly locked up in the music room and now its fucking gone. TT Aww and then went back and listened to " Show Me The Money " [ what else ?! ] with Jerry.
And then it was Maths, which was eurgh as usual, and then LUNCH ! Soccer knockout trials. Jerry and I made our way towards to oval, feeling all nervous lol. And then we got a soccer ball and started to kick around, and HEADBUTTING ! Hehe that was fun. And yes, we made the team. Jerry's fullback I think, and Im midfield.
And then the end of the day isnt really that spectacular so I wont bother. Plus, dinner is waiting for me.
∞ Love is patient, love is kind...
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Well it's Wednesday again so therefore it's my turn to blog!!
Now to the sports report by Pat Starr...
SG sport today was a great success with everyone ending up pleased with the results. The netball team [Bob] won their game 13-8. The cricket team [Jerry] won their game 56-55. Very close. The softball team [QQ] won their game 13-2. And, Pingu and I went ice-skating and made a lot of progress, managing to spin. [Trust me, it's a lot harder than it looks!!] Congratulations to everyone!!
Ok now for the other part of the day...
In science, we stuck mushroom spores in our books and inspected potatoes [although they did not look like potatoes after our experiment]. In Geography, we watched a video. After recess, we had English and worked on scripts. Scripture was about love. In PD we did a lifestyle timetable thing. And, I was working on trying to stand the pain of being pinched. Bob was helping me cos her pinches don't hurt. Compared to Pingu's pinching, Bob's pinching doesn't feel like anything!! Everyone, make a mental note to avoid being pinched by Pingu unless you wish to go through serious pain!
Well, that about wraps up today so yeah!
(>")> PaT <("<)
∞ Here we go again..
Monday, March 5, 2007
Haha. It's FINALLY my turn. After waiting 6 days. Aiyah. Welcome to Bob's Ramblings!! Or should I say.. Bob's Boring Bits!! Haha. Well, all of Tuesday's funness was ruined today coz there was ELLA etc. I shall start thy story now..
As so it begins. We walked into History all prepared and excited [ or whatever we felt ] coz we were going to do out History thing!! That we oh, so wonderfully did on Saturday at QQ's house. Buh, what do you know?? We don't do it.. And instead, we end up answering questions. Yuck. And then, moving onto English. We didn't have Taylor!! YAY!! And so, I nearly fell asleep whilst listening to Jenkins voice that couldn't be heard. AND THEN IT WAS.. RECESS!! And that was probably the best part. Coz we [ as in Pat and I ] versing PinGu and Tom, and we lost oh, so many times. Oh well, we're improving ,right?? And then, it was French and Maths etc. So boring..
And.. ELLA. Yuck. It was SO boring. Just writing stuff and answering questions. ANd it was so boring. Wait, I've already said that.. And it was so pointless and everyone. Oh well, it's over and done with now. No point complaining..
Oh yeah Jerry. You didn't show me Mr. Anderson's thing..
Haha PinGu. On the bus, there was this retarded Oakhill-er and he was like.. "this is the first time we have to stood". Nice -erm- english. Haha.
Oh sorry QQ. I already published when you sent that. Buh, here it is.
Justin was trying to convince everyone that he had a 6 inch dick, and everyone told him to prove it, eurgh. And then Ewy went into the guys bathroom with Justin. Then she came out and started talking to them about Justin again, and then Yoosung asked if she went in, and Ewy replied yes and kept talking to them about Justin, and then she was like ' ITS REALLY BIG !' rofl rofl, and QQ thought she meant Justin's dick. ROFL. And then it turned out that Ewy was saying to Yoosung that the guys toilets were really big.
Haha. QQ. Funny. =DD Oh yeah, and I had to edit it a bit coz it didn't make sense..
And so, my boring bits end now. Haha.
<3. bob_
∞ like, FINALLY
Sunday, March 4, 2007
yay now i can finally gossip and talk about funny things which include... NO WAIT. FIRST OF ALL... HAPPY 13THE BIRTHDAY ANNARRRRRRR!!!!! yes luv from the sg chiqques.
O yeh and bob, before i forget, did u noe that MR ANDERSON is teaching HIP HOP for capa???? LMAO XDDD!!!!!! and according to my sister the he dances to ''my love'' and he was teaching my sisters group, and it involves like 8 counts of arm twirly things and the ''great vine'' and then a spin and clap. [which i will o- so- pro-ly demonstrate tomorrow.]
ZOMGFHT!!! ELLA TOMORROW!! and we miss out on PE!! T.T according to priya in yr 9 the test is the same level and yr 7 so it should be ok. and this morning DANIEL ZHU WAS BEING SUCH A DIKMOLE [as per usual] and STEALING MY BAG wen we were presenting our presents to anna. And it was SO FREAKKING EMBARRASSIGN wen i had to practically wrestle the bag off his ginormous shoulders, since he is so overweight and weighs a TON.. AND like 5 minutes later i was STILL TRYING TO GET THE first strap off. People often ask me why i hate daniel zhu so much and its like ''ZOMG... maybe because of the fact that he LIVES''
ok new subject.
o yes yes on the subject of DANCE and the really, -cough- HOT guy in the pink shirt, yes i shall solemly confirm that YES SHE FREAKKIN THINKS HE IS HAAWWT. and today at dance rehearsal SHE was gossiping to sejuti about HIM with hands around their mouths and whistpering with those ginourmous grins on their faces talking about ''kelli''.. this and that and yadiyadiyah. and HER [the tall girl which i shall not mention] was commenting on how ''i dont think w'ell learn anything if kat teaches'' and ''if mez can't teach the guys i can EASILY TEACH THEM'' and suggesting to kat that ''maybe e should just teach our OWN GUYS.'' gosh.
and then there was music in which we spent half an hour watching the ''how to play a guitar'' video, which wasted 20 minutes on ''the parts oa guitar'' and ''how to hold a guitar'', while SOMEONE was busily laughing at how the dude said the word ''about''.
