∞ It's... PAT'S TURN!!! xD
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Hey everyone! =] Long time no see!!
Well, first of all, this blog is meant to be yesterday's but I couldn't yesterday so I'm doing it today ok?? Get it?? Got it?? Good!
Now, Tuesday!! On Tuesday, we had PE and we had to do a gym routine for our assessment. It was fun cos we practically planned it all on the actual day. And it turned out pretty well!! Aside from a few stuff-ups and out-of-timings we managed to score ourselves a 10/10!!! YAY!! Hooray for Soul Group!!
"ROLL UP! ROLL UP! THE CIRCUS IS COMING TO TOWN!!" More about that on Jerri's blog.
Now for...-drumroll- THE INCIDENT!!! dum dum DUM!!!
I should probably tell you what happened first...
In English today [Thursday]
SOMEONE *ahem E ahem* was throwing paper balls at Bob, Jerri and me. This was before the teacher came in. Then, I scored a mini-basketball into the basketball hoop [this
SOMEONE'S *cough A cough* ear] SCORE!! Then, the teacher comes in and the
SOMEONE *cough S cough* stops throwing paper at us. After a while, the
SOMEONE *ahem W ahem* turns around, holds his hand up and chucks this paper ball RIGHT AT BOB!!! And it hits her HARD on the forehead!!!! SERIOUSLY!!! Bob could have died!! [Okok. Exaggeration] Well anyways, the point is that when the teacher realises what had happened, that
SOMEONE *cough A cough* blames Bob for it!!! That's unfair.
So now, if that
SOMEONE *ahem R ahem* is reading this, Bob would like you to know that she is very, VERY angry at you and that she will want justice!!
[If you can't figure who this someone is then too bad and maybe you're just slow...j/ks!!]
Well, that's all I have to say. Wow!! It's a lot to read, isn't it? Oh well. I guess I got carried away.
See ya next week!!
s2 -- PaT
∞ xx.
"Hohohohoho" Roflmao xDD I just saw this random video and this girl was like like that. xDD
And so, Thursday is officially my day to blog. And I just happen to hate Thursdays as well T.T Well, this morning we got a big bus =D Joy~ Bryan was being mean to Wing-Ki again.. =( And dissing her about how she used to like Marcus in Year 6.. Or was it Year 5? x)
Well, it all started off with double maths.. Mohindroo and Dietrich with his super loud deep voice were droning on and on in the background while I was desperately trying to keep myself from falling asleep.
The class walked to our French class. Slowly we entered the room where we were engulfed by the overpoweringly noxious fumes of D3.
Hehe, Ms Taylor would be very proud of me ^^
English! =D We went to the library and there was a spare computer next to Jimmy ^^ - wink wink nudge nudge Betty - but then she didn't have the guts to sit next to him xD
And then, on the bus!! =D Bob and I were sitting in front of this Year 9 dude with sticky out ears.. Kinda looks like my friend William but uglier xD Anyway, his name is Darryn/Darrin [dunno how to spell it..] and he's so cool! =D And he was telling us about how he had to dissect hearts last year x__X
Not much else to say..
∞ BACK ! x]
Thursday, February 22, 2007
YES YES, WE'RE BACK ! :] OH YER, high5* Jerry. QQ the LIUser is baaaaaaaaack !
Hehe, we versed Northmead and won 13-2. I thought we played pretty bad but they were so shiet man. Omgs, and I hate it when the teacher shouts out useless comments when I`m pitching, such as " aim for the plate Betty, aim for the plate !" or "just abit too high, go lower." Its like, WELL OF COURSE I'M FKN AIMING FOR THE PLATE ! Thats what I`m been trying to do for like, the last fkn 25 minutes ! And yes, I KNOW when I`m pitching too high, and then OF COURSE I will be trying to go lower, without you telling me, thankyou very much. -_-
Keke, congrats to Jerry for smashing those Northmead so-called "crickers." xDD
Everyone blog again okay ? Because I certainly will be, same with my own blog as well. And when you're posting, just remember that its public now , so yer.
I just read the story Tom told me to read, and then .. I cried .. The description and everything weren't the greatest, but there was just something in that story, something the writer was able to express, that makes you feel what the writer feels. And PinGu said she cried when she read it as well. Sigh..
Hiphop dance was pretty cool. The music was awesome and yer. But then .. okay, dw dw.. I SAID DONT WORRY .. -_-
Ooh, and my coach says that if we win this Saturday then we are in the semis. :]
And yay, NO MORE KUNGFOO DANCING ! Its over, finito. x]] But I still kinda feel sorry for Mr Wong. Ah dayemm we have Music tomorrow.. - sweatdrop -
And GYM ROUTINE ! Gosh, we better think of one soon, cos we are performing on Tuesday. Those people better not plagerise, like Jerry said. And in that time, LETS WORM ! rofl xD
Worming lessons with QQ Sukii the LIUser. [ dont try this at home ]
1. Firstly, you lie on the floor flat with your stomach.
2. Attempt to do a proper worm and push up with hands and chuck your legs spazzily in the air.
3. Fall flat on your face and watch your tummy get invaded with bruises.
4. Give up.
5. Does the "Betty Style Worm" by flapping your arms around like a dead chicken, or worm.
AND THEN VOILA ! There you have a worming expert ! rofl xDDD
QQ Sukii.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
hurruh..yes yes -round of applause-.... source of entertianment is officially bac.
2day we versed northmead or woteva that skool is called for cricket and we won 82 38!!! but it was kinda lame coz they were umm... VERY good at umm batting and err..... VERY VERY GOOD at bowling. cough. So after like half an hour it was like ''and HIT!!! -bounce bounce- *cheering* -_____- '' xDD
yes yes and congratulations to bettys rawking softball win 13- 2.
our awesome gym rountine!!! lmao. and our extra cool superman lifts. AND NOBODY BETTER PLAGERISE OUR HUMAN PYRAMID OR THE WORM or else... yeh and we all noe we're PRO at that >.< lmao.
sigh~~ nothing much to write about.
Thursday, February 1, 2007
yay... ''happy birthday dear qq, happy nirthday to u!!!!''
aiyah.... our hopeless kunfu dance- group. ><'' lets pray that praween comes so he can cover us all up.... 0.O SOMEHOW......nah he probs ditched it like everyone else hoo was interested in the first place.... o yeh wot was i gonna say agen??? O RITE. 2day on the bus daniel zhu was being gay again and he was bullying me and tom as USUAL. lets guess wot about. DANIEL ZHU>___>
and here are a list of disgusting stuffs he was bullying me about.
*saying that i have hairy legs and suggesting that i SHAVE
*constantly commenting on my man-like sitting positions
*teasing me abouT my cat folder
*saying i have UNDERARM HAIR. and they were all asking him how and he sed HE SAW IT.
*being gay with jono IE LYING ON HIM. and jono was full on suffocating and took revenge by pulling daniels hair out and justin tyed his shoelaces together
here is a list of stuffs i think of him
*if anybody is hairy, HE IS. everyone: EXTRA EXTRA daniel reached puperty and broke his voice in yr 3.
*haha daniel i saw UR UNDERARM HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....... wen jono wa spullin your hair and justin tied ur shoelaces. ARHAHAHA HOOS THE HAIRY ONE NOW. yesss.. only time in my life i am in debt to jono.
*daniel looks like hes a fully grown man and is the only one in the grade hoo actually has acircumsized adams apple.
ok.... now i am calm...