OO OO OO AND AND AND... anna: once upon a time in a land far far away, troops fought viciously on foot. AND -marching- ONE TWO THREE FOUR -shoulders- FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT!!! -guns- HAHAA. and then ''the wheels on the bus go round and round... and FINALLY..
eugenia: and now we have a gallant knight sir angela to recite a poem to his beloved AUGUSTUS!!
yay.. enough rambling for now
aiyerrhhh.. stupid stupid cage of butterflies is getting on my nerves.
cyu all toorrow,
Saturday, March 3, 2007
HAPPY 13TH BDAY ANNA ! You are officially a teenager ! Aww did you have an awesome day ?
Yes, its me with my long, boring and TEDIOUS blogs. I know I'm not really suppose to blog .. or am I .. ?! But since its a weekend so meh.
So on Saturday morning Jerry and I went to Hiphop dancing at Mez's place. Omfgs its so big ! She has her own tennis courts, swimming pool and palm trees in her backyard. OO" And it was really progressive and the song was really cool. ^^ And "Kayley" was telling Jerry about how her foot was not suppose to lift up when you turn, and then you see everyone else lifting their foot. -_- And the whole party bull with Sejuti. She was like, " I have a party every Saturday and I HAVE to go. " I mean, its not like missing 3 parties is gonna kill you ! Ah she gets on my nerves sometimes. And Aditia was like AHEM that guy in the pink shirt is so hot AHEM. And then afterwards my daddy drove Jerry and I home ..
And then Soul Group minus one person, not mentioning any names AHEM Tom AHEM, came to my place for the history thing. We decided to use Black Adder theme song, and THE MARCHING. rofl ! And then " wheels of a bus go round and round .. " and and love poems ! Performed by gallant knight, Sir Angela to .. alas ! Beloved Augustus ! ROFL ROFL. It was really fun and we finished it, except I just got to shorten the codes and stuff so people dont die of boredom. And I finished French as well.
Ah ELLA on Tuesday so we miss out PE. x[ And and I have to meet Kelly tomorrow. oO" And now I shall go and let Jerry .. or Bob .. to entertain you with the latest updates. ^^
QQ Sukii.
∞ bleed this skyline dry ..
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Yo everyone ! Here's QQ to conquer the world of blogging ! x]
Refering to Anna's post - IT WASN'T BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE THE GUTS TO SIT NEXT TO HIM ! >< And why would I care anyway ? - blank face - And I agree, the french room is like OH POOF ! What is wrong with it ? The windows are always open but the smell is like AHH EURGH. And I know Darryn. Refering to Eugenia's blog - I KNEW IT WAS EASWAR ! He's so annoying and loud these days.
So now to the wonderful world of " Betty's Friday Arvo Ramblings." Oh shiet, what fun ! x] Okay, so today we had History and we were writing all these random stuff on the paper, such as slingshot people when they are at the edge of a cliff and opening your mouth to get water. And then next was Geography, and it puzzles me GREATLY, how Mr Filewood is so obssessed with McDonalds. He talks about it every lesson. oO"
And then after recess was double english. Writing essays and stuff, and I drew Leehom sucks all over Angela's pencil case. rofl, and now it can't come off. And then I made this perfect lil star. ^^ BUT THEN I LOST IT DURING MUSIC. -_- Grr, whoever took it, give it back please ! Naww, my lifelong possessions ! xD
Okay, Music was alright. I CANNOT SING ! And now I can't get the guitar right either. I need Plan C ! TT
And then Maths was boring as usual, and then at lunch Jerry and I went to dance again and we have a rehearsal tomorrow morning. AND THEN IN THE ARVO, sg'ers are coming over to mine place ! - looks at each of you - You guys better turn up or else our History presentation won't be finished. And speaking of History, Maybeth's group stole our score thing, and stole my cheese thing from .. term one last year ? And the stole my teehee's. x[ Gah, her and her bright pink hairbands. -_-
And by the way, I'm winning that comp with Angela. LEEHOM SUCKS SHIEEET ! x]
Haha, apparently yesterday some guy called Angela on her mobile but she didn't know who he was. And then she was getting all excited, wait no, ecstatic, about it. rofl, nah I'm just shittn. But then we decided to call him during class to see if it was anyone in our class, and then he called back. oO" And then we called him again and it turned out he was Angela's old tutor. ROFL xDD And she started talking in Chinese with him, and it turns out that he thought Angela's phone number was her mum's. xDD
Hah, I better stop, this is getting too loooong. And everyone feel free to post in the weekends whenever you want.
Love, QQ Sukii.